- Fixed lightmanager to draw in the correct color
- Fixed TMapBlock and TStaticBlock to correctly initialize itself as "unchanged"
- Cleanup in the server project
- Reverted TStaticItem.UpdatePriorities
- Fixed vdtTiles' HintCanvas to use the desired font when drawing
- Fixed UpdateFilter to no longer call ForceUpdateCurrentTile
- Several code cleanups
- Added TTileDataFlags set
- Changed TTiledata.Flags to use the TTileDataFlags set
- Added hue highlighting to TfrmMain
- Added TTextureManager.GetStaticMaterial to handle tiledata and hues
- Removed now obsolete UListSort.pas
- Removed GameResourceManager dependency from TStatics
- Moved TSeperatedStaticBlock to the according ULandscape units
- Cleanup some unnecessary <> nil checks
- Added access (CanBeWritten) tracking to TStaticItem
- Moved TLandscape.UpdateStaticsPriorities to TStaticItem.UpdatePriorities
- Moved ULandscape.CompareWorldItems to UWorldItem
- Renamed TSeperatedStaticBlock.RefreshList to RebuildList
- Changed TStaticBlock.Sort to use CompareWorldItems and TList.Sort
- Some code style changes