\installprettytype[PAS][PAS] \definetyping[PAS][option=PAS, escape=yes, tab=4, numbering=line] %\definetyping[PAS][option=PAS, escape=yes, tab=4, numbering=line, palet=] \setuplinenumbering[location=text] \starttext The first block shows all features of the Pascal pretty printer. \startPAS { Comment } (* An alternative comment *) {$R- compiler directive } procedure TForm1.Button1.Click(Sender: TObject); var // Delphi Comment Number, I, X: Integer; begin Number := 12345 * (2 + 9); Caption := 'The number is ' + IntToStr(Number); asm MOV AX,1234h MOV Number,AX end; X := 10; end; \stopPAS The next block shows some (more or less useful) special cases. \startPAS My_Variable := _for; 45My_Variable := _Variable45; normal asm green for end normal For END normal aSM green foR eNd normal For END &for asm green end normal / normal {blue slanted'slanted}normal'blue normal'blue{blue}blue'Normal'blue asm green'gr{ee}n'{blue slanted}green end {asm slanted end} normal'blue'Normal'Blue'nOrmal'bLue'noRmal normal {slanted*) still slanted still comment comment (* ends} normal normal (*slanted} still slanted still comment comment { ends*) normal normal {slanted blue} normal {$slanted red} normal \stopPAS \stoptext