cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20 FATAL_ERROR) Include(FetchContent) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23) # latest c++ set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # prepare out unit test framework FetchContent_Declare( Catch2 GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG v3.4.0 # or a later release ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(Catch2) # Versioning project ("AdventOfCode2024" VERSION 0.0.1 DESCRIPTION "" LANGUAGES CXX) # --- # Grab source files file(GLOB_RECURSE AdventOfCode2024Sources "include/*.h" "include/*.hpp" "src/*.c" "src/*.cpp" ) file(GLOB_RECURSE AdventOfCode2024Tests "tests/include/*.h" "tests/include/*.hpp" "tests/src/*.c" "tests/src/*.cpp" ) # Project setup set(output_target AdventOfCode2024) # This is split in 2 because catch2 generates its own main() functions # and we don't want to recompile everything twice, so we reuse the lib object. # lib # / \ # main exe catch2 # Library to contain logic/code add_library(${output_target}-lib ${AdventOfCode2024Sources}) target_include_directories(${output_target}-lib PUBLIC "include") # Executable that links to the lib containing the code add_executable(${output_target} "AdventOfCode2024.cpp") target_link_libraries(${output_target} PRIVATE ${output_target}-lib) # Catch2 linked with the lib. add_executable(${output_target}-tests ${AdventOfCode2024Tests}) target_include_directories(${output_target}-tests PRIVATE "tests/include") target_link_libraries(${output_target}-tests PRIVATE ${output_target}-lib Catch2::Catch2WithMain )