{ Solutions to the Advent Of Code. Copyright (C) 2023 Stefan Müller This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. } unit UFloorWillBeLava; {$mode ObjFPC}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Generics.Collections, USolver; type { TBeam } TBeam = record Position, Direction: TPoint; end; TEnergyState = (esNone, esWestOrHorizontal, esEastOrVertical, esBoth); { TTransition } TTransition = record IncomingDirection, OutgoingDirection, SplitDirection: TPoint; Tile: Char; EnergyChange: TEnergyState; end; { TEnergyMap } TEnergyMap = class private FWidth, FHeight: Integer; FStates: array of array of TEnergyState; public constructor Create(const AWidth, AHeight: Integer); function IsBeamOutOfBounds(constref ABeam: TBeam): Boolean; function Energize(constref APosition: TPoint; const AChange: TEnergyState): Boolean; function CalcEnergizedTiles: Int64; end; { TFloorWillBeLava } TFloorWillBeLava = class(TSolver) private FLines: TStringList; function GetTile(constref APosition: TPoint): Char; function GetNewBeam(constref APosition, ADirection: TPoint): TBeam; function ProcessBeam(ABeam: TBeam): Int64; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ProcessDataLine(const ALine: string); override; procedure Finish; override; function GetDataFileName: string; override; function GetPuzzleName: string; override; end; const CNoDirection: TPoint = (X: 0; Y: 0); CEmptyChar = '.'; CTransitions: array of TTransition = ( (IncomingDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '/'; EnergyChange: esWestOrHorizontal), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); OutgoingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '/'; EnergyChange: esWestOrHorizontal), (IncomingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '/'; EnergyChange: esEastOrVertical), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); OutgoingDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '/'; EnergyChange: esEastOrVertical), (IncomingDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '\'; EnergyChange: esWestOrHorizontal), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); OutgoingDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '\'; EnergyChange: esEastOrVertical), (IncomingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '\'; EnergyChange: esEastOrVertical), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); OutgoingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 0); Tile: '\'; EnergyChange: esWestOrHorizontal), (IncomingDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); Tile: '|'; EnergyChange: esBoth), (IncomingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); OutgoingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); SplitDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); Tile: '|'; EnergyChange: esBoth), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: 1); OutgoingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); Tile: '-'; EnergyChange: esBoth), (IncomingDirection: (X: 0; Y: -1); OutgoingDirection: (X: -1; Y: 0); SplitDirection: (X: 1; Y: 0); Tile: '-'; EnergyChange: esBoth) ); implementation { TEnergyMap } constructor TEnergyMap.Create(const AWidth, AHeight: Integer); var i, j: Integer; begin FWidth := AWidth; FHeight := AHeight; SetLength(FStates, FWidth, FHeight); for i := 0 to FWidth - 1 do for j := 0 to FHeight - 1 do FStates[i, j] := esNone; end; function TEnergyMap.IsBeamOutOfBounds(constref ABeam: TBeam): Boolean; begin Result := (ABeam.Position.X < 0) or (ABeam.Position.X >= FWidth) or (ABeam.Position.Y < 0) or (ABeam.Position.Y >= FHeight); end; function TEnergyMap.Energize(constref APosition: TPoint; const AChange: TEnergyState): Boolean; begin Result := False; case FStates[APosition.X, APosition.Y] of esNone: FStates[APosition.X, APosition.Y] := AChange; esWestOrHorizontal: if AChange = esEastOrVertical then FStates[APosition.X, APosition.Y] := esBoth else Result := True; esEastOrVertical: if AChange = esWestOrHorizontal then FStates[APosition.X, APosition.Y] := esBoth else Result := True; esBoth: Result := True; end; end; function TEnergyMap.CalcEnergizedTiles: Int64; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to FWidth - 1 do for j := 0 to FHeight - 1 do if FStates[i, j] <> esNone then Inc(Result); end; { TFloorWillBeLava } function TFloorWillBeLava.GetTile(constref APosition: TPoint): Char; begin Result := FLines[APosition.Y][APosition.X + 1]; end; function TFloorWillBeLava.GetNewBeam(constref APosition, ADirection: TPoint): TBeam; begin Result.Position := APosition; Result.Direction := ADirection; end; function TFloorWillBeLava.ProcessBeam(ABeam: TBeam): Int64; var done: Boolean; energyMap: TEnergyMap; stack: specialize TStack<TBeam>; transition: TTransition; energyChange: TEnergyState; begin done := False; energyMap := TEnergyMap.Create(Length(FLines[0]), FLines.Count); stack := specialize TStack<TBeam>.Create; repeat // Processes the current beam. if energyMap.IsBeamOutOfBounds(ABeam) then done := True else begin if ABeam.Direction.X <> 0 then energyChange := esWestOrHorizontal else energyChange := esEastOrVertical; if GetTile(ABeam.Position) <> CEmptyChar then begin // Checks the current position for direction changes and splits. for transition in CTransitions do if (transition.IncomingDirection = ABeam.Direction) and (transition.Tile = GetTile(ABeam.Position)) then begin if transition.SplitDirection <> CNoDirection then stack.Push(GetNewBeam(ABeam.Position + transition.SplitDirection, transition.SplitDirection)); ABeam.Direction := transition.OutgoingDirection; energyChange := transition.EnergyChange; Break; end; end; done := energyMap.Energize(ABeam.Position, energyChange); // Moves the beam. ABeam.Position := ABeam.Position + ABeam.Direction; end; if done and (stack.Count > 0) then begin // Starts the next beam that was split earlier. done := False; ABeam := stack.Pop; end; until done; stack.Free; Result := energyMap.CalcEnergizedTiles; energyMap.Free; end; constructor TFloorWillBeLava.Create; begin FLines := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TFloorWillBeLava.Destroy; begin FLines.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFloorWillBeLava.ProcessDataLine(const ALine: string); begin FLines.Add(ALine); end; procedure TFloorWillBeLava.Finish; var i, x, y, width, height: Integer; beam: TBeam; count: Int64; begin width := Length(FLines[0]); height := FLines.Count; for y := 0 to 1 do for x := 0 to 1 do begin // Direction is horizontal for y = 0, and vertical for y = 1. // Direction is positive for x = 0, and negative for x = 1. beam.Direction := Point((1 - 2 * x) * (1 - y), (1 - 2 * x) * y); // Looping over the height for y = 0, and over the width for y = 1. for i := 0 to height - 1 + (width - height) * y do begin // Position is at left or top for x = 0, and right or bottom for x = 1. beam.Position := Point((x * (width - 1)) * (1 - y) + i * y, (x * (height - 1) - i) * y + i); count := ProcessBeam(beam); if FPart1 <= 0 then FPart1 := count; if FPart2 < count then FPart2 := count; end; end; end; function TFloorWillBeLava.GetDataFileName: string; begin Result := 'floor_will_be_lava.txt'; end; function TFloorWillBeLava.GetPuzzleName: string; begin Result := 'Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava'; end; end.