diff --git a/UBigInt.pas b/UBigInt.pas
index 56e48f9..a49ea16 100644
--- a/UBigInt.pas
+++ b/UBigInt.pas
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ type
FDigits: TDigits;
FIsNegative: Boolean;
+ function GetSign: Integer;
// Copies consecutive digits from this BigInt to create a new one. The result will be positive. Leading zeros are
// removed from the result, but AIndex + ACount must not exceed the number of digits of this BigInt.
// AIndex is the first (least significant) digit to be taken. The digit with this index will become the 0th digit of
@@ -66,11 +68,19 @@ type
// Sign * (Abs(a) * Abs(b))
// where Sign is 1 for ReturnNegative = False and -1 otherwise.
class function MultiplyAbsoluteValues(constref AA, AB: TBigInt; const AReturnNegative: Boolean): TBigInt; static;
+ class function FromHexOrBinString(const AValue: string; const AFromBase: Integer): TBigInt; static;
+ class function ConvertDigitBlock(const AValue: string; var AStartIndex: Integer; const ACharBlockSize, AFromBase:
+ Integer): Cardinal;
property IsNegative: Boolean read FIsNegative;
+ property Sign: Integer read GetSign;
class property Zero: TBigInt read GetZero;
function CompareTo(constref AOther: TBigInt): Integer;
+ function TryToInt64(out AOutput: Int64): Boolean;
class function FromInt64(const AValue: Int64): TBigInt; static;
+ class function FromHexadecimalString(const AValue: string): TBigInt; static;
+ class function FromBinaryString(const AValue: string): TBigInt; static;
{ Operators }
@@ -83,6 +93,10 @@ type
operator shl (const A: TBigInt; const B: Integer): TBigInt;
operator = (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
operator <> (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ operator < (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ operator <= (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ operator > (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ operator >= (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
@@ -98,6 +112,16 @@ const
{ TBigInt }
+function TBigInt.GetSign: Integer;
+ if FIsNegative then
+ Result := -1
+ else if (Length(FDigits) > 1) or (FDigits[0] <> 0) then
+ Result := 1
+ else
+ Result := 0;
function TBigInt.GetSegment(const AIndex, ACount: Integer): TBigInt;
trimmedCount: Integer;
@@ -105,8 +129,7 @@ begin
trimmedCount := ACount;
while (trimmedCount > 1) and (FDigits[AIndex + trimmedCount - 1] = 0) do
- SetLength(Result.FDigits, trimmedCount);
- Move(FDigits[AIndex], Result.FDigits[0], CDigitSize * trimmedCount);
+ Result.FDigits := Copy(FDigits, AIndex, trimmedCount);
Result.FIsNegative := False;
@@ -138,7 +161,7 @@ end;
class function TBigInt.AddAbsoluteValues(constref AA, AB: TBigInt; const AReturnNegative: Boolean): TBigInt;
- i, lenA, lenB, len, shorter: Integer;
+ i, j, lenA, lenB, len, shorter: Integer;
carry: Cardinal;
lenA := Length(AA.FDigits);
@@ -185,9 +208,11 @@ begin
// carry-overs. This avoids additional tests for finding the shorter digit array.
if (i < lenA) or (i < lenB) then
if lenA >= lenB then
- Move(AA.FDigits[i], Result.FDigits[i], CDigitSize * (len - i))
+ for j := i to len - 1 do
+ Result.FDigits[j] := AA.FDigits[j]
- Move(AB.FDigits[i], Result.FDigits[i], CDigitSize * (len - i));
+ for j := i to len - 1 do
+ Result.FDigits[j] := AB.FDigits[j];
// Applies the remaining carry-overs until the end of the prepared result digit array.
while (carry > 0) and (i < len) do
@@ -212,7 +237,7 @@ class function TBigInt.SubtractAbsoluteValues(constref AA, AB: TBigInt; const AR
a, b: TBigInt;
carry: Cardinal;
- i, lastNonZeroDigitIndex, len: Integer;
+ i, j, lastNonZeroDigitIndex, len: Integer;
// Establishes the operand order, such that Abs(a) is not less than Abs(b).
if (AA.CompareToAbsoluteValues(AB) >= 0) then
@@ -277,7 +302,8 @@ begin
// Copies the missing unchanged digits from the longer operand to the result, if any. If there are none, then no trim
// needs to occur because the most significant digit is not zero.
if i < len then
- Move(a.FDigits[i], Result.FDigits[i], CDigitSize * (len - i))
+ for j := i to len - 1 do
+ Result.FDigits[j] := a.FDigits[j]
else if (lastNonZeroDigitIndex + 1 < len) then
// Trims leading zeros from the digits array.
Delete(Result.FDigits, lastNonZeroDigitIndex + 1, len - lastNonZeroDigitIndex - 1);
@@ -362,6 +388,70 @@ begin
+class function TBigInt.FromHexOrBinString(const AValue: string; const AFromBase: Integer): TBigInt;
+ charBlockSize, offset, i, j, k, remainder: Integer;
+ d: Cardinal;
+ // 2 ^ (32 / charBlockSize) = AFromBase
+ case AFromBase of
+ 2: charBlockSize := 32;
+ 16: charBlockSize := 8;
+ end;
+ if AValue[1] = '-' then
+ begin
+ offset := 2;
+ Result.FIsNegative := True;
+ end
+ else begin
+ offset := 1;
+ Result.FIsNegative := False;
+ end;
+ // Calculates the first (most significant) digit d of the result.
+ DivMod(AValue.Length - offset + 1, charBlockSize, i, remainder);
+ k := offset;
+ d := 0;
+ // Checks the first block of chars that is not a full block.
+ if remainder > 0 then
+ d := ConvertDigitBlock(AValue, k, remainder, AFromBase);
+ // Checks full blocks of chars for first digit.
+ while (d = 0) and (i > 0) do
+ begin
+ Dec(i);
+ d := ConvertDigitBlock(AValue, k, charBlockSize, AFromBase);
+ end;
+ // Checks for zero.
+ if (d = 0) and (i = 0) then
+ Result := Zero
+ else begin
+ // Initializes the array of digits.
+ SetLength(Result.FDigits, i + 1);
+ Result.FDigits[i] := d;
+ // Calculates the other digits.
+ for j := i - 1 downto 0 do
+ Result.FDigits[j] := ConvertDigitBlock(AValue, k, charBlockSize, AFromBase);
+ end;
+class function TBigInt.ConvertDigitBlock(const AValue: string; var AStartIndex: Integer; const ACharBlockSize,
+ AFromBase: Integer): Cardinal;
+ part: string;
+ part := Copy(AValue, AStartIndex, ACharBlockSize);
+ Inc(AStartIndex, ACharBlockSize);
+ case AFromBase of
+ 2: part := '%' + part;
+ 8: part := '&' + part;
+ 16: part := '$' + part;
+ end;
+ Result := StrToDWord(part);
function TBigInt.CompareTo(constref AOther: TBigInt): Integer;
if FIsNegative = AOther.FIsNegative then
@@ -372,6 +462,35 @@ begin
Result := -Result;
+function TBigInt.TryToInt64(out AOutput: Int64): Boolean;
+ AOutput := 0;
+ Result := False;
+ case Length(FDigits) of
+ 0: Result := True;
+ 1: begin
+ AOutput := FDigits[0];
+ if FIsNegative then
+ AOutput := -AOutput;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ if FDigits[1] <= Integer.MaxValue then
+ begin
+ AOutput := FDigits[1] * CBase + FDigits[0];
+ if FIsNegative then
+ AOutput := -AOutput;
+ Result := True;
+ end
+ else if (FDigits[1] = Integer.MaxValue + 1) and (FDigits[0] = 0) and FIsNegative then
+ begin
+ AOutput := Int64.MinValue;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
class function TBigInt.FromInt64(const AValue: Int64): TBigInt;
absVal: Int64;
@@ -391,6 +510,16 @@ begin
+class function TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(const AValue: string): TBigInt;
+ Result := FromHexOrBinString(AValue, 16);
+class function TBigInt.FromBinaryString(const AValue: string): TBigInt;
+ Result := FromHexOrBinString(AValue, 2);
{ Operators }
operator := (const A: Int64): TBigInt;
@@ -403,9 +532,13 @@ var
len: Integer;
len := Length(A.FDigits);
- SetLength(Result.FDigits, len);
- Move(A.FDigits[0], Result.FDigits[0], len);
- Result.FIsNegative := not A.FIsNegative;
+ if (len > 1) or (A.FDigits[0] > 0) then
+ begin
+ Result.FDigits := Copy(A.FDigits, 0, len);
+ Result.FIsNegative := not A.FIsNegative;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := TBigInt.Zero;
operator + (const A, B: TBigInt): TBigInt;
@@ -475,7 +608,10 @@ begin
// Performs full digit shifts by copy if there are no bit shifts.
len := Length(A.FDigits);
SetLength(Result.FDigits, len + digitShifts);
- Move(A.FDigits[0], Result.FDigits[digitShifts], CDigitSize * len);
+ for i := 0 to digitShifts - 1 do
+ Result.FDigits[i] := 0;
+ for i := 0 to len - 1 do
+ Result.FDigits[i + digitShifts] := A.FDigits[i];
Result.FIsNegative := A.IsNegative;
@@ -492,5 +628,25 @@ begin
Result := A.CompareTo(B) <> 0;
+operator < (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ Result := A.CompareTo(B) < 0;
+operator <= (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ Result := A.CompareTo(B) <= 0;
+operator > (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ Result := A.CompareTo(B) > 0;
+operator >= (const A, B: TBigInt): Boolean;
+ Result := A.CompareTo(B) >= 0;
diff --git a/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpi b/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpi
index 6d98efa..1d0b455 100644
--- a/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpi
+++ b/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpi
@@ -144,10 +144,18 @@
diff --git a/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpr b/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpr
index eddfbea..27320a1 100644
--- a/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpr
+++ b/tests/AdventOfCodeFPCUnit.lpr
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ uses
UHotSpringsTestCases, UPointOfIncidenceTestCases, UParabolicReflectorDishTestCases, ULensLibraryTestCases,
UFloorWillBeLavaTestCases, UClumsyCrucibleTestCases, ULavaductLagoonTestCases, UAplentyTestCases,
UPulsePropagationTestCases, UStepCounterTestCases, USandSlabsTestCases, ULongWalkTestCases,
- UNeverTellMeTheOddsTestCases, UPolynomialTestCases, UPolynomialRootsTestCases;
+ UNeverTellMeTheOddsTestCases, UBigIntTestCases, UPolynomialTestCases, UPolynomialRootsTestCases;
{$R *.res}
diff --git a/tests/UBigIntTestCases.pas b/tests/UBigIntTestCases.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cba54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/UBigIntTestCases.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+ Solutions to the Advent Of Code.
+ Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Stefan Müller
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see .
+unit UBigIntTestCases;
+{$mode ObjFPC}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpcunit, testregistry, UBigInt;
+ // TODO: TBigIntAbsTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntFromDecTestCase
+ // TestCase('80091110002223289436355210101231765016693209176113648', 10, '80091110002223289436355210101231765016693209176113648');
+ // TestCase('-3201281944789146858325672846129872035678639439423746384198412894', 10, '-3201281944789146858325672846129872035678639439423746384198412894');
+ // TestCase('000000000000000000000000000000000000000080091', 10, '80091');
+ // TestCase('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 10, '0');
+ // TestCase('-000000000000000000000000000000004687616873215464763146843215486643215', 10, '-4687616873215464763146843215486643215');
+ // TestTryFromDec
+ // TODO: TBigIntFromOctTestCase
+ // OctValue, 8, DecValue:
+ // TestCase('3132521', 8, '832849');
+ // TestCase('772350021110002226514', 8, '9123449598017875276');
+ // TestCase('-247515726712721', 8, '-11520970560977');
+ // TestCase('000000000000000000000000000000000000000072', 8, '58');
+ // TestCase('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 8, '0');
+ // OctValue, HexValue:
+ // TestCase('7440737076307076026772', '3C83BE3E638F82DFA');
+ // TestCase('1336625076203401614325664', '16F6547C8380E31ABB4');
+ // TestCase('3254410316166274457257121050201413373225', '6AC84338ECBC97ABCA22840C2DF695');
+ // TestCase('1441330072562106272767270117307274151276215', '642D81D5C88CBAFBAE09EC75E1A57C8D');
+ // TestCase('3533665174054677131163436413756431236774257271133', '3ADED4F82CDF964E71E85FBA329EFE2BD725B');
+ // TestCase('57346415317074055631627141161054073014006076155710653', '5EE686B3C782DCCE5CC271160EC18061F1B791AB');
+ // TestCase('000000000000000000000000000000245745251354033134', 8, '5838773085550172');
+ // TestTryFromOct
+ // TODO: TBigIntUnaryPlusTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntBitwiseLogicalTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntComplementTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntConversionTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntIncrementDecrementTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntQuotientTestCase
+ // TODO: TBigIntShiftRightTestCase
+ { TBigIntSignTestCase }
+ TBigIntSignTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AHexValue: string; const AExpectedSign: Integer);
+ published
+ procedure TestZero;
+ procedure TestShortPositive;
+ procedure TestShortNegative;
+ procedure TestLongPositive;
+ procedure TestLongNegative;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntFromInt64TestCase }
+ TBigIntFromInt64TestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AValue: Int64);
+ published
+ procedure TestShortPositive;
+ procedure TestShortNegative;
+ procedure TestLongPositive;
+ procedure TestLongNegative;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntFromHexTestCase }
+ TBigIntFromHexTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure TestShort(const AHexValue: string; const ADecValue: Int64);
+ published
+ procedure TestPositive;
+ procedure TestNegative;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ procedure TestLeadingZeros;
+ // TODO: TestTryFromHex
+ end;
+ { TBigIntFromBinTestCase }
+ TBigIntFromBinTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure TestShort(const ABinValue: string; const ADecValue: Int64);
+ published
+ procedure TestPositive;
+ procedure TestNegative;
+ procedure TestLeadingZeros;
+ // TODO: TestTryFromBin
+ end;
+ { TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase }
+ TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AValue: Int64);
+ procedure TestTwice(const AValue: Int64);
+ published
+ procedure TestZero;
+ procedure TestPositive;
+ procedure TestNegative;
+ procedure TestPositiveTwice;
+ procedure TestNegativeTwice;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntSumTestCase }
+ TBigIntSumTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight, AHexValueSum: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestShort;
+ procedure TestPositivePlusPositive;
+ procedure TestNegativePlusNegative;
+ procedure TestLargePositivePlusSmallNegative;
+ procedure TestSmallPositivePlusLargeNegative;
+ procedure TestLargeNegativePlusSmallPositive;
+ procedure TestSmallNegativePlusLargePositive;
+ procedure TestZeroPlusPositive;
+ procedure TestPositivePlusZero;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ procedure TestSumShorterLeft;
+ procedure TestSumShorterRight;
+ procedure TestSumEndsInCarry;
+ procedure TestSumEndsInCarryNewDigit;
+ procedure TestSumMultiCarry;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntDifferenceTestCase }
+ TBigIntDifferenceTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AHexValueMinuend, AHexValueSubtrahend, AHexValueDifference: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestShort;
+ procedure TestLargePositiveMinusSmallPositive;
+ procedure TestSmallPositiveMinusLargePositive;
+ procedure TestLargeNegativeMinusSmallNegative;
+ procedure TestSmallNegativeMinusLargeNegative;
+ procedure TestNegativeMinusPositive;
+ procedure TestPositiveMinusNegative;
+ procedure TestLargeOperands;
+ procedure TestPositiveMinusZero;
+ procedure TestZeroMinusPositive;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ procedure TestDifferenceShorterLeft;
+ procedure TestDifferenceShorterRight;
+ procedure TestDifferenceEndsInCarry;
+ procedure TestDifferenceEndsInCarryLosingDigit;
+ procedure TestDifferenceMultiCarry;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntProductTestCase }
+ TBigIntProductTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight, AHexValueProduct: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestShort;
+ procedure TestLongPositiveTimesPositive;
+ procedure TestLongPositiveTimesNegative;
+ procedure TestLongNegativeTimesPositive;
+ procedure TestLongNegativeTimesNegative;
+ procedure TestZeroTimesPositive;
+ procedure TestZeroTimesNegative;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase }
+ TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure Test(const AHexValueOperand: string; const AShift: Integer; const AHexValueResult: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestShort;
+ procedure TestShortWithCarry;
+ procedure TestLongWithCarry;
+ procedure TestLongWithMultiDigitCarry;
+ procedure TestWithAlignedDigits;
+ procedure TestZero;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntEqualityTestCase }
+ TBigIntEqualityTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure TestEqual(const AValue: Int64);
+ procedure TestEqualHex(const AHexValue: string);
+ procedure TestNotEqualHex(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestShortEqual;
+ procedure TestLongEqual;
+ procedure TestZeroEqual;
+ procedure TestShortNotEqual;
+ procedure TestLongNotEqualSign;
+ procedure TestZeroNotEqual;
+ end;
+ { TBigIntComparisonTestCase }
+ TBigIntComparisonTestCase = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ procedure TestLessThan(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ procedure TestGreaterThan(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ procedure TestEqual(const AHexValue: string);
+ published
+ procedure TestLessSameLength;
+ procedure TestLessShorterLeft;
+ procedure TestLessNegativeShorterRight;
+ procedure TestGreaterSameLength;
+ procedure TestGreaterShorterRight;
+ procedure TestGreaterNegativeShorterLeft;
+ procedure TestEqualPositive;
+ procedure TestEqualNegative;
+ procedure TestEqualZero;
+ end;
+{ TBigIntSignTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.Test(const AHexValue: string; const AExpectedSign: Integer);
+ a: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ AssertEquals(AExpectedSign, a.Sign);
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test('0', 0);
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.TestShortPositive;
+ Test('36A', 1);
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.TestShortNegative;
+ Test('-29B7', -1);
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.TestLongPositive;
+ Test('1240168AB09ABDF8283B77124', 1);
+procedure TBigIntSignTestCase.TestLongNegative;
+ Test('-192648F1305DD04757A24C873F29F60B6184B5', -1);
+{ TBigIntFromInt64TestCase }
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.Test(const AValue: Int64);
+ a: TBigInt;
+ act: Int64;
+ a := TBigInt.FromInt64(AValue);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + ''' could not be converted back to an Int64 value.',
+ a.TryToInt64(act));
+ AssertEquals('BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + ''' converted back to Int64 was not equal to initial value.',
+ AValue, act);
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.TestShortPositive;
+ Test(17);
+ Test(4864321);
+ Test(Cardinal.MaxValue);
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.TestShortNegative;
+ Test(-54876);
+ Test(Integer.MinValue);
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.TestLongPositive;
+ Test(5800754643214654);
+ Test(Int64.MaxValue);
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.TestLongNegative;
+ Test(-94136445555883);
+ Test(Int64.MinValue);
+procedure TBigIntFromInt64TestCase.TestZero;
+ Test(0);
+{ TBigIntFromHexTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntFromHexTestCase.TestShort(const AHexValue: string; const ADecValue: Int64);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromInt64(ADecValue);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from hexadecimal string ''' + AHexValue + ''' was not equal to ''' + IntToStr(ADecValue) + '''.',
+ a = b);
+procedure TBigIntFromHexTestCase.TestPositive;
+ TestShort('91', 145);
+ TestShort('800E111000222', 2252766466540066);
+ TestShort('DE0B227802AB233', 999995000000000563);
+ TestShort('19C0048155000', 453000000000000);
+ TestShort('3B9ACA00', 1000000000);
+procedure TBigIntFromHexTestCase.TestNegative;
+ TestShort('-47', -71);
+ TestShort('-800E111000222', -2252766466540066);
+ TestShort('-4512FF3', -72429555);
+procedure TBigIntFromHexTestCase.TestZero;
+ TestShort('0', 0);
+ TestShort('-0', 0);
+procedure TBigIntFromHexTestCase.TestLeadingZeros;
+ TestShort('000000000000000000000000000000004B', 75);
+ TestShort('-00000000000000000000000000000000A2', -162);
+ TestShort('00000000000000000000000000000000FF452849DB01', 280672493755137);
+ TestShort('000000000000000000000000000000000000', 0);
+ TestShort('-000000000000000000000000000000000000', 0);
+{ TBigIntFromBinTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntFromBinTestCase.TestShort(const ABinValue: string; const ADecValue: Int64);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromBinaryString(ABinValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromInt64(ADecValue);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from binary string ''' + ABinValue + ''' was not equal to ''' + IntToStr(ADecValue) + '''.',
+ a = b);
+procedure TBigIntFromBinTestCase.TestPositive;
+ TestShort('110101010101101101010010110000101010100101001001010100110', 120109162101379750);
+procedure TBigIntFromBinTestCase.TestNegative;
+ TestShort('-11100100111010100111000111100011110000100110110111100101010010', -4123780452057839954);
+procedure TBigIntFromBinTestCase.TestLeadingZeros;
+ TestShort('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111', 7);
+ TestShort('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 0);
+{ TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.Test(const AValue: Int64);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromInt64(AValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromInt64(-AValue);
+ AssertTrue('Negative BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + ''' was not equal to the BigInt from the negative value.',
+ b = -a);
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestTwice(const AValue: Int64);
+ a: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromInt64(AValue);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + '''was not equal to the double negative of itself.',
+ a = -(-a));
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test(0);
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestPositive;
+ Test(234972358233);
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestNegative;
+ Test(-999214927400);
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestPositiveTwice;
+ TestTwice(8647613456601);
+procedure TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase.TestNegativeTwice;
+ TestTwice(-38600421308534);
+{ TBigIntSumTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.Test(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight, AHexValueSum: string);
+ a, b, s: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueLeft);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueRight);
+ s := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueSum);
+ AssertTrue('Sum of BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' and from ''' + AHexValueRight
+ + ''' was not equal to the BigInt from ''' + AHexValueSum + '''.',
+ s = a + b);
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestShort;
+ Test('5', '7', 'C');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestPositivePlusPositive;
+ Test('7000822000111', '9000911000333', '10001133000444');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestNegativePlusNegative;
+ Test('-129B92A84643D608141', '-4574DBA206951ECFE', '-12E10783E84A6B26E3F');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestLargePositivePlusSmallNegative;
+ Test('87BAD26984', '-8DCB20461', '7EDE206523');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSmallPositivePlusLargeNegative;
+ Test('A58301E4006', '-9851DA0FD433', '-8DF9A9F1942D');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestLargeNegativePlusSmallPositive;
+ Test('-1FDB60CB5698870', '99CB1E00DE', '-1FDB572EA4B8792');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSmallNegativePlusLargePositive;
+ Test('-1ED598BBFEC2', '59CD4F02ECB56', '57DFF5772CC94');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestZeroPlusPositive;
+ Test('0', '9BB000911FF5A000333', '9BB000911FF5A000333');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestPositivePlusZero;
+ Test('23009605A16BCBB294A1FD', '0', '23009605A16BCBB294A1FD');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test('0', '0', '0');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSumShorterLeft;
+ Test('3FFFF', '9000911000222', '9000911040221');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSumShorterRight;
+ Test('9000911000555', '3000EEEE', '900094100F443');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSumEndsInCarry;
+ Test('4000444000220', 'FFFFFFFF', '400054400021F');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSumEndsInCarryNewDigit;
+ Test('99990000', '99990055', '133320055');
+procedure TBigIntSumTestCase.TestSumMultiCarry;
+{ TBigIntDifferenceTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.Test(const AHexValueMinuend, AHexValueSubtrahend, AHexValueDifference: string);
+ a, b, s: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueMinuend);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueSubtrahend);
+ s := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueDifference);
+ AssertTrue('Difference of BigInt from ''' + AHexValueMinuend + ''' and from ''' + AHexValueSubtrahend
+ + ''' was not equal to the BigInt from ''' + AHexValueDifference + '''.',
+ s = a - b);
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestShort;
+ Test('230', '6D', '1C3');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestLargePositiveMinusSmallPositive;
+ Test('910AAD86E5002455', '72DE020F932A1', '91037FA6C406F1B4');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestSmallPositiveMinusLargePositive;
+ Test('3127541F4C0AA', '3818CD9FBE652B', '-3506585DC9A481');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestLargeNegativeMinusSmallNegative;
+ Test('-B12BE1E20098', '-148F3137CED396', '13DE0555ECD2FE');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestSmallNegativeMinusLargeNegative;
+ Test('-AF3FF1EC626908C', '-18295', '-AF3FF1EC6250DF7');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestNegativeMinusPositive;
+ Test('-E493506B19', '20508ED255', '-104E3DF3D6E');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestPositiveMinusNegative;
+ Test('114EEC66851AFD98', '-100AA4308C5249FBBFADEB89CD6A7D9CC', '100AA4308C5249FBC0C2DA5035BC2D764');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestLargeOperands;
+ Test('1069FC8EA3D99C39E1C07AA078B77B5CC679CB448563345A878C603D32FB0F8FEFE02AD9574A5EB6',
+ '1069FC8EA3D99C39E1C07AA078B77B5CC679CB448563345A878C603D32FB0F8FEFE023C522B87F8C',
+ '7143491DF2A');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestPositiveMinusZero;
+ Test('8ABB000911FF5A000333', '0', '8ABB000911FF5A000333');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestZeroMinusPositive;
+ Test('0', '243961982DDD64F81B2', '-243961982DDD64F81B2');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test('0', '0', '0');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestDifferenceShorterLeft;
+ Test('3FFFF', '9000911040221', '-9000911000222');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestDifferenceShorterRight;
+ Test('900094100F443', '3000EEEE', '9000911000555');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestDifferenceEndsInCarry;
+ Test('400054400021F', 'FFFFFFFF', '4000444000220');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestDifferenceEndsInCarryLosingDigit;
+ Test('133320055', '99990000', '99990055');
+procedure TBigIntDifferenceTestCase.TestDifferenceMultiCarry;
+{ TBigIntProductTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.Test(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight, AHexValueProduct: string);
+ a, b, s: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueLeft);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueRight);
+ s := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueProduct);
+ AssertTrue('Product of BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' and from ''' + AHexValueRight
+ + ''' was not equal to the BigInt from ''' + AHexValueProduct + '''.',
+ s = a * b);
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestShort;
+ Test('9', 'B', '63');
+ Test('29E531A', 'DF5F299', '248E3915103E8A');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestLongPositiveTimesPositive;
+ Test('FFFFFFFF', 'FFFFFFFF', 'FFFFFFFE00000001');
+ Test('4873B23699D07741F1544862221B1966AA84512', '4DE0013', '160A322C656DEB1DD6D721D36E35F2E29B4D2A18192056');
+ Test('74FD3E6988116762', '22DB271AFC4941', 'FEDC8CD51DEE46BE83C283B5E31E2');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestLongPositiveTimesNegative;
+ Test('23401834190D12FF3210F0B0129123AA', '-A4C0530234', '-16AF8B019CA1436BBFD1F1FB08494FFC9EF7E09288');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestLongNegativeTimesPositive;
+ Test('-3ACB78882923810', 'F490B8022A4BCBFF34E01', '-382B2B9851BC93CB0308B502C3B036D71810');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestLongNegativeTimesNegative;
+ Test('-554923FB201', '-9834FDC032', '32B514C1BA1E774EE8432');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestZeroTimesPositive;
+ Test('0', '1AF5D0039B888AC00F299', '0');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestZeroTimesNegative;
+ Test('0', '-1AF5D0039B888AC00F299', '0');
+procedure TBigIntProductTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test('0', '0', '0');
+{ TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.Test(const AHexValueOperand: string; const AShift: Integer; const AHexValueResult: string);
+ a, s: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueOperand);
+ s := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueResult);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from hexadecimal string ''' + AHexValueOperand + ''' shifted left by ''' + IntToStr(AShift)
+ + ''' was not equal to BigInt from hexadecimal string ''' + AHexValueResult + '''.',
+ s = (a << AShift));
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestShort;
+ // BIN 101
+ // BIN 101000
+ Test('5', 3, '28');
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestShortWithCarry;
+ // BIN 1110 1101 0111 0001 1010 1010
+ // BIN 1 1101 1010 1110 0011 0101 0100 0000 0000 0000
+ Test('ED71AA', 13, '1DAE354000');
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestLongWithCarry;
+ // BIN 1 0011 0000 1011 0010 0011 1110 0100 1100 1111 1001 0101 0100 0100 0101
+ // BIN 10 0110 0001 0110 0100 0111 1100 1001 1001 1111 0010 1010 1000 1000 1010 0000 0000
+ Test('130B23E4CF95445', 9, '261647C99F2A88A00');
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestLongWithMultiDigitCarry;
+ Test('C99F12A735A3B83901BF92011', 140, 'C99F12A735A3B83901BF9201100000000000000000000000000000000000');
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestWithAlignedDigits;
+ // Shifts the left operand by a multiple of the length of full TBigInt digits, so the digits will be shifted, but not
+ // changed.
+ Test('10F0F39C5E', 32 * 4, '10F0F39C5E00000000000000000000000000000000');
+procedure TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase.TestZero;
+ Test('0', 119, '0');
+{ TBigIntEqualityTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestEqual(const AValue: Int64);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromInt64(AValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromInt64(AValue);
+ AssertTrue('Two BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + ''' were not equal.', a = b);
+ AssertFalse('Two BigInt from ''' + IntToStr(AValue) + ''' were un-equal.', a <> b);
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestEqualHex(const AHexValue: string);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ AssertTrue('Two BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' were not equal.', a = b);
+ AssertFalse('Two BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' were un-equal.', a <> b);
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestNotEqualHex(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueLeft);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueRight);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' and from ''' + AHexValueRight + ''' were not un-equal.',
+ a <> b);
+ AssertFalse('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' and from ''' + AHexValueRight + ''' were equal.',
+ a = b);
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestShortEqual;
+ TestEqual(14);
+ TestEqualHex('8000111000111');
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestLongEqual;
+ TestEqualHex('5AB60FF292A014BF1DD0A');
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestZeroEqual;
+ TestEqual(0);
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestShortNotEqual;
+ TestNotEqualHex('9FF99920', '100');
+ TestNotEqualHex('20001110002111', '70001110007111');
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestLongNotEqualSign;
+ TestNotEqualHex('48843AB320FF0041123A', '-48843AB320FF0041123A');
+ TestNotEqualHex('-B13F79D842A30957DD09523667', 'B13F79D842A30957DD09523667');
+procedure TBigIntEqualityTestCase.TestZeroNotEqual;
+ TestNotEqualHex('0', 'F');
+ TestNotEqualHex('568F7', '0');
+{ TBigIntComparisonTestCase }
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestLessThan(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueLeft);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueRight);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was greater than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a < b);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was greater or equal than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a <= b);
+ AssertFalse('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was greater than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a > b);
+ AssertFalse('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was greater or equal than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a >= b);
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestGreaterThan(const AHexValueLeft, AHexValueRight: string);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueLeft);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValueRight);
+ AssertFalse('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was less than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a < b);
+ AssertFalse('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was less or equal than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a <= b);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was less than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a > b);
+ AssertTrue('BigInt from ''' + AHexValueLeft + ''' was less or equal than BigInt from ''' + AHexValueRight + '''.',
+ a >= b);
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestEqual(const AHexValue: string);
+ a, b: TBigInt;
+ a := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ b := TBigInt.FromHexadecimalString(AHexValue);
+ AssertFalse('First BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' was less than the second.',
+ a < b);
+ AssertTrue('First BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' was greater than the second.',
+ a <= b);
+ AssertFalse('First BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' was greater than the second.',
+ a > b);
+ AssertTrue('First BigInt from ''' + AHexValue + ''' was less than the second.',
+ a >= b);
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestLessSameLength;
+ TestLessThan('104234FF2B29100C012', '234867AB261F1003429103C');
+ TestLessThan('-9812FB2964AC7632865238BBD3', '294625DF51B2A842582244C18163490');
+ TestLessThan('-12834653A2856DF8', '-A946C2BF89401B8');
+ TestLessThan('-2F846', '0');
+ TestLessThan('0', 'FF67B');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestLessShorterLeft;
+ TestLessThan('34FF2B29100C012', '234867AB261F1003429103C');
+ TestLessThan('0', 'BFF008112BA00012');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestLessNegativeShorterRight;
+ TestLessThan('-9B72844AC', '1F3486B');
+ TestLessThan('-BB884F022111190', '0');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestGreaterSameLength;
+ TestGreaterThan('B042104234FF2B29100C012', '23867AB261F1003429103C');
+ TestGreaterThan('1294B77', '-611F3B93');
+ TestGreaterThan('783BDA0', '0');
+ TestGreaterThan('0', '-99B6D');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestGreaterShorterRight;
+ TestGreaterThan('102343234423FF67278B11ADD345F6BB21232C9129100C012', '234867AB261F1003429103C');
+ TestGreaterThan('249D00F63BBAA8668B23', '0');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestGreaterNegativeShorterLeft;
+ TestGreaterThan('81F2A7B78B812', '-23490D7F19F247F91A365B1893BB701');
+ TestGreaterThan('0', '-80F88242B34127');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestEqualPositive;
+ TestEqual('A44B80191059CA123318921A219BB');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestEqualNegative;
+ TestEqual('-28912798DD1246DAC9FB4269908012D496896812FF3A8D071B32');
+procedure TBigIntComparisonTestCase.TestEqualZero;
+ TestEqual('0');
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntSignTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntFromInt64TestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntFromHexTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntFromBinTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntUnaryMinusTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntSumTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntDifferenceTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntProductTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntShiftLeftTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntEqualityTestCase);
+ RegisterTest(TBigIntComparisonTestCase);