
131 lines
5.1 KiB

This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered
under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website.
(c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
Rev 1.2 2004.05.20 11:38:10 AM czhower
Rev 1.1 2004.02.03 3:15:54 PM czhower
Updates to move to System.
Rev 1.0 2004.02.03 2:36:04 PM czhower
unit IdResourceStrings;
RSInvalidSourceArray = 'Invalid source array';
RSInvalidDestinationArray = 'Invalid destination array';
RSCharIndexOutOfBounds = 'Character index out of bounds (%d)';
RSInvalidCharCount = 'Invalid count (%d)';
RSInvalidDestinationIndex = 'Invalid destination index (%d)';
RSInvalidCodePage = 'Invalid codepage (%d)';
RSInvalidCharSet = 'Invalid character set (%s)';
RSInvalidCharSetConv = 'Invalid character set conversion (%s <-> %s)';
RSInvalidCharSetConvWithFlags = 'Invalid character set conversion (%s <-> %s, %s)';
RSUnsupportedCodePage = 'Unsupported codepage (%d)';
RSUnsupportedCharSet = 'Unsupported character set (%s)';
RSFailedTimeZoneInfo = 'Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.';
// Winsock
RSWinsockCallError = 'Error on call to Winsock2 library function %s';
RSWinsockLoadError = 'Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)';
{CH RSWinsockInitializationError = 'Winsock Initialization Error.'; }
// Status
RSStatusResolving = 'Resolving hostname %s.';
RSStatusConnecting = 'Connecting to %s.';
RSStatusConnected = 'Connected.';
RSStatusDisconnecting = 'Disconnecting.';
RSStatusDisconnected = 'Disconnected.';
RSStatusText = '%s';
// Stack
RSStackError = 'Socket Error # %d' + #13#10 + '%s';
RSStackEINTR = 'Interrupted system call.';
RSStackEBADF = 'Bad file number.';
RSStackEACCES = 'Access denied.';
RSStackEFAULT = 'Buffer fault.';
RSStackEINVAL = 'Invalid argument.';
RSStackEMFILE = 'Too many open files.';
RSStackEWOULDBLOCK = 'Operation would block.';
RSStackEINPROGRESS = 'Operation now in progress.';
RSStackEALREADY = 'Operation already in progress.';
RSStackENOTSOCK = 'Socket operation on non-socket.';
RSStackEDESTADDRREQ = 'Destination address required.';
RSStackEMSGSIZE = 'Message too long.';
RSStackEPROTOTYPE = 'Protocol wrong type for socket.';
RSStackENOPROTOOPT = 'Bad protocol option.';
RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT = 'Protocol not supported.';
RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 'Socket type not supported.';
RSStackEOPNOTSUPP = 'Operation not supported on socket.';
RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT = 'Protocol family not supported.';
RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT = 'Address family not supported by protocol family.';
RSStackEADDRINUSE = 'Address already in use.';
RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL = 'Cannot assign requested address.';
RSStackENETDOWN = 'Network is down.';
RSStackENETUNREACH = 'Network is unreachable.';
RSStackENETRESET = 'Net dropped connection or reset.';
RSStackECONNABORTED = 'Software caused connection abort.';
RSStackECONNRESET = 'Connection reset by peer.';
RSStackENOBUFS = 'No buffer space available.';
RSStackEISCONN = 'Socket is already connected.';
RSStackENOTCONN = 'Socket is not connected.';
RSStackESHUTDOWN = 'Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.';
RSStackETOOMANYREFS = 'Too many references, cannot splice.';
RSStackETIMEDOUT = 'Connection timed out.';
RSStackECONNREFUSED = 'Connection refused.';
RSStackELOOP = 'Too many levels of symbolic links.';
RSStackENAMETOOLONG = 'File name too long.';
RSStackEHOSTDOWN = 'Host is down.';
RSStackEHOSTUNREACH = 'No route to host.';
RSStackENOTEMPTY = 'Directory not empty';
RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND = 'Host not found.';
RSStackClassUndefined = 'Stack Class is undefined.';
RSStackAlreadyCreated = 'Stack already created.';
// Other
RSAntiFreezeOnlyOne = 'Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.';
RSCannotSetIPVersionWhenConnected = 'Cannot change IPVersion when connected';
RSCannotBindRange = 'Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)';
RSConnectionClosedGracefully = 'Connection Closed Gracefully.';
RSCorruptServicesFile = '%s is corrupt.';
RSCouldNotBindSocket = 'Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.';
RSInvalidPortRange = 'Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)';
RSInvalidServiceName = '%s is not a valid service.';
RSIPv6Unavailable = 'IPv6 unavailable';
RSInvalidIPv6Address = '%s is not a valid IPv6 address';
RSIPVersionUnsupported = 'The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported.';
RSNotAllBytesSent = 'Not all bytes sent.';
RSPackageSizeTooBig = 'Package Size Too Big.';
RSSetSizeExceeded = 'Set Size Exceeded.';
RSNoEncodingSpecified = 'No encoding specified.';
{CH RSStreamNotEnoughBytes = 'Not enough bytes read from stream.'; }
RSEndOfStream = 'End of stream: Class %s at %d';
//DNS Resolution error messages
RSMaliciousPtrRecord = 'Malicious PTR Record';