
408 lines
12 KiB

This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered
under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website.
(c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
Rev 1.30 15.09.2004 22:38:22 Andreas Hausladen
Added "Delphi 7.1 compiler warning bug" fix code
Rev 1.29 27.08.2004 22:03:22 Andreas Hausladen
Optimized encoders
speed optimization ("const" for string parameters)
Rev 1.28 7/8/04 5:09:04 PM RLebeau
Updated Encode() to remove use of local TIdBytes variable
Rev 1.27 2004.05.20 1:39:20 PM czhower
Last of the IdStream updates
Rev 1.26 2004.05.20 11:37:08 AM czhower
Rev 1.25 2004.05.20 11:13:12 AM czhower
More IdStream conversions
Rev 1.24 2004.05.19 3:06:54 PM czhower
IdStream / .NET fix
Rev 1.23 2004.03.12 7:54:18 PM czhower
Removed old commented out code.
Rev 1.22 11/03/2004 22:36:14 CCostelloe
Bug fix (1 to 3 spurious extra characters at the end of UUE encoded messages,
see comment starting CC3.
Rev 1.21 2004.02.03 5:44:56 PM czhower
Name changes
Rev 1.20 28/1/2004 6:22:16 PM SGrobety
Removed base 64 encoding stream length check is stream size was provided
Rev 1.19 16/01/2004 17:47:48 CCostelloe
Restructured slightly to allow IdCoderBinHex4 reuse some of its code
Rev 1.18 02/01/2004 20:59:28 CCostelloe
Fixed bugs to get ported code to work in Delphi 7 (changes marked CC2)
Rev 1.17 11/10/2003 7:54:14 PM BGooijen
Did all todo's ( TStream to TIdStream mainly )
Rev 1.16 2003.10.24 10:43:02 AM czhower
TIdSTream to dos
Rev 1.15 22/10/2003 12:25:36 HHariri
Stephanes changes
Rev 1.14 10/16/2003 11:10:18 PM DSiders
Added localization comments, whitespace.
Rev 1.13 2003.10.11 10:00:12 PM czhower
Compiles again
Rev 1.12 10/5/2003 4:31:02 PM GGrieve
use ToBytes for Cardinal to Bytes conversion
Rev 1.11 10/4/2003 9:12:18 PM GGrieve
Rev 1.10 2003.06.24 12:02:10 AM czhower
Coders now decode properly again.
Rev 1.9 2003.06.23 10:53:16 PM czhower
Removed unused overriden methods.
Rev 1.8 2003.06.13 6:57:10 PM czhower
Speed improvement
Rev 1.7 2003.06.13 3:41:18 PM czhower
Rev 1.6 2003.06.13 2:24:08 PM czhower
Speed improvement
Rev 1.5 10/6/2003 5:37:02 PM SGrobety
Bug fix in decoders.
Rev 1.4 6/6/2003 4:50:30 PM SGrobety
Reworked the 3to4decoder for performance and stability.
Note that encoders haven't been touched. Will come later. Another problem:
input is ALWAYS a string. Should be a TStream.
1/ Fix: added filtering for #13,#10 and #32 to the decoding mechanism.
2/ Optimization: Speed the decoding by a factor 7-10 AND added filtering ;)
Could still do better by using a pointer and a stiding window by a factor 2-3.
3/ Improvement: instead of writing everything to the output stream, there is
an internal buffer of 4k. It should speed things up when working on large
data (no large chunk of memory pre-allocated while keeping a decent perf by
not requiring every byte to be written separately).
Rev 1.3 28/05/2003 10:06:56 CCostelloe
StripCRLFs changes stripped out at the request of Chad
Rev 1.2 20/05/2003 02:01:00 CCostelloe
Rev 1.1 20/05/2003 01:44:12 CCostelloe
Bug fix: decoder code altered to ensure that any CRLFs inserted by an MTA are
Rev 1.0 11/14/2002 02:14:36 PM JPMugaas
unit IdCoder3to4;
TIdDecodeTable = array[1..127] of Byte;
TIdEncoder3to4 = class(TIdEncoder)
FCodingTable: TIdBytes;
FFillChar: Char;
function InternalEncode(const ABuffer: TIdBytes): TIdBytes;
procedure Encode(ASrcStream: TStream; ADestStream: TStream; const ABytes: Integer = -1); override;
property CodingTable: TIdBytes read FCodingTable;
property FillChar: Char read FFillChar write FFillChar;
TIdEncoder3to4Class = class of TIdEncoder3to4;
TIdDecoder4to3 = class(TIdDecoder)
FCodingTable: TIdBytes;
FDecodeTable: TIdDecodeTable;
FFillChar: Char;
function InternalDecode(const ABuffer: TIdBytes; const AIgnoreFiller: Boolean = False): TIdBytes;
class procedure ConstructDecodeTable(const ACodingTable: String; var ADecodeArray: TIdDecodeTable);
procedure Decode(ASrcStream: TStream; const ABytes: Integer = -1); override;
property FillChar: Char read FFillChar write FFillChar;
IdException, IdResourceStrings, IdStream;
{ TIdDecoder4to3 }
class procedure TIdDecoder4to3.ConstructDecodeTable(const ACodingTable: string;
var ADecodeArray: TIdDecodeTable);
c, i: integer;
//TODO: See if we can find an efficient way, or maybe an option to see if the requested
//decode char is valid, that is it returns a 255 from the DecodeTable, or at maybe
//check its presence in the encode table.
for i := Low(ADecodeArray) to High(ADecodeArray) do begin
ADecodeArray[i] := $FF;
c := 0;
for i := 1 to Length(ACodingTable) do begin
ADecodeArray[Ord(ACodingTable[i])] := c;
procedure TIdDecoder4to3.Decode(ASrcStream: TStream; const ABytes: Integer = -1);
LBuffer: TIdBytes;
LBufSize: Integer;
// No no - this will read the whole thing into memory and what if its MBs?
// need to load it in smaller buffered chunks MaxInt is WAY too big....
LBufSize := IndyLength(ASrcStream, ABytes);
if LBufSize > 0 then begin
SetLength(LBuffer, LBufSize);
TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(ASrcStream, LBuffer, LBufSize);
LBuffer := InternalDecode(LBuffer);
if Assigned(FStream) then begin
TIdStreamHelper.Write(FStream, LBuffer);
function TIdDecoder4to3.InternalDecode(const ABuffer: TIdBytes; const AIgnoreFiller: Boolean): TIdBytes;
LInBufSize: Integer;
LEmptyBytes: Integer;
LInBytes: TIdBytes;
LOutPos: Integer;
LOutSize: Integer;
LInLimit: Integer;
LInPos: Integer;
SetLength(LInBytes, 4);
LInPos := 0;
LInBufSize := Length(ABuffer);
if (LInBufSize mod 4) <> 0 then begin
LInLimit := (LInBufSize div 4) * 4;
end else begin
LInLimit := LInBufSize;
// Presize output buffer
//CC2, bugfix: was LOutPos := 1;
LOutPos := 0;
LOutSize := (LInLimit div 4) * 3;
SetLength(Result, LOutSize);
while LInPos < LInLimit do begin
// Read 4 bytes in for processing
//CC2 bugfix: was CopyTIdBytes(LIn, LInPos, LInBytes, 0, LInBytesLen);
//CopyTIdBytes(LIn, LInPos-1, LInBytes, 0, LInBytesLen);
// Faster than CopyTIdBytes
LInBytes[0] := ABuffer[LInPos];
LInBytes[1] := ABuffer[LInPos + 1];
LInBytes[2] := ABuffer[LInPos + 2];
LInBytes[3] := ABuffer[LInPos + 3];
// Inc pointer
Inc(LInPos, 4);
// Reduce to 3 bytes
Result[LOutPos] := ((FDecodeTable[LInBytes[0]] and 63) shl 2) or ((FDecodeTable[LInBytes[1]] shr 4) and 3);
Result[LOutPos + 1] := ((FDecodeTable[LInBytes[1]] and 15) shl 4) or ((FDecodeTable[LInBytes[2]] shr 2) and 15);
Result[LOutPos + 2] := ((FDecodeTable[LInBytes[2]] and 3) shl 6) or (FDecodeTable[LInBytes[3]] and 63);
Inc(LOutPos, 3);
// If we dont know how many bytes we need to watch for fill chars. MIME
// is this way.
// In best case, the end is not before the end of the input, but the input
// may be right padded with spaces, or even contain the EOL chars.
// Because of this we watch for early ends beyond what we originally
// estimated.
// RLebeau: normally, the FillChar does not appear inside the encoded bytes,
// however UUE/XXE does allow it, where encoded lines are prefixed with the
// unencoded data lengths instead...
if (not AIgnoreFiller) and (LInPos > 0) then begin
if ABuffer[LInPos-1] = Ord(FillChar) then begin
if ABuffer[LInPos-2] = Ord(FillChar) then begin
LEmptyBytes := 2;
end else begin
LEmptyBytes := 1;
SetLength(Result, LOutSize - LEmptyBytes);
{ TIdEncoder3to4 }
procedure TIdEncoder3to4.Encode(ASrcStream, ADestStream: TStream; const ABytes: Integer = -1);
LBuffer: TIdBytes;
LBufSize: Integer;
// No no - this will read the whole thing into memory and what if its MBs?
// need to load it in smaller buffered chunks MaxInt is WAY too big....
LBufSize := IndyLength(ASrcStream, ABytes);
if LBufSize > 0 then begin
SetLength(LBuffer, LBufSize);
TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(ASrcStream, LBuffer, LBufSize);
LBuffer := InternalEncode(LBuffer);
TIdStreamHelper.Write(ADestStream, LBuffer);
//TODO: Make this more efficient. Profile it to test, but maybe make single
// calls to ReadBuffer then pull from memory
function TIdEncoder3to4.InternalEncode(const ABuffer: TIdBytes): TIdBytes;
LInBufSize : Integer;
LOutSize: Integer;
LLen : integer;
LPos : Integer;
LBufDataLen: Integer;
LIn1, LIn2, LIn3: Byte;
LSize : Integer;
LInBufSize := Length(ABuffer);
LOutSize := ((LInBufSize + 2) div 3) * 4;
SetLength(Result, LOutSize); // we know that the string will grow by 4/3 adjusted to 3 boundary
LLen := 0;
LPos := 0;
// S.G. 21/10/2003: Copy the relevant bytes into the temporary buffer.
// S.G. 21/10/2003: Record the data length and force exit loop when necessary
while LPos < LInBufSize do
Assert((LLen + 4) <= LOutSize,
'TIdEncoder3to4.Encode: Calculated length exceeded (expected '+ {do not localize}
IntToStr(LOutSize) +
', about to go '+ {do not localize}
IntToStr(LLen + 4) +
' at offset ' + {do not localize}
IntToStr(LPos) +
' of '+ {do not localize}
LBufDataLen := LInBufSize - LPos;
if LBufDataLen > 2 then begin
LIn1 := ABuffer[LPos];
LIn2 := ABuffer[LPos+1];
LIn3 := ABuffer[LPos+2];
LSize := 3;
else if LBufDataLen > 1 then begin
LIn1 := ABuffer[LPos];
LIn2 := ABuffer[LPos+1];
LIn3 := 0;
LSize := 2;
else begin
LIn1 := ABuffer[LPos];
LIn2 := 0;
LIn3 := 0;
LSize := 1;
Inc(LPos, LSize);
//possible to do a better assert than this?
Result[LLen] := FCodingTable[(LIn1 shr 2) and 63];
Result[LLen + 1] := FCodingTable[(((LIn1 and 3) shl 4) or ((LIn2 shr 4) and 15)) and 63];
Result[LLen + 2] := FCodingTable[(((LIn2 and 15) shl 2) or ((LIn3 shr 6) and 3)) and 63];
Result[LLen + 3] := FCodingTable[LIn3 and 63];
Inc(LLen, 4);
if LSize < 3 then begin
Result[LLen-1] := Ord(FillChar);
if LSize = 1 then begin
Result[LLen-2] := Ord(FillChar);
SetLength(Result, LLen);
Assert(LLen = LOutSize,
'TIdEncoder3to4.Encode: Calculated length not met (expected ' + {do not localize}
IntToStr(LOutSize) +
', finished at ' + {do not localize}
IntToStr(LLen) +
', BufSize = ' + {do not localize}