{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.8 2004-04-25 12:08:24 Mattias Fixed multithreading issue Rev 1.7 2004.02.03 4:16:42 PM czhower For unit name changes. Rev 1.6 2/1/2004 4:53:30 PM JPMugaas Removed Todo; Rev 1.5 2004.01.20 10:03:24 PM czhower InitComponent Rev 1.4 2003.12.31 10:37:54 PM czhower GetTickcount --> Ticks Rev 1.3 10/16/2003 11:06:14 PM SPerry Moved ICMP_MIN to IdRawHeaders Rev 1.2 2003.10.11 5:48:04 PM czhower -VCL fixes for servers -Chain suport for servers (Super core) -Scheduler upgrades -Full yarn support Rev 1.1 2003.09.30 1:22:56 PM czhower Stack split for DotNet Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 08:44:30 AM JPMugaas 25/1/02: SGrobety: Modified the component to support multithreaded PING and traceroute NOTE!!! The component no longer use the timing informations contained in the packet to compute the roundtrip time. This is because that information is only correctly set in case of ECHOREPLY In case of TTL, it is incorrect. } unit IdIcmpClient; { Note that we can NOT remove the DotNET IFDEFS from this unit. The reason is that Microsoft NET Framework 1.1 does not support ICMPv6 and that's required for IPv6. In Win32 and Linux, we definately can and want to support IPv6. If we support a later version of the NET framework that has a better API, I may consider revisiting this. } // SG 25/1/02: Modified the component to support multithreaded PING and traceroute interface {$I IdCompilerDefines.inc} //Put FPC into Delphi mode uses Classes, IdGlobal, IdRawBase, IdRawClient, IdStackConsts, IdBaseComponent; const DEF_PACKET_SIZE = 32; MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1024; Id_TIDICMP_ReceiveTimeout = 5000; type TReplyStatusTypes = (rsEcho, rsError, rsTimeOut, rsErrorUnreachable, rsErrorTTLExceeded,rsErrorPacketTooBig, rsErrorParameter, rsErrorDatagramConversion, rsErrorSecurityFailure, rsSourceQuench, rsRedirect, rsTimeStamp, rsInfoRequest, rsAddressMaskRequest, rsTraceRoute, rsMobileHostReg, rsMobileHostRedir, rsIPv6WhereAreYou, rsIPv6IAmHere, rsSKIP); TReplyStatus = class(TObject) protected FBytesReceived: integer; // number of bytes in reply from host FFromIpAddress: string; // IP address of replying host FToIpAddress : string; //who receives it (i.e., us. This is for multihorned machines FMsgType: byte; FMsgCode : Byte; FSequenceId: word; // sequence id of ping reply // TODO: roundtrip time in ping reply should be float, not byte FMsRoundTripTime: UInt32; // ping round trip time in milliseconds FTimeToLive: byte; // time to live FReplyStatusType: TReplyStatusTypes; FPacketNumber : Integer;//number in packet for TraceRoute FHostName : String; //Hostname of computer that replied, used with TraceRoute FMsg : String; FRedirectTo : String; // valid only for rsRedirect public property RedirectTo : String read FRedirectTo write FRedirectTo; property Msg : String read FMsg write FMsg; property BytesReceived: integer read FBytesReceived write FBytesReceived; // number of bytes in reply from host property FromIpAddress: string read FFromIpAddress write FFromIpAddress; // IP address of replying host property ToIpAddress : string read FToIpAddress write FToIpAddress; //who receives it (i.e., us. This is for multihorned machines property MsgType: byte read FMsgType write FMsgType; property MsgCode : Byte read FMsgCode write FMsgCode; property SequenceId: word read FSequenceId write FSequenceId; // sequence id of ping reply // TODO: roundtrip time in ping reply should be float, not byte property MsRoundTripTime: UInt32 read FMsRoundTripTime write FMsRoundTripTime; // ping round trip time in milliseconds property TimeToLive: byte read FTimeToLive write FTimeToLive; // time to live property ReplyStatusType: TReplyStatusTypes read FReplyStatusType write FReplyStatusType; property HostName : String read FHostName write FHostName; property PacketNumber : Integer read FPacketNumber write FPacketNumber; end; TOnReplyEvent = procedure(ASender: TComponent; const AReplyStatus: TReplyStatus) of object; // TODO: on MacOSX (and maybe iOS?), can use a UDP socket instead of a RAW // socket so that non-privilege processes do not require root access... TIdCustomIcmpClient = class(TIdRawClient) protected FStartTime : TIdTicks; //this is a fallback if no packet is returned FPacketSize : Integer; FBufReceive: TIdBytes; FBufIcmp: TIdBytes; wSeqNo: word; iDataSize: integer; FReplyStatus: TReplyStatus; FOnReply: TOnReplyEvent; FReplydata: String; // {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} function DecodeIPv6Packet(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; {$ENDIF} function DecodeIPv4Packet(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; function DecodeResponse(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; procedure DoReply; virtual; procedure GetEchoReply; procedure InitComponent; override; {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} procedure PrepareEchoRequestIPv6(const ABuffer: String); {$ENDIF} procedure PrepareEchoRequestIPv4(const ABuffer: String); procedure PrepareEchoRequest(const ABuffer: String); procedure SendEchoRequest; overload; procedure SendEchoRequest(const AIP : String); overload; function GetPacketSize: Integer; procedure SetPacketSize(const AValue: Integer); //these are made public in the client procedure InternalPing(const AIP : String; const ABuffer: String = ''; SequenceID: Word = 0); overload; {Do not Localize} // property PacketSize : Integer read GetPacketSize write SetPacketSize default DEF_PACKET_SIZE; property ReplyData: string read FReplydata; property ReplyStatus: TReplyStatus read FReplyStatus; property OnReply: TOnReplyEvent read FOnReply write FOnReply; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure Send(const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const ABuffer : TIdBytes); override; procedure Send(const ABuffer : TIdBytes); override; function Receive(ATimeOut: Integer): TReplyStatus; end; TIdIcmpClient = class(TIdCustomIcmpClient) public procedure Ping(const ABuffer: String = ''; SequenceID: Word = 0); {Do not Localize} property ReplyData; property ReplyStatus; published property Host; {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} property IPVersion; {$ENDIF} property PacketSize; property ReceiveTimeout default Id_TIDICMP_ReceiveTimeout; property OnReply; end; implementation uses //facilitate inlining only. {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_VCL_POSIX} {$IFDEF DARWIN} Macapi.CoreServices, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} IdExceptionCore, IdRawHeaders, IdResourceStringsCore, IdStack, IdStruct, SysUtils; { TIdCustomIcmpClient } procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.PrepareEchoRequest(const ABuffer: String); begin {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} if IPVersion = Id_IPv6 then begin PrepareEchoRequestIPv6(ABuffer); Exit; end; {$ENDIF} PrepareEchoRequestIPv4(ABuffer); end; { TIdIPv4_ICMP } type TIdIPv4_ICMP = class(TIdStruct) protected Fip_hdr: TIdIPHdr; Ficmp_hdr: TIdICMPHdr; function GetBytesLen: UInt32; override; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ReadStruct(const ABytes : TIdBytes; var VIndex : UInt32); override; procedure WriteStruct(var VBytes : TIdBytes; var VIndex : UInt32); override; property ip_hdr: TIdIPHdr read Fip_hdr; property icmp_hdr: TIdICMPHdr read Ficmp_hdr; end; constructor TIdIPv4_ICMP.Create; begin inherited Create; Fip_hdr := TIdIPHdr.Create; Ficmp_hdr := TIdICMPHdr.Create; end; destructor TIdIPv4_ICMP.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(Fip_hdr); FreeAndNil(Ficmp_hdr); inherited Destroy; end; function TIdIPv4_ICMP.GetBytesLen: UInt32; begin Result := inherited GetBytesLen + Fip_hdr.BytesLen + Ficmp_hdr.BytesLen; end; procedure TIdIPv4_ICMP.ReadStruct(const ABytes : TIdBytes; var VIndex : UInt32); begin inherited ReadStruct(ABytes, VIndex); Fip_hdr.ReadStruct(ABytes, VIndex); Ficmp_hdr.ReadStruct(ABytes, VIndex); end; procedure TIdIPv4_ICMP.WriteStruct(var VBytes : TIdBytes; var VIndex : UInt32); begin inherited WriteStruct(VBytes, VIndex); Fip_hdr.WriteStruct(VBytes, VIndex); Ficmp_hdr.WriteStruct(VBytes, VIndex); end; { TIdCustomIcmpClient } procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.SendEchoRequest; begin Send(FBufIcmp); end; function TIdCustomIcmpClient.DecodeResponse(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; begin if BytesRead = 0 then begin // Timed out FReplyStatus.MsRoundTripTime := GetElapsedTicks(FStartTime); FReplyStatus.BytesReceived := 0; if IPVersion = Id_IPv4 then begin FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := ''; FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := ''; end else begin FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := '::0'; FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := '::0'; end; FReplyStatus.MsgType := 0; FReplyStatus.SequenceId := wSeqNo; FReplyStatus.TimeToLive := 0; FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsTimeOut; Result := True; end else begin FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsError; {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} if IPVersion = Id_IPv6 then begin Result := DecodeIPv6Packet(BytesRead); Exit; end; {$ENDIF} Result := DecodeIPv4Packet(BytesRead); end; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.GetEchoReply; begin Receive(FReceiveTimeout); end; function TIdCustomIcmpClient.Receive(ATimeOut: Integer): TReplyStatus; var BytesRead : Integer; TripTime: UInt32; begin Result := FReplyStatus; FillBytes(FBufReceive, Length(FBufReceive), 0); FStartTime := Ticks64; repeat BytesRead := ReceiveBuffer(FBufReceive, ATimeOut); if DecodeResponse(BytesRead) then begin Break; end; TripTime := GetElapsedTicks(FStartTime); ATimeOut := ATimeOut - Integer(TripTime); // compute new timeout value FReplyStatus.MsRoundTripTime := TripTime; FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTimeout; // We caught a response that wasn't meant for this thread - so we must // make sure we don't report it as such in case we time out after this FReplyStatus.BytesReceived := 0; if IPVersion = Id_IPv4 then begin FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := ''; FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := ''; end else begin FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := '::0'; FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := '::0'; end; FReplyStatus.MsgType := 0; FReplyStatus.SequenceId := wSeqNo; FReplyStatus.TimeToLive := 0; FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsTimeOut; until ATimeOut <= 0; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.DoReply; begin if Assigned(FOnReply) then begin FOnReply(Self, FReplyStatus); end; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.InitComponent; begin inherited InitComponent; FReplyStatus:= TReplyStatus.Create; FProtocol := Id_IPPROTO_ICMP; {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} ProtocolIPv6 := Id_IPPROTO_ICMPv6; {$ENDIF} wSeqNo := 3489; // SG 25/1/02: Arbitrary Constant <> 0 FReceiveTimeOut := Id_TIDICMP_ReceiveTimeout; FPacketSize := DEF_PACKET_SIZE; end; destructor TIdCustomIcmpClient.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FReplyStatus); inherited Destroy; end; function TIdCustomIcmpClient.DecodeIPv4Packet(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; var LIPHeaderLen: UInt32; LIdx: UInt32; RTTime: UInt32; LActualSeqID: UInt16; LIcmp: TIdIPv4_ICMP; LIcmpts: TIdICMPTs; begin Result := False; LIpHeaderLen := (FBufReceive[0] and $0F) * 4; if BytesRead < (LIpHeaderLen + ICMP_MIN) then begin raise EIdIcmpException.Create(RSICMPNotEnoughtBytes); end; LIdx := 0; LIcmp := TIdIPv4_ICMP.Create; try LIcmp.ReadStruct(FBufReceive, LIdx); {$IFDEF LINUX} // TODO: baffled as to why linux kernel sends back echo from localhost {$ENDIF} case LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_type of Id_ICMP_ECHOREPLY, Id_ICMP_ECHO: begin FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsEcho; FReplyData := BytesToStringRaw(FBufReceive, LIdx, -1); // result is only valid if the seq. number is correct end; Id_ICMP_UNREACH: FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorUnreachable; Id_ICMP_TIMXCEED: FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorTTLExceeded; Id_ICMP_PARAMPROB : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorParameter; Id_ICMP_REDIRECT : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsRedirect; Id_ICMP_TSTAMP, Id_ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsTimeStamp; Id_ICMP_IREQ, Id_ICMP_IREQREPLY : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsInfoRequest; Id_ICMP_MASKREQ, Id_ICMP_MASKREPLY : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsAddressMaskRequest; Id_ICMP_TRACEROUTE : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsTraceRoute; Id_ICMP_DATAGRAM_CONV : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorDatagramConversion; Id_ICMP_MOB_HOST_REDIR : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsMobileHostRedir; Id_ICMP_IPv6_WHERE_ARE_YOU : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsIPv6WhereAreYou; Id_ICMP_IPv6_I_AM_HERE : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsIPv6IAmHere; Id_ICMP_MOB_REG_REQ, Id_ICMP_MOB_REG_REPLY : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsMobileHostReg; Id_ICMP_PHOTURIS : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorSecurityFailure; else raise EIdICMPException.Create(RSICMPNonEchoResponse);// RSICMPNonEchoResponse = 'Non-echo type response received' end; // case // check if we got a reply to the packet that was actually sent case FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType of rsEcho: begin LActualSeqID := LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_hun.echo_seq; RTTime := GetElapsedTicks(BytesToTicks(FBufReceive, LIdx)); end; rsTimeStamp: begin LActualSeqID := LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_hun.echo_seq; LIcmpts := TIdICMPTs.Create; try LIcmpts.ReadStruct(FBufReceive, LIpHeaderLen); RTTime := (LIcmpts.ttime and $80000000) - (LIcmpts.otime and $80000000); finally LIcmpts.Free; end; end; else begin // not an echo or timestamp reply: the original IP frame is // contained withing the DATA section of the packet... // pOriginalIP := PIdIPHdr(@picmp^.icmp_dun.data); // TODO: verify this! I don't think it is indexing far enough into the data LActualSeqID := BytesToUInt16(FBufReceive, LIpHeaderLen+8+6);//pOriginalICMP^.icmp_hun.echo.seq; RTTime := GetElapsedTicks(BytesToTicks(FBufReceive, LIpHeaderLen+8+8)); //pOriginalICMP^.icmp_dun.ts.otime; // move to offset // pOriginalICMP := Pointer(PtrUInt(pOriginalIP) + (iIpHeaderLen)); // extract information from original ICMP frame // ActualSeqID := pOriginalICMP^.icmp_hun.echo.seq; // RTTime := Ticks64 - pOriginalICMP^.icmp_dun.ts.otime; // Result := pOriginalICMP^.icmp_hun.echo.seq = wSeqNo; end; end; Result := LActualSeqID = wSeqNo;//;picmp^.icmp_hun.echo.seq = wSeqNo; if Result then begin if FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType = rsEcho then begin FReplyStatus.BytesReceived := BytesRead - (Id_IP_HSIZE + ICMP_MIN + SizeOf(UInt32)); end else begin FReplyStatus.BytesReceived := BytesRead - (Id_IP_HSIZE + ICMP_MIN); end; FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := MakeUInt32IntoIPv4Address(GStack.NetworkToHost(Licmp.ip_hdr.ip_src.s_l)); FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := MakeUInt32IntoIPv4Address(GStack.NetworkToHost(Licmp.ip_hdr.ip_dst.s_l)); FReplyStatus.MsgType := LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_type; //picmp^.icmp_type; FReplyStatus.MsgCode := LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_code; //picmp^.icmp_code; FReplyStatus.SequenceId := LActualSeqID; FReplyStatus.MsRoundTripTime := RTTime; FReplyStatus.TimeToLive := LIcmp.ip_hdr.ip_ttl; // now process our message stuff case FReplyStatus.MsgType of Id_ICMP_UNREACH: begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of Id_ICMP_UNREACH_NET : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPNetUnreachable; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_HOST : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPHostUnreachable; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_PROTOCOL : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPProtUnreachable; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPFragmentNeeded; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_SRCFAIL : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSourceRouteFailed; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_NET_UNKNOWN : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPDestNetUnknown; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_UNKNOWN : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPDestHostUnknown; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_ISOLATED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSourceIsolated; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_NET_PROHIB : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPDestNetProhibitted; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PROHIB : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPDestHostProhibitted; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_TOSNET : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTOSNetUnreach; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_TOSHOST : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTOSHostUnreach; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPAdminProhibitted; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PRECEDENCE : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPHostPrecViolation; Id_ICMP_UNREACH_PRECEDENCE_CUTOFF : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPPrecedenceCutoffInEffect; end; end; Id_ICMP_TIMXCEED: begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of 0 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTTLExceeded; 1 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPFragAsmExceeded; end; end; Id_ICMP_PARAMPROB : FReplyStatus.Msg := IndyFormat(RSICMPParamError, [FReplyStatus.MsgCode]); Id_ICMP_REDIRECT: begin FReplyStatus.RedirectTo := MakeUInt32IntoIPv4Address(GStack.NetworkToHOst(LIcmp.icmp_hdr.icmp_hun.gateway_s_l)); case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of 0 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPRedirNet; 1 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPRedirHost; 2 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPRedirTOSNet; 3 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPRedirTOSHost; end; end; Id_ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSourceQuenchMsg; Id_ICMP_ECHOREPLY, Id_ICMP_ECHO : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPEcho; Id_ICMP_TSTAMP, Id_ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTimeStamp; Id_ICMP_IREQ, Id_ICMP_IREQREPLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTimeStamp; Id_ICMP_MASKREQ, Id_ICMP_MASKREPLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPMaskRequest; Id_ICMP_TRACEROUTE : begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of Id_ICMP_TRACEROUTE_PACKET_FORWARDED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTracePacketForwarded; Id_ICMP_TRACEROUTE_NO_ROUTE : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTraceNoRoute; end; end; Id_ICMP_DATAGRAM_CONV: begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of Id_ICMP_CONV_UNSPEC : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTracePacketForwarded; Id_ICMP_CONV_DONTCONV_OPTION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPTraceNoRoute; Id_ICMP_CONV_UNKNOWN_MAN_OPTION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvUnknownMandOptPresent; Id_ICMP_CONV_UNKNWON_UNSEP_OPTION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvKnownUnsupportedOptionPresent; Id_ICMP_CONV_UNSEP_TRANSPORT : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvUnsupportedTransportProtocol; Id_ICMP_CONV_OVERALL_LENGTH_EXCEEDED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvOverallLengthExceeded; Id_ICMP_CONV_IP_HEADER_LEN_EXCEEDED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvIPHeaderLengthExceeded; Id_ICMP_CONV_TRANS_PROT_255 : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvTransportProtocol_255; Id_ICMP_CONV_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvPortConversionOutOfRange; Id_ICMP_CONV_TRANS_HEADER_LEN_EXCEEDED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvTransportHeaderLengthExceeded; Id_ICMP_CONV_32BIT_ROLLOVER_AND_ACK : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConv32BitRolloverMissingAndACKSet; Id_ICMP_CONV_UNKNOWN_MAN_TRANS_OPTION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPConvUnknownMandatoryTransportOptionPresent; end; end; Id_ICMP_MOB_HOST_REDIR : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPMobileHostRedirect; Id_ICMP_IPv6_WHERE_ARE_YOU : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPIPv6WhereAreYou; Id_ICMP_IPv6_I_AM_HERE : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPIPv6IAmHere; Id_ICMP_MOB_REG_REQ, Id_ICMP_MOB_REG_REPLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPIPv6IAmHere; Id_ICMP_SKIP : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSKIP; Id_ICMP_PHOTURIS : begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of Id_ICMP_BAD_SPI : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecBadSPI; Id_ICMP_AUTH_FAILED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecAuthenticationFailed; Id_ICMP_DECOMPRESS_FAILED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecDecompressionFailed; Id_ICMP_DECRYPTION_FAILED : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecDecryptionFailed; Id_ICMP_NEED_AUTHENTICATION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecNeedAuthentication; Id_ICMP_NEED_AUTHORIZATION : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSecNeedAuthorization; end; end; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(LIcmp); end; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.PrepareEchoRequestIPv4(const ABuffer: String); var LIcmp: TIdICMPHdr; LIdx: UInt32; LBuffer: TIdBytes; LBufferLen: Integer; begin LBuffer := ToBytes(ABuffer, IndyTextEncoding_8Bit); LBufferLen := IndyMin(Length(LBuffer), FPacketSize); SetLength(FBufIcmp, ICMP_MIN + SizeOf(TIdTicks) + LBufferLen); FillBytes(FBufIcmp, Length(FBufIcmp), 0); SetLength(FBufReceive, Length(FBufIcmp) + Id_IP_HSIZE); LIdx := 0; LIcmp := TIdICMPHdr.Create; try LIcmp.icmp_type := Id_ICMP_ECHO; LIcmp.icmp_code := 0; LIcmp.icmp_sum := 0; LIcmp.icmp_hun.echo_id := Word(CurrentProcessId); LIcmp.icmp_hun.echo_seq := wSeqNo; LIcmp.WriteStruct(FBufIcmp, LIdx); CopyTIdTicks(Ticks64, FBufIcmp, LIdx); Inc(LIdx, SizeOf(TIdTicks)); if LBufferLen > 0 then begin CopyTIdBytes(LBuffer, 0, FBufIcmp, LIdx, LBufferLen); end; finally FreeAndNil(LIcmp); end; end; {$IFNDEF DOTNET_1_1} procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.PrepareEchoRequestIPv6(const ABuffer: String); var LIcmp : TIdicmp6_hdr; LIdx : UInt32; LBuffer: TIdBytes; LBufferLen: Integer; begin LBuffer := ToBytes(ABuffer, IndyTextEncoding_8Bit); LBufferLen := IndyMin(Length(LBuffer), FPacketSize); SetLength(FBufIcmp, ICMP_MIN + SizeOf(TIdTicks) + LBufferLen); FillBytes(FBufIcmp, Length(FBufIcmp), 0); SetLength(FBufReceive, Length(FBufIcmp) + (Id_IPv6_HSIZE*2)); LIdx := 0; LIcmp := TIdicmp6_hdr.Create; try LIcmp.icmp6_type := ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST; LIcmp.icmp6_code := 0; LIcmp.data.icmp6_un_data16[0] := Word(CurrentProcessId); LIcmp.data.icmp6_un_data16[1] := wSeqNo; LIcmp.icmp6_cksum := 0; LIcmp.WriteStruct(FBufIcmp, LIdx); CopyTIdTicks(Ticks64, FBufIcmp, LIdx); Inc(LIdx, SizeOf(TIdTicks)); if LBufferLen > 0 then begin CopyTIdBytes(LBuffer, 0, FBufIcmp, LIdx, LBufferLen); end; finally FreeAndNil(LIcmp); end; end; function TIdCustomIcmpClient.DecodeIPv6Packet(BytesRead: UInt32): Boolean; var LIdx : UInt32; LIcmp : TIdicmp6_hdr; RTTime : UInt32; LActualSeqID : Word; begin LIdx := 0; LIcmp := TIdicmp6_hdr.Create; try // Note that IPv6 raw headers are not being returned. LIcmp.ReadStruct(FBufReceive, LIdx); case LIcmp.icmp6_type of ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST, ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsEcho; //group membership messages ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY : ; ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT : ; ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REDUCTION : ; //errors ICMP6_DST_UNREACH : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorUnreachable; ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorPacketTooBig; ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorTTLExceeded; ICMP6_PARAM_PROB : FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsErrorParameter; else FReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType := rsError; end; FReplyStatus.MsgType := LIcmp.icmp6_type; //picmp^.icmp_type; FReplyStatus.MsgCode := LIcmp.icmp6_code; //errors are values less than ICMP6_INFOMSG_MASK if LIcmp.icmp6_type < ICMP6_INFOMSG_MASK then begin //read info from the original packet part LIcmp.ReadStruct(FBufReceive, LIdx); end; LActualSeqID := LIcmp.data.icmp6_seq; Result := LActualSeqID = wSeqNo; RTTime := GetElapsedTicks(BytesToTicks(FBufReceive, LIdx)); Inc(LIdx, SizeOf(TIdTicks)); if Result then begin FReplyStatus.BytesReceived := BytesRead - LIdx; FReplyStatus.SequenceId := LActualSeqID; FReplyStatus.MsRoundTripTime := RTTime; // TimeToLive := FBufReceive[8]; // TimeToLive := pip^.ip_ttl; FReplyStatus.TimeToLive := FPkt.TTL; FReplyStatus.FromIpAddress := FPkt.SourceIP; FReplyStatus.ToIpAddress := FPkt.DestIP; case FReplyStatus.MsgType of ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST, ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPEcho; ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED : begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of ICMP6_TIME_EXCEED_TRANSIT : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPHopLimitExceeded; ICMP6_TIME_EXCEED_REASSEMBLY : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPFragAsmExceeded; end; end; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH : begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOROUTE : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPNoRouteToDest; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADMIN : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPAdminProhibitted; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADDR : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPHostUnreachable; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOPORT : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPProtUnreachable; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_SOURCE_FILTERING : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPSourceFilterFailed; ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_REJCT_DST : FReplyStatus.Msg := RSICMPRejectRoutToDest; end; end; ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG : FReplyStatus.Msg := IndyFormat(RSICMPPacketTooBig, [LIcmp.data.icmp6_mtu]); ICMP6_PARAM_PROB : begin case FReplyStatus.MsgCode of ICMP6_PARAMPROB_HEADER : FReplyStatus.Msg := IndyFormat(RSICMPParamHeader, [LIcmp.data.icmp6_pptr]); ICMP6_PARAMPROB_NEXTHEADER : FReplyStatus.Msg := IndyFormat(RSICMPParamNextHeader, [LIcmp.data.icmp6_pptr]); ICMP6_PARAMPROB_OPTION : FReplyStatus.Msg := IndyFormat(RSICMPUnrecognizedOpt, [LIcmp.data.icmp6_pptr]); end; end; ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY : ; ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT : ; ICMP6_MEMBERSHIP_REDUCTION :; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(LIcmp); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.Send(const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const ABuffer: TIdBytes); var LBuffer : TIdBytes; LIP : String; begin LBuffer := ABuffer; LIP := GStack.ResolveHost(AHost, IPVersion); GStack.WriteChecksum(Binding.Handle, LBuffer, 2, LIP, APort, IPVersion); FBinding.SendTo(LIP, APort, LBuffer, IPVersion); end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.Send(const ABuffer: TIdBytes); var LBuffer : TIdBytes; LIP : String; begin LBuffer := ABuffer; LIP := GStack.ResolveHost(Host, IPVersion); GStack.WriteChecksum(Binding.Handle, LBuffer, 2, LIP, Port, IPVersion); FBinding.SendTo(LIP, Port, LBuffer, IPVersion); end; function TIdCustomIcmpClient.GetPacketSize: Integer; begin Result := FPacketSize; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.SetPacketSize(const AValue: Integer); begin if AValue < 0 then begin FPacketSize := 0; end else begin FPacketSize := IndyMin(AValue, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); end; end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.InternalPing(const AIP, ABuffer: String; SequenceID: Word); begin if SequenceID <> 0 then begin wSeqNo := SequenceID; end; PrepareEchoRequest(ABuffer); SendEchoRequest(AIP); GetEchoReply; Binding.CloseSocket; DoReply; Inc(wSeqNo); // SG 25/1/02: Only increase sequence number when finished. end; procedure TIdCustomIcmpClient.SendEchoRequest(const AIP: String); begin Send(AIP, 0, FBufIcmp); end; { TIdIcmpClient } procedure TIdIcmpClient.Ping(const ABuffer: String; SequenceID: Word); begin InternalPing(GStack.ResolveHost(Host, IPVersion), ABuffer, SequenceID); end; end.