{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.4 2004.02.03 5:43:52 PM czhower Name changes Rev 1.3 1/21/2004 3:11:06 PM JPMugaas InitComponent Rev 1.2 10/26/2003 09:11:50 AM JPMugaas Should now work in NET. Rev 1.1 2003.10.12 4:03:56 PM czhower compile todos Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 07:55:16 AM JPMugaas } unit IdIPMCastBase; interface {$I IdCompilerDefines.inc} //here to flip FPC into Delphi mode uses {$IFDEF WORKAROUND_INLINE_CONSTRUCTORS} Classes, {$ENDIF} IdComponent, IdException, IdGlobal, IdSocketHandle, IdStack; (*$HPPEMIT '#if defined(_VCL_ALIAS_RECORDS)' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#if !defined(UNICODE)' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#pragma alias "@Idipmcastbase@TIdIPMCastBase@SetPortA$qqrxi"="@Idipmcastbase@TIdIPMCastBase@SetPort$qqrxi"' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#else' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#pragma alias "@Idipmcastbase@TIdIPMCastBase@SetPortW$qqrxi"="@Idipmcastbase@TIdIPMCastBase@SetPort$qqrxi"' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#endif' *) (*$HPPEMIT '#endif' *) const IPMCastLo = 224; IPMCastHi = 239; type TIdIPMv6Scope = ( IdIPv6MC_InterfaceLocal, { Interface-Local scope spans only a single interface on a node and is useful only for loopback transmission of multicast.} IdIPv6MC_LinkLocal, { Link-Local multicast scope spans the same topological region as the corresponding unicast scope. } IdIPv6MC_AdminLocal, { Admin-Local scope is the smallest scope that must be administratively configured, i.e., not automatically derived from physical connectivity or other, non-multicast-related configuration.} IdIPv6MC_SiteLocal, { Site-Local scope is intended to span a single site. } IdIPv6MC_OrgLocal, {Organization-Local scope is intended to span multiple sites belonging to a single organization.} IdIPv6MC_Global); TIdIPMCValidScopes = 0..$F; TIdIPMCastBase = class(TIdComponent) protected FDsgnActive: Boolean; FMulticastGroup: String; FPort: Integer; FIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; FReuseSocket: TIdReuseSocket; // procedure CloseBinding; virtual; abstract; function GetActive: Boolean; virtual; function GetBinding: TIdSocketHandle; virtual; abstract; procedure Loaded; override; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetMulticastGroup(const Value: string); virtual; procedure SetPort(const Value: integer); virtual; function GetIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; virtual; procedure SetIPVersion(const AValue: TIdIPVersion); virtual; // property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive Default False; property MulticastGroup: string read FMulticastGroup write SetMulticastGroup; property Port: Integer read FPort write SetPort; property IPVersion: TIdIPVersion read GetIPVersion write SetIPVersion default ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; procedure InitComponent; override; public {$IFDEF WORKAROUND_INLINE_CONSTRUCTORS} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); reintroduce; overload; {$ENDIF} function IsValidMulticastGroup(const Value: string): Boolean; {These two items are helper functions that allow you to specify the scope for a Variable Scope Multicast Addresses. Some are listed in IdAssignedNumbers as the Id_IPv6MC_V_ constants. You can't use them out of the box in the MulticastGroup property because you need to specify the scope. This provides you with more flexibility than you would get with IPv4 multicasting.} class function SetIPv6AddrScope(const AVarIPv6Addr : String; const AScope : TIdIPMv6Scope ) : String; overload; class function SetIPv6AddrScope(const AVarIPv6Addr : String; const AScope : TIdIPMCValidScopes): String; overload; // property ReuseSocket: TIdReuseSocket read FReuseSocket write FReuseSocket default rsOSDependent; published end; EIdMCastException = Class(EIdException); EIdMCastNoBindings = class(EIdMCastException); EIdMCastNotValidAddress = class(EIdMCastException); EIdMCastReceiveErrorZeroBytes = class(EIdMCastException); const DEF_IPv6_MGROUP = 'FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1'; implementation uses IdAssignedNumbers, IdResourceStringsCore, IdStackConsts, SysUtils; { TIdIPMCastBase } {$IFDEF WORKAROUND_INLINE_CONSTRUCTORS} constructor TIdIPMCastBase.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); end; {$ENDIF} function TIdIPMCastBase.GetIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; begin Result := FIPVersion; end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.InitComponent; begin inherited InitComponent; FMultiCastGroup := Id_IPMC_All_Systems; FIPVersion := ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; FReuseSocket := rsOSDependent; end; function TIdIPMCastBase.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := FDsgnActive; end; function TIdIPMCastBase.IsValidMulticastGroup(const Value: string): Boolean; begin //just here to prevent a warning from Delphi about an unitialized result Result := False; case FIPVersion of Id_IPv4 : Result := GStack.IsValidIPv4MulticastGroup(Value); Id_IPv6 : Result := GStack.IsValidIPv6MulticastGroup(Value); end; end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.Loaded; var b: Boolean; begin inherited Loaded; b := FDsgnActive; FDsgnActive := False; Active := b; end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin if Active <> Value then begin if not (IsDesignTime or IsLoading) then begin if Value then begin GetBinding; end else begin CloseBinding; end; end else begin // don't activate at designtime (or during loading of properties) {Do not Localize} FDsgnActive := Value; end; end; end; class function TIdIPMCastBase.SetIPv6AddrScope(const AVarIPv6Addr: String; const AScope: TIdIPMv6Scope): String; begin case AScope of IdIPv6MC_InterfaceLocal : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$1); IdIPv6MC_LinkLocal : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$2); IdIPv6MC_AdminLocal : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$4); IdIPv6MC_SiteLocal : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$5); IdIPv6MC_OrgLocal : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$8); IdIPv6MC_Global : Result := SetIPv6AddrScope(AVarIPv6Addr,$E); else Result := AVarIPv6Addr; end; end; class function TIdIPMCastBase.SetIPv6AddrScope(const AVarIPv6Addr: String; const AScope: TIdIPMCValidScopes): String; begin //Replace the X in the Id_IPv6MC_V_ constants with the specified scope Result := ReplaceOnlyFirst(AVarIPv6Addr,'X',IntToHex(AScope,1)); end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.SetIPVersion(const AValue: TIdIPVersion); begin if AValue <> IPVersion then begin Active := False; FIPVersion := AValue; case AValue of Id_IPv4: FMulticastGroup := Id_IPMC_All_Systems; Id_IPv6: FMulticastGroup := DEF_IPv6_MGROUP; end; end; end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.SetMulticastGroup(const Value: string); begin if (FMulticastGroup <> Value) then begin if IsValidMulticastGroup(Value) then begin Active := False; FMulticastGroup := Value; end else begin Raise EIdMCastNotValidAddress.Create(RSIPMCastInvalidMulticastAddress); end; end; end; procedure TIdIPMCastBase.SetPort(const Value: integer); begin if FPort <> Value then begin Active := False; FPort := Value; end; end; end.