{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.9 10/26/2004 8:45:26 PM JPMugaas Should compile. Rev 1.8 10/26/2004 8:42:58 PM JPMugaas Should be more portable with new references to TIdStrings and TIdStringList. Rev 1.7 5/19/2004 10:44:28 PM DSiders Corrected spelling for TIdIPAddress.MakeAddressObject method. Rev 1.6 2/3/2004 11:34:26 AM JPMugaas Should compile. Rev 2/3/2004 11:32:26 AM JPMugaas Should compile. Rev 1.5 2/1/2004 2:44:20 AM JPMugaas Bindings editor should be fully functional including IPv6 support. Rev 1.4 2/1/2004 1:03:34 AM JPMugaas This now work properly in both Win32 and DotNET. The behavior had to change in DotNET because of some missing functionality and because implementing that functionality creates more problems than it would solve. Rev 1.3 2003.12.31 10:42:22 PM czhower Warning removed Rev 1.2 10/15/2003 10:12:32 PM DSiders Added localization comments. Rev 1.1 2003.10.11 5:47:46 PM czhower -VCL fixes for servers -Chain suport for servers (Super core) -Scheduler upgrades -Full yarn support Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 08:43:58 AM JPMugaas } unit IdDsnPropEdBindingVCL; interface {$I IdCompilerDefines.inc} uses Classes, {$IFDEF WIDGET_KYLIX} QActnList, QStdCtrls, QForms, QExtCtrls, QControls, QComCtrls, QGraphics, Qt, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIDGET_VCL_LIKE} ActnList, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, Graphics, Controls, ComCtrls, Forms, Dialogs, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_Types} Types, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LCL} LResources, {$ENDIF} IdSocketHandle; { Design Note: It turns out that in DotNET, there are no services file functions and IdPorts does not work as expected in DotNET. It is probably possible to read the services file ourselves but that creates some portability problems as the placement is different in every operating system. e.g. Linux and Unix-like systems - /etc Windows 95, 98, and ME - c:\windows Windows NT systems - c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc Thus, it will undercut whatever benefit we could get with DotNET. About the best I could think of is to use an edit control because we can't offer anything from the services file in DotNET. TODO: Maybe there might be a way to find the location in a more elegant manner than what I described. } type TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL = class(TForm) {$IFDEF USE_TBitBtn} btnOk: TBitBtn; btnCancel: TBitBtn; {$ELSE} btnOk: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; {$ENDIF} lblBindings: TLabel; edtPort: TComboBox; rdoBindingType: TRadioGroup; lblIPAddress: TLabel; lblPort: TLabel; btnNew: TButton; btnDelete: TButton; ActionList1: TActionList; btnBindingsNew: TAction; btnBindingsDelete: TAction; edtIPAddress: TComboBox; lbBindings: TListBox; procedure btnBindingsNewExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure btnBindingsDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure btnBindingsDeleteUpdate(Sender: TObject); procedure edtPortKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure edtIPAddressChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtPortChange(Sender: TObject); procedure rdoBindingTypeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbBindingsClick(Sender: TObject); private procedure SetHandles(const Value: TIdSocketHandles); procedure SetIPv4Addresses(const Value: TStrings); procedure SetIPv6Addresses(const Value: TStrings); procedure UpdateBindingList; protected FInUpdateRoutine : Boolean; FHandles : TIdSocketHandles; FDefaultPort : Integer; FIPv4Addresses : TStrings; FIPv6Addresses : TStrings; fCreatedStack : Boolean; FCurrentHandle : TIdSocketHandle; procedure UpdateEditControls; function PortDescription(const PortNumber: integer): string; public Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); overload; override; constructor Create; reintroduce; overload; Destructor Destroy; override; function Execute : Boolean; function GetList: string; procedure SetList(const AList: string); property Handles : TIdSocketHandles read FHandles write SetHandles; property DefaultPort : Integer read FDefaultPort write FDefaultPort; property IPv4Addresses : TStrings read FIPv4Addresses write SetIPv4Addresses; property IPv6Addresses : TStrings read FIPv6Addresses write SetIPv6Addresses; end; var IdPropEdBindingEntry: TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL; procedure FillHandleList(const AList: string; ADest: TIdSocketHandles); function GetListValues(const ASocketHandles : TIdSocketHandles) : String; implementation uses IdGlobal, IdIPAddress, IdDsnCoreResourceStrings, IdStack, IdStackBSDBase, SysUtils; const IPv6Wildcard1 = '::'; {do not localize} {CH IPv6Wildcard2 = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'; } {do not localize} IPv6Loopback = '::1'; {do not localize} IPv4Wildcard = ''; {do not localize} IPv4Loopback = ''; {do not localize} function IsValidIP(const AAddr : String): Boolean; var LIP : TIdIPAddress; begin LIP := TIdIPAddress.MakeAddressObject(AAddr); Result := Assigned(LIP); if Result then begin FreeAndNil(LIP); end; end; procedure FillHandleList(const AList: string; ADest: TIdSocketHandles); var LItems: TStringList; i: integer; LIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; LAddr, LText: string; LPort: integer; LSocket: TIdSocketHandle; begin ADest.Clear; LItems := TStringList.Create; try LItems.CommaText := AList; for i := 0 to LItems.Count-1 do begin if Length(LItems[i]) > 0 then begin if TextStartsWith(LItems[i], '[') then begin // ipv6 LIPVersion := Id_IPv6; LText := Copy(LItems[i], 2, MaxInt); LAddr := Fetch(LText, ']:'); LPort := StrToIntDef(LText, -1); end else begin // ipv4 LIPVersion := Id_IPv4; LText := LItems[i]; LAddr := Fetch(LText, ':'); LPort := StrToIntDef(LText, -1); //Note that 0 is legal and indicates the server binds to a random port end; if IsValidIP(LAddr) and (LPort > -1) and (LPort < 65536) then begin LSocket := ADest.Add; LSocket.IPVersion := LIPVersion; LSocket.IP := LAddr; LSocket.Port := LPort; end; end; end; finally LItems.Free; end; end; { TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL } function NumericOnly(const AText : String) : String; var i : Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(AText) do begin if IsNumeric(AText[i]) then begin Result := Result + AText[i]; end else begin Break; end; end; if Length(Result) = 0 then begin Result := '0'; end; end; function IndexOfNo(const ANo : Integer; AStrings : TStrings) : Integer; begin for Result := 0 to AStrings.Count-1 do begin if ANo = IndyStrToInt(NumericOnly(AStrings[Result])) then begin Exit; end; end; Result := -1; end; function GetDisplayString(ASocketHandle: TIdSocketHandle): string; begin Result := ''; case ASocketHandle.IPVersion of Id_IPv4 : Result := Format('%s:%d',[ASocketHandle.IP, ASocketHandle.Port]); Id_IPv6 : Result := Format('[%s]:%d',[ASocketHandle.IP, ASocketHandle.Port]); end; end; function GetListValues(const ASocketHandles : TIdSocketHandles) : String; var i : Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to ASocketHandles.Count -1 do begin Result := Result + ',' + GetDisplayString(ASocketHandles[i]); end; Delete(Result,1,1); end; constructor TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var i : Integer; LLocalAddresses: TIdStackLocalAddressList; begin inherited CreateNew(AOwner, 0); {$IFNDEF WIDGET_KYLIX} Borderstyle := bsDialog; {$ENDIF} BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]; // Width := 480; // Height := 252; ClientWidth := 472; {$IFDEF USE_TBitBtn} ClientHeight := 230; {$ELSE} ClientHeight := 225; {$ENDIF} Constraints.MaxWidth := Width; Constraints.MaxHeight := Height; Constraints.MinWidth := Width; Constraints.MinHeight := Height; Position := poScreenCenter; lblBindings := TLabel.Create(Self); lbBindings := TListBox.Create(Self); ActionList1 := TActionList.Create(Self); btnBindingsNew := TAction.Create(Self); btnBindingsDelete := TAction.Create(Self); btnNew := TButton.Create(Self); btnDelete := TButton.Create(Self); lblIPAddress := TLabel.Create(Self); edtIPAddress := TComboBox.Create(Self); lblPort := TLabel.Create(Self); edtPort := TComboBox.Create(Self); rdoBindingType := TRadioGroup.Create(Self); {$IFDEF USE_TBitBtn} btnOk := TBitBtn.Create(Self); btnCancel := TBitBtn.Create(Self); {$ELSE} btnOk := TButton.Create(Self); btnCancel := TButton.Create(Self); {$ENDIF} lblBindings.Name := 'lblBindings'; {do not localize} lblBindings.Parent := Self; lblBindings.Left := 8; lblBindings.Top := 8; lblBindings.Width := 35; lblBindings.Height := 13; lblBindings.Caption := '&Binding'; {do not localize} lbBindings.Name := 'lbBindings'; {do not localize} lbBindings.Parent := Self; lbBindings.Left := 8; lbBindings.Top := 24; lbBindings.Width := 137; lbBindings.Height := 161; lbBindings.ItemHeight := 13; lbBindings.TabOrder := 8; lbBindings.OnClick := lbBindingsClick; ActionList1.Name := 'ActionList1'; {do not localize} { ActionList1.Left := 152; ActionList1.Top := 32; } btnBindingsNew.Name := 'btnBindingsNew'; {do not localize} btnBindingsNew.Caption := RSBindingNewCaption; btnBindingsNew.OnExecute := btnBindingsNewExecute; btnBindingsDelete.Name := 'btnBindingsDelete'; {do not localize} btnBindingsDelete.Caption := RSBindingDeleteCaption; btnBindingsDelete.OnExecute := btnBindingsDeleteExecute; btnBindingsDelete.OnUpdate := btnBindingsDeleteUpdate; btnNew.Name := 'btnNew'; {do not localize} btnNew.Parent := Self; btnNew.Left := 152; btnNew.Top := 72; btnNew.Width := 75; btnNew.Height := 25; btnNew.Action := btnBindingsNew; btnNew.TabOrder := 6; btnDelete.Name := 'btnDelete'; {do not localize} btnDelete.Parent := Self; btnDelete.Left := 152; btnDelete.Top := 104; btnDelete.Width := 75; btnDelete.Height := 25; btnDelete.Action := btnBindingsDelete; btnDelete.TabOrder := 7; lblIPAddress.Name := 'lblIPAddress'; {do not localize} lblIPAddress.Parent := Self; lblIPAddress.Left := 240; lblIPAddress.Top := 8; lblIPAddress.Width := 54; lblIPAddress.Height := 13; lblIPAddress.Caption := RSBindingHostnameLabel; lblIPAddress.Enabled := False; edtIPAddress.Name := 'edtIPAddress'; {do not localize} edtIPAddress.Parent := Self; edtIPAddress.Left := 240; edtIPAddress.Top := 24; edtIPAddress.Width := 221; edtIPAddress.Height := 21; edtIPAddress.Enabled := False; edtIPAddress.ItemHeight := 13; edtIPAddress.TabOrder := 3; edtIPAddress.OnChange := edtIPAddressChange; lblPort.Name := 'lblPort'; {do not localize} lblPort.Parent := Self; lblPort.Left := 240; lblPort.Top := 56; lblPort.Width := 22; lblPort.Height := 13; lblPort.Caption := RSBindingPortLabel; lblPort.Enabled := False; lblPort.FocusControl := edtPort; edtPort.Name := 'edtPort'; {do not localize} edtPort.Parent := Self; edtPort.Left := 240; edtPort.Top := 72; edtPort.Width := 221; edtPort.Height := 21; edtPort.Enabled := False; edtPort.ItemHeight := 13; edtPort.TabOrder := 4; edtPort.OnChange := edtPortChange; edtPort.OnKeyPress := edtPortKeyPress; rdoBindingType.Name := 'rdoBindingType'; {do not localize} rdoBindingType.Parent := Self; rdoBindingType.Left := 240; rdoBindingType.Top := 120; rdoBindingType.Width := 221; rdoBindingType.Height := 65; rdoBindingType.Caption := RSBindingIPVerLabel; rdoBindingType.Enabled := False; rdoBindingType.Items.Add(RSBindingIPV4Item); rdoBindingType.Items.Add(RSBindingIPV6Item); rdoBindingType.TabOrder := 5; rdoBindingType.OnClick := rdoBindingTypeClick; btnOk.Name := 'btnOk'; {do not localize} btnOk.Parent := Self; btnOk.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; btnOk.Left := 306; btnOk.Top := 193; btnOk.Width := 75; {$IFDEF USE_TBitBtn} btnOk.Height := 30; btnOk.Kind := bkOk; {$ELSE} btnOk.Height := 25; btnOk.Caption := RSOk; btnOk.Default := True; btnOk.ModalResult := 1; {$ENDIF} btnOk.TabOrder := 0; btnCancel.Name := 'btnCancel'; {do not localize} btnCancel.Parent := Self; btnCancel.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; btnCancel.Left := 386; btnCancel.Top := 193; btnCancel.Width := 75; {$IFDEF USE_TBitBtn} btnCancel.Height := 30; btnCancel.Kind := bkCancel; {$ELSE} btnCancel.Height := 25; btnCancel.Cancel := True; btnCancel.Caption := RSCancel; btnCancel.ModalResult := 2; {$ENDIF} btnCancel.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; btnCancel.TabOrder := 1; FHandles := TIdSocketHandles.Create(nil); FIPv4Addresses := TStringList.Create; FIPv6Addresses := TStringList.Create; SetIPv4Addresses(nil); SetIPv6Addresses(nil); TIdStack.IncUsage; try LLocalAddresses := TIdStackLocalAddressList.Create; try GStack.GetLocalAddressList(LLocalAddresses); for i := 0 to LLocalAddresses.Count-1 do begin case LLocalAddresses[i].IPVersion of Id_IPv4: FIPv4Addresses.Add(LLocalAddresses[i].IPAddress); Id_IPv6: FIPv6Addresses.Add(LLocalAddresses[i].IPAddress); end; end; finally LLocalAddresses.Free; end; finally TIdStack.DecUsage; end; edtPort.Items.BeginUpdate; try edtPort.Items.Add(PortDescription(0)); for i := 0 to IdPorts.Count - 1 do begin edtPort.Items.Add( PortDescription( {$IFDEF HAS_GENERICS_TList} IdPorts[i] {$ELSE} PtrInt(IdPorts[i]) {$ENDIF} ) ); end; finally edtPort.Items.EndUpdate; end; AutoScroll := False; Caption := RSBindingFormCaption; {$IFDEF WIDGET_VCL} Scaled := False; {$ENDIF} Font.Color := clBtnText; Font.Height := -11; Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; {Do not Localize} Font.Style := []; Position := poScreenCenter; PixelsPerInch := 96; FInUpdateRoutine := False; UpdateEditControls; end; destructor TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FIPv4Addresses); FreeAndNil(FIPv6Addresses); FreeAndNil(FHandles); inherited Destroy; end; function TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.PortDescription(const PortNumber: integer): string; var LList: TStringList; begin if PortNumber = 0 then begin Result := IndyFormat('%d: %s', [PortNumber, RSBindingAny]); end else begin Result := ''; {Do not Localize} LList := TStringList.Create; try GBSDStack.AddServByPortToList(PortNumber, LList); if LList.Count > 0 then begin Result := Format('%d: %s', [PortNumber, LList.CommaText]); {Do not Localize} end; finally LList.Free; end; end; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.SetHandles(const Value: TIdSocketHandles); begin FHandles.Assign(Value); UpdateBindingList; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.btnBindingsNewExecute(Sender: TObject); begin FCurrentHandle := FHandles.Add; FCurrentHandle.IP := IPv4Wildcard; FCurrentHandle.Port := FDefaultPort; UpdateBindingList; edtIPAddress.Items.Assign(FIPv4Addresses); UpdateEditControls; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.UpdateEditControls; var i : Integer; begin if Assigned(FCurrentHandle) then begin i := IndexOfNo(FCurrentHandle.Port,edtPort.Items); if i = -1 then begin edtPort.Text := IntToStr(FCurrentHandle.Port); end else begin edtPort.ItemIndex := i; end; case FCurrentHandle.IPVersion of Id_IPv4 : begin rdoBindingType.ItemIndex := 0; edtIPAddress.Items.Assign(FIPv4Addresses); end; Id_IPv6 : begin rdoBindingType.ItemIndex := 1; edtIPAddress.Items.Assign(FIPv6Addresses); end; end; if edtIPAddress.Style = csDropDown then begin edtIPAddress.Text := FCurrentHandle.IP; end else begin edtIPAddress.ItemIndex := edtIPAddress.Items.IndexOf(FCurrentHandle.IP); end; end else begin edtIPAddress.Text := ''; //in LCL, the line below caused an index out of range error. {$IFDEF WIDGET_VCL} edtPort.ItemIndex := -1; //-2; {$ENDIF} edtPort.Text := ''; end; lblIPAddress.Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); edtIPAddress.Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); lblPort.Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); edtPort.Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); rdoBindingType.Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); {$IFDEF WIDGET_KYLIX} //WOrkaround for CLX quirk that might be Kylix 1 for i := 0 to rdoBindingType.ControlCount -1 do begin rdoBindingType.Controls[i].Enabled := Assigned(FCurrentHandle); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIDGET_VCL_LIKE} //The Win32 VCL does not change the control background to a greyed look //when controls are disabled. This quirk is not present in CLX. if Assigned(FCurrentHandle) then begin edtIPAddress.Color := clWindow; edtPort.Color := clWindow; end else begin edtIPAddress.Color := clBtnFace; edtPort.Color := clBtnFace; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.btnBindingsDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); var LSH : TIdSocketHandle; begin if lbBindings.ItemIndex >= 0 then begin // Delete is not available in D4's collection classes // This should work just as well. LSH := Handles[lbBindings.ItemIndex]; FreeAndNil(LSH); FCurrentHandle := nil; UpdateBindingList; end; lbBindingsClick(nil); UpdateEditControls; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.btnBindingsDeleteUpdate(Sender: TObject); begin btnBindingsDelete.Enabled := lbBindings.ItemIndex >= 0; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.SetIPv4Addresses(const Value: TStrings); begin if Assigned(Value) then begin FIPv4Addresses.Assign(Value); end; // Ensure that these two are always present if FIPv4Addresses.IndexOf(IPv6Loopback) = -1 then begin FIPv4Addresses.Insert(0, IPv4Loopback); end; if FIPv4Addresses.IndexOf(IPv4Wildcard) = -1 then begin FIPv4Addresses.Insert(0, IPv4Wildcard); end; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.SetIPv6Addresses(const Value: TStrings); begin if Assigned(Value) then begin FIPv6Addresses.Assign(Value); end; // Ensure that these two are always present if FIPv6Addresses.IndexOf(IPv6Loopback) = -1 then begin FIPv6Addresses.Insert(0, IPv6Loopback); end; if FIPv6Addresses.IndexOf(IPv6Wildcard1) = -1 then begin FIPv6Addresses.Insert(0, IPv6Wildcard1); end; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.edtPortKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // RLebeau 1/7/09: using Char() for #128-#255 because in D2009, the compiler // may change characters >= #128 from their Ansi codepage value to their true // Unicode codepoint value, depending on the codepage used for the source code. // For instance, #128 may become #$20AC... if (Key > Chr(31)) and (Key < Chr(128)) then begin if not IsNumeric(Key) then begin Key := #0; end; end; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.edtIPAddressChange(Sender: TObject); begin FCurrentHandle.IP := edtIPAddress.Text; UpdateBindingList; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.edtPortChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FCurrentHandle) then begin FCurrentHandle.Port := IndyStrToInt(NumericOnly(edtPort.Text), 0); end; UpdateBindingList; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.rdoBindingTypeClick(Sender: TObject); begin case rdoBindingType.ItemIndex of 0 : begin if FCurrentHandle.IPVersion <> Id_IPv4 then begin FCurrentHandle.IPVersion := Id_IPv4; edtIPAddress.Items.Assign(FIPv4Addresses); FCurrentHandle.IP := IPv4Wildcard; end; end; 1 : begin if FCurrentHandle.IPVersion <> Id_IPv6 then begin FCurrentHandle.IPVersion := Id_IPv6; edtIPAddress.Items.Assign(FIPv6Addresses); FCurrentHandle.IP := IPv6Wildcard1; end; end; end; UpdateEditControls; UpdateBindingList; end; function TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.GetList: string; begin Result := GetListValues(Handles); end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.lbBindingsClick(Sender: TObject); begin if lbBindings.ItemIndex >= 0 then begin FCurrentHandle := FHandles[lbBindings.ItemIndex]; end else begin FCurrentHandle := nil; end; UpdateEditControls; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.SetList(const AList: string); begin FCurrentHandle := nil; FillHandleList(AList, Handles); UpdateBindingList; UpdateEditControls; end; procedure TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.UpdateBindingList; var i: integer; selected: integer; s: string; begin //in Lazarus, for some odd reason, if you have more than one binding, //the routine is called while the items are updated if FInUpdateRoutine then begin Exit; end; FInUpdateRoutine := True; try selected := lbBindings.ItemIndex; lbBindings.Items.BeginUpdate; try if lbBindings.Items.Count = FHandles.Count then begin for i := 0 to FHandles.Count - 1 do begin s := GetDisplayString(FHandles[i]); if s <> lbBindings.Items[i] then begin lbBindings.Items[i] := s; end; end; end else begin lbBindings.Items.Clear; for i := 0 to FHandles.Count-1 do begin lbBindings.Items.Add(GetDisplayString(FHandles[i])); end; end; finally lbBindings.Items.EndUpdate; if Assigned(FCurrentHandle) then begin lbBindings.ItemIndex := FCurrentHandle.Index; end else begin lbBindings.ItemIndex := IndyMin(selected, lbBindings.Items.Count-1); end; end; finally FInUpdateRoutine := False; end; end; function TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.Execute: Boolean; begin Result := ShowModal = mrOk; end; constructor TIdDsnPropEdBindingVCL.Create; begin Create(nil); end; end.