{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.10 11/12/2004 11:30:16 AM JPMugaas Expansions for IPv6. Rev 1.9 11/11/2004 10:25:22 PM JPMugaas Added OpenProxy and CloseProxy so you can do RecvFrom and SendTo functions from the UDP client with SOCKS. You must call OpenProxy before using RecvFrom or SendTo. When you are finished, you must use CloseProxy to close any connection to the Proxy. Connect and disconnect also call OpenProxy and CloseProxy. Rev 1.8 11/11/2004 3:42:52 AM JPMugaas Moved strings into RS. Socks will now raise an exception if you attempt to use SOCKS4 and SOCKS4A with UDP. Those protocol versions do not support UDP at all. Rev 1.7 11/9/2004 8:18:00 PM JPMugaas Attempt to add SOCKS support in UDP. Rev 1.6 6/6/2004 11:51:56 AM JPMugaas Fixed TODO with an exception Rev 1.5 2004.02.03 4:17:04 PM czhower For unit name changes. Rev 1.4 10/15/2003 10:59:06 PM DSiders Corrected spelling error in resource string name. Added resource string for circular links exception in transparent proxy. Rev 1.3 10/15/2003 10:10:18 PM DSiders Added localization comments. Rev 1.2 5/16/2003 9:22:38 AM BGooijen Added Listen(...) Rev 1.1 5/14/2003 6:41:00 PM BGooijen Added Bind(...) Rev 1.0 12/2/2002 05:01:26 PM JPMugaas Rechecked in due to file corruption. } unit IdCustomTransparentProxy; interface {$I IdCompilerDefines.inc} //we need to put this in Delphi mode to work uses Classes, IdComponent, IdException, IdGlobal, IdIOHandler, IdSocketHandle, IdBaseComponent; type EIdTransparentProxyCircularLink = class(EIdException); EIdTransparentProxyUDPNotSupported = class(EIdException); TIdCustomTransparentProxyClass = class of TIdCustomTransparentProxy; TIdCustomTransparentProxy = class(TIdComponent) protected FHost: String; FPassword: String; FPort: TIdPort; FIPVersion : TIdIPVersion; FUsername: String; {$IFDEF USE_OBJECT_ARC}[Weak]{$ENDIF} FChainedProxy: TIdCustomTransparentProxy; // function GetEnabled: Boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure SetEnabled(AValue: Boolean); virtual; procedure MakeConnection(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); virtual; abstract; {$IFNDEF USE_OBJECT_ARC} procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; {$ENDIF} procedure SetChainedProxy(const AValue: TIdCustomTransparentProxy); public procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override; procedure OpenUDP(AHandle : TIdSocketHandle; const AHost: string = ''; const APort: TIdPort = 0; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); virtual; procedure CloseUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle); virtual; function RecvFromUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle; var ABuffer : TIdBytes; var VPeerIP: string; var VPeerPort: TIdPort; var VIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): Integer; virtual; procedure SendToUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; const ABuffer : TIdBytes); virtual; procedure Connect(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); // procedure Bind(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION);overload;virtual; procedure Bind(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const APort: TIdPort); overload; function Listen(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const ATimeOut: Integer): Boolean; virtual; // property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled; property Host: String read FHost write FHost; property Password: String read FPassword write FPassword; property Port: TIdPort read FPort write FPort; property IPVersion : TIdIPVersion read FIPVersion write FIPVersion default ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; property Username: String read FUsername write FUsername; property ChainedProxy: TIdCustomTransparentProxy read FChainedProxy write SetChainedProxy; end; implementation uses IdResourceStringsCore, IdExceptionCore; { TIdCustomTransparentProxy } procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Assign(ASource: TPersistent); var LSource: TIdCustomTransparentProxy; Begin if ASource is TIdCustomTransparentProxy then begin LSource := TIdCustomTransparentProxy(ASource); FHost := LSource.Host; FPassword := LSource.Password; FPort := LSource.Port; FIPVersion := LSource.IPVersion; FUsername := LSource.Username; end else begin inherited Assign(ASource); end; End;// procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Connect(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); var // under ARC, convert a weak reference to a strong reference before working with it LChainedProxy: TIdCustomTransparentProxy; begin LChainedProxy := FChainedProxy; if Assigned(LChainedProxy) and LChainedProxy.Enabled then begin MakeConnection(AIOHandler, LChainedProxy.Host, LChainedProxy.Port); LChainedProxy.Connect(AIOHandler, AHost, APort, AIPVersion); end else begin MakeConnection(AIOHandler, AHost, APort, AIPVersion); end; end; function TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Listen(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const ATimeOut: integer):boolean; begin raise EIdTransparentProxyCantBind.Create(RSTransparentProxyCannotBind); end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Bind(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); begin raise EIdTransparentProxyCantBind.Create(RSTransparentProxyCannotBind); end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Bind(AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler; const APort: TIdPort); begin Bind(AIOHandler, '', APort); {do not localize} end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.SetEnabled(AValue: Boolean); Begin End; // under ARC, all weak references to a freed object get nil'ed automatically {$IFNDEF USE_OBJECT_ARC} procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FChainedProxy) then begin FChainedProxy := nil; end; inherited Notification(AComponent,Operation); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.SetChainedProxy(const AValue: TIdCustomTransparentProxy); var LNextValue: TIdCustomTransparentProxy; // under ARC, convert a weak reference to a strong reference before working with it LChainedProxy: TIdCustomTransparentProxy; begin LChainedProxy := FChainedProxy; if LChainedProxy <> AValue then begin LNextValue := AValue; while Assigned(LNextValue) do begin if LNextValue = Self then begin raise EIdTransparentProxyCircularLink.CreateFmt(RSInterceptCircularLink, [ClassName]);// -> One EIDCircularLink exception end; LNextValue := LNextValue.ChainedProxy; end; // under ARC, all weak references to a freed object get nil'ed automatically {$IFNDEF USE_OBJECT_ARC} if Assigned(LChainedProxy) then begin LChainedProxy.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); end; {$ENDIF} FChainedProxy := AValue; {$IFNDEF USE_OBJECT_ARC} if Assigned(AValue) then begin AValue.FreeNotification(Self); end; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.CloseUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle); begin raise EIdTransparentProxyUDPNotSupported.Create(RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP); end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.OpenUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle; const AHost: string = ''; const APort: TIdPort = 0; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion = ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION); begin raise EIdTransparentProxyUDPNotSupported.Create(RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP); end; function TIdCustomTransparentProxy.RecvFromUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle; var ABuffer : TIdBytes; var VPeerIP: string; var VPeerPort: TIdPort; var VIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): Integer; begin raise EIdTransparentProxyUDPNotSupported.Create(RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP); end; procedure TIdCustomTransparentProxy.SendToUDP(AHandle: TIdSocketHandle; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; const ABuffer : TIdBytes); begin raise EIdTransparentProxyUDPNotSupported.Create(RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP); end; end.