{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.5 12/2/2004 9:26:44 PM JPMugaas Bug fix. Rev 1.4 11/11/2004 10:25:24 PM JPMugaas Added OpenProxy and CloseProxy so you can do RecvFrom and SendTo functions from the UDP client with SOCKS. You must call OpenProxy before using RecvFrom or SendTo. When you are finished, you must use CloseProxy to close any connection to the Proxy. Connect and disconnect also call OpenProxy and CloseProxy. Rev 1.3 11/11/2004 3:42:52 AM JPMugaas Moved strings into RS. Socks will now raise an exception if you attempt to use SOCKS4 and SOCKS4A with UDP. Those protocol versions do not support UDP at all. Rev 1.2 2004.05.20 11:39:12 AM czhower IdStreamVCL Rev 1.1 6/4/2004 5:13:26 PM SGrobety EIdMaxCaptureLineExceeded message string Rev 1.0 2004.02.03 4:19:50 PM czhower Rename Rev 1.15 10/24/2003 4:21:56 PM DSiders Addes resource string for stream read exception. Rev 1.14 2003.10.16 11:25:22 AM czhower Added missing ; Rev 1.13 10/15/2003 11:11:06 PM DSiders Added resource srting for exception raised in TIdTCPServer.SetScheduler. Rev 1.12 10/15/2003 11:03:00 PM DSiders Added resource string for circular links from transparent proxy. Corrected spelling errors. Rev 1.11 10/15/2003 10:41:34 PM DSiders Added resource strings for TIdStream and TIdStreamProxy exceptions. Rev 1.10 10/15/2003 8:48:56 PM DSiders Added resource strings for exceptions raised when setting thread component properties. Rev 1.9 10/15/2003 8:35:28 PM DSiders Added resource string for exception raised in TIdSchedulerOfThread.NewYarn. Rev 1.8 10/15/2003 8:04:26 PM DSiders Added resource strings for exceptions raised in TIdLogFile, TIdReply, and TIdIOHandler. Rev 1.7 10/15/2003 1:03:42 PM DSiders Created resource strings for TIdBuffer.Find exceptions. Rev 1.6 2003.10.14 1:26:44 PM czhower Uupdates + Intercept support Rev 1.5 10/1/2003 10:49:02 PM GGrieve Rework buffer for Octane Compability Rev 1.4 7/1/2003 8:32:32 PM BGooijen Added RSFibersNotSupported Rev 1.3 7/1/2003 02:31:34 PM JPMugaas Message for invalid IP address. Rev 1.2 5/14/2003 6:40:22 PM BGooijen RS for transparent proxy Rev 1.1 1/17/2003 05:06:04 PM JPMugaas Exceptions for scheduler string. Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 08:42:02 AM JPMugaas } unit IdResourceStringsCore; interface {$i IdCompilerDefines.inc} resourcestring RSNoBindingsSpecified = 'No bindings specified.'; RSCannotAllocateSocket = 'Cannot allocate socket.'; RSSocksUDPNotSupported = 'UDP is not support in this SOCKS version.'; RSSocksRequestFailed = 'Request rejected or failed.'; RSSocksRequestServerFailed = 'Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.'; RSSocksRequestIdentFailed = 'Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.'; RSSocksUnknownError = 'Unknown socks error.'; RSSocksServerRespondError = 'Socks server did not respond.'; RSSocksAuthMethodError = 'Invalid socks authentication method.'; RSSocksAuthError = 'Authentication error to socks server.'; RSSocksServerGeneralError = 'General SOCKS server failure.'; RSSocksServerPermissionError = 'Connection not allowed by ruleset.'; RSSocksServerNetUnreachableError = 'Network unreachable.'; RSSocksServerHostUnreachableError = 'Host unreachable.'; RSSocksServerConnectionRefusedError = 'Connection refused.'; RSSocksServerTTLExpiredError = 'TTL expired.'; RSSocksServerCommandError = 'Command not supported.'; RSSocksServerAddressError = 'Address type not supported.'; RSInvalidIPAddress = 'Invalid IP Address'; RSInterceptCircularLink = '%s: Circular links are not allowed'; RSNotEnoughDataInBuffer = 'Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)'; RSTooMuchDataInBuffer = 'Too much data in buffer.'; RSCapacityTooSmall = 'Capacity cannot be smaller than Size.'; RSBufferIsEmpty = 'No bytes in buffer.'; RSBufferRangeError = 'Index out of bounds.'; RSFileNotFound = 'File "%s" not found'; RSNotConnected = 'Not Connected'; RSObjectTypeNotSupported = 'Object type not supported.'; RSIdNoDataToRead = 'No data to read.'; RSReadTimeout = 'Read timed out.'; RSReadLnWaitMaxAttemptsExceeded = 'Max line read attempts exceeded.'; RSAcceptTimeout = 'Accept timed out.'; RSReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded = 'Max line length exceeded.'; RSRequiresLargeStream = 'Set LargeStream to True to send streams greater than 2GB'; RSDataTooLarge = 'Data is too large for stream'; RSConnectTimeout = 'Connect timed out.'; RSICMPNotEnoughtBytes = 'Not enough bytes received'; RSICMPNonEchoResponse = 'Non-echo type response received'; RSThreadTerminateAndWaitFor = 'Cannot call TerminateAndWaitFor on FreeAndTerminate threads'; RSAlreadyConnected = 'Already connected.'; RSTerminateThreadTimeout = 'Terminate Thread Timeout'; RSNoExecuteSpecified = 'No execute handler found.'; RSNoCommandHandlerFound = 'No command handler found.'; RSCannotPerformTaskWhileServerIsActive = 'Cannot perform task while server is active.'; RSThreadClassNotSpecified = 'Thread Class Not Specified.'; RSMaximumNumberOfCaptureLineExceeded = 'Maximum number of line allowed exceeded'; // S.G. 6/4/2004: IdIOHandler.DoCapture RSNoCreateListeningThread = 'Cannot create listening thread.'; RSInterceptIsDifferent = 'The IOHandler already has a different Intercept assigned'; //scheduler RSchedMaxThreadEx = 'The maximum number of threads for this scheduler is exceeded.'; //transparent proxy RSTransparentProxyCannotBind = 'Transparent proxy cannot bind.'; RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP = 'UDP Not supported by this proxy.'; //Fibers RSFibersNotSupported = 'Fibers are not supported on this system.'; // TIdICMPCast RSIPMCastInvalidMulticastAddress = 'The supplied IP address is not a valid multicast address [ to].'; RSIPMCastNotSupportedOnWin32 = 'This function is not supported on Win32.'; RSIPMCastReceiveError0 = 'IP Broadcast Receive Error = 0.'; // Log strings RSLogConnected = 'Connected.'; RSLogDisconnected = 'Disconnected.'; RSLogEOL = ''; // End of Line RSLogCR = ''; // Carriage Return RSLogLF = ''; // Line feed RSLogRecv = 'Recv '; // Receive RSLogSent = 'Sent '; // Send RSLogStat = 'Stat '; // Status RSLogFileAlreadyOpen = 'Unable to set Filename while log file is open.'; RSBufferMissingTerminator = 'Buffer terminator must be specified.'; RSBufferInvalidStartPos = 'Buffer start position is invalid.'; RSIOHandlerCannotChange = 'Cannot change a connected IOHandler.'; RSIOHandlerTypeNotInstalled = 'No IOHandler of type %s is installed.'; RSReplyInvalidCode = 'Reply Code is not valid: %s'; RSReplyCodeAlreadyExists = 'Reply Code already exists: %s'; RSThreadSchedulerThreadRequired = 'Thread must be specified for the scheduler.'; RSNoOnExecute = 'You must have an OnExecute event.'; RSThreadComponentLoopAlreadyRunning = 'Cannot set Loop property when the Thread is already running.'; RSThreadComponentThreadNameAlreadyRunning = 'Cannot set ThreadName when the Thread is already running.'; RSStreamProxyNoStack = 'A Stack has not been created for converting the data type.'; RSTransparentProxyCyclic = 'Transparent Proxy Cyclic error.'; RSTCPServerSchedulerAlreadyActive = 'Cannot change the scheduler while the server is Active.'; RSUDPMustUseProxyOpen = 'You must use proxyOpen'; //ICMP stuff RSICMPTimeout = 'Timeout'; //Destination Address -3 RSICMPNetUnreachable = 'net unreachable;'; RSICMPHostUnreachable = 'host unreachable;'; RSICMPProtUnreachable = 'protocol unreachable;'; RSICMPPortUnreachable = 'Port Unreachable'; RSICMPFragmentNeeded = 'Fragmentation Needed and Don''t Fragment was Set'; RSICMPSourceRouteFailed = 'Source Route Failed'; RSICMPDestNetUnknown = 'Destination Network Unknown'; RSICMPDestHostUnknown = 'Destination Host Unknown'; RSICMPSourceIsolated = 'Source Host Isolated'; RSICMPDestNetProhibitted = 'Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited'; RSICMPDestHostProhibitted = 'Communication with Destination Host is Administratively Prohibited'; RSICMPTOSNetUnreach = 'Destination Network Unreachable for Type of Service'; RSICMPTOSHostUnreach = 'Destination Host Unreachable for Type of Service'; RSICMPAdminProhibitted = 'Communication Administratively Prohibited'; RSICMPHostPrecViolation = 'Host Precedence Violation'; RSICMPPrecedenceCutoffInEffect = 'Precedence cutoff in effect'; //for IPv6 RSICMPNoRouteToDest = 'no route to destination'; RSICMPAAdminDestProhibitted = 'communication with destination administratively prohibited'; RSICMPSourceFilterFailed = 'source address failed ingress/egress policy'; RSICMPRejectRoutToDest = 'reject route to destination'; // Destination Address - 11 RSICMPTTLExceeded = 'time to live exceeded in transit'; RSICMPHopLimitExceeded = 'hop limit exceeded in transit'; RSICMPFragAsmExceeded = 'fragment reassembly time exceeded.'; //Parameter Problem - 12 RSICMPParamError = 'Parameter Problem (offset %d)'; //IPv6 RSICMPParamHeader = 'erroneous header field encountered (offset %d)'; RSICMPParamNextHeader = 'unrecognized Next Header type encountered (offset %d)'; RSICMPUnrecognizedOpt = 'unrecognized IPv6 option encountered (offset %d)'; //Source Quench Message -4 RSICMPSourceQuenchMsg = 'Source Quench Message'; //Redirect Message RSICMPRedirNet = 'Redirect datagrams for the Network.'; RSICMPRedirHost = 'Redirect datagrams for the Host.'; RSICMPRedirTOSNet = 'Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Network.'; RSICMPRedirTOSHost = 'Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Host.'; //echo RSICMPEcho = 'Echo'; //timestamp RSICMPTimeStamp = 'Timestamp'; //information request RSICMPInfoRequest = 'Information Request'; //mask request RSICMPMaskRequest = 'Address Mask Request'; // Traceroute RSICMPTracePacketForwarded = 'Outbound Packet successfully forwarded'; RSICMPTraceNoRoute = 'No route for Outbound Packet; packet discarded'; //conversion errors RSICMPConvUnknownUnspecError = 'Unknown/unspecified error'; RSICMPConvDontConvOptPresent = 'Don''t Convert option present'; RSICMPConvUnknownMandOptPresent = 'Unknown mandatory option present'; RSICMPConvKnownUnsupportedOptionPresent = 'Known unsupported option present'; RSICMPConvUnsupportedTransportProtocol = 'Unsupported transport protocol'; RSICMPConvOverallLengthExceeded = 'Overall length exceeded'; RSICMPConvIPHeaderLengthExceeded = 'IP header length exceeded'; RSICMPConvTransportProtocol_255 = 'Transport protocol > 255'; RSICMPConvPortConversionOutOfRange = 'Port conversion out of range'; RSICMPConvTransportHeaderLengthExceeded = 'Transport header length exceeded'; RSICMPConv32BitRolloverMissingAndACKSet = '32 Bit Rollover missing and ACK set'; RSICMPConvUnknownMandatoryTransportOptionPresent = 'Unknown mandatory transport option present'; //mobile host redirect RSICMPMobileHostRedirect = 'Mobile Host Redirect'; //IPv6 - Where are you RSICMPIPv6WhereAreYou = 'IPv6 Where-Are-You'; //IPv6 - I am here RSICMPIPv6IAmHere = 'IPv6 I-Am-Here'; // Mobile Regestration request RSICMPMobReg = 'Mobile Registration Request'; //Skip RSICMPSKIP = 'SKIP'; //Security RSICMPSecBadSPI = 'Bad SPI'; RSICMPSecAuthenticationFailed = 'Authentication Failed'; RSICMPSecDecompressionFailed = 'Decompression Failed'; RSICMPSecDecryptionFailed = 'Decryption Failed'; RSICMPSecNeedAuthentication = 'Need Authentication'; RSICMPSecNeedAuthorization = 'Need Authorization'; //IPv6 Packet Too Big RSICMPPacketTooBig = 'Packet Too Big (MTU = %d)'; { TIdCustomIcmpClient } // TIdSimpleServer RSCannotUseNonSocketIOHandler = 'Cannot use a non-socket IOHandler'; implementation end.