{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.15 12/2/2004 4:23:58 PM JPMugaas Adjusted for changes in Core. Rev 1.14 5/30/2004 7:50:44 PM DSiders Corrected case in ancestor for TIdCustomSocksServer. Rev 1.13 2004.03.03 10:28:48 AM czhower Removed warnings. Rev 1.12 2004.02.03 5:44:24 PM czhower Name changes Rev 1.11 1/21/2004 4:03:44 PM JPMugaas InitComponent Rev 1.10 2003.10.21 9:13:14 PM czhower Now compiles. Rev 1.9 2003.10.12 7:23:52 PM czhower Compile todos Rev 1.8 9/19/2003 04:27:04 PM JPMugaas Removed IdFTPServer so Indy can compile with Kudzu's new changes. Rev 1.7 9/16/2003 11:59:16 PM JPMugaas Should compile. Rev 1.6 1/20/2003 1:15:38 PM BGooijen Changed to TIdTCPServer / TIdCmdTCPServer classes Rev 1.5 1/17/2003 07:10:54 PM JPMugaas Now compiles under new framework. Rev 1.4 1/9/2003 06:09:36 AM JPMugaas Updated for IdContext API change. Rev 1.3 1/8/2003 05:53:50 PM JPMugaas Switched stuff to IdContext. Rev 1.2 12-8-2002 18:08:56 BGooijen Changed to use TIdIOHandlerStack for the .IPVersion Rev 1.1 12/7/2002 06:43:26 PM JPMugaas These should now compile except for Socks server. IPVersion has to be a property someplace for that. Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 08:01:18 AM JPMugaas } {*****************************************************************************} {* IdSocksServer.pas *} {*****************************************************************************} {*===========================================================================*} {* DESCRIPTION *} {*****************************************************************************} {* PROJECT : Indy 10 *} {* AUTHOR : Bas Gooijen (bas_gooijen@yahoo.com) *} {* MAINTAINER : Bas Gooijen *} {*...........................................................................*} {* DESCRIPTION *} {* Indy SOCKS 4/5 Server *} {* *} {* QUICK NOTES: *} {* Socks5 GSSAPI-authentication is NOT supported. *} {* UDP ASSOCIATE is NOT supported *} {*...........................................................................*} {* HISTORY *} {* DATE VERSION AUTHOR REASONS *} {* *} {* 19/05/2002 1.0 Bas Gooijen Initial start *} {* 24/05/2002 1.0 Bas Gooijen Added socks 5 authentication *} {* 08/06/2002 1.0 Bas Gooijen Revised code *} {* 08/09/2002 1.0 Bas Gooijen Added Socks 5 IPv6 Support *} {*****************************************************************************} unit IdSocksServer; interface {$i IdCompilerDefines.inc} uses Classes, IdAssignedNumbers, IdContext, IdCustomTCPServer, IdException, IdGlobal, IdTCPConnection, IdYarn, SysUtils; const IdSocksAuthNoAuthenticationRequired = 0; IdSocksAuthGSSApi = 1; IdSocksAuthUsernamePassword = 2; IdSocksAuthNoAcceptableMethods = $FF; IdSocks5ReplySuccess = 0; IdSocks5ReplyGeneralFailure = 1; IdSocks5ReplyConnNotAllowed = 2; IdSocks5ReplyNetworkUnreachable = 3; IdSocks5ReplyHostUnreachable = 4; IdSocks5ReplyConnRefused = 5; IdSocks5ReplyTTLExpired = 6; IdSocks5ReplyCmdNotSupported = 7; IdSocks5ReplyAddrNotSupported = 8; type EIdSocksSvrException = class(EIdException); EIdSocksSvrNotSupported = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrInvalidLogin = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrSocks5WrongATYP = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrWrongSocksVer = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrWrongSocksCmd = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrAccessDenied = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrUnexpectedClose = class(EIdSocksSvrException); EIdSocksSvrPeerMismatch = class(EIdSocksSvrException); TIdSocksServerContext = class(TIdServerContext) protected FIPVersion: TIdIPVersion; FUsername: string; FPassword: string; FSocksVersion: Byte; // either 4 or 5, or 0 when version not known yet public constructor Create(AConnection: TIdTCPConnection; AYarn: TIdYarn; AList: TIdContextThreadList = nil); override; property IPVersion: TIdIPVersion read FIPVersion; property Username: string read FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword; property SocksVersion: Byte read FSocksVersion; end; TIdOnAuthenticate = procedure(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var AAuthenticated: Boolean) of object; TIdOnBeforeEvent = procedure(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort; var VAllowed: Boolean) of object; TIdOnVerifyEvent = procedure(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost, APeer: string; var VAllowed: Boolean) of object; TIdCustomSocksServer = class(TIdCustomTCPServer) protected FNeedsAuthentication: Boolean; FAllowSocks4: Boolean; FAllowSocks5: Boolean; FOnAuthenticate: TIdOnAuthenticate; FOnBeforeSocksConnect: TIdOnBeforeEvent; FOnBeforeSocksBind: TIdOnBeforeEvent; FOnVerifyBoundPeer: TIdOnVerifyEvent; function DoExecute(AContext: TIdContext) : Boolean; override; procedure CommandConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); virtual; abstract; procedure CommandBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); virtual; abstract; function DoAuthenticate(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext): Boolean; virtual; function DoBeforeSocksConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort): Boolean; virtual; function DoBeforeSocksBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort): Boolean; virtual; function DoVerifyBoundPeer(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AExpected, AActual: string): Boolean; virtual; procedure HandleConnectV4(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VCommand: Byte; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort); virtual; procedure HandleConnectV5(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VCommand: Byte; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort); virtual; procedure InitComponent; override; published property DefaultPort default IdPORT_SOCKS; property AllowSocks4: Boolean read FAllowSocks4 write FAllowSocks4; property AllowSocks5: Boolean read FAllowSocks5 write FAllowSocks5; property NeedsAuthentication: Boolean read FNeedsAuthentication write FNeedsAuthentication; property OnAuthenticate: TIdOnAuthenticate read FOnAuthenticate write FOnAuthenticate; property OnBeforeSocksConnect: TIdOnBeforeEvent read FOnBeforeSocksConnect write FOnBeforeSocksConnect; property OnBeforeSocksBind: TIdOnBeforeEvent read FOnBeforeSocksBind write FOnBeforeSocksBind; property OnVerifyBoundPeer: TIdOnVerifyEvent read FOnVerifyBoundPeer write FOnVerifyBoundPeer; end; TIdSocksServer = class(TIdCustomSocksServer) protected procedure CommandConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); override; procedure CommandBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); override; end; TIdOnCommandEvent = procedure(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort) of object; TIdEventSocksServer = class(TIdCustomSocksServer) protected FOnCommandConnect: TIdOnCommandEvent; FOnCommandBind: TIdOnCommandEvent; procedure CommandConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort) ; override; procedure CommandBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); override; published property OnCommandConnect: TIdOnCommandEvent read FOnCommandConnect write FOnCommandConnect; property OnCommandBind: TIdOnCommandEvent read FOnCommandBind write FOnCommandBind; end; implementation uses IdGlobalProtocols, IdIOHandlerStack, IdIPAddress, IdResourceStringsProtocols, IdTcpClient, IdSimpleServer, IdSocketHandle, IdStack; function IPToBytes(AIP: string; const AIPVersion: TIdIPVersion): TIdBytes; var LIP: TIdIPAddress; begin if AIPVersion = Id_IPv4 then begin SetLength(Result, 4); end else begin SetLength(Result, 16); end; LIP := TIdIPAddress.MakeAddressObject(AIP, AIPVersion); try if Assigned(LIP) then begin CopyTIdBytes(LIP.HToNBytes, 0, Result, 0, Length(Result)); end else begin FillBytes(Result, Length(Result), 0); end; finally FreeAndNil(LIP); end; end; procedure TransferData(const FromConn, ToConn: TIdTCPConnection); const cMaxBufSize: Integer = 4096; var LBuffer: TMemoryStream; LAmount: Integer; function ReadFrom(AFrom: TIdTCPConnection): Integer; begin AFrom.IOHandler.CheckForDataOnSource(25); Result := IndyMin(AFrom.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Size, cMaxBufSize); if Result > 0 then begin LBuffer.Position := 0; AFrom.IOHandler.InputBuffer.ExtractToStream(LBuffer, Result); end; end; begin LBuffer := TMemoryStream.Create; try LBuffer.Size := cMaxBufSize; while FromConn.Connected and ToConn.Connected do begin // TODO: use TIdSocketList here LAmount := ReadFrom(FromConn); if LAmount > 0 then begin LBuffer.Position := 0; ToConn.IOHandler.Write(LBuffer, LAmount); end; LAmount := ReadFrom(ToConn); if LAmount > 0 then begin LBuffer.Position := 0; FromConn.IOHandler.Write(LBuffer, LAmount); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(LBuffer); end; end; function TIdCustomSocksServer.DoAuthenticate(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext): Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(OnAuthenticate); if Result then begin OnAuthenticate(AContext, Result); end; end; function TIdCustomSocksServer.DoBeforeSocksConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(OnBeforeSocksConnect) then begin OnBeforeSocksConnect(AContext, VHost, VPort, Result); end; end; function TIdCustomSocksServer.DoBeforeSocksBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(OnBeforeSocksBind) then begin OnBeforeSocksBind(AContext, VHost, VPort, Result); end; end; function TIdCustomSocksServer.DoVerifyBoundPeer(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AExpected, AActual: string): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(OnVerifyBoundPeer) then begin OnVerifyBoundPeer(AContext, AExpected, AActual, Result); end; end; procedure SendV4Response(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AStatus: Byte; const AIP: String = ''; const APort: TIdPort = 0); var LResponse: TIdBytes; begin SetLength(LResponse, 8); LResponse[0] := 4; // SOCKS version LResponse[1] := AStatus; CopyTIdUInt16(GStack.HostToNetwork(APort), LResponse, 2); CopyTIdBytes(IPToBytes(AIP, Id_IPv4), 0, LResponse, 4, 4); AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LResponse); end; procedure SendV5MethodResponse(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AMethod: Byte); var LResponse: TIdBytes; begin SetLength(LResponse, 2); LResponse[0] := 5; // SOCKS version LResponse[1] := AMethod; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LResponse); end; procedure SendV5AuthResponse(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AStatus: Byte); var LResponse: TIdBytes; begin SetLength(LResponse, 2); LResponse[0] := 1; // AUTH version LResponse[1] := AStatus; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LResponse); end; procedure SendV5Response(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AStatus: Byte; const AIP: String = ''; const APort: TIdPort = 0); const LTypes: array[TIdIPVersion] of Byte = ($1, $4); var LResponse, LIP: TIdBytes; begin LIP := IPToBytes(AIP, AContext.IPVersion); SetLength(LResponse, 4 + Length(LIP) + 2); LResponse[0] := 5; // SOCKS version LResponse[1] := AStatus; LResponse[2] := 0; LResponse[3] := LTypes[AContext.IPVersion]; CopyTIdBytes(LIP, 0, LResponse, 4, Length(LIP)); CopyTIdUInt16(GStack.HostToNetwork(APort), LResponse, 4+Length(LIP)); AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LResponse); end; procedure TIdCustomSocksServer.HandleConnectV4(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VCommand: Byte; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort); var LData: TIdBytes; LBinding: TIdSocketHandle; begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(LData, 7); VCommand := LData[0]; VPort := GStack.NetworkToHost(BytesToUInt16(LData, 1)); VHost := BytesToIPv4Str(LData, 3); AContext.FUsername := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn(#0); AContext.FPassword := ''; // According to the Socks 4a spec: // // "For version 4A, if the client cannot resolve the destination // host's domain name to find its IP address, it should set the first // three bytes of DSTIP to NULL and the last byte to a non-zero value. // // In other words, do not check for '' specifically, but '0.0.0.x' generically. // if VHost = '' then begin if (LData[3] = 0) and (LData[4] = 0) and (LData[5] = 0) and (LData[6] <> 0) then begin VHost := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn(#0); LBinding := AContext.Binding; if LBinding <> nil then begin AContext.FIPVersion := LBinding.IPVersion; end else begin AContext.FIPVersion := ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; end; end else begin AContext.FIPVersion := Id_IPv4; end; if not DoAuthenticate(AContext) then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 93); AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrInvalidLogin.Create(RSSocksSvrInvalidLogin); end; Sendv4Response(AContext, 90); end; procedure TIdCustomSocksServer.HandleConnectV5(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; var VCommand: Byte; var VHost: string; var VPort: TIdPort); var LType: Byte; LMethods, LData: TIdBytes; LIP6: TIdIPv6Address; I: Integer; LBinding: TIdSocketHandle; begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(LMethods, AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte); if not NeedsAuthentication then begin AContext.FUsername := ''; AContext.FPassword := ''; SendV5MethodResponse(AContext, IdSocksAuthNoAuthenticationRequired); end else begin if ByteIndex(IdSocksAuthUsernamePassword, LMethods) = -1 then begin SendV5MethodResponse(AContext, IdSocksAuthNoAcceptableMethods); AContext.Connection.Disconnect; // not sure the server has to disconnect raise EIdSocksSvrNotSupported.Create(RSSocksSvrNotSupported); end; SendV5MethodResponse(AContext, IdSocksAuthUsernamePassword); AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; //subversion, we don't need it. AContext.FUsername := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadString(AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte); AContext.FPassword := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadString(AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte); if not DoAuthenticate(AContext) then begin SendV5AuthResponse(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyGeneralFailure); AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrInvalidLogin.Create(RSSocksSvrInvalidLogin); end; SendV5AuthResponse(AContext, IdSocks5ReplySuccess); end; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; // socks version, should be 5 VCommand := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; // reserved, should be 0 LType := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; case LType of 1: begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(LData, 6); VHost := BytesToIPv4Str(LData); VPort := GStack.NetworkToHost(BytesToUInt16(LData, 4)); AContext.FIPVersion := Id_IPv4; end; 3: begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(LData, AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte+2); VHost := BytesToString(LData, 0, Length(LData)-2); VPort := GStack.NetworkToHost(BytesToUInt16(LData, Length(LData)-2)); LBinding := AContext.Binding; if LBinding <> nil then begin AContext.FIPVersion := LBinding.IPVersion; end else begin AContext.FIPVersion := ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; end; end; 4: begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(LData, 18); BytesToIPv6(LData, LIP6); for I := 0 to 7 do begin LIP6[I] := GStack.NetworkToHost(LIP6[I]); end; VHost := IPv6AddressToStr(LIP6); VPort := GStack.NetworkToHost(BytesToUInt16(LData, 16)); AContext.FIPVersion := Id_IPv6; end; else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyAddrNotSupported); AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrSocks5WrongATYP.Create(RSSocksSvrWrongATYP); end; end; end; function TIdCustomSocksServer.DoExecute(AContext: TIdContext): Boolean; var LCommand: Byte; LHost: string; LPort: TIdPort; LContext: TIdSocksServerContext; begin //just to keep the compiler happy Result := True; LContext := AContext as TIdSocksServerContext; LContext.FSocksVersion := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; if not (((LContext.SocksVersion = 4) and AllowSocks4) or ((LContext.SocksVersion = 5) and AllowSocks5)) then begin raise EIdSocksSvrWrongSocksVer.Create(RSSocksSvrWrongSocksVersion); end; case LContext.SocksVersion of 4: HandleConnectV4(LContext, LCommand, LHost, LPort); 5: HandleConnectV5(LContext, LCommand, LHost, LPort); end; case LCommand of 1: CommandConnect(LContext, LHost, LPort); 2: CommandBind(LContext, LHost, LPort); //3: //udp bind else begin case LContext.SocksVersion of 4: SendV4Response(LContext, 93); 5: SendV5Response(LContext, IdSocks5ReplyCmdNotSupported); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrWrongSocksCmd.Create(RSSocksSvrWrongSocksCommand); end; end; end; procedure TIdSocksServer.CommandConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); var LClient: TIdTCPClient; LHost: String; LPort: TIdPort; begin LHost := AHost; LPort := APort; if not DoBeforeSocksConnect(AContext, LHost, LPort) then begin if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 91); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyConnNotAllowed); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrAccessDenied.Create(RSSocksSvrAccessDenied); end; LClient := nil; try try LClient := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil); LClient.Port := LPort; LClient.Host := LHost; LClient.IPVersion := AContext.IPVersion; LClient.ConnectTimeout := 120000; // 2 minutes // TODO: fire an event here so the user can customize the LClient as // needed (enable SSL, etc) before connecting to the target Host... LClient.Connect; except if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 91); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyHostUnreachable); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise; end; if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 90, LClient.Socket.Binding.IP, LClient.Socket.Binding.Port); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplySuccess, LClient.Socket.Binding.IP, LClient.Socket.Binding.Port); end; TransferData(AContext.Connection, LClient); LClient.Disconnect; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; finally FreeAndNil(LClient); end; end; procedure TIdSocksServer.CommandBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); var LServer: TIdSimpleServer; LHost: String; LPort: TIdPort; begin LHost := AHost; LPort := APort; if not DoBeforeSocksBind(AContext, LHost, LPort) then begin if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 91); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyConnNotAllowed); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrAccessDenied.Create(RSSocksSvrAccessDenied); end; LServer := nil; try try LServer := TIdSimpleServer.Create(nil); LServer.IPVersion := AContext.IPVersion; LServer.BeginListen; except if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 91); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyGeneralFailure); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise; end; if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 90, LServer.Binding.IP, LServer.Binding.Port); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplySuccess, LServer.Binding.IP, LServer.Binding.Port); end; try LServer.Listen(120000); // 2 minutes except if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 93); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyGeneralFailure); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise; end; // verify that the connected host is the one actually expected if not DoVerifyBoundPeer(AContext, LHost, LServer.Binding.PeerIP) then begin LServer.Disconnect; if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 91); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplyGeneralFailure); end; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; raise EIdSocksSvrPeerMismatch.Create(RSSocksSvrPeerMismatch); end; if AContext.SocksVersion = 4 then begin SendV4Response(AContext, 90, LServer.Binding.PeerIP, LServer.Binding.PeerPort); end else begin SendV5Response(AContext, IdSocks5ReplySuccess, LServer.Binding.PeerIP, LServer.Binding.PeerPort); end; TransferData(AContext.Connection, LServer); LServer.Disconnect; AContext.Connection.Disconnect; finally FreeAndNil(LServer); end; end; procedure TIdEventSocksServer.CommandConnect(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); begin if Assigned(FOnCommandConnect) then begin FOnCommandConnect(AContext, AHost, APort); end; end; procedure TIdEventSocksServer.CommandBind(AContext: TIdSocksServerContext; const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort); begin if Assigned(FOnCommandBind) then begin FOnCommandBind(AContext, AHost, APort); end; end; { Constructor / Destructors } procedure TIdCustomSocksServer.InitComponent; begin inherited InitComponent; FContextClass := TIdSocksServerContext; DefaultPort := IdPORT_SOCKS; AllowSocks4 := True; AllowSocks5 := True; NeedsAuthentication := False; end; { TIdSocksServerContext } constructor TIdSocksServerContext.Create(AConnection: TIdTCPConnection; AYarn: TIdYarn; AList: TIdContextThreadList = nil); begin inherited Create(AConnection, AYarn, AList); FIPVersion := ID_DEFAULT_IP_VERSION; FUsername := ''; FPassword := ''; FSocksVersion := 0; end; end.