{ $Project$ $Workfile$ $Revision$ $DateUTC$ $Id$ This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website. (http://www.indyproject.org/) Copyright: (c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. } { $Log$ } { Rev 1.31 12/2/2004 4:23:56 PM JPMugaas Adjusted for changes in Core. Rev 1.30 10/26/2004 10:33:46 PM JPMugaas Updated refs. Rev 1.29 5/16/04 5:22:54 PM RLebeau Added try...finally to CommandPost() Rev 1.28 3/1/2004 1:02:58 PM JPMugaas Fixed for new code. Rev 1.27 2004.02.03 5:44:10 PM czhower Name changes Rev 1.26 1/21/2004 3:26:58 PM JPMugaas InitComponent Rev 1.25 1/1/04 1:22:04 AM RLebeau Bug fix for parameter parsing in CommandNewNews() that was testing the ASender.Params.Count incorrectly. Rev 1.24 2003.10.21 9:13:12 PM czhower Now compiles. Rev 1.23 10/19/2003 5:39:52 PM DSiders Added localization comments. Rev 1.22 2003.10.18 9:42:10 PM czhower Boatload of bug fixes to command handlers. Rev 1.21 2003.10.12 4:04:02 PM czhower compile todos Rev 1.20 9/19/2003 03:30:10 PM JPMugaas Now should compile again. Rev 1.19 9/17/2003 10:41:56 PM PIonescu Fixed small mem leak in CommandPost Rev 1.18 8/6/2003 6:13:50 PM SPerry Message-ID Integer - > string Rev 1.17 8/2/2003 03:53:00 AM JPMugaas Unit needed to be added to uses clause. Rev 1.16 8/1/2003 8:21:38 PM SPerry Rev 1.13 5/26/2003 04:28:02 PM JPMugaas Removed GenerateReply and ParseResponse calls because those functions are being removed. Rev 1.12 5/26/2003 12:23:48 PM JPMugaas Rev 1.11 5/25/2003 03:50:48 AM JPMugaas Rev 1.10 5/21/2003 2:25:04 PM BGooijen changed due to change in IdCmdTCPServer from ReplyExceptionCode: Integer to ReplyException: TIdReply Rev 1.9 3/26/2003 04:18:26 PM JPMugaas Now supports implicit and explicit TLS. Rev 1.7 3/17/2003 08:55:52 AM JPMugaas Missing reply texts. Rev 1.6 3/16/2003 08:30:24 AM JPMugaas Reenabled ExplicitTLS according to http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-tls-nntp-00.txt. Support is still preliminary. Rev 1.5 1/20/2003 1:15:34 PM BGooijen Changed to TIdTCPServer / TIdCmdTCPServer classes Rev 1.4 1/17/2003 07:10:40 PM JPMugaas Now compiles under new framework. Rev 1.3 1/9/2003 06:09:28 AM JPMugaas Updated for IdContext API change. Rev 1.2 1/8/2003 05:53:38 PM JPMugaas Switched stuff to IdContext. Rev 1.1 12/7/2002 06:43:14 PM JPMugaas These should now compile except for Socks server. IPVersion has to be a property someplace for that. Rev 1.0 11/13/2002 07:58:00 AM JPMugaas July 2002 -Kudzu - Fixes to Authorization and other parts Oct/Nov 2001 -Kudzu - Rebuild from scratch for proper use of command handlers and around new architecture. 2001-Jul-31 Jim Gunkel Reorganized for command handlers 2001-Jun-28 Pete Mee Begun transformation to TIdCommandHandler 2000-Apr-22 Mark L. Holmes Ported to Indy 2000-Mar-27 Final Version 2000-Jan-13 MTL Moved to new Palette Scheme (Winshoes Servers) } unit IdNNTPServer; interface {$i IdCompilerDefines.inc} { Original Author: Ozz Nixon (Winshoes 7) } uses Classes, IdAssignedNumbers, IdContext, IdCustomTCPServer, IdYarn, IdCommandHandlers, IdException, IdGlobal, IdServerIOHandler, IdCmdTCPServer, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPServer, IdReply; (* For more information on NNTP visit http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/ RFC 977 - A Proposed Standard for the Stream-Based Transmission of News RFC 2980 - Common NNTP Extensions RFC 1036 - Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages RFC 822 - Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-base-20.txt *) (* Responses 100 help text follows 199 debug output 200 server ready - posting allowed 201 server ready - no posting allowed 202 slave status noted 205 closing connection - goodbye! 211 n f l s group selected 215 list of newsgroups follows 220 n article retrieved - head and body follow 221 n article retrieved - head follows 222 n article retrieved - body follows 223 n article retrieved - request text separately 230 list of new articles by message-id follows 231 list of new newsgroups follows 235 article transferred ok 240 article posted ok 281 Authentication accepted 335 send article to be transferred. End with . 340 send article to be posted. End with . 381 More authentication information required 400 service discontinued 411 no such news group 412 no newsgroup has been selected 420 no current article has been selected 421 no next article in this group 422 no previous article in this group 423 no such article number in this group 430 no such article found 435 article not wanted - do not send it 436 transfer failed - try again later 437 article rejected - do not try again. 440 posting not allowed 441 posting failed 480 Authentication required 482 Authentication rejected 500 command not recognized 501 command syntax error 502 access restriction or permission denied 503 program fault - command not performed *) const DEF_NNTP_IMPLICIT_TLS = False; type EIdNNTPServerException = class(EIdException); TIdNNTPAuthType = (atUserPass, atSimple, atGeneric); TIdNNTPAuthTypes = set of TIdNNTPAuthType; TIdNNTPLookupType = (ltLookupError, ltLookupByMsgId, ltLookupByMsgNo); TIdNNTPContext = class(TIdServerContext) protected FAuthenticated : Boolean; FAuthenticator: string; FAuthEmail: String; FAuthParams: string; FAuthType: TIdNNTPAuthType; FCurrentArticle: Int64; FCurrentGroup: string; FModeReader: Boolean; FPassword: string; FUserName: string; function GetUsingTLS: Boolean; function GetCanUseExplicitTLS: Boolean; function GetTLSIsRequired: Boolean; procedure GenerateAuthEmail; public constructor Create( AConnection: TIdTCPConnection; AYarn: TIdYarn; AList: TIdContextThreadList = nil ); override; // property Authenticated: Boolean read FAuthenticated; property Authenticator: string read FAuthenticator; property AuthEmail: String read FAuthEmail; property AuthParams: string read FAuthParams; property AuthType: TIdNNTPAuthType read FAuthType; property CurrentArticle: Int64 read FCurrentArticle; property CurrentGroup: string read FCurrentGroup; property ModeReader: Boolean read FModeReader; property Password: string read FPassword; property UserName: string read FUserName; property UsingTLS : Boolean read GetUsingTLS; property CanUseExplicitTLS: Boolean read GetCanUseExplicitTLS; property TLSIsRequired: Boolean read GetTLSIsRequired; end; TIdNNTPOnAuth = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; var VAccept: Boolean) of object; TIdNNTPOnNewGroupsList = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const ADateStamp : TDateTime; const ADistributions : String) of object; TIdNNTPOnNewNews = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const Newsgroups : String; const ADateStamp : TDateTime; const ADistributions : String) of object; TIdNNTPOnIHaveCheck = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgID : String; VAccept : Boolean) of object; TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgNo: Int64) of object; TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByID = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgID: string) of object; TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgNo = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgNo: Int64; var VMsgID: string) of object; TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgID = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgId : string; var VMsgNo : Int64) of object; //this has to be a separate event type in case a NNTP client selects a message //by Message ID instead of Index number. If that happens, the user has to //to return the index number. NNTP Clients setting STAT by Message ID is not //a good idea but is valid. TIdNNTPOnMovePointer = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; var AMsgNo: Int64; var VMsgID: string) of object; TIdNNTPOnPost = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; var VPostOk: Boolean; var VErrorText: string) of object; TIdNNTPOnSelectGroup = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AGroup: string; var VMsgCount: Int64; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64; var VGroupExists: Boolean) of object; TIdNNTPOnCheckListGroup = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AGroup: string; var VCanJoin : Boolean; var VFirstArticle : Int64) of object; TIdNNTPOnXHdr = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AHeaderName : String; const AMsgFirst: Int64; const AMsgLast: Int64; const AMsgID: String) of object; TIdNNTPOnXOver = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgFirst: Int64; const AMsgLast: Int64) of object; TIdNNTPOnXPat = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AHeaderName : String; const AMsgFirst: Int64; const AMsgLast: Int64; const AMsgID: String; const AHeaderPattern: String) of object; TIdNNTPOnAuthRequired = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const ACommand, AParams : string; var VRequired: Boolean) of object; TIdNNTPOnListPattern = procedure(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AGroupPattern: String) of object; TIdNNTPServer = class(TIdExplicitTLSServer) protected FHelp: TStrings; FDistributionPatterns: TStrings; FOverviewFormat: TStrings; FSupportedAuthTypes: TIdNNTPAuthTypes; FOnArticleById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById; FOnArticleByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo; FOnBodyById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById; FOnBodyByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo; FOnHeadById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById; FOnHeadByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo; FOnCheckMsgId: TidNNTPOnCheckMsgId; FOnCheckMsgNo: TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgNo; FOnStatMsgId : TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById; FOnStatMsgNo : TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo; FOnNextArticle : TIdNNTPOnMovePointer; FOnPrevArticle : TIdNNTPOnMovePointer; //LISTGROUP events - Gravity uses these FOnCheckListGroup : TIdNNTPOnCheckListGroup; FOnListActiveGroups: TIdNNTPOnListPattern; FOnListActiveGroupTimes: TIdNNTPOnListPattern; FOnListDescriptions : TIdNNTPOnListPattern; FOnListDistributions : TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListExtensions: TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListHeaders: TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListSubscriptions : TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListGroup : TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListGroups: TIdServerThreadEvent; FOnListNewGroups : TIdNNTPOnNewGroupsList; FOnPost: TIdNNTPOnPost; FOnSelectGroup: TIdNNTPOnSelectGroup; FOnXHdr: TIdNNTPOnXHdr; FOnXOver: TIdNNTPOnXOver; FOnXROver: TIdNNTPOnXOver; FOnXPat: TIdNNTPOnXPat; FOnNewNews : TIdNNTPOnNewNews; FOnIHaveCheck : TIdNNTPOnIHaveCheck; FOnIHavePost: TIdNNTPOnPost; FOnAuth: TIdNNTPOnAuth; FOnAuthRequired: TIdNNTPOnAuthRequired; function SecLayerRequired(ASender: TIdCommand) : Boolean; function AuthRequired(ASender: TIdCommand): Boolean; function DoCheckMsgID(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgID: String): Int64; function DoCheckMsgNo(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgNo: Int64): String; //return MsgID - AThread.CurrentArticlePointer already set function RawNavigate(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; AEvent : TIdNNTPOnMovePointer) : String; procedure CommandArticle(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandAuthInfoUser(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandAuthInfoPassword(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandAuthInfoSimple(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandAuthInfoGeneric(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandBody(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandDate(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandHead(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandHelp(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandGroup(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandIHave(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandLast(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandList(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListActiveGroups(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListActiveTimes(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListDescriptions(ASender: TidCommand); procedure CommandListDistributions(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListDistribPats(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListExtensions(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListGroup(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListHeaders(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListOverview(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandListSubscriptions(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandModeReader(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandNewGroups(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandNewNews(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandNext(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandPost(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandSlave(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandStat(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandXHdr(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandXOver(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandXROver(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandXPat(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure CommandSTARTTLS(ASender: TIdCommand); procedure DoListGroups(AContext: TIdNNTPContext); procedure DoSelectGroup(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AGroup: string; var VMsgCount: Int64; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64; var VGroupExists: Boolean); procedure InitializeCommandHandlers; override; procedure SetDistributionPatterns(AValue: TStrings); procedure SetHelp(AValue: TStrings); procedure SetOverviewFormat(AValue: TStrings); function GetImplicitTLS: Boolean; procedure SetImplicitTLS(const AValue: Boolean); procedure InitComponent; override; function LookupMessage(ASender : TidCommand; var VNo : Int64; var VId : string) : TIdNNTPLookupType; function LookupMessageRange(ASender: TIdCommand; const AData: String; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64) : Boolean; function LookupMessageRangeOrID(ASender: TIdCommand; const AData: String; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64; var VMsgID: String) : Boolean; public destructor Destroy; override; class function NNTPTimeToTime(const ATimeStamp : String): TDateTime; class function NNTPDateTimeToDateTime(const ATimeStamp: string): TDateTime; published property DistributionPatterns: TStrings read FDistributionPatterns write SetDistributionPatterns; property Help: TStrings read FHelp write SetHelp; property ImplicitTLS : Boolean read GetImplicitTLS write SetImplicitTLS default DEF_NNTP_IMPLICIT_TLS; // deprecated 'Use UseTLS property'; property DefaultPort default IdPORT_NNTP; property UseTLS; property OverviewFormat: TStrings read FOverviewFormat write SetOverviewFormat; property SupportedAuthTypes: TIdNNTPAuthTypes read FSupportedAuthTypes write FSupportedAuthTypes; property OnArticleById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById read FOnArticleById write FOnArticleById; property OnArticleByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo read FOnArticleByNo write FOnArticleByNo; property OnAuth: TIdNNTPOnAuth read FOnAuth write FOnAuth; property OnAuthRequired : TIdNNTPOnAuthRequired read FOnAuthRequired write FOnAuthRequired; property OnBodyById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById read FOnBodyById write FOnBodyById; property OnBodyByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo read FOnBodyByNo write FOnBodyByNo; property OnCheckMsgNo: TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgNo read FOnCheckMsgNo write FOnCheckMsgNo; property OnCheckMsgID: TidNNTPOnCheckMsgId read FOnCheckMsgId write FOnCheckMsgId; property OnHeadById: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById read FOnHeadById write FOnHeadById; property OnHeadByNo: TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo read FOnHeadByNo write FOnHeadByNo; property OnIHaveCheck : TIdNNTPOnIHaveCheck read FOnIHaveCheck write FOnIHaveCheck; property OnIHavePost: TIdNNTPOnPost read FOnIHavePost write FOnIHavePost; property OnStatMsgId : TIdNNTPOnMsgDataById read FOnStatMsgId write FOnStatMsgId; property OnStatMsgNo : TIdNNTPOnMsgDataByNo read FOnStatMsgNo write FOnStatMsgNo; //You are responsible for writing event handlers for these instead of us incrementing //and decrimenting the pointer. This design permits you to implement article expirity, //cancels, and supercedes property OnNextArticle : TIdNNTPOnMovePointer read FOnNextArticle write FOnNextArticle; property OnPrevArticle : TIdNNTPOnMovePointer read FOnPrevArticle write FOnPrevArticle; property OnCheckListGroup : TIdNNTPOnCheckListGroup read FOnCheckListGroup write FOnCheckListGroup; property OnListActiveGroups: TIdNNTPOnListPattern read FOnListActiveGroups write FOnListActiveGroups; property OnListActiveGroupTimes: TIdNNTPOnListPattern read FOnListActiveGroupTimes write FOnListActiveGroupTimes; property OnListDescriptions : TIdNNTPOnListPattern read FOnListDescriptions write FOnListDescriptions; property OnListDistributions : TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListDistributions write FOnListDistributions; property OnListExtensions : TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListExtensions write FOnListExtensions; property OnListGroup : TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListGroup write FOnListGroup; property OnListGroups: TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListGroups write FOnListGroups; property OnListHeaders : TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListHeaders write FOnListHeaders; property OnListNewGroups : TIdNNTPOnNewGroupsList read FOnListNewGroups write FOnListNewGroups; property OnListSubscriptions : TIdServerThreadEvent read FOnListSubscriptions write FOnListSubscriptions; property OnNewNews : TIdNNTPOnNewNews read FOnNewNews write FOnNewNews; property OnSelectGroup: TIdNNTPOnSelectGroup read FOnSelectGroup write FOnSelectGroup; property OnPost: TIdNNTPOnPost read FOnPost write FOnPost; property OnXHdr: TIdNNTPOnXHdr read FOnXHdr write FOnXHdr; property OnXOver: TIdNNTPOnXOver read FOnXOver write FOnXOver; property OnXPat: TIdNNTPOnXPat read FOnXPat write FOnXPat; property OnXROver: TIdNNTPOnXOver read FOnXROver write FOnXROver; end; implementation uses {$IFDEF USE_VCL_POSIX} Posix.SysTime, Posix.Time, {$ENDIF} IdGlobalProtocols, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdResourceStringsProtocols, IdReplyRFC, IdStack, IdSSL, SysUtils; {CH const AuthTypes: array [1..2] of string = ('USER', 'PASS'); } {Do not localize} class function TIdNNTPServer.NNTPTimeToTime(const ATimeStamp : String): TDateTime; var LHr, LMn, LSec : Word; LTimeStr : String; begin if ATimeStamp <> '' then {do not localize} begin LHr := IndyStrToInt(Copy(ATimeStamp,1,2), 1); LMn := IndyStrToInt(Copy(ATimeStamp,3,4), 1); LSec := IndyStrToInt(Copy(ATimeStamp,5,6), 1); Result := EncodeTime(LHr, LMn, LSec, 0); LTimeStr := Trim(Copy(ATimeStamp,7,MaxInt)); if TextIsSame(LTimeStr, 'GMT') then {do not localize} begin // Apply local offset Result := Result + OffsetFromUTC; end; end else begin Result := 0.0; end; end; class function TIdNNTPServer.NNTPDateTimeToDateTime(const ATimeStamp : String): TDateTime; var LYr, LMo, LDay : Word; LTimeStr : String; LDateStr : String; begin Result := 0; if ATimeStamp <> '' then {do not localize} begin LTimeStr := ATimeStamp; LDateStr := Fetch(LTimeStr); if Length(LDateStr) > 6 then begin //four digit year, good idea - IMAO LYr := IndyStrToInt(Copy(LDateStr,1,4), 1969); Delete(LDateStr,1,4); end else begin LYr := IndyStrToInt(Copy(LDateStr,1,2), 69); Delete(LDateStr,1,2); Inc(LYr, 2000); end; LMo := IndyStrToInt(Copy(LDateStr,1,2), 1); Delete(LDateStr,1,2); LDay := IndyStrToInt(Copy(LDateStr,1,2), 1); Delete(LDateStr,1,2); Result := EncodeDate(LYr, LMo, LDay) + NNTPTimeToTime(LTimeStr); end; end; (* 3.1. The ARTICLE, BODY, HEAD, and STAT commands There are two forms to the ARTICLE command (and the related BODY, HEAD, and STAT commands), each using a different method of specifying which article is to be retrieved. When the ARTICLE command is followed by a message-id in angle brackets ("<" and ">"), the first form of the command is used; when a numeric parameter or no parameter is supplied, the second form is invoked. The text of the article is returned as a textual response, as described earlier in this document. The HEAD and BODY commands are identical to the ARTICLE command except that they respectively return only the header lines or text body of the article. The STAT command is similar to the ARTICLE command except that no text is returned. When selecting by message number within a group, the STAT command serves to set the current article pointer without sending text. The returned acknowledgement response will contain the message-id, which may be of some value. Using the STAT command to select by message-id is valid but of questionable value, since a selection by message-id does NOT alter the "current article pointer". 3.1.1. ARTICLE (selection by message-id) ARTICLE Display the header, a blank line, then the body (text) of the specified article. Message-id is the message id of an article as shown in that article's header. It is anticipated that the client will obtain the message-id from a list provided by the NEWNEWS command, from references contained within another article, or from the message-id provided in the response to some other commands. Please note that the internally-maintained "current article pointer" is NOT ALTERED by this command. This is both to facilitate the presentation of articles that may be referenced within an article being read, and because of the semantic difficulties of determining the proper sequence and membership of an article which may have been posted to more than one newsgroup. 3.1.2. ARTICLE (selection by number) ARTICLE [nnn] Displays the header, a blank line, then the body (text) of the current or specified article. The optional parameter nnn is the numeric id of an article in the current newsgroup and must be chosen from the range of articles provided when the newsgroup was selected. If it is omitted, the current article is assumed. The internally-maintained "current article pointer" is set by this command if a valid article number is specified. [the following applies to both forms of the article command.] A response indicating the current article number, a message-id string, and that text is to follow will be returned. The message-id string returned is an identification string contained within angle brackets ("<" and ">"), which is derived from the header of the article itself. The Message-ID header line (required by RFC850) from the article must be used to supply this information. If the message-id header line is missing from the article, a single digit "0" (zero) should be supplied within the angle brackets. Since the message-id field is unique with each article, it may be used by a news reading program to skip duplicate displays of articles that have been posted more than once, or to more than one newsgroup. 3.1.3. Responses 220 n article retrieved - head and body follow (n = article number, = message-id) 221 n article retrieved - head follows 222 n article retrieved - body follows 223 n article retrieved - request text separately 412 no newsgroup has been selected 420 no current article has been selected 423 no such article number in this group 430 no such article found *) // Note - we dont diffentiate between 423 and 430, we always return 430 procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandArticle(ASender: TIdCommand); var LMsgID: string; LMsgNo: Int64; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin case LookupMessage(ASender, LMsgNo, LMsgID) of ltLookupByMsgId: begin if Assigned(FOnArticleById) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - head and body follow'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnArticleById(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgId); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; ltLookupByMsgNo: begin if Assigned(FOnArticleByNo) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - head and body follow'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnArticleByNo(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgNo); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; // ltLookupError is already handled inside of LookupMessage() end; end; end; end; // Note - we dont diffentiate between 423 and 430, we always return 430 procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandBody(ASender: TIdCommand); var LMsgID: string; LMsgNo: Int64; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin case LookupMessage(ASender, LMsgNo, LMsgID) of ltLookupByMsgId: begin if Assigned(FOnBodyById) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - body follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnBodyById(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgId); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; ltLookupByMsgNo: begin if Assigned(FOnBodyByNo) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - body follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnBodyByNo(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgNo); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; // ltLookupError is already handled inside of LookupMessage() end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandDate(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(111, FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnss', Now + TimeZoneBias)); {do not localize} end; end; {* 3.3. The HELP command 3.3.1. HELP HELP Provides a short summary of commands that are understood by this implementation of the server. The help text will be presented as a textual response, terminated by a single period on a line by itself. 3.3.2. Responses 100 help text follows *} procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandHelp(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if Help.Count > 0 then begin ASender.Response.Assign(Help); end else begin ASender.Response.Text := 'No help available.'; {do not localize} end; end; (* 3.2. The GROUP command 3.2.1. GROUP GROUP ggg The required parameter ggg is the name of the newsgroup to be selected (e.g. "net.news"). A list of valid newsgroups may be obtained from the LIST command. The successful selection response will return the article numbers of the first and last articles in the group, and an estimate of the number of articles on file in the group. It is not necessary that the estimate be correct, although that is helpful; it must only be equal to or larger than the actual number of articles on file. (Some implementations will actually count the number of articles on file. Others will just subtract first article number from last to get an estimate.) When a valid group is selected by means of this command, the internally maintained "current article pointer" is set to the first article in the group. If an invalid group is specified, the previously selected group and article remain selected. If an empty newsgroup is selected, the "current article pointer" is in an indeterminate state and should not be used. Note that the name of the newsgroup is not case-dependent. It must otherwise match a newsgroup obtained from the LIST command or an error will result. 3.2.2. Responses 211 n f l s group selected (n = estimated number of articles in group, f = first article number in the group, l = last article number in the group, s = name of the group.) 411 no such news group *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandGroup(ASender: TIdCommand); var LGroup: string; LGroupExists: Boolean; LMsgCount: Int64; LMsgFirst: Int64; LMsgLast: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin LGroup := Trim(ASender.UnparsedParams); LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); DoSelectGroup(LContext, LGroup, LMsgCount, LMsgFirst, LMsgLast, LGroupExists); if LGroupExists then begin LContext.FCurrentGroup := LGroup; ASender.Reply.SetReply(211, IndyFormat('%d %d %d %s', [LMsgCount, LMsgFirst, LMsgLast, LGroup])); {do not localize} end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandHead(ASender: TIdCommand); // Note - we dont diffentiate between 423 and 430, we always return 430 var LMsgID: string; LMsgNo: Int64; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin case LookupMessage(ASender, LMsgNo, LMsgID) of ltLookupByMsgId: begin if Assigned(FOnHeadById) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - head follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnHeadById(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgID); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; ltLookupByMsgNo: begin if Assigned(FOnHeadByNo) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - head follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnHeadByNo(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgNo); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; // ltLookupError is already handled inside of LookupMessage() end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandIHave(ASender: TIdCommand); var LContext : TIdNNTPContext; LMsgID : String; LAccept:Boolean; LErrorText : String; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LMsgID := Trim(ASender.UnparsedParams); if TextStartsWith(LMsgID, '<') then begin {do not localize} if Assigned(FOnIHaveCheck) and Assigned(FOnPost) then begin FOnIHaveCheck(LContext, LMsgID, LAccept); if LAccept then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(335, 'send article to be transferred. End with .'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; LErrorText := ''; {do not localize} FOnPost(LContext, LAccept, LErrorText); ASender.Reply.SetReply(iif(LAccept, 235, 436), LErrorText); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 435; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandLast(ASender: TIdCommand); var LMsgNo: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; LMsgID : String; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnPrevArticle) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); //we do this in a round about way in case there is no previous article at all LMsgNo := LContext.CurrentArticle; LMsgID := RawNavigate(LContext, FOnPrevArticle); if LMsgID <> '' then begin {do not localize} ASender.Reply.SetReply(223, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - request text separately'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 430; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 3.6. The LIST command 3.6.1. LIST LIST Returns a list of valid newsgroups and associated information. Each newsgroup is sent as a line of text in the following format: group last first p where is the name of the newsgroup, is the number of the last known article currently in that newsgroup, is the number of the first article currently in the newsgroup, and

is either 'y' or 'n' indicating whether posting to this newsgroup is allowed ('y') or prohibited ('n'). The and fields will always be numeric. They may have leading zeros. If the field evaluates to less than the field, there are no articles currently on file in the newsgroup. Note that posting may still be prohibited to a client even though the LIST command indicates that posting is permitted to a particular newsgroup. See the POST command for an explanation of client prohibitions. The posting flag exists for each newsgroup because some newsgroups are moderated or are digests, and therefore cannot be posted to; that is, articles posted to them must be mailed to a moderator who will post them for the submitter. This is independent of the posting permission granted to a client by the NNTP server. Please note that an empty list (i.e., the text body returned by this command consists only of the terminating period) is a possible valid response, and indicates that there are currently no valid newsgroups. 3.6.2. Responses 215 list of newsgroups follows *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandList(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin ASender.SendReply; DoListGroups(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context)); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; end; end; (* 7.6.1 LIST ACTIVE Usage Syntax LIST ACTIVE [wildmat] Responses 215 Information follows (multiline) Parameters wildmat = groups of interest Description The LIST ACTIVE command with no arguments returns a list of valid newsgroups and associated information. The server MUST include every group that the client is permitted to select with the GROUP (Section 6.1.1) command. Each newsgroup is sent as a line of text in the following format: group high low status where: "group" is the name of the newsgroup; "high" is the reported high water mark for the group; "low" is the reported low water mark for the group; "status" is the current status of the group on this server. Each field in the line is separated from its neighboring fields by one or more spaces. Note that an empty list is a possible valid response, and indicates that there are currently no valid newsgroups. The reported high and low water marks are as described in the GROUP command (see Section 6.1.1). The status field is typically one of: "y" posting is permitted "n" posting is not permitted "m" postings will be forwarded to the newsgroup moderator The server SHOULD use these values when these meanings are required and MUST NOT use them with any other meaning. Other values for the status may exist; the definition of these other values and the circumstances under which they are returned may be specified in an extension or may be private to the server. A client SHOULD treat an unrecognised status as giving no information. The status of a newsgroup only indicates how posts to that newsgroup are normally processed and is not necessarily customised to the specific client. For example, if the current client is forbidden from posting, then this will apply equally to groups with status "y". Conversely, a client with special privileges (not defined by this specification) might be able to post to a group with status "n". If the optional wildmat argument is specified, the response is limited to only the groups (if any) whose names match the wildmat. If no wildmat is specified, the keyword ACTIVE MAY be omitted without altering the effect of the command. *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListActiveGroups(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnListActiveGroups) then begin ASender.SendReply; FOnListActiveGroups(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), ASender.UnparsedParams); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 7.6.2 LIST ACTIVE.TIMES Usage This command is optional. Syntax LIST ACTIVE.TIMES [wildmat] Responses 215 Information follows (multiline) Parameters wildmat = groups of interest Description The active.times list is maintained by some news transport systems to contain information about who created a particular newsgroup and when. Each line of this list consists of three fields separated from each other by one or more spaces. The first field is the name of the newsgroup. The second is the time when this group was created on this news server, measured in seconds since the start of January 1, 1970. The third is plain text intended to describe the entity that created the newsgroup; it is often a mailbox as defined in RFC 2822 [RFC2822]. The list MAY omit newsgroups for which the information is unavailable and MAY include groups not available on the server; in particular, it MAY omit all groups created before the date and time of the oldest entry. The client MUST NOT assume that the list is complete or that it matches the list returned by LIST ACTIVE. The NEWGROUPS command (Section 7.3) may provide a better way to access this information and the results of the two commands SHOULD be consistent (subject to the caveats in the description of that command). If the information is available, it is returned as a multi-line response following the 215 response code. If the optional wildmat argument is specified, the response is limited to only the groups (if any) whose names match the wildmat and for which the information is available. Note that an empty list is a possible valid response (whether or not a wildmat is specified) and indicates that there are no such groups. Responses 215 information follows 503 program error, function not performed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListActiveTimes(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnListActiveGroupTimes) then begin ASender.SendReply; FOnListActiveGroupTimes(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), ASender.UnparsedParams); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; end; end; (* 2. Newsreader Extensions 2.1.6 LIST NEWSGROUPS LIST NEWSGROUPS [wildmat] The newsgroups file is maintained by some news transport systems to contain the name of each news group which is active on the server and a short description about the purpose of each news group. Each line in the file contains two fields, the news group name and a short explanation of the purpose of that news group. When executed, the information is displayed following the 215 response. When display is completed, the server will send a period on a line by itself. If the information is not available, the server will return the 503 response. If the optional matching parameter is specified, the list is limited to only the groups that match the pattern (no matching is done on the group descriptions). Specifying a single group is usually very efficient for the server, and multiple groups may be specified by using wildmat patterns (similar to file globbing), not regular expressions. If nothing is matched an empty list is returned, not an error. When the optional parameter is specified, this command is equivalent to the XGTITLE command, though the response code are different. 215 information follows 503 program error, function not performed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListDescriptions(ASender: TidCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnListDescriptions) then begin ASender.SendReply; FOnListDescriptions(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), ASender.UnparsedParams); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; end; end; (* 2. Newsreader Extensions 2.1.4 LIST DISTRIBUTIONS LIST DISTRIBUTIONS The distributions file is maintained by some news transport systems to contain information about valid values for the Distribution: line in a news article header and about what the values mean. Each line contains two fields, the value and a short explanation on the meaning of the value. When executed, the information is displayed following the 215 response. When display is completed, the server will send a period on a line by itself. If the information is not available, the server will return the 503 error response. This command first appeared in the UNIX reference version. Responses 215 information follows 503 program error, function not performed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListDistributions(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnListDistributions) then begin ASender.SendReply; FOnListDistributions(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context)); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; end; end; (* 7.6.4 LIST DISTRIB.PATS Usage This command is optional. Syntax LIST DISTRIB.PATS Responses 215 Information follows (multiline) Description The distrib.pats list is maintained by some news transport systems to choose a value for the content of the Distribution header of a news article being posted. Each line of this list consists of three fields separated from each other by a colon (":"). The first field is a weight, the second field is a wildmat (which may be a simple group name), and the third field is a value for the Distribution header content. The client MAY use this information to construct an appropriate Distribution header given the name of a newsgroup. To do so, it should determine the lines whose second field matches the newsgroup name, select from among them the line with the highest weight (with 0 being the lowest), and use the value of the third field to construct the Distribution header. If the information is available, it is returned as a multi-line response following the 215 response code. *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListDistribPats(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if DistributionPatterns.Count > 0 then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(215, 'information follows'); {do not localize} ASender.Response.Assign(DistributionPatterns); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; (* 6.1 LIST EXTENSIONS 6.1.1 Usage This command is optional. This command MUST NOT be pipelined. Syntax LIST EXTENSIONS Responses 202 Extension list follows (multiline) 402 Server has no extensions 503 Extension information not available 6.1.2 Description The LIST EXTENSIONS command allows a client to determine which extensions are supported by the server. This command MUST be implemented by any server that implements any extensions defined in this document. To discover what extensions are available, an NNTP client SHOULD query the server early in the session for extensions information by issuing the LIST EXTENSIONS command. This command MAY be issued at anytime during a session. It is not required that the client issues this command before attempting to make use of any extension. The response generated by this command MAY change during a session because of other state information. However, an NNTP client MUST NOT cache (for use in another session) any information returned if the LIST EXTENSIONS command succeeds. That is, an NNTP client is only able to get the current and correct information concerning available extensions during a session by issuing a LIST EXTENSIONS command during that session and processing that response. The list of extensions is returned as a multi-line response following the 202 response code. Each extension is listed on a separate line; the line MUST begin with an extension-label and optionally one or more parameters (separated by single spaces). The extension-label and the meaning of the parameters are specified as part of the definition of the extension. The extension-label MUST be in uppercase. The server MUST NOT list the same extension twice in the response, and MUST list all supported extensions. The order in which the extensions are listed is not significant. The server need not even consistently return the same order. If the server does not support any extensions, a 402 response SHOULD be returned, but it MAY instead return an empty list. Following a 503 response an extension might still be available, and the client MAY attempt to use it. *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListExtensions(ASender: TIdCommand); begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(202, 'Extensions supported:'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; if TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context).CanUseExplicitTLS then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' STARTTLS'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnXHdr) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' HDR'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnXOver) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' OVER'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnXROver) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' XROVER'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnXPat) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' XPAT'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnCheckListGroup) and Assigned(FOnListGroup) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LISTGROUP'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListActiveGroups) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST ACTIVE'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListActiveGroupTimes) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST ACTIVE.TIMES'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListDistributions) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST DISTRIBUTIONS'); {do not localize} end; if DistributionPatterns.Count > 0 then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST DISTRIB.PATS'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListHeaders) or (OverviewFormat.Count > 0) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST HEADERS'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListDescriptions) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST NEWSGROUPS'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListSubscriptions) then begin ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn(' LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS'); {do not localize} end; if Assigned(FOnListExtensions) then begin FOnListExtensions(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context)); end; ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListGroup(ASender: TIdCommand); var LContext : TIdNNTPContext; LGroup : String; LFirstIdx : Int64; LCanJoin : Boolean; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnCheckListGroup) and Assigned(FOnListGroup) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LGroup := Trim(ASender.UnparsedParams); if Length(LGroup) = 0 then begin LGroup := LContext.CurrentGroup; end; LCanJoin := False; if Length(LGroup) > 0 then begin FOnCheckListGroup(LContext, LGroup, LCanJoin, LFirstIdx); end; if LCanJoin then begin LContext.FCurrentGroup := LGroup; LContext.FCurrentArticle := LFirstIdx; ASender.SendReply; FOnListGroup(LContext); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 412; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 502; end; end; end; end; (* 8.6.2 LIST HEADERS Usage Syntax LIST HEADERS Responses 215 Header and metadata list follows (multiline) Description The LIST HEADERS command returns a list of headers and metadata items that may be retrieved using the HDR command. The information is returned as a multi-line response following the 215 response code and contains one line for each header or metadata item name (excluding the colon in the former case). If the implementation allows any header to be retrieved (also indicated by the "ALL" argument to the extension label) it MUST NOT include any header names in the list but MUST include the special entry ":" (a single colon on its own); it MUST still list any metadata items that are available. The order of items in the list is not significant; the server need not even consistently return the same order. The list MAY be empty (though in this circumstance there is little point in providing the extension). An implementation that also supports the OVER extension SHOULD at least permit all the headers and metadata items listed in the output from the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command. Examples Example of an implementation providing access to only a few headers: [C] LIST EXTENSIONS [S] 202 extensions supported: [S] HDR [S] . [C] LIST HEADERS [S] 215 headers supported: [S] Subject [S] Message-ID [S] Xref [S] . Example of an implementation providing access to the same fields as the first example in Section [C] LIST EXTENSIONS [S] 202 extensions supported: [S] OVER [S] HDR [S] . [C] LIST HEADERS [S] 215 headers and metadata items supported: [S] Date [S] Distribution [S] From [S] Message-ID [S] References [S] Subject [S] Xref [S] :bytes [S] :lines [S] . Example of an implementation providing access to all headers: [C] LIST EXTENSIONS [S] 202 extensions supported: [S] HDR ALL [S] . [C] LIST HEADERS [S] 215 metadata items supported: [S] : [S] :lines [S] :bytes [S] :x-article-number [S] . *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListHeaders(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if Assigned(FOnListHeaders) or (OverviewFormat.Count > 0) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(215, 'Headers and metadata items supported:'); {do not localize} if Assigned(FOnListHeaders) then begin ASender.SendReply; FOnListHeaders(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context)); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Response.Assign(OverviewFormat); end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; (* 2. Newsreader Extensions 2.1.7 LIST OVERVIEW.FMT LIST OVERVIEW.FMT The overview.fmt file is maintained by some news transport systems to contain the order in which header information is stored in the overview databases for each news group. When executed, news article header fields are displayed one line at a time in the order in which they are stored in the overview database [5] following the 215 response. When display is completed, the server will send a period on a line by itself. If the information is not available, the server will return the 503 response. Please note that if the header has the word "full" (without quotes) after the colon, the header's name is prepended to its field in the output returned by the server. Many newsreaders work better if Xref: is one of the optional fields. It is STRONGLY recommended that this command be implemented in any server that implements the XOVER command. See section 2.8 for more details about the XOVER command. Responses 215 information follows 503 program error, function not performed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListOverview(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if OverviewFormat.Count > 0 then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(215, 'information follows'); {do not localize} ASender.Response.Assign(OverviewFormat); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; (* 2. Newsreader Extensions 2.1.8 LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS This command is used to get a default subscription list for new users of this server. The order of groups is significant. When this list is available, it is preceded by the 215 response and followed by a period on a line by itself. When this list is not available, the server returns a 503 response code. Responses 215 information follows 503 program error, function not performed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandListSubscriptions(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnListSubscriptions) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(215, 'information follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnListSubscriptions(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context)); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 503; end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandModeReader(ASender: TIdCommand); (* 2.3 MODE READER MODE READER is used by the client to indicate to the server that it is a news reading client. Some implementations make use of this information to reconfigure themselves for better performance in responding to news reader commands. This command can be contrasted with the SLAVE command in RFC 977, which was not widely implemented. MODE READER was first available in INN. 2.3.1 Responses 200 Hello, you can post 201 Hello, you can't post *) begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context).FModeReader := True; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 200; end; end; (* 3.7. The NEWGROUPS command 3.7.1. NEWGROUPS NEWGROUPS date time [GMT] [] A list of newsgroups created since will be listed in the same format as the LIST command. The date is sent as 6 digits in the format YYMMDD, where YY is the last two digits of the year, MM is the two digits of the month (with leading zero, if appropriate), and DD is the day of the month (with leading zero, if appropriate). The closest century is assumed as part of the year (i.e., 86 specifies 1986, 30 specifies 2030, 99 is 1999, 00 is 2000). Time must also be specified. It must be as 6 digits HHMMSS with HH being hours on the 24-hour clock, MM minutes 00-59, and SS seconds 00-59. The time is assumed to be in the server's timezone unless the token "GMT" appears, in which case both time and date are evaluated at the 0 meridian. The optional parameter "distributions" is a list of distribution groups, enclosed in angle brackets. If specified, the distribution portion of a new newsgroup (e.g, 'net' in 'net.wombat') will be examined for a match with the distribution categories listed, and only those new newsgroups which match will be listed. If more than one distribution group is to be listed, they must be separated by commas within the angle brackets. Please note that an empty list (i.e., the text body returned by this command consists only of the terminating period) is a possible valid response, and indicates that there are currently no new newsgroups. 3.7.2. Responses 231 list of new newsgroups follows *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandNewGroups(ASender: TIdCommand); var LDate : TDateTime; LDist : String; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if (ASender.Params.Count > 1) and (Assigned(FOnListNewGroups)) then begin LDist := ''; {do not localize} LDate := NNTPDateTimeToDateTime(ASender.Params[0]); LDate := LDate + NNTPTimeToTime(ASender.Params[1]); if ASender.Params.Count > 2 then begin if TextIsSame(ASender.Params[2], 'GMT') then begin {Do not translate} LDate := LDate + OffSetFromUTC; if ASender.Params.Count > 3 then begin LDist := ASender.Params[3]; end; end else begin LDist := ASender.Params[2]; end; end; ASender.SendReply; FOnListNewGroups(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LDate, LDist); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandNewNews(ASender: TIdCommand); var LDate : TDateTime; LDist : String; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if (ASender.Params.Count > 2) and Assigned(FOnNewNews) then begin //0 - newsgroup //1 - date //2 - time //3 - GMT or distributions //4 - distributions if 3 was GMT LDist := ''; {do not localize} LDate := NNTPDateTimeToDateTime(ASender.Params[1]); LDate := LDate + NNTPTimeToTime(ASender.Params[2]); if ASender.Params.Count > 3 then begin if TextIsSame(ASender.Params[3], 'GMT') then begin {Do not translate} LDate := LDate + OffsetFromUTC; if ASender.Params.Count > 4 then begin LDist := ASender.Params[4]; end; end else begin LDist := ASender.Params[3]; end; end; ASender.SendReply; FOnNewNews(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), ASender.Params[0], LDate, LDist); ASender.Context.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandNext(ASender: TIdCommand); var LMsgNo: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; LMsgID : String; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnNextArticle) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); //we do this in a round about way in case there is no previous article at all LMsgNo := LContext.CurrentArticle; LMsgID := RawNavigate(LContext, FOnNextArticle); if LMsgID <> '' then begin {do not localize} ASender.Reply.SetReply(223, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - request text separately'); {do not localize} end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 430; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 3.10. The POST command 3.10.1. POST POST If posting is allowed, response code 340 is returned to indicate that the article to be posted should be sent. Response code 440 indicates that posting is prohibited for some installation-dependent reason. If posting is permitted, the article should be presented in the format specified by RFC850, and should include all required header lines. After the article's header and body have been completely sent by the client to the server, a further response code will be returned to indicate success or failure of the posting attempt. The text forming the header and body of the message to be posted should be sent by the client using the conventions for text received from the news server: A single period (".") on a line indicates the end of the text, with lines starting with a period in the original text having that period doubled during transmission. No attempt shall be made by the server to filter characters, fold or limit lines, or otherwise process incoming text. It is our intent that the server just pass the incoming message to be posted to the server installation's news posting software, which is separate from this specification. See RFC850 for more details. Since most installations will want the client news program to allow the user to prepare his message using some sort of text editor, and transmit it to the server for posting only after it is composed, the client program should take note of the herald message that greeted it when the connection was first established. This message indicates whether postings from that client are permitted or not, and can be used to caution the user that his access is read-only if that is the case. This will prevent the user from wasting a good deal of time composing a message only to find posting of the message was denied. The method and determination of which clients and hosts may post is installation dependent and is not covered by this specification. 3.10.2. Responses 240 article posted ok 340 send article to be posted. End with . 440 posting not allowed 441 posting failed (for reference, one of the following codes will be sent upon initial connection; the client program should determine whether posting is generally permitted from these:) 200 server ready - posting allowed 201 server ready - no posting allowed *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandPost(ASender: TIdCommand); var LCanPost: Boolean; LErrorText: string; LPostOk: Boolean; LReply: TIdReplyRFC; LContext : TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LCanPost := Assigned(FOnPost); LReply := TIdReplyRFC.Create(nil); try LReply.NumericCode := iif(LCanPost, 340, 440); ReplyTexts.UpdateText(LReply); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LReply.FormattedReply); finally FreeAndNil(LReply); end; if LCanPost then begin LPostOk := False; LErrorText := ''; {do not localize} FOnPost(LContext, LPostOk, LErrorText); ASender.Reply.SetReply(iif(LPostOk, 240, 441), LErrorText); end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandSlave(ASender: TIdCommand); begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context).FModeReader := False; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 220; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandStat(ASender: TIdCommand); var LMsgID: string; LMsgNo: Int64; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin case LookupMessage(ASender, LMsgNo, LMsgID) of ltLookupByMsgId: begin if Assigned(FOnStatMsgId) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - statistics only'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnStatMsgId(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgID); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; ltLookupByMsgNo: begin if Assigned(FOnStatMsgNo) then begin ASender.Reply.SetReply(220, IntToStr(LMsgNo) + ' ' + LMsgID + ' article retrieved - statistics only'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnStatMsgNo(TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context), LMsgNo); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; // ltLookupError is already handled inside of LookupMessage() end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandXHdr(ASender: TIdCommand); var s: String; LFirstMsg: Int64; LLastMsg: Int64; LMsgID: String; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnXHdr) then begin if ASender.Params.Count > 0 then begin if ASender.Params.Count > 1 then begin s := ASender.Params[1]; end; if LookupMessageRangeOrID(ASender, s, LFirstMsg, LLastMsg, LMsgID) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); //Note there is an inconstancy here. //RFC 2980 says XHDR should return 221 //http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-base-17.txt //says that HDR should return 225 //just return the default numeric success reply. ASender.SendReply; // No need for DoOnXhdr - only this proc can call it and it already checks for nil FOnXhdr(LContext, ASender.Params[0], LFirstMsg, LLastMsg, LMsgID); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 501; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 2.8 XOVER XOVER [range] The XOVER command returns information from the overview database for the article(s) specified. This command was originally suggested as part of the OVERVIEW work described in "The Design of a Common Newsgroup Overview Database for Newsreaders" by Geoff Collyer. This document is distributed in the Cnews distribution. The optional range argument may be any of the following: an article number an article number followed by a dash to indicate all following an article number followed by a dash followed by another article number If no argument is specified, then information from the current article is displayed. Successful responses start with a 224 response followed by the overview information for all matched messages. Once the output is complete, a period is sent on a line by itself. If no argument is specified, the information for the current article is returned. A news group must have been selected earlier, else a 412 error response is returned. If no articles are in the range specified, a 420 error response is returned by the server. A 502 response will be returned if the client only has permission to transfer articles. Each line of output will be formatted with the article number, followed by each of the headers in the overview database or the article itself (when the data is not available in the overview database) for that article separated by a tab character. The sequence of fields must be in this order: subject, author, date, message-id, references, byte count, and line count. Other optional fields may follow line count. Other optional fields may follow line count. These fields are specified by examining the response to the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command. Where no data exists, a null field must be provided (i.e. the output will have two tab characters adjacent to each other). Servers should not output fields for articles that have been removed since the XOVER database was created. The LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command should be implemented if XOVER is implemented. A client can use LIST OVERVIEW.FMT to determine what optional fields and in which order all fields will be supplied by the XOVER command. See Section 2.1.7 for more details about the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command. Note that any tab and end-of-line characters in any header data that is returned will be converted to a space character. 2.8.1 Responses 224 Overview information follows 412 No news group current selected 420 No article(s) selected 502 no permission *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandXOver(ASender: TIdCommand); var LFirstMsg: Int64; LLastMsg: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(OnXOver) then begin if LookupMessageRange(ASender, ASender.UnparsedParams, LFirstMsg, LLastMsg) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 224; ASender.SendReply; FOnXOver(LContext, LFirstMsg, LLastMsg); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 2.11 The XROVER command XROVER [range] The XROVER command returns reference information from the overview database for the article(s) specified. This command first appeared in the Unix reference implementation. The optional range argument may be any of the following: an article number an article number followed by a dash to indicate all following an article number followed by a dash followed by another article number Successful responses start with a 224 response followed by the contents of reference information for all matched messages. Once the output is complete, a period is sent on a line by itself. If no argument is specified, the information for the current article is returned. A news group must have been selected earlier, else a 412 error response is returned. If no articles are in the range specified, a 420 error response is returned by the server. A 502 response will be returned if the client only has permission to transfer articles. The output will be formatted with the article number, followed by the contents of the References: line for that article, but does not contain the field name itself. This command provides the same basic functionality as using the XHDR command and "references" as the header argument. 2.11.1 Responses 224 Overview information follows 412 No news group current selected 420 No article(s) selected 502 no permission *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandXROver(ASender: TIdCommand); var LFirstMsg: Int64; LLastMsg: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(FOnXROver) then begin if LookupMessageRange(ASender, ASender.UnparsedParams, LFirstMsg, LLastMsg) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 224; ASender.SendReply; FOnXROver(LContext, LFirstMsg, LLastMsg); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; (* 2.9 XPAT XPAT header range| pat [pat...] The XPAT command is used to retrieve specific headers from specific articles, based on pattern matching on the contents of the header. This command was first available in INN. The required header parameter is the name of a header line (e.g. "subject") in a news group article. See RFC 1036 for a list of valid header lines. The required range argument may be any of the following: an article number an article number followed by a dash to indicate all following an article number followed by a dash followed by another article number The required message-id argument indicates a specific article. The range and message-id arguments are mutually exclusive. At least one pattern in wildmat must be specified as well. If there are additional arguments the are joined together separated by a single space to form one complete pattern. Successful responses start with a 221 response followed by a the headers from all messages in which the pattern matched the contents of the specified header line. This includes an empty list. Once the output is complete, a period is sent on a line by itself. If the optional argument is a message-id and no such article exists, the 430 error response is returned. A 502 response will be returned if the client only has permission to transfer articles. 2.9.1 Responses 221 Header follows 430 no such article 502 no permission *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandXPat(ASender: TIdCommand); var i: Integer; LFirstMsg: Int64; LLastMsg: Int64; LMsgID: String; LPattern: string; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if not AuthRequired(ASender) then begin if Assigned(OnXPat) then begin if ASender.Params.Count > 2 then begin if LookupMessageRangeOrID(ASender, ASender.Params[1], LFirstMsg, LLastMsg, LMsgID) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LPattern := ASender.Params[2]; for i := 3 to (ASender.Params.Count-1) do begin LPattern := LPattern + ' ' + ASender.Params[i]; {do not localize} end; ASender.Reply.SetReply(221, 'Header follows'); {do not localize} ASender.SendReply; FOnXPat(LContext, ASender.Params[0], LFirstMsg, LLastMsg, LMsgID, LPattern); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn('.'); {do not localize} end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 501; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.InitComponent; begin inherited InitComponent; FDistributionPatterns := TStringList.Create; FHelp := TStringList.Create; FOverviewFormat := TStringList.Create; FOverviewFormat.Add('Subject:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('From:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('Date:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('Message-ID:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('References:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('Bytes:'); {do not localize} FOverviewFormat.Add('Lines:'); {do not localize} FContextClass := TIdNNTPContext; FRegularProtPort := IdPORT_NNTP; FImplicitTLSProtPort := IdPORT_SNEWS; DefaultPort := IdPORT_NNTP; FSupportedAuthTypes := [atUserPass]; (* In general, 1xx codes may be ignored or displayed as desired; code 200 or 201 is sent upon initial connection to the NNTP server depending upon posting permission; *) // TODO: Account for 201 as well. Right now the user can override this if they wish Greeting.NumericCode := 200; // ExceptionReply.SetReply(503, RSNNTPReplyProgramFault); ReplyUnknownCommand.SetReply(500, RSNNTPServerNotRecognized); end; destructor TIdNNTPServer.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FDistributionPatterns); FreeAndNil(FHelp); FreeAndNil(FOverviewFormat); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.DoListGroups(AContext: TIdNNTPContext); begin if Assigned(FOnListGroups) then begin FOnListGroups(AContext); end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.DoSelectGroup(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AGroup: string; var VMsgCount, VMsgFirst, VMsgLast: Int64; var VGroupExists: Boolean); begin VMsgCount := 0; VMsgFirst := 0; VMsgLast := 0; VGroupExists := False; if Assigned(FOnSelectGroup) then begin FOnSelectGroup(AContext, AGroup, VMsgCount, VMsgFirst, VMsgLast, VGroupExists); end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.GetImplicitTLS: Boolean; begin Result := UseTLS = utUseImplicitTLS; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.SetImplicitTLS(const AValue: Boolean); begin if AValue <> ImplicitTLS then begin if AValue then begin UseTLS := utUseImplicitTLS; end else if IOHandler is TIdServerIOHandlerSSLBase then begin UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; end else begin UseTLS := utNoTLSSupport; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandSTARTTLS(ASender: TIdCommand); var LIO : TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); if LContext.CanUseExplicitTLS then begin if not LContext.UsingTLS then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 382; ASender.SendReply; LIO := (LContext.Connection.IOHandler as TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase); LIO.Passthrough := False; //reset the connection state as required by http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-tls-nntp-00.txt LContext.FUserName := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FPassword := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthenticated := False; LContext.FAuthenticator := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthParams := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthType := atUserPass; LContext.FModeReader := False; LContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(ReplyUnknownCommand.FormattedReply); end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 580; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.InitializeCommandHandlers; var LCommandHandler: TIdCommandHandler; begin inherited InitializeCommandHandlers; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'ARTICLE'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandArticle; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 500; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'AUTHINFO USER'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandAuthInfoUser; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 502; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'AUTHINFO PASS'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandAuthInfoPassword; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 502; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'AUTHINFO SIMPLE'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandAuthInfoSimple; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 350; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'AUTHINFO GENERIC'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandAuthInfoGeneric; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 501; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'BODY'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandBody; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'DATE'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandDate; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'HEAD'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandHead; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'HELP'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandHelp; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 100; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'GROUP'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandGroup; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 411; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'IHAVE'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandIHave; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LAST'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandLast; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; // Before LIST LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LIST Overview.fmt'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandListOverview; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; // Before LIST //TODO: This needs implemented as events to allow return data // RFC 2980 - NNTP Extension LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LIST NEWSGROUPS'; {do not localize} //LCommandHandler.ReplyNormal.NumericCode := 503; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 215; LCommandHandler.Response.Add('.'); LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; { From: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-base-17.txt } LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LIST EXTENSIONS'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandListExtensions; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LIST'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandList; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 215; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'LISTGROUP'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandListGroup; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'MODE READER'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandModeReader; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'NEWGROUPS'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandNewGroups; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 231; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'NEWNEWS'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandNewNews; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'NEXT'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandNext; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'POST'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandPost; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; (* 3.11. The QUIT command 3.11.1. QUIT QUIT The server process acknowledges the QUIT command and then closes the connection to the client. This is the preferred method for a client to indicate that it has finished all its transactions with the NNTP server. If a client simply disconnects (or the connection times out, or some other fault occurs), the server should gracefully cease its attempts to service the client. 3.11.2. Responses 205 closing connection - goodbye! *) LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'QUIT'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.Disconnect := True; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 205; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'SLAVE'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandSlave; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'STAT'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandStat; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'XHDR'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXHdr; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := True; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 221; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'HDR'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXHdr; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := True; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 225; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'XOVER'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXOver; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 224; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; //from http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-nntpext-tls-nntp-00.txt LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'OVER'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXOver; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 224; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; // RFC 2980 - NNTP Extensions LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'XROVER'; LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXROver; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 500; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := False; // RFC 2980 - NNTP Extensions LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'XPAT'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandXPat; LCommandHandler.NormalReply.NumericCode := 500; LCommandHandler.ParseParams := True; LCommandHandler := CommandHandlers.Add; LCommandHandler.Command := 'STARTTLS'; {do not localize} LCommandHandler.OnCommand := CommandSTARTTLS; // 100s FReplyTexts.Add(100, 'help text follows'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(199, 'debug output'); {do not localize} // 200s FReplyTexts.Add(200, 'server ready - posting allowed'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(201, 'server ready - no posting allowed'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(202, 'slave status noted'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(205, 'closing connection - goodbye!'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(215, 'list of newsgroups follows'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(221, 'Headers follow'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(224, 'Overview information follows'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(225, 'Headers follow'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(231, 'list of new newsgroups follows'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(235, 'article transferred ok'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(240, 'article posted ok'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(281,'Authentication accepted'); {do not localize} // 300s FReplyTexts.Add(335, 'send article to be transferred. End with .'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(340, 'send article to be posted. End with .'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(381, 'More authentication information required'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(382,'Continue with TLS negotiation'); {do not localize} // 400s FReplyTexts.Add(400, 'service discontinued'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(403, 'TLS temporarily not available'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(411, 'no such news group'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(412, 'no newsgroup has been selected'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(420, 'no current article has been selected'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(421, 'no next article in this group'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(422, 'no previous article in this group'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(423, 'no such article number in this group'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(430, 'no such article found'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(435, 'article not wanted - do not send it'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(436, 'transfer failed - try again later'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(437, 'article rejected - do not try again.'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(440, 'posting not allowed'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(441, 'posting failed'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(450, 'Authorization required for this command'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(452, 'Authorization rejected'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(480, 'Authentication required'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(482, 'Authentication rejected'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(483, 'Strong encryption layer is required'); {do not localize} // 500s FReplyTexts.Add(500, 'command not recognized'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(501, 'command syntax error'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(502, 'access restriction or permission denied'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(503, 'program fault - command not performed'); {do not localize} FReplyTexts.Add(580, 'Security layer already active'); {do not localize} end; function TIdNNTPServer.AuthRequired(ASender: TIdCommand): Boolean; var LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); Result := (FSupportedAuthTypes <> []) and Assigned(FOnAuth) and (not LContext.Authenticated); if Result then begin if Assigned(FOnAuthRequired) then begin FOnAuthRequired(LContext, ASender.CommandHandler.Command, ASender.UnparsedParams, Result); end; if Result then begin { RLebeau - AUTHINFO SIMPLE is discouraged by RFC 2980, but it is not completely obsolete, so if the user really wants to use just it and no other, then do so here. If any other auth type is begin supported though, always use another one instead } if (FSupportedAuthTypes = [atSimple]) then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 450; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 480; end; end; end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.DoCheckMsgID(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgID: String): Int64; begin Result := 0; if Assigned(FOnCheckMsgId) then begin FOnCheckMsgId(AContext, AMsgID, Result); end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.DoCheckMsgNo(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; const AMsgNo: Int64): String; begin Result := ''; if Assigned(FOnCheckMsgNo) then begin FOnCheckMsgNo(AContext, AMsgNo, Result); end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.RawNavigate(AContext: TIdNNTPContext; AEvent: TIdNNTPOnMovePointer): String; var LMsgNo : Int64; begin Result := ''; LMsgNo := AContext.CurrentArticle; if LMsgNo > 0 then begin if Assigned(AEvent) then begin AEvent(AContext, LMsgNo, Result); end; if (LMsgNo <> AContext.CurrentArticle) and (LMsgNo > 0) and (Result <> '') then begin {do not localize} AContext.FCurrentArticle := LMsgNo; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.SetHelp(AValue: TStrings); begin FHelp.Assign(AValue); end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.SetDistributionPatterns(AValue: TStrings); begin FDistributionPatterns.Assign(AValue); end; { TIdNNTPContext } constructor TIdNNTPContext.Create( AConnection: TIdTCPConnection; AYarn: TIdYarn; AList: TIdContextThreadList = nil ); begin inherited Create(AConnection, AYarn, AList); FCurrentArticle := 0; end; procedure TIdNNTPContext.GenerateAuthEmail; var LIP, LHost: String; LSocket: TIdIOHandlerSocket; begin FAuthEmail := ''; {do not localize} if FUsername <> '' then begin {do not localize} LSocket := Connection.Socket; if Assigned(LSocket) then begin if Assigned(LSocket.Binding) then begin LIP := LSocket.Binding.PeerIP; if LIP <> '' then begin {do not localize} try LHost := GStack.HostByAddress(LIP, LSocket.Binding.IPVersion); except LHost := ''; {do not localize} end; if LHost = '' then begin {do not localize} LHost := LIP; end; FAuthEmail := FUsername + '@' + LHost; {do not localize} end; end; end; end; end; function TIdNNTPContext.GetUsingTLS: Boolean; begin Result := (Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase); if Result then begin Result := not TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough; end; end; function TIdNNTPContext.GetCanUseExplicitTLS: Boolean; begin Result := (Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase); if Result then begin Result := (TIdNNTPServer(Server).UseTLS in ExplicitTLSVals); end; end; function TIdNNTPContext.GetTLSIsRequired: Boolean; begin Result := (TIdNNTPServer(Server).UseTLS = utUseRequireTLS); if Result then begin Result := not UsingTLS; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.SetOverviewFormat(AValue: TStrings); begin FOverviewFormat.Assign(AValue); end; (* 3.1 AUTHINFO AUTHINFO is used to inform a server about the identity of a user of the server. In all cases, clients must provide this information when requested by the server. Servers are not required to accept authentication information that is volunteered by the client. Clients must accommodate servers that reject any authentication information volunteered by the client. There are three forms of AUTHINFO in use. The original version, an NNTP v2 revision called AUTHINFO SIMPLE and a more recent version which is called AUTHINFO GENERIC. 3.1.1 Original AUTHINFO AUTHINFO USER username AUTHINFO PASS password The original AUTHINFO is used to identify a specific entity to the server using a simple username/password combination. It first appeared in the UNIX reference implementation. When authorization is required, the server will send a 480 response requesting authorization from the client. The client must enter AUTHINFO USER followed by the username. Once sent, the server will cache the username and may send a 381 response requesting the password associated with that username. Should the server request a password using the 381 response, the client must enter AUTHINFO PASS followed by a password and the server will then check the authentication database to see if the username/password combination is valid. If the combination is valid or if no password is required, the server will return a 281 response. The client should then retry the original command to which the server responded with the 480 response. The command should then be processed by the server normally. If the combination is not valid, the server will return a 502 response. Clients must provide authentication when requested by the server. It is possible that some implementations will accept authentication information at the beginning of a session, but this was not the original intent of the specification. If a client attempts to reauthenticate, the server may return 482 response indicating that the new authentication data is rejected by the server. The 482 code will also be returned when the AUTHINFO commands are not entered in the correct sequence (like two AUTHINFO USERs in a row, or AUTHINFO PASS preceding AUTHINFO USER). All information is passed in cleartext. When authentication succeeds, the server will create an email address for the client from the user name supplied in the AUTHINFO USER command and the hostname generated by a reverse lookup on the IP address of the client. If the reverse lookup fails, the IP address, represented in dotted-quad format, will be used. Once authenticated, the server shall generate a Sender: line using the email address provided by authentication if it does not match the client-supplied From: line. Additionally, the server should log the event, including the email address. This will provide a means by which subsequent statistics generation can associate newsgroup references with unique entities - not necessarily by name. Responses 281 Authentication accepted 381 More authentication information required 480 Authentication required 482 Authentication rejected 502 No permission *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandAuthInfoPassword(ASender: TIdCommand); var LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if (atUserPass in SupportedAuthTypes) and Assigned(FOnAuth) then begin if ASender.Params.Count = 1 then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LContext.FAuthenticator := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthParams := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthEmail := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthType := atUserPass; LContext.FPassword := ASender.Params[0]; FOnAuth(LContext, LContext.FAuthenticated); if LContext.FAuthenticated then begin LContext.GenerateAuthEmail; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 281; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 482; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 482; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandAuthInfoUser(ASender: TIdCommand); var LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if not SecLayerRequired(ASender) then begin if (atUserPass in SupportedAuthTypes) and Assigned(FOnAuth) then begin if ASender.Params.Count = 1 then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LContext.FAuthenticator := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthParams := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthEmail := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthType := atUserPass; LContext.FUsername := ASender.Params[0]; FOnAuth(LContext, LContext.FAuthenticated); if LContext.FAuthenticated then begin LContext.GenerateAuthEmail; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 281; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 381; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 482; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; end; (* 3.1 AUTHINFO 3.1.2 AUTHINFO SIMPLE AUTHINFO SIMPLE user password This version of AUTHINFO was part of a proposed NNTP V2 specification, which was started in 1991 but never completed, and is implemented in some servers and clients. It is a refinement of the original AUTHINFO and provides the same basic functionality, but the sequence of commands is much simpler. When authorization is required, the server sends a 450 response requesting authorization from the client. The client must enter AUTHINFO SIMPLE. If the server will accept this form of authentication, the server responds with a 350 response. The client must then send the username followed by one or more space characters followed by the password. If accepted, the server returns a 250 response and the client should then retry the original command to which the server responded with the 450 response. The command should then be processed by the server normally. If the combination is not valid, the server will return a 452 response. Note that the response codes used here were part of the proposed NNTP V2 specification and are violations of RFC 977. It is recommended that this command not be implemented, but use either or both of the other forms of AUTHINFO if such functionality if required. Responses 250 Authorization accepted 350 Continue with authorization sequence 450 Authorization required for this command 452 Authorization rejected *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandAuthInfoSimple(ASender: TIdCommand); var s: String; LReply: TIdReplyRFC; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin if (atSimple in SupportedAuthTypes) and Assigned(FOnAuth) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LReply := TIdReplyRFC.Create(nil); try LReply.NumericCode := 350; ReplyTexts.UpdateText(LReply); LContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(LReply.FormattedReply); finally FreeAndNil(LReply); end; s := LContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn; LContext.FAuthenticator := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthParams := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthEmail := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthType := atSimple; LContext.FUsername := Fetch(s); LContext.FPassword := Trim(s); FOnAuth(LContext, LContext.FAuthenticated); if LContext.FAuthenticated then begin LContext.GenerateAuthEmail; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 250; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 452; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; (* 3.1 AUTHINFO 3.1.3 AUTHINFO GENERIC AUTHINFO GENERIC authenticator arguments... AUTHINFO GENERIC is used to identify a specific entity to the server using arbitrary authentication or identification protocols. The desired protocol is indicated by the authenticator parameter, and any number of parameters can be passed to the authenticator. When authorization is required, the server will send a 480 response requesting authorization from the client. The client should enter AUTHINFO GENERIC followed by the authenticator name, and the arguments if any. The authenticator and arguments must not contain the sequence "..". The server will attempt to engage the server end authenticator, similarly, the client should engage the client end authenticator. The server end authenticator will then initiate authentication using the NNTP sockets (if appropriate for that authentication protocol), using the protocol specified by the authenticator name. These authentication protocols are not included in this document, but are similar in structure to those referenced in RFC 1731 [8] for the IMAP-4 protocol. If the server returns 501, this means that the authenticator invocation was syntactically incorrect, or that AUTHINFO GENERIC is not supported. The client should retry using the AUTHINFO USER command. If the requested authenticator capability is not found, the server returns the 503 response code. If there is some other unspecified server program error, the server returns the 500 response code. The authenticators converse using their protocol until complete. If the authentication succeeds, the server authenticator will terminate with a 281, and the client can continue by reissuing the command that prompted the 380. If the authentication fails, the server will respond with a 502. The client must provide authentication when requested by the server. The server may request authentication at any time. Servers may request authentication more than once during a single session. When the server authenticator completes, it provides to the server (by a mechanism herein undefined) the email address of the user, and potentially what the user is allowed to access. Once authenticated, the server shall generate a Sender: line using the email address provided by the authenticator if it does not match the user-supplied From: line. Additionally, the server should log the event, including the user's authenticated email address (if available). This will provide a means by which subsequent statistics generation can associate newsgroup references with unique entities - not necessarily by name. Some implementations make it possible to obtain a list of authentication procedures available by sending the server AUTHINFO GENERIC with no arguments. The server then returns a list of supported mechanisms followed by a period on a line by itself. Responses 281 Authentication succeeded 480 Authentication required 500 Command not understood 501 Command not supported 502 No permission 503 Program error, function not performed nnn authenticator-specific protocol. *) procedure TIdNNTPServer.CommandAuthInfoGeneric(ASender: TIdCommand); var LContext: TIdNNTPContext; s: String; begin if (atGeneric in SupportedAuthTypes) and Assigned(FOnAuth) then begin s := Trim(ASender.UnparsedParams); if (Length(s) > 0) and (IndyPos('..', s) = 0) then begin LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); LContext.FAuthenticator := Fetch(s); LContext.FAuthParams := Trim(s); LContext.FAuthEmail := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FAuthType := atGeneric; LContext.FUsername := ''; {do not localize} LContext.FPassword := ''; {do not localize} FOnAuth(LContext, LContext.FAuthenticated); if LContext.FAuthenticated then begin LContext.GenerateAuthEmail; ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 281; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 502; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 501; end; end else begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 500; end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.SecLayerRequired(ASender: TIdCommand): Boolean; begin Result := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context).TLSIsRequired; if Result then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 483; end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.LookupMessage(ASender: TIdCommand; var VNo: Int64; var VId: string): TIdNNTPLookupType; var s : string; LContext : TidNNTPContext; LIsMsgID: Boolean; begin Result := ltLookupError; LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); s := Trim(ASender.UnparsedParams); VId := ''; {do not localize} LIsMsgID := TextStartsWith(s, '<'); if not LIsMsgID then begin if Length(LContext.CurrentGroup) = 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 412; // No newsgroup has been selected Exit; end; end; if LIsMsgID then begin VNo := DoCheckMsgID(LContext, s); if VNo <= 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 430; // Article not found Exit; end; VId := s; Result := ltLookupByMsgId; { RLebeau - per RFC 977, the CurrentArticle should not be updated when selecting an article by MsgID } end else begin if Length(s) = 0 then begin VNo := LContext.CurrentArticle; if VNo <= 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 420; // Current article not set. Exit; end; end else begin VNo := IndyStrToInt64(s, 0); if VNo > 0 then begin VId := DoCheckMsgNo(LContext, VNo); end; if Length(VId) = 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 423; // Article does not exist Exit; end; LContext.FCurrentArticle := VNo; end; Result := ltLookupByMsgNo; end; end; function TIdNNTPServer.LookupMessageRange(ASender: TIdCommand; const AData: String; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64): Boolean; var s: String; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; IsRange: Boolean; begin Result := False; LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); if Length(LContext.CurrentGroup) = 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 412; Exit; end; s := Trim(AData); if Length(s) = 0 then begin IsRange := False; VMsgFirst := LContext.CurrentArticle; end else begin IsRange := IndyPos('-', s) > 1; if IsRange then begin VMsgFirst := IndyStrToInt64(Fetch(s, '-'), 0); end else begin VMsgFirst := IndyStrToInt64(s, 0); end; end; if VMsgFirst <= 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 420; Exit; end; if IsRange then begin s := Trim(s); if Length(s) = 0 then begin VMsgLast := 0; // return all from VMsgFirst onwards end else begin VMsgLast := IndyStrToInt64(s, 0); if VMsgLast < VMsgFirst then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 501; Exit; end; end; end else begin VMsgLast := VMsgFirst; end; Result := True; end; function TIdNNTPServer.LookupMessageRangeOrID(ASender: TIdCommand; const AData: String; var VMsgFirst: Int64; var VMsgLast: Int64; var VMsgID: String): Boolean; var s: String; LFirstMsg: Int64; LContext: TIdNNTPContext; begin Result := False; LContext := TIdNNTPContext(ASender.Context); s := Trim(AData); if TextStartsWith(s, '<') then begin LFirstMsg := DoCheckMsgID(LContext, s); if LFirstMsg <= 0 then begin ASender.Reply.NumericCode := 430; Exit; end; VMsgFirst := LFirstMsg; VMsgLast := LFirstMsg; VMsgID := s; Result := True; end else begin Result := LookupMessageRange(ASender, s, VMsgFirst, VMsgLast); end; end; end.