271 lines
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271 lines
8.4 KiB
This file is part of the Indy (Internet Direct) project, and is offered
under the dual-licensing agreement described on the Indy website.
(c) 1993-2005, Chad Z. Hower and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
Rev 1.2 2/23/2005 6:34:30 PM JPMugaas
New property for displaying permissions ina GUI column. Note that this
should not be used like a CHMOD because permissions are different on
different platforms - you have been warned.
Rev 1.1 10/26/2004 11:21:16 PM JPMugaas
Updated refs.
Rev 1.0 7/30/2004 8:03:42 AM JPMugaas
FTP List parser for the Tandem NonStop Guardian file-system.
unit IdFTPListParseTandemGuardian;
{$i IdCompilerDefines.inc}
IdFTPList, IdFTPListParseBase, IdFTPListTypes;
This parser is based on the Tandem NonStop Server with a Guardian file system.
This is primarily based on some correspondances and samples I got from Steeve Howe.
His correspondance is here and I'm noting it in case I need to refer back later:
What are the rules for acceptable filenames on the Tandem? <20>
>>Must start with a character and must be at least on character long.
What charactors can be used?
>>Alpha characters and numerals.
What's the length?
>><3E> 8 characters max.
Can you have file extensions, if so how many and what's the length for
>><3E>No file extensions.
Is the system case insensitive or case-sensitive?
>>All filenames are converted to uppercase (from what I can tell)
What's Code? Is it always a number?
>><3E>Code is the type of file. <20>101 is an editable file, 100 is an
exacutable, 1000 is an user defined executable, there is a type 1600
and I have seen type 0 (which I think is an unknown binary type of
What's EOF? <20>Is that the file size? <20>I don't know.
>><3E>Yes, <20>That is the file size.
In the Owner column, you have something like this "155, 76". <20>Are
their only numbers and what do the numbers in the column mean (I
assume that there is two). <20>Will the Owner column ever have letters?
>><3E>Never letters.
<20> first byte is group, second is user
<20> it describes user and security level
What is valid for "RWEP" and what do the letters in that mean and what
letters are there?
>><3E>Read, Write, Execute, Purge
some valid letters (there are about 7 and I don't know them all):
N - anyone across system has access
U - only the user has this priviledge
A - anyone on local system has priviledge
G - anyone belonging to same group
- (dash) <20>- only local super.super has access
some further references from Tandem that might help:
http://www.hp.com/go/NTL - General technical reference
http://h30163.www3.hp.com/NTL/library/G06_RVUs/G06_20/Publications/ -HP
G06.20 Publications
hope this helps!
This parses something like this:
File Code EOF Last Modification Owner RWEP
ALV 101 2522 27-Aug-02 13:57:10 155,106 "nnnn"
ALVO 1000 2048 27-Aug-02 13:57:22 155,106 "nunu"
TIdTandemGuardianFTPListItem = class(TIdOwnerFTPListItem)
//this is given as a numbeer like the owner. We keep it as a string
//for consistancy with other FTP list parsers.
FGroupName : String;
//this may be an integer value but I'm not sure
//because one
FCode : UInt32;
//This is the RWEP value
{ It's done like this:
Read, Write, Execute, Purge
some valid letters (there are about 7 and I don't know them all):
N - anyone across system has access
U - only the user has this priviledge
A - anyone on local system has priviledge
G - anyone belonging to same group
- (dash) <20>- only local super.super has access
FPermissions : String;
property GroupName : String read FGroupName write FGroupName;
property Code : UInt32 read FCode write FCode;
property Permissions : String read FPermissions write FPermissions;
TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian = class(TIdFTPListBaseHeader)
class function MakeNewItem(AOwner : TIdFTPListItems) : TIdFTPListItem; override;
class function IsHeader(const AData: String): Boolean; override;
class function ParseLine(const AItem : TIdFTPListItem; const APath : String = ''): Boolean; override;
class function GetIdent : String; override;
TANDEM_GUARDIAN_ID = 'Tandem NonStop Guardian'; {do not localize}
// RLebeau 2/14/09: this forces C++Builder to link to this unit so
// RegisterFTPListParser can be called correctly at program startup...
{$HPPEMIT '#pragma link "IdFTPListParseTandemGuardian"'}
IdFTPCommon, IdGlobalProtocols, SysUtils;
{ TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian }
class function TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian.GetIdent: String;
class function TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian.IsHeader(const AData: String): Boolean;
LCols : TStrings;
Result := False;
LCols := TStringList.Create;
SplitDelimitedString(AData, LCols, True);
if LCols.Count = 7 then
Result := (LCols[0] = 'File') and {do not localize}
(LCols[1] = 'Code') and {do not localize}
(LCols[2] = 'EOF') and {do not localize}
(LCols[3] = 'Last') and {do not localize}
(LCols[4] = 'Modification') and {do not localize}
(LCols[5] = 'Owner') and {do not localize}
(LCols[6] = 'RWEP') {do not localize}
class function TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian.MakeNewItem(AOwner: TIdFTPListItems): TIdFTPListItem;
Result := TIdTandemGuardianFTPListItem.Create(AOwner);
class function TIdFTPLPTandemGuardian.ParseLine(const AItem: TIdFTPListItem;
const APath: String): Boolean;
LItem : TIdTandemGuardianFTPListItem;
LLine, LBuffer : String;
LDay, LMonth, LYear : Integer;
Parse lines like these:
ALV 101 2522 27-Aug-02 13:57:10 155,106 "nnnn"
ALVO 1000 2048 27-Aug-02 13:57:22 155,106 "nunu"
{ Note from Steeve Howe:
The directories are flat. <20>The Guardian system appears like this:
you can change from server to server, volume to volume, subvolume to
subvolume, but
nothing deeper. <20>what you get from a directory listing then is just the
files within that
subvolume of the volume on the server.
Result := True;
LItem := AItem as TIdTandemGuardianFTPListItem;
LLine := Trim(LItem.Data);
LItem.ItemType := ditFile;
// Steve Howe advised me that a filename can not have a space and is 8 chars
// with no filename extensions. It is case insensitive.
LItem.FileName := Fetch(LLine);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
LItem.Code := IndyStrToInt(Fetch(LLine), 0);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
LItem.Size := IndyStrToInt64(Fetch(LLine), 0);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
//Last Modification
LBuffer := Fetch(LLine);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
LDay := IndyStrToInt(Fetch(LBuffer, '-'), 1); {do not localize}
LMonth := StrToMonth(Fetch(LBuffer, '-')); {do not localize}
LYear := IndyStrToInt(Fetch(LBuffer), 1989);
LYear := Y2Year(LYear);
LItem.ModifiedDate := EncodeDate(LYear, LMonth, LDay);
LBuffer := Fetch(LLine);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
LItem.ModifiedDate := AItem.ModifiedDate + TimeHHMMSS(LBuffer);
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
//Steve how advised me that the first number in this column is a group
//and the number after the comma is an owner
LItem.GroupName := Fetch(LLine, ','); {do not localize}
LLine := TrimLeft(LLine);
LItem.OwnerName := Fetch(LLine);
LItem.Permissions := UnquotedStr(LLine);
LItem.PermissionDisplay := '"' + LItem.Permissions + '"';