{ This file is part of logfilter. Copyright (C) 2015 Andreas Schneider logfilter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. logfilter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with logfilter. If not, see . } unit UApp; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {.$define debugmatches} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, CustApp, RegExpr, Math, UFilter, UWriter, Crt; type { TLogFilterApplication } TLogFilterApplication = class(TCustomApplication) protected FLineFilters: TLineFilters; FCurrentLineFilter: TLineFilter; FCommandMatcher: TRegExpr; FCommandFileName: String; FLogFileName: String; FWriter: TWriterList; procedure DoRun; override; procedure ProcessCommand(ACommand, AParams: String); procedure WriteContent(AContent: String; AFilters: TFilterList; AGroupRanges: TGroupRanges); procedure FilterLine(ALine: String); //Logfile handling procedure DumpFile(AFileName: String); procedure PollFile(AFileName: String); //Key Handling function CheckQuit: Boolean; public constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure WriteHelp; virtual; end; implementation {Some trickery to have clean command line option checks} {$MACRO ON} {$define OPT_COMMANDFILE:='c', 'commandfile'} {$define OPT_SIMPLE:='s', 'simple'} {$define OPT_LOGFILE:='f', 'logfile'} { TLogFilterApplication } procedure TLogFilterApplication.DoRun; var commandFile: TextFile; line: String; fg, bg: Byte; begin if HasOption('h', 'help') or (not HasOption(OPT_COMMANDFILE) and not HasOption(OPT_SIMPLE)) then begin WriteHelp; Terminate; Exit; end; if HasOption(OPT_COMMANDFILE) then begin FCommandFileName := GetOptionValue(OPT_COMMANDFILE); if not FileExists(FCommandFileName) then begin Writeln('Commandfile not found: ', FCommandFileName); ExitCode := 1; Terminate; Exit; end; AssignFile(commandFile, FCommandFileName); Reset(commandFile); // Parse command file first while not EOF(commandFile) do begin Readln(commandFile, line); if FCommandMatcher.Exec(line) then ProcessCommand(FCommandMatcher.Match[1], FCommandMatcher.Match[3]); end; CloseFile(commandFile); end; //commandfile processing if HasOption(OPT_SIMPLE) then begin FCurrentLineFilter := TLineFilter.Create(GetOptionValue(OPT_SIMPLE)); FLineFilters.Add(FCurrentLineFilter); if HasOption('fg') then fg := StrToIntDef(GetOptionValue('fg'), $FF) else fg := LightBlue; if HasOption('bg') then bg := StrToIntDef(GetOptionValue('bg'), $FF) else bg := $FF; FCurrentLineFilter.Filters.Add(THighlightFilter.Create('.*', fg, bg, 0)); end; //Simple Mode //If "only highlight" option is set, we append a "match all" filter so even //normally non-matching lines are shown. if HasOption('highlightonly') or HasOption('all') then FLineFilters.Add(TLineFilter.Create('.*')); if HasOption(OPT_LOGFILE) then FLogFileName := GetOptionValue(OPT_LOGFILE); if not FileExists(FLogFileName) then begin Writeln('Logfile not found: ', FLogFileName); ExitCode := 1; Terminate; Exit; end; FWriter.Add(TConsoleWriter.Create); if HasOption('html') then FWriter.Add(THTMLWriter.Create(GetOptionValue('html'))); if HasOption('p', 'poll') then PollFile(FLogFileName) else DumpFile(FLogFileName); // One run is enough. Terminate; end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.ProcessCommand(ACommand, AParams: String); var highlightFilter: THighlightFilter; begin case LowerCase(ACommand) of 'filter': begin FCurrentLineFilter := TLineFilter.Create(AParams); FLineFilters.Add(FCurrentLineFilter); end; 'highlight': begin highlightFilter := THighlightFilter.Create(AParams); FCurrentLineFilter.Filters.Add(highlightFilter); end; 'file': begin FLogFileName := AParams; end; end; end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.WriteContent(AContent: String; AFilters: TFilterList; AGroupRanges: TGroupRanges); var i: Integer; matchPos, offset: Integer; highlights: THighlights; highlight: THighlight; group: Byte; writer: TWriter; begin highlights := THighlights.Create; offset := 0; for i := 0 to AFilters.Count - 1 do begin if AFilters[i].Expression.Exec(AContent) then begin repeat // We need these values anyway. matchPos := AFilters[i].Expression.MatchPos[0]; offset := AFilters[i].Expression.MatchLen[0]; group := AFilters[i].Group; if group < Length(AGroupRanges) then begin if (matchPos + offset < AGroupRanges[group].StartIdx) or (matchPos > AGroupRanges[group].EndIdx) then continue; //Pointless; nothing we can do here highlight.Start := Max(AGroupRanges[group].StartIdx, matchPos); highlight.Length := Min(AGroupRanges[group].EndIdx - highlight.Start, highlight.Start + offset - matchPos); {$ifdef debugmatches} writeln(' Highlight: ', highlight.Start, ', ', highlight.Length); writeln(' MatchPos: ', matchPos, ', StartIdx: ', AGroupRanges[group].StartIdx); writeln(' Offset: ', offset, ', EndIdx: ', AGroupRanges[group].EndIdx); {$endif} end else begin highlight.Start := matchPos; highlight.Length := offset; end; highlight.FGColor := AFilters[i].FGColor; highlight.BGColor := AFilters[i].BGColor; highlights.Add(highlight); until not AFilters[i].Expression.ExecNext; end; end; highlights.Sort(@CompareHighlights); // Sanitize highlights for i := 0 to highlights.Count - 2 do begin if (highlights[i].Start + highlights[i].Length) > highlights[i+1].Start then begin highlight := highlights[i]; highlight.Length := highlights[i+1].Start - highlights[i].Start; highlights[i] := highlight; end; end; for writer in FWriter do writer.WriteContent(AContent, highlights); highlights.Free; end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.FilterLine(ALine: String); var lineFilter: TLineFilter; groupRanges: TGroupRanges; begin for lineFilter in FLineFilters do begin if lineFilter.Matches(ALine, groupRanges) then begin WriteContent(ALine, lineFilter.Filters, groupRanges); Break; end; end; end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.DumpFile(AFileName: String); var logFile: TextFile; line: String; begin AssignFile(logFile, AFileName); Reset(logFile); // Filter log while (not Terminated) and (not EOF(logFile)) do begin Readln(logFile, line); FilterLine(line); if CheckQuit then Terminate; end; CloseFile(logFile); end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.PollFile(AFileName: String); const BUFSIZE = 8192; var f: File of char; b: array[0..BUFSIZE-1] of Char; lastSize, currentSize: Int64; bufPos, bufMax, read, checkStart: Word; breakPos, breakLen: Word; pos: Int64; s: String; i: Integer; begin AssignFile(f, AFileName); Reset(f); bufPos := 0; bufMax := 0; lastSize := 0; while not Terminated do begin currentSize := FileSize(f); if currentSize > lastSize then begin pos := FilePos(f); breakPos := 0; while (pos < currentSize) or (breakPos > 0) do begin breakPos := 0; breakLen := 0; BlockRead(f, b[bufMax], Min(BUFSIZE-bufMax, currentSize-pos), read); Inc(pos, read); Inc(bufMax, read); if bufMax = 0 then Continue; if bufPos > 0 then checkStart := bufPos - 1 //we could miss a #13 in a #13#10 else checkStart := bufPos; for i := checkStart to bufMax - 1 do begin if b[i] = #10 then begin breakPos := i + 1; breakLen := 1; end else if (b[i] = #13) and (i < bufMax) and (b[i+1] = #10) then begin breakPos := i + 2; breakLen := 2; end else if b[i] = #13 then begin breakPos := i + 1; breakLen := 1; end; if breakPos > 0 then break; end; if breakPos > 0 then begin SetLength(s, breakPos - breakLen); //We don't want the actual line break Move(b[0], s[1], breakPos - breakLen); FilterLine(s); Move(b[breakPos], b[0], bufMax - breakPos); bufPos := 0; Dec(bufMax, breakPos); end else begin bufPos := bufMax; if bufPos = BUFSIZE then // Nothing we can do here; we need to dump begin SetLength(s, BUFSIZE); Move(b[0], s[1], BUFSIZE); FilterLine(s); bufPos := 0; bufMax := 0; end; end; end; lastSize := currentSize; end; Sleep(100); if CheckQuit then Terminate; end; end; // This is necessary since we use CRT, which captures all keys. // Therefore Ctrl+C will by default no longer send SIGINT. function TLogFilterApplication.CheckQuit: Boolean; begin Result := False; if KeyPressed then if ReadKey = ^C then Result := True; end; constructor TLogFilterApplication.Create(TheOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(TheOwner); FLineFilters := TLineFilters.Create; FCommandMatcher := TRegExpr.Create('^(\w+)( (.*)|)$'); // 1 = command, 3 = OPTIONAL params FWriter := TWriterList.Create; end; destructor TLogFilterApplication.Destroy; begin FLineFilters.Free; FCommandMatcher.Free; FWriter.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLogFilterApplication.WriteHelp; begin Writeln('Usage: ', ExtractFileName(ExeName), ' [options]'); Writeln; Writeln('Options:'); Writeln(' -c --commandfile='); Writeln(' specifies the filename with filter commands'); Writeln(' -s --simple='); Writeln(' Applies a simple filter and highlights the (full) match.'); Writeln(' -f --logfile='); Writeln(' specifies the logfile to be parsed'); Writeln(' -p --poll'); Writeln(' keep the log file open and wait for data'); Writeln(' --html='); Writeln(' outputs filtered results in a formatted HTML file'); Writeln(' --fg= --bg='); Writeln(' Sets the highlight color for the simple matcher (-s)'); Writeln(' --highlightonly --all'); Writeln(' Either option will also print non matching lines.'); Writeln(' -h --help'); Writeln(' show this help screen'); end; end.