🎉 initial implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""gitmoji Picker for Albert
Usage: g: gitmoji name or description
Example: g: bug"""
from albertv0 import *
import os
import json
__iid__ = "PythonInterface/v0.2"
__prettyname__ = "gitmoji picker"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__trigger__ = "g:"
__author__ = "Andreas Schneider"
__dependencies__ = []
data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "gitmojis.json")
gitmojis = []
def initialize():
with open(data_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for gitmoji in data["gitmojis"]:
gitmoji["tokens"] = [gitmoji["name"].lower()] + gitmoji["description"].lower().split()
def handleQuery(query):
needles = query.string.lower().split()
matches = []
for gitmoji in gitmojis:
matchCount = count_matches(gitmoji["tokens"], needles)
if matchCount > 0:
result = dict()
result["matchCount"] = matchCount
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda data: data["matchCount"], reverse=True)
if query.isValid and query.isTriggered:
return [Item(id=match["name"], completion=match["name"], icon=match["emoji"], text=match["emoji"] + " " + match["code"], subtext=match["description"], actions=[ClipAction("Copy to clipboard", match["code"])]) for match in matches]
return []
def count_matches(tokens, needles):
count = 0
for token in tokens:
for needle in needles:
if needle in token:
count += 1
return count
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
"description":"Improving structure / format of the code.",
"description":"Improving performance.",
"description":"Removing code or files.",
"description":"Fixing a bug.",
"emoji": "🚑",
"entity": "🚑",
"code": ":ambulance:",
"description": "Critical hotfix.",
"name": "ambulance"
"description":"Introducing new features.",
"description":"Writing docs.",
"description":"Deploying stuff.",
"description":"Updating the UI and style files.",
"description":"Initial commit.",
"description":"Adding tests.",
"description":"Fixing security issues.",
"description":"Fixing something on macOS.",
"description":"Fixing something on Linux.",
"description":"Fixing something on Windows.",
"description":"Fixing something on Android.",
"description":"Fixing something on iOS.",
"description":"Releasing / Version tags.",
"description":"Removing linter warnings.",
"description":"Work in progress.",
"description":"Fixing CI Build.",
"description":"Downgrading dependencies.",
"description":"Upgrading dependencies.",
"emoji": "📌",
"entity": "📌",
"code": ":pushpin:",
"description": "Pinning dependencies to specific versions.",
"name": "pushpin"
"description":"Adding CI build system.",
"description":"Adding analytics or tracking code.",
"description":"Refactoring code.",
"description":"Work about Docker.",
"description":"Adding a dependency.",
"description":"Removing a dependency.",
"description":"Changing configuration files.",
"emoji": "🌐",
"entity": "🌐",
"code": ":globe_with_meridians:",
"description": "Internationalization and localization.",
"name": "globe-with-meridians"
"description":"Fixing typos.",
"description":"Writing bad code that needs to be improved.",
"description":"Reverting changes.",
"description":"Merging branches.",
"description":"Updating compiled files or packages.",
"description":"Updating code due to external API changes.",
"description":"Moving or renaming files.",
"description":"Adding or updating license.",
"description":"Introducing breaking changes.",
"description":"Adding or updating assets.",
"description":"Updating code due to code review changes.",
"emoji": "♿️",
"code": ":wheelchair:",
"description":"Improving accessibility.",
"emoji": "💡",
"code": ":bulb:",
"description":"Documenting source code.",
"emoji": "🍻",
"code": ":beers:",
"description": "Writing code drunkenly.",
"emoji": "💬",
"code": ":speech_balloon:",
"description": "Updating text and literals.",
"emoji": "🗃",
"code": ":card_file_box:",
"description": "Performing database related changes.",
"description":"Adding logs.",
"description":"Removing logs.",
"emoji": "👥",
"entity": "👥",
"code": ":busts_in_silhouette:",
"description": "Adding contributor(s).",
"name": "busts-in-silhouette"
"emoji": "🚸",
"entity": "🚸",
"code": ":children_crossing:",
"description": "Improving user experience / usability.",
"name": "children-crossing"
"emoji": "🏗",
"entity": "f3d7;",
"code": ":building_construction:",
"description": "Making architectural changes.",
"name": "building-construction"
"emoji": "📱",
"entity": "📱" ,
"code": ":iphone:",
"description": "Working on responsive design.",
"name": "iphone"
"emoji": "🤡",
"entity": "🤡" ,
"code": ":clown_face:",
"description": "Mocking things.",
"name": "clown-face"
"emoji": "🥚",
"entity": "🥚",
"code": ":egg:",
"description": "Adding an easter egg.",
"name": "egg"
"emoji": "🙈",
"entity": "bdfe7;" ,
"code": ":see_no_evil:",
"description": "Adding or updating a .gitignore file",
"name": "see-no-evil"
"emoji": "📸",
"entity": "📸" ,
"code": ":camera_flash:",
"description": "Adding or updating snapshots",
"name": "camera-flash"
"emoji": "⚗",
"entity": "📸" ,
"code": ":alembic:",
"description": "Experimenting new things",
"name": "alembic"
"emoji": "🔍",
"entity": "🔍" ,
"code": ":mag:",
"description": "Improving SEO",
"name": "mag"
"description":"Work about Kubernetes",
"emoji": "🏷️",
"entity": "🏷",
"code": ":label:",
"description": "Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)",
"name": "label"
Reference in New Issue