package kong import "unicode/utf8" // // License: func levenshtein(a, b string) int { f := make([]int, utf8.RuneCountInString(b)+1) for j := range f { f[j] = j } for _, ca := range a { j := 1 fj1 := f[0] // fj1 is the value of f[j - 1] in last iteration f[0]++ for _, cb := range b { mn := min(f[j]+1, f[j-1]+1) // delete & insert if cb != ca { mn = min(mn, fj1+1) // change } else { mn = min(mn, fj1) // matched } fj1, f[j] = f[j], mn // save f[j] to fj1(j is about to increase), update f[j] to mn j++ } } return f[len(f)-1] } func min(a, b int) int { if a <= b { return a } return b }