package kong import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/doc" "io" "strings" ) const ( defaultIndent = 2 defaultColumnPadding = 4 ) // Help flag. type helpValue bool func (h helpValue) BeforeApply(ctx *Context) error { options := ctx.Kong.helpOptions options.Summary = false err :=, ctx) if err != nil { return err } ctx.Kong.Exit(0) return nil } // HelpOptions for HelpPrinters. type HelpOptions struct { // Don't print top-level usage summary. NoAppSummary bool // Write a one-line summary of the context. Summary bool // Write help in a more compact, but still fully-specified, form. Compact bool // Tree writes command chains in a tree structure instead of listing them separately. Tree bool // Indenter modulates the given prefix for the next layer in the tree view. // The following exported templates can be used: kong.SpaceIndenter, kong.LineIndenter, kong.TreeIndenter // The kong.SpaceIndenter will be used by default. Indenter HelpIndenter } // Apply options to Kong as a configuration option. func (h HelpOptions) Apply(k *Kong) error { k.helpOptions = h return nil } // HelpProvider can be implemented by commands/args to provide detailed help. type HelpProvider interface { // This string is formatted by go/doc and thus has the same formatting rules. Help() string } // HelpIndenter is used to indent new layers in the help tree. type HelpIndenter func(prefix string) string // HelpPrinter is used to print context-sensitive help. type HelpPrinter func(options HelpOptions, ctx *Context) error // HelpValueFormatter is used to format the help text of flags and positional arguments. type HelpValueFormatter func(value *Value) string // DefaultHelpValueFormatter is the default HelpValueFormatter. func DefaultHelpValueFormatter(value *Value) string { if value.Tag.Env == "" { return value.Help } suffix := "($" + value.Tag.Env + ")" switch { case strings.HasSuffix(value.Help, "."): return value.Help[:len(value.Help)-1] + " " + suffix + "." case value.Help == "": return suffix default: return value.Help + " " + suffix } } // DefaultHelpPrinter is the default HelpPrinter. func DefaultHelpPrinter(options HelpOptions, ctx *Context) error { if ctx.Empty() { options.Summary = false } w := newHelpWriter(ctx, options) selected := ctx.Selected() if selected == nil { printApp(w, ctx.Model) } else { printCommand(w, ctx.Model, selected) } return w.Write(ctx.Stdout) } func printApp(w *helpWriter, app *Application) { if !w.NoAppSummary { w.Printf("Usage: %s%s", app.Name, app.Summary()) } printNodeDetail(w, app.Node, true) cmds := app.Leaves(true) if len(cmds) > 0 && app.HelpFlag != nil { w.Print("") if w.Summary { w.Printf(`Run "%s --help" for more information.`, app.Name) } else { w.Printf(`Run "%s --help" for more information on a command.`, app.Name) } } } func printCommand(w *helpWriter, app *Application, cmd *Command) { if !w.NoAppSummary { w.Printf("Usage: %s %s", app.Name, cmd.Summary()) } printNodeDetail(w, cmd, true) if w.Summary && app.HelpFlag != nil { w.Print("") w.Printf(`Run "%s --help" for more information.`, cmd.FullPath()) } } func printNodeDetail(w *helpWriter, node *Node, hide bool) { if node.Help != "" { w.Print("") w.Wrap(node.Help) } if w.Summary { return } if node.Detail != "" { w.Print("") w.Wrap(node.Detail) } if len(node.Positional) > 0 { w.Print("") w.Print("Arguments:") writePositionals(w.Indent(), node.Positional) } if flags := node.AllFlags(true); len(flags) > 0 { w.Print("") w.Print("Flags:") writeFlags(w.Indent(), flags) } cmds := node.Leaves(hide) if len(cmds) > 0 { w.Print("") w.Print("Commands:") if w.Tree { writeCommandTree(w, node) } else { iw := w.Indent() if w.Compact { writeCompactCommandList(cmds, iw) } else { writeCommandList(cmds, iw) } } } } func writeCommandList(cmds []*Node, iw *helpWriter) { for i, cmd := range cmds { if cmd.Hidden { continue } printCommandSummary(iw, cmd) if i != len(cmds)-1 { iw.Print("") } } } func writeCompactCommandList(cmds []*Node, iw *helpWriter) { rows := [][2]string{} for _, cmd := range cmds { if cmd.Hidden { continue } rows = append(rows, [2]string{cmd.Path(), cmd.Help}) } writeTwoColumns(iw, rows) } func writeCommandTree(w *helpWriter, node *Node) { iw := w.Indent() rows := make([][2]string, 0, len(node.Children)*2) for i, cmd := range node.Children { if cmd.Hidden { continue } rows = append(rows, w.CommandTree(cmd, "")...) if i != len(node.Children)-1 { rows = append(rows, [2]string{"", ""}) } } writeTwoColumns(iw, rows) } // nolint: unused type helpCommandGroup struct { Name string Commands []*Node } // nolint: unused, deadcode func collectCommandGroups(nodes []*Node) []helpCommandGroup { groups := map[string][]*Node{} for _, node := range nodes { groups[node.Group] = append(groups[node.Group], node) } out := []helpCommandGroup{} for name, nodes := range groups { if name == "" { name = "Commands" } out = append(out, helpCommandGroup{Name: name, Commands: nodes}) } return out } func printCommandSummary(w *helpWriter, cmd *Command) { w.Print(cmd.Summary()) if cmd.Help != "" { w.Indent().Wrap(cmd.Help) } } type helpWriter struct { indent string width int lines *[]string helpFormatter HelpValueFormatter HelpOptions } func newHelpWriter(ctx *Context, options HelpOptions) *helpWriter { lines := []string{} w := &helpWriter{ indent: "", width: guessWidth(ctx.Stdout), lines: &lines, helpFormatter: ctx.Kong.helpFormatter, HelpOptions: options, } return w } func (h *helpWriter) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) { h.Print(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } func (h *helpWriter) Print(text string) { *h.lines = append(*h.lines, strings.TrimRight(h.indent+text, " ")) } func (h *helpWriter) Indent() *helpWriter { return &helpWriter{indent: h.indent + " ", lines: h.lines, width: h.width - 2, HelpOptions: h.HelpOptions, helpFormatter: h.helpFormatter} } func (h *helpWriter) String() string { return strings.Join(*h.lines, "\n") } func (h *helpWriter) Write(w io.Writer) error { for _, line := range *h.lines { _, err := io.WriteString(w, line+"\n") if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (h *helpWriter) Wrap(text string) { w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) doc.ToText(w, strings.TrimSpace(text), "", " ", h.width) for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(w.String()), "\n") { h.Print(line) } } func writePositionals(w *helpWriter, args []*Positional) { rows := [][2]string{} for _, arg := range args { rows = append(rows, [2]string{arg.Summary(), w.helpFormatter(arg)}) } writeTwoColumns(w, rows) } func writeFlags(w *helpWriter, groups [][]*Flag) { rows := [][2]string{} haveShort := false for _, group := range groups { for _, flag := range group { if flag.Short != 0 { haveShort = true break } } } for i, group := range groups { if i > 0 { rows = append(rows, [2]string{"", ""}) } for _, flag := range group { if !flag.Hidden { rows = append(rows, [2]string{formatFlag(haveShort, flag), w.helpFormatter(flag.Value)}) } } } writeTwoColumns(w, rows) } func writeTwoColumns(w *helpWriter, rows [][2]string) { maxLeft := 375 * w.width / 1000 if maxLeft < 30 { maxLeft = 30 } // Find size of first column. leftSize := 0 for _, row := range rows { if c := len(row[0]); c > leftSize && c < maxLeft { leftSize = c } } offsetStr := strings.Repeat(" ", leftSize+defaultColumnPadding) for _, row := range rows { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) doc.ToText(buf, row[1], "", strings.Repeat(" ", defaultIndent), w.width-leftSize-defaultColumnPadding) lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(buf.String(), "\n"), "\n") line := fmt.Sprintf("%-*s", leftSize, row[0]) if len(row[0]) < maxLeft { line += fmt.Sprintf("%*s%s", defaultColumnPadding, "", lines[0]) lines = lines[1:] } w.Print(line) for _, line := range lines { w.Printf("%s%s", offsetStr, line) } } } // haveShort will be true if there are short flags present at all in the help. Useful for column alignment. func formatFlag(haveShort bool, flag *Flag) string { flagString := "" name := flag.Name isBool := flag.IsBool() if flag.Short != 0 { flagString += fmt.Sprintf("-%c, --%s", flag.Short, name) } else { if haveShort { flagString += fmt.Sprintf(" --%s", name) } else { flagString += fmt.Sprintf("--%s", name) } } if !isBool { flagString += fmt.Sprintf("=%s", flag.FormatPlaceHolder()) } return flagString } // CommandTree creates a tree with the given node name as root and its children's arguments and sub commands as leaves. func (h *HelpOptions) CommandTree(node *Node, prefix string) (rows [][2]string) { var nodeName string switch node.Type { default: nodeName += prefix + node.Name case ArgumentNode: nodeName += prefix + "<" + node.Name + ">" } rows = append(rows, [2]string{nodeName, node.Help}) if h.Indenter == nil { prefix = SpaceIndenter(prefix) } else { prefix = h.Indenter(prefix) } for _, arg := range node.Positional { rows = append(rows, [2]string{prefix + arg.Summary(), arg.Help}) } for _, subCmd := range node.Children { rows = append(rows, h.CommandTree(subCmd, prefix)...) } return } // SpaceIndenter adds a space indent to the given prefix. func SpaceIndenter(prefix string) string { return prefix + strings.Repeat(" ", defaultIndent) } // LineIndenter adds line points to every new indent. func LineIndenter(prefix string) string { if prefix == "" { return "- " } return strings.Repeat(" ", defaultIndent) + prefix } // TreeIndenter adds line points to every new indent and vertical lines to every layer. func TreeIndenter(prefix string) string { if prefix == "" { return "|- " } return "|" + strings.Repeat(" ", defaultIndent) + prefix }