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package kong
import (
// Path records the nodes and parsed values from the current command-line.
type Path struct {
Parent *Node
// One of these will be non-nil.
App *Application
Positional *Positional
Flag *Flag
Argument *Argument
Command *Command
// Flags added by this node.
Flags []*Flag
// True if this Path element was created as the result of a resolver.
Resolved bool
// Node returns the Node associated with this Path, or nil if Path is a non-Node.
func (p *Path) Node() *Node {
switch {
case p.App != nil:
return p.App.Node
case p.Argument != nil:
return p.Argument
case p.Command != nil:
return p.Command
return nil
// Context contains the current parse context.
type Context struct {
// A trace through parsed nodes.
Path []*Path
// Original command-line arguments.
Args []string
// Error that occurred during trace, if any.
Error error
values map[*Value]reflect.Value // Temporary values during tracing.
bindings bindings
resolvers []Resolver // Extra context-specific resolvers.
scan *Scanner
// Trace path of "args" through the grammar tree.
// The returned Context will include a Path of all commands, arguments, positionals and flags.
// This just constructs a new trace. To fully apply the trace you must call Reset(), Resolve(),
// Validate() and Apply().
func Trace(k *Kong, args []string) (*Context, error) {
c := &Context{
Kong: k,
Args: args,
Path: []*Path{
{App: k.Model, Flags: k.Model.Flags},
values: map[*Value]reflect.Value{},
scan: Scan(args...),
bindings: bindings{},
c.Error = c.trace(c.Model.Node)
return c, nil
// Bind adds bindings to the Context.
func (c *Context) Bind(args ...interface{}) {
// BindTo adds a binding to the Context.
// This will typically have to be called like so:
// BindTo(impl, (*MyInterface)(nil))
func (c *Context) BindTo(impl, iface interface{}) {
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(impl)
c.bindings[reflect.TypeOf(iface).Elem()] = func() (reflect.Value, error) { return valueOf, nil }
// Value returns the value for a particular path element.
func (c *Context) Value(path *Path) reflect.Value {
switch {
case path.Positional != nil:
return c.values[path.Positional]
case path.Flag != nil:
return c.values[path.Flag.Value]
case path.Argument != nil:
return c.values[path.Argument.Argument]
panic("can only retrieve value for flag, argument or positional")
// Selected command or argument.
func (c *Context) Selected() *Node {
var selected *Node
for _, path := range c.Path {
switch {
case path.Command != nil:
selected = path.Command
case path.Argument != nil:
selected = path.Argument
return selected
// Empty returns true if there were no arguments provided.
func (c *Context) Empty() bool {
for _, path := range c.Path {
if !path.Resolved && path.App == nil {
return false
return true
// Validate the current context.
func (c *Context) Validate() error { // nolint: gocyclo
err := Visit(c.Model, func(node Visitable, next Next) error {
if value, ok := node.(*Value); ok {
if value.Enum != "" && (!value.Required || value.Default != "") {
if err := checkEnum(value, value.Target); err != nil {
return err
return next(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, resolver := range c.combineResolvers() {
if err := resolver.Validate(c.Model); err != nil {
return err
for _, path := range c.Path {
var value *Value
switch {
case path.Flag != nil:
value = path.Flag.Value
case path.Positional != nil:
value = path.Positional
if value != nil && value.Tag.Enum != "" {
if err := checkEnum(value, value.Target); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkMissingFlags(path.Flags); err != nil {
return err
// Check the terminal node.
node := c.Selected()
if node == nil {
node = c.Model.Node
// Find deepest positional argument so we can check if all required positionals have been provided.
positionals := 0
for _, path := range c.Path {
if path.Positional != nil {
positionals = path.Positional.Position + 1
if err := checkMissingChildren(node); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkMissingPositionals(positionals, node.Positional); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkXorDuplicates(c.Path); err != nil {
return err
if node.Type == ArgumentNode {
value := node.Argument
if value.Required && !value.Set {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is required", node.Summary())
return nil
// Flags returns the accumulated available flags.
func (c *Context) Flags() (flags []*Flag) {
for _, trace := range c.Path {
flags = append(flags, trace.Flags...)
// Command returns the full command path.
func (c *Context) Command() string {
command := []string{}
for _, trace := range c.Path {
switch {
case trace.Positional != nil:
command = append(command, "<"+trace.Positional.Name+">")
case trace.Argument != nil:
command = append(command, "<"+trace.Argument.Name+">")
case trace.Command != nil:
command = append(command, trace.Command.Name)
return strings.Join(command, " ")
// AddResolver adds a context-specific resolver.
// This is most useful in the BeforeResolve() hook.
func (c *Context) AddResolver(resolver Resolver) {
c.resolvers = append(c.resolvers, resolver)
// FlagValue returns the set value of a flag if it was encountered and exists, or its default value.
func (c *Context) FlagValue(flag *Flag) interface{} {
for _, trace := range c.Path {
if trace.Flag == flag {
v, ok := c.values[trace.Flag.Value]
if !ok {
return v.Interface()
if flag.Target.IsValid() {
return flag.Target.Interface()
return flag.DefaultValue.Interface()
// Reset recursively resets values to defaults (as specified in the grammar) or the zero value.
func (c *Context) Reset() error {
return Visit(c.Model.Node, func(node Visitable, next Next) error {
if value, ok := node.(*Value); ok {
return next(value.Reset())
return next(nil)
func (c *Context) trace(node *Node) (err error) { // nolint: gocyclo
positional := 0
flags := []*Flag{}
for _, group := range node.AllFlags(false) {
flags = append(flags, group...)
for !c.scan.Peek().IsEOL() {
token := c.scan.Peek()
switch token.Type {
case UntypedToken:
switch v := token.Value.(type) {
case string:
switch {
case v == "-":
default: // nolint
c.scan.PushTyped(token.Value, PositionalArgumentToken)
// Indicates end of parsing. All remaining arguments are treated as positional arguments only.
case v == "--":
args := []string{}
for {
token = c.scan.Pop()
if token.Type == EOLToken {
args = append(args, token.String())
// Note: tokens must be pushed in reverse order.
for i := range args {
c.scan.PushTyped(args[len(args)-1-i], PositionalArgumentToken)
// Long flag.
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "--"):
// Parse it and push the tokens.
parts := strings.SplitN(v[2:], "=", 2)
if len(parts) > 1 {
c.scan.PushTyped(parts[1], FlagValueToken)
c.scan.PushTyped(parts[0], FlagToken)
// Short flag.
case strings.HasPrefix(v, "-"):
// Note: tokens must be pushed in reverse order.
if tail := v[2:]; tail != "" {
c.scan.PushTyped(tail, ShortFlagTailToken)
c.scan.PushTyped(v[1:2], ShortFlagToken)
c.scan.PushTyped(token.Value, PositionalArgumentToken)
case ShortFlagTailToken:
// Note: tokens must be pushed in reverse order.
if tail := token.String()[1:]; tail != "" {
c.scan.PushTyped(tail, ShortFlagTailToken)
c.scan.PushTyped(token.String()[0:1], ShortFlagToken)
case FlagToken:
if err := c.parseFlag(flags, token.String()); err != nil {
return err
case ShortFlagToken:
if err := c.parseFlag(flags, token.String()); err != nil {
return err
case FlagValueToken:
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected flag argument %q", token.Value)
case PositionalArgumentToken:
candidates := []string{}
// Ensure we've consumed all positional arguments.
if positional < len(node.Positional) {
arg := node.Positional[positional]
err := arg.Parse(c.scan, c.getValue(arg))
if err != nil {
return err
c.Path = append(c.Path, &Path{
Parent: node,
Positional: arg,
// After positional arguments have been consumed, check commands next...
for _, branch := range node.Children {
if branch.Type == CommandNode && !branch.Hidden {
candidates = append(candidates, branch.Name)
if branch.Type == CommandNode && branch.Name == token.Value {
c.Path = append(c.Path, &Path{
Parent: node,
Command: branch,
Flags: branch.Flags,
return c.trace(branch)
// Finally, check arguments.
for _, branch := range node.Children {
if branch.Type == ArgumentNode {
arg := branch.Argument
if err := arg.Parse(c.scan, c.getValue(arg)); err == nil {
c.Path = append(c.Path, &Path{
Parent: node,
Argument: branch,
Flags: branch.Flags,
return c.trace(branch)
return findPotentialCandidates(token.String(), candidates, "unexpected argument %s", token)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected token %s", token)
return c.maybeSelectDefault(flags, node)
// End of the line, check for a default command, but only if we're not displaying help,
// otherwise we'd only ever display the help for the default command.
func (c *Context) maybeSelectDefault(flags []*Flag, node *Node) error {
for _, flag := range flags {
if flag.Name == "help" && flag.Set {
return nil
var defaultNode *Path
for _, child := range node.Children {
if child.Type == CommandNode && child.Tag.Default != "" {
if defaultNode != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't have more than one default command under %s", node.Summary())
defaultNode = &Path{
Parent: child,
Command: child,
Flags: child.Flags,
if defaultNode != nil {
c.Path = append(c.Path, defaultNode)
return nil
// Resolve walks through the traced path, applying resolvers to any unset flags.
func (c *Context) Resolve() error {
resolvers := c.combineResolvers()
if len(resolvers) == 0 {
return nil
inserted := []*Path{}
for _, path := range c.Path {
for _, flag := range path.Flags {
// Flag has already been set on the command-line.
if _, ok := c.values[flag.Value]; ok {
// Pick the last resolved value.
var selected interface{}
for _, resolver := range resolvers {
s, err := resolver.Resolve(c, path, flag)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, flag.ShortSummary())
if s == nil {
selected = s
if selected == nil {
scan := Scan().PushTyped(selected, FlagValueToken)
delete(c.values, flag.Value)
err := flag.Parse(scan, c.getValue(flag.Value))
if err != nil {
return err
inserted = append(inserted, &Path{
Flag: flag,
Resolved: true,
c.Path = append(inserted, c.Path...)
return nil
// Combine application-level resolvers and context resolvers.
func (c *Context) combineResolvers() []Resolver {
resolvers := []Resolver{}
resolvers = append(resolvers, c.Kong.resolvers...)
resolvers = append(resolvers, c.resolvers...)
return resolvers
func (c *Context) getValue(value *Value) reflect.Value {
v, ok := c.values[value]
if !ok {
v = reflect.New(value.Target.Type()).Elem()
c.values[value] = v
return v
// ApplyDefaults if they are not already set.
func (c *Context) ApplyDefaults() error {
return Visit(c.Model.Node, func(node Visitable, next Next) error {
var value *Value
switch node := node.(type) {
case *Flag:
value = node.Value
case *Node:
value = node.Argument
case *Value:
value = node
if value != nil {
if err := value.ApplyDefault(); err != nil {
return err
return next(nil)
// Apply traced context to the target grammar.
func (c *Context) Apply() (string, error) {
path := []string{}
for _, trace := range c.Path {
var value *Value
switch {
case trace.App != nil:
case trace.Argument != nil:
path = append(path, "<"+trace.Argument.Name+">")
value = trace.Argument.Argument
case trace.Command != nil:
path = append(path, trace.Command.Name)
case trace.Flag != nil:
value = trace.Flag.Value
case trace.Positional != nil:
path = append(path, "<"+trace.Positional.Name+">")
value = trace.Positional
panic("unsupported path ?!")
if value != nil {
return strings.Join(path, " "), nil
func (c *Context) parseFlag(flags []*Flag, match string) (err error) {
defer catch(&err)
candidates := []string{}
for _, flag := range flags {
long := "--" + flag.Name
short := "-" + string(flag.Short)
candidates = append(candidates, long)
if flag.Short != 0 {
candidates = append(candidates, short)
if short != match && long != match {
// Found a matching flag.
err := flag.Parse(c.scan, c.getValue(flag.Value))
if err != nil {
if e, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*expectedError); ok && e.token.InferredType().IsAny(FlagToken, ShortFlagToken) {
return errors.Errorf("%s; perhaps try %s=%q?", err, flag.ShortSummary(), e.token)
return err
c.Path = append(c.Path, &Path{Flag: flag})
return nil
return findPotentialCandidates(match, candidates, "unknown flag %s", match)
// RunNode calls the Run() method on an arbitrary node.
// This is useful in conjunction with Visit(), for dynamically running commands.
// Any passed values will be bindable to arguments of the target Run() method. Additionally,
// all parent nodes in the command structure will be bound.
func (c *Context) RunNode(node *Node, binds ...interface{}) (err error) {
type targetMethod struct {
node *Node
method reflect.Value
binds bindings
methodBinds := c.Kong.bindings.clone().add(binds...).add(c).merge(c.bindings)
methods := []targetMethod{}
for i := 0; node != nil; i, node = i+1, node.Parent {
method := getMethod(node.Target, "Run")
methodBinds = methodBinds.clone()
for p := node; p != nil; p = p.Parent {
methodBinds = methodBinds.add(p.Target.Addr().Interface())
if method.IsValid() {
methods = append(methods, targetMethod{node, method, methodBinds})
if len(methods) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no Run() method found in hierarchy of %s", c.Selected().Summary())
_, err = c.Apply()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, method := range methods {
if err = callMethod("Run", method.node.Target, method.method, method.binds); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Run executes the Run() method on the selected command, which must exist.
// Any passed values will be bindable to arguments of the target Run() method. Additionally,
// all parent nodes in the command structure will be bound.
func (c *Context) Run(binds ...interface{}) (err error) {
defer catch(&err)
node := c.Selected()
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no command selected")
return c.RunNode(node, binds...)
// PrintUsage to Kong's stdout.
// If summary is true, a summarised version of the help will be output.
func (c *Context) PrintUsage(summary bool) error {
options := c.helpOptions
options.Summary = summary
_ =, c)
return nil
func checkMissingFlags(flags []*Flag) error {
missing := []string{}
for _, flag := range flags {
if !flag.Required || flag.Set {
missing = append(missing, flag.Summary())
if len(missing) == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("missing flags: %s", strings.Join(missing, ", "))
func checkMissingChildren(node *Node) error {
missing := []string{}
missingArgs := []string{}
for _, arg := range node.Positional {
if arg.Required && !arg.Set {
missingArgs = append(missingArgs, arg.Summary())
if len(missingArgs) > 0 {
missing = append(missing, strconv.Quote(strings.Join(missingArgs, " ")))
haveDefault := 0
for _, child := range node.Children {
if child.Hidden {
if child.Argument != nil {
if !child.Argument.Required {
missing = append(missing, strconv.Quote(child.Summary()))
} else {
if child.Tag.Default != "" {
if len(child.Children) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("default command %s must not have subcommands or arguments", child.Summary())
missing = append(missing, strconv.Quote(child.Name))
if haveDefault > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("more than one default command found under %s", node.Summary())
if len(missing) == 0 || haveDefault > 0 {
return nil
if len(missing) > 5 {
missing = append(missing[:5], "...")
if len(missing) == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected %s", missing[0])
return fmt.Errorf("expected one of %s", strings.Join(missing, ", "))
// If we're missing any positionals and they're required, return an error.
func checkMissingPositionals(positional int, values []*Value) error {
// All the positionals are in.
if positional >= len(values) {
return nil
// We're low on supplied positionals, but the missing one is optional.
if !values[positional].Required {
return nil
missing := []string{}
for ; positional < len(values); positional++ {
missing = append(missing, "<"+values[positional].Name+">")
return fmt.Errorf("missing positional arguments %s", strings.Join(missing, " "))
func checkEnum(value *Value, target reflect.Value) error {
switch target.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < target.Len(); i++ {
if err := checkEnum(value, target.Index(i)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case reflect.Map, reflect.Struct:
return errors.Errorf("enum can only be applied to a slice or value")
enumMap := value.EnumMap()
v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", target)
if enumMap[v] {
return nil
enums := []string{}
for enum := range enumMap {
enums = append(enums, fmt.Sprintf("%q", enum))
return fmt.Errorf("%s must be one of %s but got %q", value.ShortSummary(), strings.Join(enums, ","), target.Interface())
func checkXorDuplicates(paths []*Path) error {
for _, path := range paths {
seen := map[string]*Flag{}
for _, flag := range path.Flags {
if !flag.Set {
if flag.Xor == "" {
if seen[flag.Xor] != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("--%s and --%s can't be used together", seen[flag.Xor].Name, flag.Name)
seen[flag.Xor] = flag
return nil
func findPotentialCandidates(needle string, haystack []string, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
if len(haystack) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
closestCandidates := []string{}
for _, candidate := range haystack {
if strings.HasPrefix(candidate, needle) || levenshtein(candidate, needle) <= 2 {
closestCandidates = append(closestCandidates, fmt.Sprintf("%q", candidate))
prefix := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if len(closestCandidates) == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s, did you mean %s?", prefix, closestCandidates[0])
} else if len(closestCandidates) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s, did you mean one of %s?", prefix, strings.Join(closestCandidates, ", "))
return fmt.Errorf("%s", prefix)