{ $Id: ImagingPortableMaps.pas 127 2008-05-31 01:57:13Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This unit contains loader/saver for Portable Maps file format family (or PNM). That includes PBM, PGM, PPM, PAM, and PFM formats.} unit ImagingPortableMaps; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses SysUtils, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingFormats, ImagingUtility; type { Types of pixels of PNM images.} TTupleType = (ttInvalid, ttBlackAndWhite, ttGrayScale, ttRGB, ttBlackAndWhiteAlpha, ttGrayScaleAlpha, ttRGBAlpha, ttGrayScaleFP, ttRGBFP); { Record with info about PNM image used in both loading and saving functions.} TPortableMapInfo = record Width: LongInt; Height: LongInt; FormatId: Char; MaxVal: LongInt; BitCount: LongInt; Depth: LongInt; TupleType: TTupleType; Binary: Boolean; HasPAMHeader: Boolean; IsBigEndian: Boolean; end; { Base class for Portable Map file formats (or Portable AnyMaps or PNM). There are several types of PNM file formats that share common (simple) structure. This class can actually load all supported PNM formats. Saving is also done by this class but descendants (each for different PNM format) control it.} TPortableMapFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) protected FIdNumbers: TChar2; FSaveBinary: LongBool; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveDataInternal(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt; var MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo): Boolean; public constructor Create; override; function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; published { If set to True images will be saved in binary format. If it is False they will be saved in text format (which could result in 5-10x bigger file). Default is value True. Note that PAM and PFM files are always saved in binary.} property SaveBinary: LongBool read FSaveBinary write FSaveBinary; end; { Portable Bit Map is used to store monochrome 1bit images. Raster data can be saved as text or binary data. Either way value of 0 represents white and 1 is black. As Imaging does not have support for 1bit data formats PBM images can be loaded but not saved. Loaded images are returned in ifGray8 format (witch pixel values scaled from 1bit to 8bit).} TPBMFileFormat = class(TPortableMapFileFormat) public constructor Create; override; end; { Portable Gray Map is used to store grayscale 8bit or 16bit images. Raster data can be saved as text or binary data.} TPGMFileFormat = class(TPortableMapFileFormat) protected function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public constructor Create; override; end; { Portable Pixel Map is used to store RGB images with 8bit or 16bit channels. Raster data can be saved as text or binary data.} TPPMFileFormat = class(TPortableMapFileFormat) protected function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public constructor Create; override; end; { Portable Arbitrary Map is format that can store image data formats of PBM, PGM, and PPM formats with optional alpha channel. Raster data can be stored only in binary format. All data formats supported by this format are ifGray8, ifGray16, ifA8Gray8, ifA16Gray16, ifR8G8B8, ifR16G16R16, ifA8R8G8B8, and ifA16R16G16B16.} TPAMFileFormat = class(TPortableMapFileFormat) protected function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public constructor Create; override; end; { Portable Float Map is unofficial extension of PNM format family which can store images with floating point pixels. Raster data is saved in binary format as array of IEEE 32 bit floating point numbers. One channel or RGB images are supported by PFM format (so no alpha).} TPFMFileFormat = class(TPortableMapFileFormat) protected function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public constructor Create; override; end; implementation const PortableMapDefaultBinary = True; SPBMFormatName = 'Portable Bit Map'; SPBMMasks = '*.pbm'; SPGMFormatName = 'Portable Gray Map'; SPGMMasks = '*.pgm'; PGMSupportedFormats = [ifGray8, ifGray16]; SPPMFormatName = 'Portable Pixel Map'; SPPMMasks = '*.ppm'; PPMSupportedFormats = [ifR8G8B8, ifR16G16B16]; SPAMFormatName = 'Portable Arbitrary Map'; SPAMMasks = '*.pam'; PAMSupportedFormats = [ifGray8, ifGray16, ifA8Gray8, ifA16Gray16, ifR8G8B8, ifR16G16B16, ifA8R8G8B8, ifA16R16G16B16]; SPFMFormatName = 'Portable Float Map'; SPFMMasks = '*.pfm'; PFMSupportedFormats = [ifR32F, ifA32B32G32R32F]; const { TAB, CR, LF, and Space are used as seperators in Portable map headers and data.} WhiteSpaces = [#9, #10, #13, #32]; SPAMWidth = 'WIDTH'; SPAMHeight = 'HEIGHT'; SPAMDepth = 'DEPTH'; SPAMMaxVal = 'MAXVAL'; SPAMTupleType = 'TUPLTYPE'; SPAMEndHdr = 'ENDHDR'; { Size of buffer used to speed up text PNM loading/saving.} LineBufferCapacity = 16 * 1024; TupleTypeNames: array[TTupleType] of string = ( 'INVALID', 'BLACKANDWHITE', 'GRAYSCALE', 'RGB', 'BLACKANDWHITE_ALPHA', 'GRAYSCALE_ALPHA', 'RGB_ALPHA', 'GRAYSCALEFP', 'RGBFP'); { TPortableMapFileFormat } constructor TPortableMapFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FCanLoad := True; FCanSave := True; FIsMultiImageFormat := False; FSaveBinary := PortableMapDefaultBinary; end; function TPortableMapFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var I, ScanLineSize, MonoSize: LongInt; Dest: PByte; MonoData: Pointer; Info: TImageFormatInfo; PixelFP: TColorFPRec; LineBuffer: array[0..LineBufferCapacity - 1] of Char; LineEnd, LinePos: LongInt; MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo; LineBreak: string; procedure CheckBuffer; begin if (LineEnd = 0) or (LinePos = LineEnd) then begin // Reload buffer if its is empty or its end was reached LineEnd := GetIO.Read(Handle, @LineBuffer[0], LineBufferCapacity); LinePos := 0; end; end; procedure FixInputPos; begin // Sets input's position to its real pos as it would be without buffering if LineEnd > 0 then begin GetIO.Seek(Handle, -LineEnd + LinePos, smFromCurrent); LineEnd := 0; end; end; function ReadString: string; var S: AnsiString; C: Char; begin // First skip all whitespace chars SetLength(S, 1); repeat CheckBuffer; S[1] := LineBuffer[LinePos]; Inc(LinePos); if S[1] = '#' then repeat // Comment detected, skip everything until next line is reached CheckBuffer; S[1] := LineBuffer[LinePos]; Inc(LinePos); until S[1] = #10; until not(S[1] in WhiteSpaces); // Now we have reached some chars other than white space, read them until // there is whitespace again repeat SetLength(S, Length(S) + 1); CheckBuffer; S[Length(S)] := LineBuffer[LinePos]; Inc(LinePos); // Repeat until current char is whitespace or end of file is reached // (Line buffer has 0 bytes which happens only on EOF) until (S[Length(S)] in WhiteSpaces) or (LineEnd = 0); // Get rid of last char - whitespace or null SetLength(S, Length(S) - 1); // Move position to the beginning of next string (skip white space - needed // to make the loader stop at the right input position) repeat CheckBuffer; C := LineBuffer[LinePos]; Inc(LinePos); until not (C in WhiteSpaces) or (LineEnd = 0); // Dec pos, current is the begining of the the string Dec(LinePos); Result := S; end; function ReadIntValue: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} begin Result := StrToInt(ReadString); end; procedure FindLineBreak; var C: Char; begin LineBreak := #10; repeat CheckBuffer; C := LineBuffer[LinePos]; Inc(LinePos); if C = #13 then LineBreak := #13#10; until C = #10; end; function ParseHeader: Boolean; var Id: TChar2; I: TTupleType; TupleTypeName: string; Scale: Single; OldSeparator: Char; begin Result := False; with GetIO do begin FillChar(MapInfo, SizeOf(MapInfo), 0); Read(Handle, @Id, SizeOf(Id)); FindLineBreak; if Id[1] in ['1'..'6'] then begin // Read header for PBM, PGM, and PPM files MapInfo.Width := ReadIntValue; MapInfo.Height := ReadIntValue; if Id[1] in ['1', '4'] then begin MapInfo.MaxVal := 1; MapInfo.BitCount := 1 end else begin // Read channel max value, <=255 for 8bit images, >255 for 16bit images // but some programs think its max colors so put <=256 here MapInfo.MaxVal := ReadIntValue; MapInfo.BitCount := Iff(MapInfo.MaxVal <= 256, 8, 16); end; MapInfo.Depth := 1; case Id[1] of '1', '4': MapInfo.TupleType := ttBlackAndWhite; '2', '5': MapInfo.TupleType := ttGrayScale; '3', '6': begin MapInfo.TupleType := ttRGB; MapInfo.Depth := 3; end; end; end else if Id[1] = '7' then begin // Read values from PAM header // WIDTH if (ReadString <> SPAMWidth) then Exit; MapInfo.Width := ReadIntValue; // HEIGHT if (ReadString <> SPAMheight) then Exit; MapInfo.Height := ReadIntValue; // DEPTH if (ReadString <> SPAMDepth) then Exit; MapInfo.Depth := ReadIntValue; // MAXVAL if (ReadString <> SPAMMaxVal) then Exit; MapInfo.MaxVal := ReadIntValue; MapInfo.BitCount := Iff(MapInfo.MaxVal <= 256, 8, 16); // TUPLETYPE if (ReadString <> SPAMTupleType) then Exit; TupleTypeName := ReadString; for I := Low(TTupleType) to High(TTupleType) do if SameText(TupleTypeName, TupleTypeNames[I]) then begin MapInfo.TupleType := I; Break; end; // ENDHDR if (ReadString <> SPAMEndHdr) then Exit; end else if Id[1] in ['F', 'f'] then begin // Read header of PFM file MapInfo.Width := ReadIntValue; MapInfo.Height := ReadIntValue; OldSeparator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; Scale := StrToFloatDef(ReadString, 0); DecimalSeparator := OldSeparator; MapInfo.IsBigEndian := Scale > 0.0; if Id[1] = 'F' then MapInfo.TupleType := ttRGBFP else MapInfo.TupleType := ttGrayScaleFP; MapInfo.Depth := Iff(MapInfo.TupleType = ttRGBFP, 3, 1); MapInfo.BitCount := Iff(MapInfo.TupleType = ttRGBFP, 96, 32); end; FixInputPos; MapInfo.Binary := (Id[1] in ['4', '5', '6', '7', 'F', 'f']); if MapInfo.Binary and not (Id[1] in ['F', 'f']) then begin // Mimic the behaviour of Photoshop and other editors/viewers: // If linenreaks in file are DOS CR/LF 16bit binary values are // little endian, Unix LF only linebreak indicates big endian. MapInfo.IsBigEndian := LineBreak = #10; end; // Check if values found in header are valid Result := (MapInfo.Width > 0) and (MapInfo.Height > 0) and (MapInfo.BitCount in [1, 8, 16, 32, 96]) and (MapInfo.TupleType <> ttInvalid); // Now check if image has proper number of channels (PAM) if Result then case MapInfo.TupleType of ttBlackAndWhite, ttGrayScale: Result := MapInfo.Depth = 1; ttBlackAndWhiteAlpha, ttGrayScaleAlpha: Result := MapInfo.Depth = 2; ttRGB: Result := MapInfo.Depth = 3; ttRGBAlpha: Result := MapInfo.Depth = 4; end; end; end; begin Result := False; LineEnd := 0; LinePos := 0; SetLength(Images, 1); with GetIO, Images[0] do begin Format := ifUnknown; // Try to parse file header if not ParseHeader then Exit; // Select appropriate data format based on values read from file header case MapInfo.TupleType of ttBlackAndWhite: Format := ifGray8; ttBlackAndWhiteAlpha: Format := ifA8Gray8; ttGrayScale: Format := IffFormat(MapInfo.BitCount = 8, ifGray8, ifGray16); ttGrayScaleAlpha: Format := IffFormat(MapInfo.BitCount = 8, ifA8Gray8, ifA16Gray16); ttRGB: Format := IffFormat(MapInfo.BitCount = 8, ifR8G8B8, ifR16G16B16); ttRGBAlpha: Format := IffFormat(MapInfo.BitCount = 8, ifA8R8G8B8, ifA16R16G16B16); ttGrayScaleFP: Format := ifR32F; ttRGBFP: Format := ifA32B32G32R32F; end; // Exit if no matching data format was found if Format = ifUnknown then Exit; NewImage(MapInfo.Width, MapInfo.Height, Format, Images[0]); Info := GetFormatInfo(Format); // Now read pixels from file to dest image if not MapInfo.Binary then begin Dest := Bits; for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin case Format of ifGray8: begin Dest^ := ReadIntValue; if MapInfo.BitCount = 1 then // If source is 1bit mono image (where 0=white, 1=black) // we must scale it to 8bits Dest^ := 255 - Dest^ * 255; end; ifGray16: PWord(Dest)^ := ReadIntValue; ifR8G8B8: with PColor24Rec(Dest)^ do begin R := ReadIntValue; G := ReadIntValue; B := ReadIntValue; end; ifR16G16B16: with PColor48Rec(Dest)^ do begin R := ReadIntValue; G := ReadIntValue; B := ReadIntValue; end; end; Inc(Dest, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end else begin if MapInfo.BitCount > 1 then begin if not (MapInfo.TupleType in [ttGrayScaleFP, ttRGBFP]) then begin // Just copy bytes from binary Portable Maps (non 1bit, non FP) Read(Handle, Bits, Size); end else begin Dest := Bits; // FP images are in BGR order and endian swap maybe needed. // Some programs store scanlines in bottom-up order but // I will stick with Photoshops behaviour here for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin Read(Handle, @PixelFP, MapInfo.BitCount div 8); if MapInfo.TupleType = ttRGBFP then with PColorFPRec(Dest)^ do begin A := 1.0; R := PixelFP.R; G := PixelFP.G; B := PixelFP.B; if MapInfo.IsBigEndian then SwapEndianLongWord(PLongWord(Dest), 3); end else begin PSingle(Dest)^ := PixelFP.B; if MapInfo.IsBigEndian then SwapEndianLongWord(PLongWord(Dest), 1); end; Inc(Dest, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end; if MapInfo.TupleType in [ttBlackAndWhite, ttBlackAndWhiteAlpha] then begin // Black and white PAM files must be scaled to 8bits. Note that // in PAM files 1=white, 0=black (reverse of PBM) for I := 0 to Width * Height * Iff(MapInfo.TupleType = ttBlackAndWhiteAlpha, 2, 1) - 1 do PByteArray(Bits)[I] := PByteArray(Bits)[I] * 255; end else if MapInfo.TupleType in [ttRGB, ttRGBAlpha] then begin // Swap channels of RGB/ARGB images. Binary RGB image files use BGR order. SwapChannels(Images[0], ChannelBlue, ChannelRed); end; // Swap byte order if needed if (MapInfo.BitCount = 16) and MapInfo.IsBigEndian then SwapEndianWord(Bits, Width * Height * Info.BytesPerPixel div SizeOf(Word)); end else begin // Handle binary PBM files (ttBlackAndWhite 1bit) ScanLineSize := (Width + 7) div 8; // Get total binary data size, read it from file to temp // buffer and convert the data to Gray8 MonoSize := ScanLineSize * Height; GetMem(MonoData, MonoSize); try Read(Handle, MonoData, MonoSize); Convert1To8(MonoData, Bits, Width, Height, ScanLineSize); // 1bit mono images must be scaled to 8bit (where 0=white, 1=black) for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do PByteArray(Bits)[I] := 255 - PByteArray(Bits)[I] * 255; finally FreeMem(MonoData); end; end; end; FixInputPos; if (MapInfo.MaxVal <> Pow2Int(MapInfo.BitCount) - 1) and (MapInfo.TupleType in [ttGrayScale, ttGrayScaleAlpha, ttRGB, ttRGBAlpha]) then begin Dest := Bits; // Scale color values according to MaxVal we got from header // if necessary. for I := 0 to Width * Height * Info.BytesPerPixel div (MapInfo.BitCount shr 3) - 1 do begin if MapInfo.BitCount = 8 then Dest^ := Dest^ * 255 div MapInfo.MaxVal else PWord(Dest)^ := PWord(Dest)^ * 65535 div MapInfo.MaxVal; Inc(Dest, MapInfo.BitCount shr 3); end; end; Result := True; end; end; function TPortableMapFileFormat.SaveDataInternal(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer; var MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo): Boolean; const // Use Unix linebreak, for many viewers/editors it means that // 16bit samples are stored as big endian - so we need to swap byte order // before saving LineDelimiter = #10; PixelDelimiter = #32; var ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; Info: TImageFormatInfo; I, LineLength: LongInt; Src: PByte; Pixel32: TColor32Rec; Pixel64: TColor64Rec; W: Word; procedure WriteString(S: string; Delimiter: Char = LineDelimiter); begin SetLength(S, Length(S) + 1); S[Length(S)] := Delimiter; GetIO.Write(Handle, @S[1], Length(S)); Inc(LineLength, Length(S)); end; procedure WriteHeader; var OldSeparator: Char; begin WriteString('P' + MapInfo.FormatId); if not MapInfo.HasPAMHeader then begin // Write header of PGM, PPM, and PFM files WriteString(IntToStr(ImageToSave.Width)); WriteString(IntToStr(ImageToSave.Height)); case MapInfo.TupleType of ttGrayScale, ttRGB: WriteString(IntToStr(Pow2Int(MapInfo.BitCount) - 1)); ttGrayScaleFP, ttRGBFP: begin OldSeparator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; // Negative value indicates that raster data is saved in little endian WriteString(FloatToStr(-1.0)); DecimalSeparator := OldSeparator; end; end; end else begin // Write PAM file header WriteString(Format('%s %d', [SPAMWidth, ImageToSave.Width])); WriteString(Format('%s %d', [SPAMHeight, ImageToSave.Height])); WriteString(Format('%s %d', [SPAMDepth, MapInfo.Depth])); WriteString(Format('%s %d', [SPAMMaxVal, Pow2Int(MapInfo.BitCount) - 1])); WriteString(Format('%s %s', [SPAMTupleType, TupleTypeNames[MapInfo.TupleType]])); WriteString(SPAMEndHdr); end; end; begin Result := False; if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then with GetIO, ImageToSave do try Info := GetFormatInfo(Format); // Fill values of MapInfo record that were not filled by // descendants in their SaveData methods MapInfo.BitCount := (Info.BytesPerPixel div Info.ChannelCount) * 8; MapInfo.Depth := Info.ChannelCount; if MapInfo.TupleType = ttInvalid then begin if Info.HasGrayChannel then begin if Info.HasAlphaChannel then MapInfo.TupleType := ttGrayScaleAlpha else MapInfo.TupleType := ttGrayScale; end else begin if Info.HasAlphaChannel then MapInfo.TupleType := ttRGBAlpha else MapInfo.TupleType := ttRGB; end; end; // Write file header WriteHeader; if not MapInfo.Binary then begin Src := Bits; LineLength := 0; // For each pixel find its text representation and write it to file for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin case Format of ifGray8: WriteString(IntToStr(Src^), PixelDelimiter); ifGray16: WriteString(IntToStr(PWord(Src)^), PixelDelimiter); ifR8G8B8: with PColor24Rec(Src)^ do WriteString(SysUtils.Format('%d %d %d', [R, G, B]), PixelDelimiter); ifR16G16B16: with PColor48Rec(Src)^ do WriteString(SysUtils.Format('%d %d %d', [R, G, B]), PixelDelimiter); end; // Lines in text PNM images should have length <70 if LineLength > 65 then begin LineLength := 0; WriteString('', LineDelimiter); end; Inc(Src, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end else begin // Write binary images if not (MapInfo.TupleType in [ttGrayScaleFP, ttRGBFP]) then begin // Save integer binary images if MapInfo.BitCount = 8 then begin if MapInfo.TupleType in [ttGrayScale, ttGrayScaleAlpha] then begin // 8bit grayscale images can be written in one Write call Write(Handle, Bits, Size); end else begin // 8bit RGB/ARGB images: read and blue must be swapped and // 3 or 4 bytes must be written Src := Bits; for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do with PColor32Rec(Src)^ do begin if MapInfo.TupleType = ttRGBAlpha then Pixel32.A := A; Pixel32.R := B; Pixel32.G := G; Pixel32.B := R; Write(Handle, @Pixel32, Info.BytesPerPixel); Inc(Src, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end; end else begin // Images with 16bit channels: make sure that channel values are saved in big endian Src := Bits; if MapInfo.TupleType in [ttGrayScale, ttGrayScaleAlpha] then begin // 16bit grayscale image for I := 0 to Width * Height * Info.BytesPerPixel div SizeOf(Word) - 1 do begin W := SwapEndianWord(PWord(Src)^); Write(Handle, @W, SizeOf(Word)); Inc(Src, SizeOf(Word)); end; end else begin // RGB images with 16bit channels: swap RB and endian too for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do with PColor64Rec(Src)^ do begin if MapInfo.TupleType = ttRGBAlpha then Pixel64.A := SwapEndianWord(A); Pixel64.R := SwapEndianWord(B); Pixel64.G := SwapEndianWord(G); Pixel64.B := SwapEndianWord(R); Write(Handle, @Pixel64, Info.BytesPerPixel); Inc(Src, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end; end; end else begin // Floating point images (no need to swap endian here - little // endian is specified in file header) if MapInfo.TupleType = ttGrayScaleFP then begin // Grayscale images can be written in one Write call Write(Handle, Bits, Size); end else begin // Expected data format of PFM RGB file is B32G32R32F which is not // supported by Imaging. We must write pixels one by one and // write only RGB part of A32B32G32B32 image. Src := Bits; for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin Write(Handle, Src, SizeOf(Single) * 3); Inc(Src, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end; end; end; Result := True; finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end; end; function TPortableMapFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var Id: TChar4; ReadCount: LongInt; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then with GetIO do begin ReadCount := Read(Handle, @Id, SizeOf(Id)); Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (Id[0] = 'P') and (Id[1] in [FIdNumbers[0], FIdNumbers[1]]) and (Id[2] in WhiteSpaces); end; end; { TPBMFileFormat } constructor TPBMFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SPBMFormatName; FCanSave := False; AddMasks(SPBMMasks); FIdNumbers := '14'; end; { TPGMFileFormat } constructor TPGMFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SPGMFormatName; FSupportedFormats := PGMSupportedFormats; AddMasks(SPGMMasks); RegisterOption(ImagingPGMSaveBinary, @FSaveBinary); FIdNumbers := '25'; end; function TPGMFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer): Boolean; var MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo; begin FillChar(MapInfo, SizeOf(MapInfo), 0); MapInfo.FormatId := Iff(FSaveBinary, FIdNumbers[1], FIdNumbers[0]); MapInfo.Binary := FSaveBinary; Result := SaveDataInternal(Handle, Images, Index, MapInfo); end; procedure TPGMFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); var ConvFormat: TImageFormat; begin if Info.IsFloatingPoint then // All FP images go to 16bit ConvFormat := ifGray16 else if Info.HasGrayChannel then // Grayscale will be 8 or 16 bit - depends on input's bitcount ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.BytesPerPixel div Info.ChannelCount > 1, ifGray16, ifGray8) else if Info.BytesPerPixel > 4 then // Large bitcounts -> 16bit ConvFormat := ifGray16 else // Rest of the formats -> 8bit ConvFormat := ifGray8; ConvertImage(Image, ConvFormat); end; { TPPMFileFormat } constructor TPPMFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SPPMFormatName; FSupportedFormats := PPMSupportedFormats; AddMasks(SPPMMasks); RegisterOption(ImagingPPMSaveBinary, @FSaveBinary); FIdNumbers := '36'; end; function TPPMFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer): Boolean; var MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo; begin FillChar(MapInfo, SizeOf(MapInfo), 0); MapInfo.FormatId := Iff(FSaveBinary, FIdNumbers[1], FIdNumbers[0]); MapInfo.Binary := FSaveBinary; Result := SaveDataInternal(Handle, Images, Index, MapInfo); end; procedure TPPMFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); var ConvFormat: TImageFormat; begin if Info.IsFloatingPoint then // All FP images go to 48bit RGB ConvFormat := ifR16G16B16 else if Info.HasGrayChannel then // Grayscale will be 24 or 48 bit RGB - depends on input's bitcount ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.BytesPerPixel div Info.ChannelCount > 1, ifR16G16B16, ifR8G8B8) else if Info.BytesPerPixel > 4 then // Large bitcounts -> 48bit RGB ConvFormat := ifR16G16B16 else // Rest of the formats -> 24bit RGB ConvFormat := ifR8G8B8; ConvertImage(Image, ConvFormat); end; { TPAMFileFormat } constructor TPAMFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SPAMFormatName; FSupportedFormats := PAMSupportedFormats; AddMasks(SPAMMasks); FIdNumbers := '77'; end; function TPAMFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer): Boolean; var MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo; begin FillChar(MapInfo, SizeOf(MapInfo), 0); MapInfo.FormatId := FIdNumbers[0]; MapInfo.Binary := True; MapInfo.HasPAMHeader := True; Result := SaveDataInternal(Handle, Images, Index, MapInfo); end; procedure TPAMFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); var ConvFormat: TImageFormat; begin if Info.IsFloatingPoint then ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA16R16G16B16, ifR16G16B16) else if Info.HasGrayChannel then ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA16Gray16, ifGray16) else begin if Info.BytesPerPixel <= 4 then ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA8R8G8B8, ifR8G8B8) else ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA16R16G16B16, ifR16G16B16); end; ConvertImage(Image, ConvFormat); end; { TPFMFileFormat } constructor TPFMFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SPFMFormatName; AddMasks(SPFMMasks); FIdNumbers := 'Ff'; FSupportedFormats := PFMSupportedFormats; end; function TPFMFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: Integer): Boolean; var Info: TImageFormatInfo; MapInfo: TPortableMapInfo; begin FillChar(MapInfo, SizeOf(MapInfo), 0); Info := GetFormatInfo(Images[Index].Format); if (Info.ChannelCount > 1) or Info.IsIndexed then MapInfo.TupleType := ttRGBFP else MapInfo.TupleType := ttGrayScaleFP; MapInfo.FormatId := Iff(MapInfo.TupleType = ttGrayScaleFP, FIdNumbers[1], FIdNumbers[0]); MapInfo.Binary := True; Result := SaveDataInternal(Handle, Images, Index, MapInfo); end; procedure TPFMFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); begin if (Info.ChannelCount > 1) or Info.IsIndexed then ConvertImage(Image, ifA32B32G32R32F) else ConvertImage(Image, ifR32F); end; initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(TPBMFileFormat); RegisterImageFileFormat(TPGMFileFormat); RegisterImageFileFormat(TPPMFileFormat); RegisterImageFileFormat(TPAMFileFormat); RegisterImageFileFormat(TPFMFileFormat); { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.24.3 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Improved compatibility of 16bit/component image loading. - Changes for better thread safety. -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Made modifications to ASCII PNM loading to be more "stream-safe". - Fixed bug: indexed images saved as grayscale in PFM. - Changed converting to supported formats little bit. - Added scaling of channel values (non-FP and non-mono images) according to MaxVal. - Added buffering to loading of PNM files. More than 10x faster now for text files. - Added saving support to PGM, PPM, PAM, and PFM format. - Added PFM file format. - Initial version created. } end.