Unit imzutil; { Copyright (C) 1998 by Jacques Nomssi Nzali For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in readme.txt } interface {$I imzconf.inc} { Type declarations } type {Byte = usigned char; 8 bits} Bytef = byte; charf = byte; int = longint; intf = int; uInt = cardinal; { 16 bits or more } uIntf = uInt; Long = longint; uLong = Cardinal; uLongf = uLong; voidp = pointer; voidpf = voidp; pBytef = ^Bytef; pIntf = ^intf; puIntf = ^uIntf; puLong = ^uLongf; {$IF Defined(FPC)} ptr2int = PtrUInt; {$ELSEIF CompilerVersion >= 20} ptr2int = NativeUInt; {$ELSE} ptr2int = Cardinal; {$IFEND} { a pointer to integer casting is used to do pointer arithmetic. } type zByteArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(Bytef))-1] of Bytef; pzByteArray = ^zByteArray; type zIntfArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(Intf))-1] of Intf; pzIntfArray = ^zIntfArray; type zuIntArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(uInt))-1] of uInt; PuIntArray = ^zuIntArray; { Type declarations - only for deflate } type uch = Byte; uchf = uch; { FAR } ush = Word; ushf = ush; ulg = LongInt; unsigned = uInt; pcharf = ^charf; puchf = ^uchf; pushf = ^ushf; type zuchfArray = zByteArray; puchfArray = ^zuchfArray; type zushfArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(ushf))-1] of ushf; pushfArray = ^zushfArray; procedure zmemcpy(destp : pBytef; sourcep : pBytef; len : uInt); function zmemcmp(s1p, s2p : pBytef; len : uInt) : int; procedure zmemzero(destp : pBytef; len : uInt); procedure zcfree(opaque : voidpf; ptr : voidpf); function zcalloc (opaque : voidpf; items : uInt; size : uInt) : voidpf; implementation procedure zmemcpy(destp : pBytef; sourcep : pBytef; len : uInt); begin Move(sourcep^, destp^, len); end; function zmemcmp(s1p, s2p : pBytef; len : uInt) : int; var j : uInt; source, dest : pBytef; begin source := s1p; dest := s2p; for j := 0 to pred(len) do begin if (source^ <> dest^) then begin zmemcmp := 2*Ord(source^ > dest^)-1; exit; end; Inc(source); Inc(dest); end; zmemcmp := 0; end; procedure zmemzero(destp : pBytef; len : uInt); begin FillChar(destp^, len, 0); end; procedure zcfree(opaque : voidpf; ptr : voidpf); {$ifdef Delphi16} var Handle : THandle; {$endif} {$IFDEF FPC} var memsize : uint; {$ENDIF} begin (* {$IFDEF DPMI} {h :=} GlobalFreePtr(ptr); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF CALL_DOS} dosFree(ptr); {$ELSE} {$ifdef HugeMem} FreeMemHuge(ptr); {$else} {$ifdef Delphi16} Handle := GlobalHandle(LH(ptr).H); { HiWord(LongInt(ptr)) } GlobalUnLock(Handle); GlobalFree(Handle); {$else} {$IFDEF FPC} Dec(puIntf(ptr)); memsize := puIntf(ptr)^; FreeMem(ptr, memsize+SizeOf(uInt)); {$ELSE} FreeMem(ptr); { Delphi 2,3,4 } {$ENDIF} {$endif} {$endif} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} *) FreeMem(ptr); end; function zcalloc (opaque : voidpf; items : uInt; size : uInt) : voidpf; var p : voidpf; memsize : uLong; {$ifdef Delphi16} handle : THandle; {$endif} begin memsize := uLong(items) * size; (* { $IFDEF DPMI} p := GlobalAllocPtr(gmem_moveable, memsize); { $ELSE} { $IFDEF CALLDOS} p := dosAlloc(memsize); { $ELSE} {$ifdef HugeMem} GetMemHuge(p, memsize); { $else} { $ifdef Delphi16} Handle := GlobalAlloc(HeapAllocFlags, memsize); p := GlobalLock(Handle); { $else} { $IFDEF FPC} GetMem(p, memsize+SizeOf(uInt)); puIntf(p)^:= memsize; Inc(puIntf(p)); { $ELSE} GetMem(p, memsize); { Delphi: p := AllocMem(memsize); } { $ENDIF} { $endif} { $endif} { $ENDIF} { $ENDIF} *) GetMem(p, memsize); zcalloc := p; end; end.