{ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder https://github.com/galfar/imaginglib https://imaginglib.sourceforge.io - - - - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0. } { This unit contains image format loader/saver for Radiance HDR/RGBE images.} unit ImagingRadiance; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility; type { Radiance is a suite of tools for performing lighting simulation. It's development started in 1985 and it pioneered the concept of high dynamic range imaging. Radiance defined an image format for storing HDR images, now described as RGBE image format. Since it was the first HDR image format, this format is supported by many other software packages. Radiance image file consists of three sections: a header, resolution string, followed by the pixel data. Each pixel is stored as 4 bytes, one byte mantissa for each r, g, b and a shared one byte exponent. The pixel data may be stored uncompressed or using run length encoding. Imaging translates RGBE pixels to original float values and stores them in ifR32G32B32F data format. It can read both compressed and uncompressed files, and saves files as compressed.} THdrFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) protected procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; end; implementation uses Math, ImagingIO; const SHdrFormatName = 'Radiance HDR/RGBE'; SHdrMasks = '*.hdr'; HdrSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifR32G32B32F]; type TSignature = array[0..9] of AnsiChar; THdrFormat = (hfRgb, hfXyz); THdrHeader = record Format: THdrFormat; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; end; TRgbe = packed record R, G, B, E: Byte; end; TDynRgbeArray = array of TRgbe; const RadianceSignature: TSignature = '#?RADIANCE'; RgbeSignature: TSignature = '#?RGBE'; SFmtRgbeRle = '32-bit_rle_rgbe'; SFmtXyzeRle = '32-bit_rle_xyze'; resourcestring SErrorBadHeader = 'Bad HDR/RGBE header format.'; SWrongScanLineWidth = 'Wrong scanline width.'; SXyzNotSupported = 'XYZ color space not supported.'; { THdrFileFormat } procedure THdrFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FName := SHdrFormatName; FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave]; FSupportedFormats := HdrSupportedFormats; AddMasks(SHdrMasks); end; function THdrFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Header: THdrHeader; IO: TIOFunctions; function ReadHeader: Boolean; const CommentIds: TAnsiCharSet = ['#', '!']; var Line: AnsiString; HasResolution: Boolean; Count, Idx: Integer; ValStr, NativeLine: string; ValFloat: Double; begin Result := False; HasResolution := False; Count := 0; repeat if not ReadLine(IO, Handle, Line) then Exit; Inc(Count); if Count > 16 then // Too long header for HDR Exit; if Length(Line) = 0 then Continue; if Line[1] in CommentIds then Continue; NativeLine := string(Line); if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Format=*') then begin // Data format parsing ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 8, MaxInt); if ValStr = SFmtRgbeRle then Header.Format := hfRgb else if ValStr = SFmtXyzeRle then Header.Format := hfXyz else Exit; end; if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Gamma=*') then begin ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 7, MaxInt); if TryStrToFloat(ValStr, ValFloat, GetFormatSettingsForFloats) then FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaGamma, ValFloat); end; if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, 'Exposure=*') then begin ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, 10, MaxInt); if TryStrToFloat(ValStr, ValFloat, GetFormatSettingsForFloats) then FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaExposure, ValFloat); end; if StrMaskMatch(NativeLine, '?Y * ?X *') then begin Idx := Pos('X', NativeLine); ValStr := SubString(NativeLine, 4, Idx - 2); if not TryStrToInt(ValStr, Header.Height) then Exit; ValStr := Copy(NativeLine, Idx + 2, MaxInt); if not TryStrToInt(ValStr, Header.Width) then Exit; if (NativeLine[1] = '-') then Header.Height := -Header.Height; if (NativeLine[Idx - 1] = '-') then Header.Width := -Header.Width; HasResolution := True; end; until HasResolution; Result := True; end; procedure DecodeRgbe(const Src: TRgbe; Dest: PColor96FPRec); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} var Mult: Single; begin if Src.E > 0 then begin Mult := Math.Ldexp(1, Src.E - 128); Dest.R := Src.R / 255 * Mult; Dest.G := Src.G / 255 * Mult; Dest.B := Src.B / 255 * Mult; end else begin Dest.R := 0; Dest.G := 0; Dest.B := 0; end; end; procedure ReadCompressedLine(Width, Y: Integer; var DestBuffer: TDynRgbeArray); var Pos: Integer; I, X, Count: Integer; Code, Value: Byte; LineBuff: TDynByteArray; Rgbe: TRgbe; Ptr: PByte; begin SetLength(LineBuff, Width); IO.Read(Handle, @Rgbe, SizeOf(Rgbe)); if ((Rgbe.B shl 8) or Rgbe.E) <> Width then RaiseImaging(SWrongScanLineWidth); for I := 0 to 3 do begin Pos := 0; while Pos < Width do begin IO.Read(Handle, @Code, SizeOf(Byte)); if Code > 128 then begin Count := Code - 128; IO.Read(Handle, @Value, SizeOf(Byte)); FillMemoryByte(@LineBuff[Pos], Count, Value); end else begin Count := Code; IO.Read(Handle, @LineBuff[Pos], Count * SizeOf(Byte)); end; Inc(Pos, Count); end; Ptr := @PByteArray(@DestBuffer[0])[I]; for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin Ptr^ := LineBuff[X]; Inc(Ptr, 4); end; end; end; procedure ReadPixels(var Image: TImageData); var Y, X, SrcLineLen: Integer; Dest: PColor96FPRec; Compressed: Boolean; Rgbe: TRgbe; Buffer: TDynRgbeArray; begin Dest := Image.Bits; Compressed := not ((Image.Width < 8) or (Image.Width > $7FFFF)); SrcLineLen := Image.Width * SizeOf(TRgbe); IO.Read(Handle, @Rgbe, SizeOf(Rgbe)); IO.Seek(Handle, -SizeOf(Rgbe), smFromCurrent); if (Rgbe.R <> 2) or (Rgbe.G <> 2) or ((Rgbe.B and 128) > 0) then Compressed := False; SetLength(Buffer, Image.Width); for Y := 0 to Image.Height - 1 do begin if Compressed then ReadCompressedLine(Image.Width, Y, Buffer) else IO.Read(Handle, @Buffer[0], SrcLineLen); for X := 0 to Image.Width - 1 do begin DecodeRgbe(Buffer[X], Dest); Inc(Dest); end; end; end; begin IO := GetIO; SetLength(Images, 1); // Read header, allocate new image and, then read and convert the pixels if not ReadHeader then RaiseImaging(SErrorBadHeader); if (Header.Format = hfXyz) then RaiseImaging(SXyzNotSupported); NewImage(Abs(Header.Width), Abs(Header.Height), ifR32G32B32F, Images[0]); ReadPixels(Images[0]); // Flip/mirror the image as needed (height < 0 is default top-down) if Header.Width < 0 then MirrorImage(Images[0]); if Header.Height > 0 then FlipImage(Images[0]); Result := True; end; function THdrFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; const LineEnd = #$0A; SPrgComment = '#Made with Vampyre Imaging Library'; SSizeFmt = '-Y %d +X %d'; var ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; IO: TIOFunctions; procedure SaveHeader; begin WriteLine(IO, Handle, RadianceSignature, LineEnd); WriteLine(IO, Handle, SPrgComment, LineEnd); WriteLine(IO, Handle, 'FORMAT=' + SFmtRgbeRle, LineEnd + LineEnd); WriteLine(IO, Handle, AnsiString(Format(SSizeFmt, [ImageToSave.Height, ImageToSave.Width])), LineEnd); end; procedure EncodeRgbe(const Src: TColor96FPRec; var DestR, DestG, DestB, DestE: Byte); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} var V, M: {$IFDEF FPC}Float{$ELSE}Extended{$ENDIF}; E: Integer; begin V := Src.R; if (Src.G > V) then V := Src.G; if (Src.B > V) then V := Src.B; if V < 1e-32 then begin DestR := 0; DestG := 0; DestB := 0; DestE := 0; end else begin Frexp(V, M, E); V := M * 256.0 / V; DestR := ClampToByte(Round(Src.R * V)); DestG := ClampToByte(Round(Src.G * V)); DestB := ClampToByte(Round(Src.B * V)); DestE := ClampToByte(E + 128); end; end; procedure WriteRleLine(const Line: array of Byte; Width: Integer); const MinRunLength = 4; var Cur, BeginRun, RunCount, OldRunCount, NonRunCount: Integer; Buf: array[0..1] of Byte; begin Cur := 0; while Cur < Width do begin BeginRun := Cur; RunCount := 0; OldRunCount := 0; while (RunCount < MinRunLength) and (BeginRun < Width) do begin Inc(BeginRun, RunCount); OldRunCount := RunCount; RunCount := 1; while (BeginRun + RunCount < Width) and (RunCount < 127) and (Line[BeginRun] = Line[BeginRun + RunCount]) do Inc(RunCount); end; if (OldRunCount > 1) and (OldRunCount = BeginRun - Cur) then begin Buf[0] := 128 + OldRunCount; Buf[1] := Line[Cur]; IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 2); Cur := BeginRun; end; while Cur < BeginRun do begin NonRunCount := Min(128, BeginRun - Cur); Buf[0] := NonRunCount; IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 1); IO.Write(Handle, @Line[Cur], NonRunCount); Inc(Cur, NonRunCount); end; if RunCount >= MinRunLength then begin Buf[0] := 128 + RunCount; Buf[1] := Line[BeginRun]; IO.Write(Handle, @Buf, 2); Inc(Cur, RunCount); end; end; end; procedure SavePixels; var Y, X, I, Width: Integer; SrcPtr: PColor96FPRecArray; Components: array of array of Byte; StartLine: array[0..3] of Byte; begin Width := ImageToSave.Width; // Save using RLE, each component is compressed separately SetLength(Components, 4, Width); for Y := 0 to ImageToSave.Height - 1 do begin SrcPtr := @PColor96FPRecArray(ImageToSave.Bits)[ImageToSave.Width * Y]; // Identify line as using "new" RLE scheme (separate components) StartLine[0] := 2; StartLine[1] := 2; StartLine[2] := Width shr 8; StartLine[3] := Width and $FF; IO.Write(Handle, @StartLine, SizeOf(StartLine)); for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin EncodeRgbe(SrcPtr[X], Components[0, X], Components[1, X], Components[2, X], Components[3, X]); end; for I := 0 to 3 do WriteRleLine(Components[I], Width); end; end; begin Result := False; IO := GetIO; // Makes image to save compatible with Jpeg saving capabilities if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then with ImageToSave do try // Save header SaveHeader; // Save uncompressed pixels SavePixels; Result := True; finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end; end; procedure THdrFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); begin ConvertImage(Image, ifR32G32B32F); end; function THdrFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var FileSig: TSignature; ReadCount: Integer; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then begin ReadCount := GetIO.Read(Handle, @FileSig, SizeOf(FileSig)); GetIO.Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (ReadCount = SizeOf(FileSig)) and ((FileSig = RadianceSignature) or CompareMem(@FileSig, @RgbeSignature, 6)); end; end; initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(THdrFileFormat); { File Notes: -- 0.77.1 --------------------------------------------------- - Added RLE compression to saving. - Added image saving. - Unit created with initial stuff (loading only). } end.