{ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder https://github.com/galfar/imaginglib https://imaginglib.sourceforge.io - - - - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0. } { This unit contains image format loaders/savers for Network Graphics image file formats PNG, MNG, and JNG.} unit ImagingNetworkGraphics; interface {$I ImagingOptions.inc} { If MNG support is enabled we must make sure PNG and JNG are enabled too.} {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_MNG} {$UNDEF DONT_LINK_PNG} {$UNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} {$ENDIF} uses Types, SysUtils, Classes, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility, ImagingFormats, dzlib; type { Basic class for Network Graphics file formats loaders/savers.} TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) protected FSignature: TChar8; FPreFilter: LongInt; FCompressLevel: LongInt; FLossyCompression: LongBool; FLossyAlpha: LongBool; FQuality: LongInt; FProgressive: LongBool; FZLibStrategy: Integer; function GetSupportedFormats: TImageFormats; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; procedure Define; override; public function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; procedure CheckOptionsValidity; override; published { Sets precompression filter used when saving images with lossless compression. Allowed values are: 0 (none), 1 (sub), 2 (up), 3 (average), 4 (paeth), 5 (use 0 for indexed/gray images and 4 for RGB/ARGB images), 6 (adaptive filtering - use best filter for each scanline - very slow). Note that filters 3 and 4 are much slower than filters 1 and 2. Default value is 5.} property PreFilter: LongInt read FPreFilter write FPreFilter; { Sets ZLib compression level used when saving images with lossless compression. Allowed values are in range 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). Default value is 5.} property CompressLevel: LongInt read FCompressLevel write FCompressLevel; { Specifies whether MNG animation frames are saved with lossy or lossless compression. Lossless frames are saved as PNG images and lossy frames are saved as JNG images. Allowed values are 0 (False) and 1 (True). Default value is 0.} property LossyCompression: LongBool read FLossyCompression write FLossyCompression; { Defines whether alpha channel of lossy MNG frames or JNG images is lossy compressed too. Allowed values are 0 (False) and 1 (True). Default value is 0.} property LossyAlpha: LongBool read FLossyAlpha write FLossyAlpha; { Specifies compression quality used when saving lossy MNG frames or JNG images. For details look at ImagingJpegQuality option.} property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality; { Specifies whether images are saved in progressive format when saving lossy MNG frames or JNG images. For details look at ImagingJpegProgressive.} property Progressive: LongBool read FProgressive write FProgressive; end; { Class for loading Portable Network Graphics Images. Loads all types of this image format (all images in png test suite) and saves all types with bitcount >= 8 (non-interlaced only). Compression level and filtering can be set by options interface. Supported ancillary chunks (loading): tRNS, bKGD (for indexed images transparency contains alpha values for palette, RGB/Gray images with transparency are converted to formats with alpha and pixels with transparent color are replaced with background color with alpha = 0).} TPNGFileFormat = class(TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat) private FLoadAnimated: LongBool; protected procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; published property LoadAnimated: LongBool read FLoadAnimated write FLoadAnimated; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_MNG} { Class for loading Multiple Network Graphics files. This format has complex animation capabilities but Imaging only extracts frames. Individual frames are stored as standard PNG or JNG images. Loads all types of these frames stored in IHDR-IEND and JHDR-IEND streams (Note that there are MNG chunks like BASI which define images but does not contain image data itself, those are ignored). Imaging saves MNG files as MNG-VLC (very low complexity) so it is basically an array of image frames without MNG animation chunks. Frames can be saved as lossless PNG or lossy JNG images (look at TPNGFileFormat and TJNGFileFormat for info). Every frame can be in different data format. Many frame compression settings can be modified by options interface.} TMNGFileFormat = class(TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat) protected procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} { Class for loading JPEG Network Graphics Images. Loads all types of this image format (all images in jng test suite) and saves all types except 12 bit JPEGs. Alpha channel in JNG images is stored separately from color/gray data and can be lossy (as JPEG image) or lossless (as PNG image) compressed. Type of alpha compression, compression level and quality, and filtering can be set by options interface. Supported ancillary chunks (loading): tRNS, bKGD (Images with transparency are converted to formats with alpha and pixels with transparent color are replaced with background color with alpha = 0).} TJNGFileFormat = class(TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat) protected procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; end; {$ENDIF} implementation uses {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} ImagingJpeg, ImagingIO, {$ENDIF} ImagingCanvases; const NGDefaultPreFilter = 5; NGDefaultCompressLevel = 5; NGDefaultLossyAlpha = False; NGDefaultLossyCompression = False; NGDefaultProgressive = False; NGDefaultQuality = 90; NGLosslessFormats: TImageFormats = [ifIndex8, ifGray8, ifA8Gray8, ifGray16, ifA16Gray16, ifR8G8B8, ifA8R8G8B8, ifR16G16B16, ifA16R16G16B16, ifB16G16R16, ifA16B16G16R16, ifBinary]; NGLossyFormats: TImageFormats = [ifGray8, ifA8Gray8, ifR8G8B8, ifA8R8G8B8]; PNGDefaultLoadAnimated = True; NGDefaultZLibStrategy = 1; // Z_FILTERED SPNGFormatName = 'Portable Network Graphics'; SPNGMasks = '*.png'; SMNGFormatName = 'Multiple Network Graphics'; SMNGMasks = '*.mng'; SJNGFormatName = 'JPEG Network Graphics'; SJNGMasks = '*.jng'; resourcestring SErrorLoadingChunk = 'Error when reading %s chunk data. File may be corrupted.'; type { Chunk header.} TChunkHeader = packed record DataSize: UInt32; ChunkID: TChar4; end; { IHDR chunk format - PNG header.} TIHDR = packed record Width: UInt32; // Image width Height: UInt32; // Image height BitDepth: Byte; // Bits per pixel or bits per sample (for truecolor) ColorType: Byte; // 0 = grayscale, 2 = truecolor, 3 = palette, // 4 = gray + alpha, 6 = truecolor + alpha Compression: Byte; // Compression type: 0 = ZLib Filter: Byte; // Used precompress filter Interlacing: Byte; // Used interlacing: 0 = no int, 1 = Adam7 end; PIHDR = ^TIHDR; { MHDR chunk format - MNG header.} TMHDR = packed record FrameWidth: UInt32; // Frame width FrameHeight: UInt32; // Frame height TicksPerSecond: UInt32; // FPS of animation NominalLayerCount: UInt32; // Number of layers in file NominalFrameCount: UInt32; // Number of frames in file NominalPlayTime: UInt32; // Play time of animation in ticks SimplicityProfile: UInt32; // Defines which MNG features are used in this file end; PMHDR = ^TMHDR; { JHDR chunk format - JNG header.} TJHDR = packed record Width: UInt32; // Image width Height: UInt32; // Image height ColorType: Byte; // 8 = grayscale (Y), 10 = color (YCbCr), // 12 = gray + alpha (Y-alpha), 14 = color + alpha (YCbCr-alpha) SampleDepth: Byte; // 8, 12 or 20 (8 and 12 samples together) bit Compression: Byte; // Compression type: 8 = Huffman coding Interlacing: Byte; // 0 = single scan, 8 = progressive AlphaSampleDepth: Byte; // 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 if alpha compression is 0 (PNG) // 8 if alpha compression is 8 (JNG) AlphaCompression: Byte; // 0 = PNG grayscale IDAT, 8 = grayscale 8-bit JPEG AlphaFilter: Byte; // 0 = PNG filter or no filter (JPEG) AlphaInterlacing: Byte; // 0 = non interlaced end; PJHDR = ^TJHDR; { acTL chunk format - APNG animation control.} TacTL = packed record NumFrames: UInt32; // Number of frames NumPlay: UInt32; // Number of times to loop the animation (0 = inf) end; PacTL =^TacTL; { fcTL chunk format - APNG frame control.} TfcTL = packed record SeqNumber: UInt32; // Sequence number of the animation chunk, starting from 0 Width: UInt32; // Width of the following frame Height: UInt32; // Height of the following frame XOffset: UInt32; // X position at which to render the following frame YOffset: UInt32; // Y position at which to render the following frame DelayNumer: Word; // Frame delay fraction numerator DelayDenom: Word; // Frame delay fraction denominator DisposeOp: Byte; // Type of frame area disposal to be done after rendering this frame BlendOp: Byte; // Type of frame area rendering for this frame end; PfcTL = ^TfcTL; { pHYs chunk format - encodes the absolute or relative dimensions of pixels.} TpHYs = packed record PixelsPerUnitX: UInt32; PixelsPerUnitY: UInt32; UnitSpecifier: Byte; end; PpHYs = ^TpHYs; const { PNG file identifier.} PNGSignature: TChar8 = #$89'PNG'#$0D#$0A#$1A#$0A; { MNG file identifier.} MNGSignature: TChar8 = #$8A'MNG'#$0D#$0A#$1A#$0A; { JNG file identifier.} JNGSignature: TChar8 = #$8B'JNG'#$0D#$0A#$1A#$0A; { Constants for chunk identifiers and signature identifiers. They are in big-endian format.} IHDRChunk: TChar4 = 'IHDR'; IENDChunk: TChar4 = 'IEND'; MHDRChunk: TChar4 = 'MHDR'; MENDChunk: TChar4 = 'MEND'; JHDRChunk: TChar4 = 'JHDR'; IDATChunk: TChar4 = 'IDAT'; JDATChunk: TChar4 = 'JDAT'; JDAAChunk: TChar4 = 'JDAA'; JSEPChunk: TChar4 = 'JSEP'; PLTEChunk: TChar4 = 'PLTE'; BACKChunk: TChar4 = 'BACK'; DEFIChunk: TChar4 = 'DEFI'; TERMChunk: TChar4 = 'TERM'; tRNSChunk: TChar4 = 'tRNS'; bKGDChunk: TChar4 = 'bKGD'; gAMAChunk: TChar4 = 'gAMA'; acTLChunk: TChar4 = 'acTL'; fcTLChunk: TChar4 = 'fcTL'; fdATChunk: TChar4 = 'fdAT'; pHYsChunk: TChar4 = 'pHYs'; { APNG frame dispose operations.} DisposeOpNone = 0; DisposeOpBackground = 1; DisposeOpPrevious = 2; { APNG frame blending modes} BlendOpSource = 0; BlendOpOver = 1; { Interlace start and offsets.} RowStart: array[0..6] of LongInt = (0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1); ColumnStart: array[0..6] of LongInt = (0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0); RowIncrement: array[0..6] of LongInt = (8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2); ColumnIncrement: array[0..6] of LongInt = (8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1); type { Helper class that holds information about MNG frame in PNG or JNG format.} TFrameInfo = class public Index: Integer; FrameWidth, FrameHeight: LongInt; IsJpegFrame: Boolean; IHDR: TIHDR; JHDR: TJHDR; fcTL: TfcTL; pHYs: TpHYs; Palette: PPalette24; PaletteEntries: LongInt; Transparency: Pointer; TransparencySize: LongInt; Background: Pointer; BackgroundSize: LongInt; IDATMemory: TMemoryStream; JDATMemory: TMemoryStream; JDAAMemory: TMemoryStream; constructor Create(AIndex: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AssignSharedProps(Source: TFrameInfo); end; { Defines type of Network Graphics file.} TNGFileType = (ngPNG, ngAPNG, ngMNG, ngJNG); TNGFileHandler = class public FileFormat: TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat; FileType: TNGFileType; Frames: array of TFrameInfo; MHDR: TMHDR; // Main header for MNG files acTL: TacTL; // Global anim control for APNG files GlobalPalette: PPalette24; GlobalPaletteEntries: LongInt; GlobalTransparency: Pointer; GlobalTransparencySize: LongInt; constructor Create(AFileFormat: TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function GetLastFrame: TFrameInfo; function AddFrameInfo: TFrameInfo; procedure LoadMetaData; end; { Network Graphics file parser and frame converter.} TNGFileLoader = class(TNGFileHandler) public function LoadFile(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; procedure LoadImageFromPNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight: LongInt; const IHDR: TIHDR; IDATStream: TMemoryStream; var Image: TImageData); {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} procedure LoadImageFromJNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight: LongInt; const JHDR: TJHDR; IDATStream, JDATStream, JDAAStream: TMemoryStream; var Image: TImageData); {$ENDIF} procedure ApplyFrameSettings(Frame: TFrameInfo; var Image: TImageData); end; TNGFileSaver = class(TNGFileHandler) public PreFilter: LongInt; CompressLevel: LongInt; LossyAlpha: Boolean; Quality: LongInt; Progressive: Boolean; ZLibStrategy: Integer; function SaveFile(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; procedure AddFrame(const Image: TImageData; IsJpegFrame: Boolean); procedure StoreImageToPNGFrame(const IHDR: TIHDR; Bits: Pointer; FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; IDATStream: TMemoryStream); {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} procedure StoreImageToJNGFrame(const JHDR: TJHDR; const Image: TImageData; IDATStream, JDATStream, JDAAStream: TMemoryStream); {$ENDIF} procedure SetFileOptions; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} TCustomIOJpegFileFormat = class(TJpegFileFormat) protected FCustomIO: TIOFunctions; procedure SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions); override; procedure SetCustomIO(const CustomIO: TIOFunctions); end; {$ENDIF} TAPNGAnimator = class public class procedure Animate(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; const acTL: TacTL; const SrcFrames: array of TFrameInfo); end; { Helper routines } function PaethPredictor(A, B, C: LongInt): LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} var P, PA, PB, PC: LongInt; begin P := A + B - C; PA := Abs(P - A); PB := Abs(P - B); PC := Abs(P - C); if (PA <= PB) and (PA <= PC) then Result := A else if PB <= PC then Result := B else Result := C; end; procedure SwapRGB(Line: PByte; Width, SampleDepth, BytesPerPixel: LongInt); var I: LongInt; Tmp: Word; begin case SampleDepth of 8: for I := 0 to Width - 1 do with PColor24Rec(Line)^ do begin Tmp := R; R := B; B := Tmp; Inc(Line, BytesPerPixel); end; 16: for I := 0 to Width - 1 do with PColor48Rec(Line)^ do begin Tmp := R; R := B; B := Tmp; Inc(Line, BytesPerPixel); end; end; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} { TCustomIOJpegFileFormat class implementation } procedure TCustomIOJpegFileFormat.SetCustomIO(const CustomIO: TIOFunctions); begin FCustomIO := CustomIO; end; procedure TCustomIOJpegFileFormat.SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions); begin inherited SetJpegIO(FCustomIO); end; {$ENDIF} { TFrameInfo class implementation } constructor TFrameInfo.Create(AIndex: Integer); begin Index := AIndex; IDATMemory := TMemoryStream.Create; JDATMemory := TMemoryStream.Create; JDAAMemory := TMemoryStream.Create; end; destructor TFrameInfo.Destroy; begin FreeMem(Palette); FreeMem(Transparency); FreeMem(Background); IDATMemory.Free; JDATMemory.Free; JDAAMemory.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFrameInfo.AssignSharedProps(Source: TFrameInfo); begin IHDR := Source.IHDR; JHDR := Source.JHDR; PaletteEntries := Source.PaletteEntries; GetMem(Palette, PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); Move(Source.Palette^, Palette^, PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); TransparencySize := Source.TransparencySize; GetMem(Transparency, TransparencySize); Move(Source.Transparency^, Transparency^, TransparencySize); end; { TNGFileHandler class implementation} destructor TNGFileHandler.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TNGFileHandler.Clear; var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to Length(Frames) - 1 do Frames[I].Free; SetLength(Frames, 0); FreeMemNil(GlobalPalette); GlobalPaletteEntries := 0; FreeMemNil(GlobalTransparency); GlobalTransparencySize := 0; end; constructor TNGFileHandler.Create(AFileFormat: TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat); begin FileFormat := AFileFormat; end; function TNGFileHandler.GetLastFrame: TFrameInfo; var Len: LongInt; begin Len := Length(Frames); if Len > 0 then Result := Frames[Len - 1] else Result := nil; end; procedure TNGFileHandler.LoadMetaData; var I: Integer; Delay, Denom: Integer; begin if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // Num plays of APNG animation FileFormat.FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, acTL.NumPlay); end; for I := 0 to High(Frames) do begin if Frames[I].pHYs.UnitSpecifier = 1 then begin // Store physical pixel dimensions, in PNG stored as pixels per meter DPM FileFormat.FMetadata.SetPhysicalPixelSize(ruDpm, Frames[I].pHYs.PixelsPerUnitX, Frames[I].pHYs.PixelsPerUnitY); end; if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // Store frame delay of APNG file frame Denom := Frames[I].fcTL.DelayDenom; if Denom = 0 then Denom := 100; Delay := Round(1000 * (Frames[I].fcTL.DelayNumer / Denom)); FileFormat.FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay, Delay, I); end; end; end; function TNGFileHandler.AddFrameInfo: TFrameInfo; var Len: LongInt; begin Len := Length(Frames); SetLength(Frames, Len + 1); Result := TFrameInfo.Create(Len); Frames[Len] := Result; end; { TNGFileLoader class implementation} function TNGFileLoader.LoadFile(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var Sig: TChar8; Chunk: TChunkHeader; ChunkData: Pointer; ChunkCrc: UInt32; procedure ReadChunk; begin GetIO.Read(Handle, @Chunk, SizeOf(Chunk)); Chunk.DataSize := SwapEndianUInt32(Chunk.DataSize); end; procedure ReadChunkData; var ReadBytes: UInt32; begin FreeMemNil(ChunkData); GetMem(ChunkData, Chunk.DataSize); ReadBytes := GetIO.Read(Handle, ChunkData, Chunk.DataSize); GetIO.Read(Handle, @ChunkCrc, SizeOf(ChunkCrc)); if ReadBytes <> Chunk.DataSize then RaiseImaging(SErrorLoadingChunk, [string(Chunk.ChunkID)]); end; procedure SkipChunkData; begin GetIO.Seek(Handle, Chunk.DataSize + SizeOf(ChunkCrc), smFromCurrent); end; procedure StartNewPNGImage; var Frame: TFrameInfo; begin ReadChunkData; if Chunk.ChunkID = fcTLChunk then begin if (Length(Frames) = 1) and (Frames[0].IDATMemory.Size = 0) then begin // First fcTL chunk maybe for first IDAT frame which is alredy created Frame := Frames[0]; end else begin // Subsequent APNG frames with data in fdAT Frame := AddFrameInfo; // Copy some shared props from first frame (IHDR is the same for all APNG frames, palette etc) Frame.AssignSharedProps(Frames[0]); end; Frame.fcTL := PfcTL(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@Frame.fcTL, 5); Frame.fcTL.DelayNumer := SwapEndianWord(Frame.fcTL.DelayNumer); Frame.fcTL.DelayDenom := SwapEndianWord(Frame.fcTL.DelayDenom); Frame.FrameWidth := Frame.fcTL.Width; Frame.FrameHeight := Frame.fcTL.Height; end else begin // This is frame defined by IHDR chunk Frame := AddFrameInfo; Frame.IHDR := PIHDR(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@Frame.IHDR, 2); Frame.FrameWidth := Frame.IHDR.Width; Frame.FrameHeight := Frame.IHDR.Height; end; Frame.IsJpegFrame := False; end; procedure StartNewJNGImage; var Frame: TFrameInfo; begin ReadChunkData; Frame := AddFrameInfo; Frame.IsJpegFrame := True; Frame.JHDR := PJHDR(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@Frame.JHDR, 2); Frame.FrameWidth := Frame.JHDR.Width; Frame.FrameHeight := Frame.JHDR.Height; end; procedure AppendIDAT; begin ReadChunkData; // Append current IDAT/fdAT chunk to storage stream if Chunk.ChunkID = IDATChunk then GetLastFrame.IDATMemory.Write(ChunkData^, Chunk.DataSize) else if Chunk.ChunkID = fdATChunk then GetLastFrame.IDATMemory.Write(PByteArray(ChunkData)[4], Chunk.DataSize - SizeOf(UInt32)); end; procedure AppendJDAT; begin ReadChunkData; // Append current JDAT chunk to storage stream GetLastFrame.JDATMemory.Write(ChunkData^, Chunk.DataSize); end; procedure AppendJDAA; begin ReadChunkData; // Append current JDAA chunk to storage stream GetLastFrame.JDAAMemory.Write(ChunkData^, Chunk.DataSize); end; procedure LoadPLTE; begin ReadChunkData; if GetLastFrame = nil then begin // Load global palette GetMem(GlobalPalette, Chunk.DataSize); Move(ChunkData^, GlobalPalette^, Chunk.DataSize); GlobalPaletteEntries := Chunk.DataSize div 3; end else if GetLastFrame.Palette = nil then begin if (Chunk.DataSize = 0) and (GlobalPalette <> nil) then begin // Use global palette GetMem(GetLastFrame.Palette, GlobalPaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); Move(GlobalPalette^, GetLastFrame.Palette^, GlobalPaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); GetLastFrame.PaletteEntries := GlobalPaletteEntries; end else begin // Load pal from PLTE chunk GetMem(GetLastFrame.Palette, Chunk.DataSize); Move(ChunkData^, GetLastFrame.Palette^, Chunk.DataSize); GetLastFrame.PaletteEntries := Chunk.DataSize div 3; end; end; end; procedure LoadtRNS; begin ReadChunkData; if GetLastFrame = nil then begin // Load global transparency GetMem(GlobalTransparency, Chunk.DataSize); Move(ChunkData^, GlobalTransparency^, Chunk.DataSize); GlobalTransparencySize := Chunk.DataSize; end else if GetLastFrame.Transparency = nil then begin if (Chunk.DataSize = 0) and (GlobalTransparency <> nil) then begin // Use global transparency GetMem(GetLastFrame.Transparency, GlobalTransparencySize); Move(GlobalTransparency^, GetLastFrame.Transparency^, Chunk.DataSize); GetLastFrame.TransparencySize := GlobalTransparencySize; end else begin // Load pal from tRNS chunk GetMem(GetLastFrame.Transparency, Chunk.DataSize); Move(ChunkData^, GetLastFrame.Transparency^, Chunk.DataSize); GetLastFrame.TransparencySize := Chunk.DataSize; end; end; end; procedure LoadbKGD; begin ReadChunkData; if GetLastFrame.Background = nil then begin GetMem(GetLastFrame.Background, Chunk.DataSize); Move(ChunkData^, GetLastFrame.Background^, Chunk.DataSize); GetLastFrame.BackgroundSize := Chunk.DataSize; end; end; procedure HandleacTL; begin FileType := ngAPNG; ReadChunkData; acTL := PacTL(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@acTL, SizeOf(acTL) div SizeOf(UInt32)); end; procedure LoadpHYs; begin ReadChunkData; with GetLastFrame do begin pHYs := PpHYs(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@pHYs, SizeOf(pHYs) div SizeOf(UInt32)); end; end; begin Result := False; Clear; ChunkData := nil; with GetIO do try Read(Handle, @Sig, SizeOf(Sig)); // Set file type according to the signature if Sig = PNGSignature then FileType := ngPNG else if Sig = MNGSignature then FileType := ngMNG else if Sig = JNGSignature then FileType := ngJNG else Exit; if FileType = ngMNG then begin // Store MNG header if present ReadChunk; ReadChunkData; MHDR := PMHDR(ChunkData)^; SwapEndianUInt32(@MHDR, SizeOf(MHDR) div SizeOf(UInt32)); end; // Read chunks until ending chunk or EOF is reached repeat ReadChunk; if (Chunk.ChunkID = IHDRChunk) or (Chunk.ChunkID = fcTLChunk) then StartNewPNGImage else if Chunk.ChunkID = JHDRChunk then StartNewJNGImage else if (Chunk.ChunkID = IDATChunk) or (Chunk.ChunkID = fdATChunk) then AppendIDAT else if Chunk.ChunkID = JDATChunk then AppendJDAT else if Chunk.ChunkID = JDAAChunk then AppendJDAA else if Chunk.ChunkID = PLTEChunk then LoadPLTE else if Chunk.ChunkID = tRNSChunk then LoadtRNS else if Chunk.ChunkID = bKGDChunk then LoadbKGD else if Chunk.ChunkID = acTLChunk then HandleacTL else if Chunk.ChunkID = pHYsChunk then LoadpHYs else SkipChunkData; until Eof(Handle) or (Chunk.ChunkID = MENDChunk) or ((FileType <> ngMNG) and (Chunk.ChunkID = IENDChunk)); Result := True; finally FreeMemNil(ChunkData); end; end; procedure TNGFileLoader.LoadImageFromPNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight: LongInt; const IHDR: TIHDR; IDATStream: TMemoryStream; var Image: TImageData); type TGetPixelFunc = function(Line: PByteArray; X: LongInt): Byte; var LineBuffer: array[Boolean] of PByteArray; ActLine: Boolean; Data, TotalBuffer, ZeroLine, PrevLine: Pointer; BitCount, TotalPos, BytesPerPixel, I, Pass, SrcDataSize, BytesPerLine, InterlaceLineBytes, InterlaceWidth: LongInt; TotalSize: Integer; Info: TImageFormatInfo; procedure DecodeAdam7; const BitTable: array[1..8] of LongInt = ($1, $3, 0, $F, 0, 0, 0, $FF); StartBit: array[1..8] of LongInt = (7, 6, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0); var Src, Dst, Dst2: PByte; CurBit, Col: LongInt; begin Src := @LineBuffer[ActLine][1]; Col := ColumnStart[Pass]; with Image do case BitCount of 1, 2, 4: begin Dst := @PByteArray(Data)[I * BytesPerLine]; repeat CurBit := StartBit[BitCount]; repeat Dst2 := @PByteArray(Dst)[(BitCount * Col) shr 3]; Dst2^ := Dst2^ or ((Src^ shr CurBit) and BitTable[BitCount]) shl (StartBit[BitCount] - (Col * BitCount mod 8)); Inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]); Dec(CurBit, BitCount); until CurBit < 0; Inc(Src); until Col >= Width; end; else begin Dst := @PByteArray(Data)[I * BytesPerLine + Col * BytesPerPixel]; repeat CopyPixel(Src, Dst, BytesPerPixel); Inc(Dst, BytesPerPixel); Inc(Src, BytesPerPixel); Inc(Dst, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * BytesPerPixel - BytesPerPixel); Inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]); until Col >= Width; end; end; end; procedure FilterScanline(Filter: Byte; BytesPerPixel: LongInt; Line, PrevLine, Target: PByteArray; BytesPerLine: LongInt); var I: LongInt; begin case Filter of 0: begin // No filter Move(Line^, Target^, BytesPerLine); end; 1: begin // Sub filter Move(Line^, Target^, BytesPerPixel); for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + Target[I - BytesPerPixel]) and $FF; end; 2: begin // Up filter for I := 0 to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + PrevLine[I]) and $FF; end; 3: begin // Average filter for I := 0 to BytesPerPixel - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + PrevLine[I] shr 1) and $FF; for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + (Target[I - BytesPerPixel] + PrevLine[I]) shr 1) and $FF; end; 4: begin // Paeth filter for I := 0 to BytesPerPixel - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + PaethPredictor(0, PrevLine[I], 0)) and $FF; for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] + PaethPredictor(Target[I - BytesPerPixel], PrevLine[I], PrevLine[I - BytesPerPixel])) and $FF; end; end; end; procedure TransformLOCOToRGB(Data: PByte; NumPixels, BytesPerPixel: LongInt); var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do begin if IHDR.BitDepth = 8 then begin PColor32Rec(Data).R := Byte(PColor32Rec(Data).R + PColor32Rec(Data).G); PColor32Rec(Data).B := Byte(PColor32Rec(Data).B + PColor32Rec(Data).G); end else begin PColor64Rec(Data).R := Word(PColor64Rec(Data).R + PColor64Rec(Data).G); PColor64Rec(Data).B := Word(PColor64Rec(Data).B + PColor64Rec(Data).G); end; Inc(Data, BytesPerPixel); end; end; function CheckBinaryPalette: Boolean; begin with GetLastFrame do Result := (PaletteEntries = 2) and (Palette[0].R = 0) and (Palette[0].G = 0) and (Palette[0].B = 0) and (Palette[1].R = 255) and (Palette[1].G = 255) and (Palette[1].B = 255); end; begin Image.Width := FrameWidth; Image.Height := FrameHeight; Image.Format := ifUnknown; case IHDR.ColorType of 0: begin // Gray scale image case IHDR.BitDepth of 1: Image.Format := ifBinary; 2, 4, 8: Image.Format := ifGray8; 16: Image.Format := ifGray16; end; BitCount := IHDR.BitDepth; end; 2: begin // RGB image case IHDR.BitDepth of 8: Image.Format := ifR8G8B8; 16: Image.Format := ifR16G16B16; end; BitCount := IHDR.BitDepth * 3; end; 3: begin // Indexed image if (IHDR.BitDepth = 1) and CheckBinaryPalette then Image.Format := ifBinary else Image.Format := ifIndex8; BitCount := IHDR.BitDepth; end; 4: begin // Grayscale + alpha image case IHDR.BitDepth of 8: Image.Format := ifA8Gray8; 16: Image.Format := ifA16Gray16; end; BitCount := IHDR.BitDepth * 2; end; 6: begin // ARGB image case IHDR.BitDepth of 8: Image.Format := ifA8R8G8B8; 16: Image.Format := ifA16R16G16B16; end; BitCount := IHDR.BitDepth * 4; end; end; GetImageFormatInfo(Image.Format, Info); BytesPerPixel := (BitCount + 7) div 8; LineBuffer[True] := nil; LineBuffer[False] := nil; TotalBuffer := nil; ZeroLine := nil; ActLine := True; // Start decoding with Image do try BytesPerLine := (Width * BitCount + 7) div 8; SrcDataSize := Height * BytesPerLine; GetMem(Data, SrcDataSize); FillChar(Data^, SrcDataSize, 0); GetMem(ZeroLine, BytesPerLine); FillChar(ZeroLine^, BytesPerLine, 0); if IHDR.Interlacing = 1 then begin // Decode interlaced images TotalPos := 0; DecompressBuf(IDATStream.Memory, IDATStream.Size, 0, Pointer(TotalBuffer), TotalSize); GetMem(LineBuffer[True], BytesPerLine + 1); GetMem(LineBuffer[False], BytesPerLine + 1); for Pass := 0 to 6 do begin // Prepare next interlace run if Width <= ColumnStart[Pass] then Continue; InterlaceWidth := (Width + ColumnIncrement[Pass] - 1 - ColumnStart[Pass]) div ColumnIncrement[Pass]; InterlaceLineBytes := (InterlaceWidth * BitCount + 7) shr 3; I := RowStart[Pass]; FillChar(LineBuffer[True][0], BytesPerLine + 1, 0); FillChar(LineBuffer[False][0], BytesPerLine + 1, 0); while I < Height do begin // Copy line from decompressed data to working buffer Move(PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[TotalPos], LineBuffer[ActLine][0], InterlaceLineBytes + 1); Inc(TotalPos, InterlaceLineBytes + 1); // Swap red and blue channels if necessary if (IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6]) then SwapRGB(@LineBuffer[ActLine][1], InterlaceWidth, IHDR.BitDepth, BytesPerPixel); // Reverse-filter current scanline FilterScanline(LineBuffer[ActLine][0], BytesPerPixel, @LineBuffer[ActLine][1], @LineBuffer[not ActLine][1], @LineBuffer[ActLine][1], InterlaceLineBytes); // Decode Adam7 interlacing DecodeAdam7; ActLine := not ActLine; // Continue with next row in interlaced order Inc(I, RowIncrement[Pass]); end; end; end else begin // Decode non-interlaced images PrevLine := ZeroLine; DecompressBuf(IDATStream.Memory, IDATStream.Size, SrcDataSize + Height, Pointer(TotalBuffer), TotalSize); for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin // Swap red and blue channels if necessary if IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6] then SwapRGB(@PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1], Width, IHDR.BitDepth, BytesPerPixel); // reverse-filter current scanline FilterScanline(PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1)], BytesPerPixel, @PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1], PrevLine, @PByteArray(Data)[I * BytesPerLine], BytesPerLine); PrevLine := @PByteArray(Data)[I * BytesPerLine]; end; end; Size := Info.GetPixelsSize(Info.Format, Width, Height); if Size <> SrcDataSize then begin // If source data size is different from size of image in assigned // format we must convert it (it is in 1/2/4 bit count) GetMem(Bits, Size); case IHDR.BitDepth of 1: begin // Convert only indexed, keep black and white in ifBinary if IHDR.ColorType <> 0 then Convert1To8(Data, Bits, Width, Height, BytesPerLine, False); end; 2: Convert2To8(Data, Bits, Width, Height, BytesPerLine, IHDR.ColorType = 0); 4: Convert4To8(Data, Bits, Width, Height, BytesPerLine, IHDR.ColorType = 0); end; FreeMem(Data); end else begin // If source data size is the same as size of // image Bits in assigned format we simply copy pointer reference Bits := Data; end; // LOCO transformation was used too (only for color types 2 and 6) if (IHDR.Filter = 64) and (IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6]) then TransformLOCOToRGB(Bits, Width * Height, BytesPerPixel); // Images with 16 bit channels must be swapped because of PNG's big endianity if IHDR.BitDepth = 16 then SwapEndianWord(Bits, Width * Height * BytesPerPixel div SizeOf(Word)); finally FreeMem(LineBuffer[True]); FreeMem(LineBuffer[False]); FreeMem(TotalBuffer); FreeMem(ZeroLine); end; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} procedure TNGFileLoader.LoadImageFromJNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight: LongInt; const JHDR: TJHDR; IDATStream, JDATStream, JDAAStream: TMemoryStream; var Image: TImageData); var AlphaImage: TImageData; FakeIHDR: TIHDR; FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; I: LongInt; AlphaPtr: PByte; GrayPtr: PWordRec; ColorPtr: PColor32Rec; procedure LoadJpegFromStream(Stream: TStream; var DestImage: TImageData); var JpegFormat: TCustomIOJpegFileFormat; Handle: TImagingHandle; DynImages: TDynImageDataArray; begin if JHDR.SampleDepth <> 12 then begin JpegFormat := TCustomIOJpegFileFormat.Create; JpegFormat.SetCustomIO(StreamIO); Stream.Position := 0; Handle := StreamIO.Open(Pointer(Stream), omReadOnly); try JpegFormat.LoadData(Handle, DynImages, True); DestImage := DynImages[0]; finally StreamIO.Close(Handle); JpegFormat.Free; SetLength(DynImages, 0); end; end else NewImage(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, ifR8G8B8, DestImage); end; begin LoadJpegFromStream(JDATStream, Image); // If present separate alpha channel is processed if (JHDR.ColorType in [12, 14]) and (Image.Format in [ifGray8, ifR8G8B8]) then begin InitImage(AlphaImage); if JHDR.AlphaCompression = 0 then begin // Alpha channel is PNG compressed FakeIHDR.Width := JHDR.Width; FakeIHDR.Height := JHDR.Height; FakeIHDR.ColorType := 0; FakeIHDR.BitDepth := JHDR.AlphaSampleDepth; FakeIHDR.Filter := JHDR.AlphaFilter; FakeIHDR.Interlacing := JHDR.AlphaInterlacing; LoadImageFromPNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, FakeIHDR, IDATStream, AlphaImage); end else begin // Alpha channel is JPEG compressed LoadJpegFromStream(JDAAStream, AlphaImage); end; // Check if alpha channel is the same size as image if (Image.Width <> AlphaImage.Width) and (Image.Height <> AlphaImage.Height) then ResizeImage(AlphaImage, Image.Width, Image.Height, rfNearest); // Check alpha channels data format GetImageFormatInfo(AlphaImage.Format, FmtInfo); if (FmtInfo.BytesPerPixel > 1) or (not FmtInfo.HasGrayChannel) then ConvertImage(AlphaImage, ifGray8); // Convert image to fromat with alpha channel if Image.Format = ifGray8 then ConvertImage(Image, ifA8Gray8) else ConvertImage(Image, ifA8R8G8B8); // Combine alpha channel with image AlphaPtr := AlphaImage.Bits; if Image.Format = ifA8Gray8 then begin GrayPtr := Image.Bits; for I := 0 to Image.Width * Image.Height - 1 do begin GrayPtr.High := AlphaPtr^; Inc(GrayPtr); Inc(AlphaPtr); end; end else begin ColorPtr := Image.Bits; for I := 0 to Image.Width * Image.Height - 1 do begin ColorPtr.A := AlphaPtr^; Inc(ColorPtr); Inc(AlphaPtr); end; end; FreeImage(AlphaImage); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TNGFileLoader.ApplyFrameSettings(Frame: TFrameInfo; var Image: TImageData); var FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; BackGroundColor: TColor64Rec; ColorKey: TColor64Rec; Alphas: PByteArray; AlphasSize: LongInt; IsColorKeyPresent: Boolean; IsBackGroundPresent: Boolean; IsColorFormat: Boolean; procedure ConverttRNS; begin if FmtInfo.IsIndexed then begin if Alphas = nil then begin GetMem(Alphas, Frame.TransparencySize); Move(Frame.Transparency^, Alphas^, Frame.TransparencySize); AlphasSize := Frame.TransparencySize; end; end else if not FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel then begin FillChar(ColorKey, SizeOf(ColorKey), 0); Move(Frame.Transparency^, ColorKey, Min(Frame.TransparencySize, SizeOf(ColorKey))); if IsColorFormat then SwapValues(ColorKey.R, ColorKey.B); SwapEndianWord(@ColorKey, 3); // 1/2/4 bit images were converted to 8 bit so we must convert color key too if (not Frame.IsJpegFrame) and (Frame.IHDR.ColorType in [0, 4]) then case Frame.IHDR.BitDepth of 1: ColorKey.B := Word(ColorKey.B * 255); 2: ColorKey.B := Word(ColorKey.B * 85); 4: ColorKey.B := Word(ColorKey.B * 17); end; IsColorKeyPresent := True; end; end; procedure ConvertbKGD; begin FillChar(BackGroundColor, SizeOf(BackGroundColor), 0); Move(Frame.Background^, BackGroundColor, Min(Frame.BackgroundSize, SizeOf(BackGroundColor))); if IsColorFormat then SwapValues(BackGroundColor.R, BackGroundColor.B); SwapEndianWord(@BackGroundColor, 3); // 1/2/4 bit images were converted to 8 bit so we must convert back color too if (not Frame.IsJpegFrame) and (Frame.IHDR.ColorType in [0, 4]) then case Frame.IHDR.BitDepth of 1: BackGroundColor.B := Word(BackGroundColor.B * 255); 2: BackGroundColor.B := Word(BackGroundColor.B * 85); 4: BackGroundColor.B := Word(BackGroundColor.B * 17); end; IsBackGroundPresent := True; end; procedure ReconstructPalette; var I: LongInt; begin with Image do begin GetMem(Palette, FmtInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); FillChar(Palette^, FmtInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec), $FF); // if RGB palette was loaded from file then use it if Frame.Palette <> nil then for I := 0 to Min(Frame.PaletteEntries, FmtInfo.PaletteEntries) - 1 do with Palette[I] do begin R := Frame.Palette[I].B; G := Frame.Palette[I].G; B := Frame.Palette[I].R; end; // if palette alphas were loaded from file then use them if Alphas <> nil then begin for I := 0 to Min(AlphasSize, FmtInfo.PaletteEntries) - 1 do Palette[I].A := Alphas[I]; end; end; end; procedure ApplyColorKey; var DestFmt: TImageFormat; Col32, Bkg32: TColor32Rec; OldPixel, NewPixel: Pointer; begin case Image.Format of ifGray8: DestFmt := ifA8Gray8; ifGray16: DestFmt := ifA16Gray16; ifR8G8B8: DestFmt := ifA8R8G8B8; ifR16G16B16: DestFmt := ifA16R16G16B16; else DestFmt := ifUnknown; end; if DestFmt <> ifUnknown then begin if not IsBackGroundPresent then BackGroundColor := ColorKey; ConvertImage(Image, DestFmt); // Now back color and color key must be converted to image's data format, looks ugly case Image.Format of ifA8Gray8: begin Col32 := Color32(0, 0, $FF, Byte(ColorKey.B)); Bkg32 := Color32(0, 0, 0, Byte(BackGroundColor.B)); end; ifA16Gray16: begin ColorKey.G := $FFFF; end; ifA8R8G8B8: begin Col32 := Color32($FF, Byte(ColorKey.R), Byte(ColorKey.G), Byte(ColorKey.B)); Bkg32 := Color32(0, Byte(BackGroundColor.R), Byte(BackGroundColor.G), Byte(BackGroundColor.B)); end; ifA16R16G16B16: begin ColorKey.A := $FFFF; end; end; if Image.Format in [ifA8Gray8, ifA8R8G8B8] then begin OldPixel := @Col32; NewPixel := @Bkg32; end else begin OldPixel := @ColorKey; NewPixel := @BackGroundColor; end; ReplaceColor(Image, 0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height, OldPixel, NewPixel); end; end; begin Alphas := nil; IsColorKeyPresent := False; IsBackGroundPresent := False; GetImageFormatInfo(Image.Format, FmtInfo); IsColorFormat := (Frame.IsJpegFrame and (Frame.JHDR.ColorType in [10, 14])) or (not Frame.IsJpegFrame and (Frame.IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6])); // Convert some chunk data to useful format if Frame.TransparencySize > 0 then ConverttRNS; if Frame.BackgroundSize > 0 then ConvertbKGD; // Build palette for indexed images if FmtInfo.IsIndexed then ReconstructPalette; // Apply color keying if IsColorKeyPresent and not FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel then ApplyColorKey; FreeMemNil(Alphas); end; { TNGFileSaver class implementation } procedure TNGFileSaver.StoreImageToPNGFrame(const IHDR: TIHDR; Bits: Pointer; FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; IDATStream: TMemoryStream); var TotalBuffer, CompBuffer, ZeroLine, PrevLine: Pointer; FilterLines: array[0..4] of PByteArray; TotalSize, CompSize, I, BytesPerLine, BytesPerPixel: Integer; Filter: Byte; Adaptive: Boolean; procedure FilterScanline(Filter: Byte; BytesPerPixel: LongInt; Line, PrevLine, Target: PByteArray); var I: LongInt; begin case Filter of 0: begin // No filter Move(Line^, Target^, BytesPerLine); end; 1: begin // Sub filter Move(Line^, Target^, BytesPerPixel); for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - Line[I - BytesPerPixel]) and $FF; end; 2: begin // Up filter for I := 0 to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - PrevLine[I]) and $FF; end; 3: begin // Average filter for I := 0 to BytesPerPixel - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - PrevLine[I] shr 1) and $FF; for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - (Line[I - BytesPerPixel] + PrevLine[I]) shr 1) and $FF; end; 4: begin // Paeth filter for I := 0 to BytesPerPixel - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - PaethPredictor(0, PrevLine[I], 0)) and $FF; for I := BytesPerPixel to BytesPerLine - 1 do Target[I] := (Line[I] - PaethPredictor(Line[I - BytesPerPixel], PrevLine[I], PrevLine[I - BytesPerPixel])) and $FF; end; end; end; procedure AdaptiveFilter(var Filter: Byte; BytesPerPixel: LongInt; Line, PrevLine, Target: PByteArray); var I, J, BestTest: LongInt; Sums: array[0..4] of LongInt; begin // Compute the output scanline using all five filters, // and select the filter that gives the smallest sum of // absolute values of outputs FillChar(Sums, SizeOf(Sums), 0); BestTest := MaxInt; for I := 0 to 4 do begin FilterScanline(I, BytesPerPixel, Line, PrevLine, FilterLines[I]); for J := 0 to BytesPerLine - 1 do Sums[I] := Sums[I] + Abs(ShortInt(FilterLines[I][J])); if Sums[I] < BestTest then begin Filter := I; BestTest := Sums[I]; end; end; Move(FilterLines[Filter]^, Target^, BytesPerLine); end; begin // Select precompression filter and compression level Adaptive := False; Filter := 0; case PreFilter of 6: if not ((IHDR.BitDepth < 8) or (IHDR.ColorType = 3)) then Adaptive := True; 0..4: Filter := PreFilter; else if IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6] then Filter := 4 end; // Prepare data for compression CompBuffer := nil; FillChar(FilterLines, SizeOf(FilterLines), 0); BytesPerPixel := Max(1, FmtInfo.BytesPerPixel); BytesPerLine := FmtInfo.GetPixelsSize(FmtInfo.Format, LongInt(IHDR.Width), 1); TotalSize := (BytesPerLine + 1) * LongInt(IHDR.Height); GetMem(TotalBuffer, TotalSize); GetMem(ZeroLine, BytesPerLine); FillChar(ZeroLine^, BytesPerLine, 0); PrevLine := ZeroLine; if Adaptive then begin for I := 0 to 4 do GetMem(FilterLines[I], BytesPerLine); end; try // Process next scanlines for I := 0 to IHDR.Height - 1 do begin // Filter scanline if Adaptive then begin AdaptiveFilter(Filter, BytesPerPixel, @PByteArray(Bits)[I * BytesPerLine], PrevLine, @PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1]); end else begin FilterScanline(Filter, BytesPerPixel, @PByteArray(Bits)[I * BytesPerLine], PrevLine, @PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1]); end; PrevLine := @PByteArray(Bits)[I * BytesPerLine]; // Swap red and blue if necessary if (IHDR.ColorType in [2, 6]) and not FmtInfo.IsRBSwapped then begin SwapRGB(@PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1], IHDR.Width, IHDR.BitDepth, BytesPerPixel); end; // Images with 16 bit channels must be swapped because of PNG's big endianess if IHDR.BitDepth = 16 then begin SwapEndianWord(@PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1) + 1], BytesPerLine div SizeOf(Word)); end; // Set filter used for this scanline PByteArray(TotalBuffer)[I * (BytesPerLine + 1)] := Filter; end; // Compress IDAT data CompressBuf(TotalBuffer, TotalSize, CompBuffer, CompSize, CompressLevel, ZLibStrategy); // Write IDAT data to stream IDATStream.WriteBuffer(CompBuffer^, CompSize); finally FreeMem(TotalBuffer); FreeMem(CompBuffer); FreeMem(ZeroLine); if Adaptive then for I := 0 to 4 do FreeMem(FilterLines[I]); end; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} procedure TNGFileSaver.StoreImageToJNGFrame(const JHDR: TJHDR; const Image: TImageData; IDATStream, JDATStream, JDAAStream: TMemoryStream); var ColorImage, AlphaImage: TImageData; FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; AlphaPtr: PByte; GrayPtr: PWordRec; ColorPtr: PColor32Rec; I: LongInt; FakeIHDR: TIHDR; procedure SaveJpegToStream(Stream: TStream; const Image: TImageData); var JpegFormat: TCustomIOJpegFileFormat; Handle: TImagingHandle; DynImages: TDynImageDataArray; begin JpegFormat := TCustomIOJpegFileFormat.Create; JpegFormat.SetCustomIO(StreamIO); // Only JDAT stream can be saved progressive if Stream = JDATStream then JpegFormat.FProgressive := Progressive else JpegFormat.FProgressive := False; JpegFormat.FQuality := Quality; SetLength(DynImages, 1); DynImages[0] := Image; Handle := StreamIO.Open(Pointer(Stream), omCreate); try JpegFormat.SaveData(Handle, DynImages, 0); finally StreamIO.Close(Handle); SetLength(DynImages, 0); JpegFormat.Free; end; end; begin GetImageFormatInfo(Image.Format, FmtInfo); InitImage(ColorImage); InitImage(AlphaImage); if FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel then begin // Create new image for alpha channel and color image without alpha CloneImage(Image, ColorImage); NewImage(Image.Width, Image.Height, ifGray8, AlphaImage); case Image.Format of ifA8Gray8: ConvertImage(ColorImage, ifGray8); ifA8R8G8B8: ConvertImage(ColorImage, ifR8G8B8); end; // Store source image's alpha to separate image AlphaPtr := AlphaImage.Bits; if Image.Format = ifA8Gray8 then begin GrayPtr := Image.Bits; for I := 0 to Image.Width * Image.Height - 1 do begin AlphaPtr^ := GrayPtr.High; Inc(GrayPtr); Inc(AlphaPtr); end; end else begin ColorPtr := Image.Bits; for I := 0 to Image.Width * Image.Height - 1 do begin AlphaPtr^ := ColorPtr.A; Inc(ColorPtr); Inc(AlphaPtr); end; end; // Write color image to stream as JPEG SaveJpegToStream(JDATStream, ColorImage); if LossyAlpha then begin // Write alpha image to stream as JPEG SaveJpegToStream(JDAAStream, AlphaImage); end else begin // Alpha channel is PNG compressed FakeIHDR.Width := JHDR.Width; FakeIHDR.Height := JHDR.Height; FakeIHDR.ColorType := 0; FakeIHDR.BitDepth := JHDR.AlphaSampleDepth; FakeIHDR.Filter := JHDR.AlphaFilter; FakeIHDR.Interlacing := JHDR.AlphaInterlacing; GetImageFormatInfo(AlphaImage.Format, FmtInfo); StoreImageToPNGFrame(FakeIHDR, AlphaImage.Bits, FmtInfo, IDATStream); end; FreeImage(ColorImage); FreeImage(AlphaImage); end else begin // Simply write JPEG to stream SaveJpegToStream(JDATStream, Image); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TNGFileSaver.AddFrame(const Image: TImageData; IsJpegFrame: Boolean); var Frame: TFrameInfo; FmtInfo: TImageFormatInfo; Index: Integer; procedure StorePalette; var Pal: PPalette24; Alphas: PByteArray; I, PalBytes: LongInt; AlphasDiffer: Boolean; begin // Fill and save RGB part of palette to PLTE chunk PalBytes := FmtInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec); GetMem(Pal, PalBytes); AlphasDiffer := False; for I := 0 to FmtInfo.PaletteEntries - 1 do begin Pal[I].B := Image.Palette[I].R; Pal[I].G := Image.Palette[I].G; Pal[I].R := Image.Palette[I].B; if Image.Palette[I].A < 255 then AlphasDiffer := True; end; Frame.Palette := Pal; Frame.PaletteEntries := FmtInfo.PaletteEntries; // Fill and save alpha part (if there are any alphas < 255) of palette to tRNS chunk if AlphasDiffer then begin PalBytes := FmtInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(Byte); GetMem(Alphas, PalBytes); for I := 0 to FmtInfo.PaletteEntries - 1 do Alphas[I] := Image.Palette[I].A; Frame.Transparency := Alphas; Frame.TransparencySize := PalBytes; end; end; procedure FillFrameControlChunk(const IHDR: TIHDR; var fcTL: TfcTL); var Delay: Integer; begin fcTL.SeqNumber := 0; // Decided when writing to file fcTL.Width := IHDR.Width; fcTL.Height := IHDR.Height; fcTL.XOffset := 0; fcTL.YOffset := 0; fcTL.DelayNumer := 1; fcTL.DelayDenom := 3; if FileFormat.FMetadata.HasMetaItemForSaving(SMetaFrameDelay, Index) then begin // Metadata contains frame delay information in milliseconds Delay := FileFormat.FMetadata.MetaItemsForSavingMulti[SMetaFrameDelay, Index]; fcTL.DelayNumer := Delay; fcTL.DelayDenom := 1000; end; fcTL.DisposeOp := DisposeOpNone; fcTL.BlendOp := BlendOpSource; SwapEndianUInt32(@fcTL, 5); fcTL.DelayNumer := SwapEndianWord(fcTL.DelayNumer); fcTL.DelayDenom := SwapEndianWord(fcTL.DelayDenom); end; begin // Add new frame Frame := AddFrameInfo; Frame.IsJpegFrame := IsJpegFrame; Index := Length(Frames) - 1; with Frame do begin GetImageFormatInfo(Image.Format, FmtInfo); if IsJpegFrame then begin {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} // Fill JNG header JHDR.Width := Image.Width; JHDR.Height := Image.Height; case Image.Format of ifGray8: JHDR.ColorType := 8; ifR8G8B8: JHDR.ColorType := 10; ifA8Gray8: JHDR.ColorType := 12; ifA8R8G8B8: JHDR.ColorType := 14; end; JHDR.SampleDepth := 8; // 8-bit samples and quantization tables JHDR.Compression := 8; // Huffman coding JHDR.Interlacing := Iff(Progressive, 8, 0); JHDR.AlphaSampleDepth := Iff(FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel, 8, 0); JHDR.AlphaCompression := Iff(LossyAlpha, 8, 0); JHDR.AlphaFilter := 0; JHDR.AlphaInterlacing := 0; StoreImageToJNGFrame(JHDR, Image, IDATMemory, JDATMemory, JDAAMemory); // Finally swap endian SwapEndianUInt32(@JHDR, 2); {$ENDIF} end else begin // Fill PNG header IHDR.Width := Image.Width; IHDR.Height := Image.Height; IHDR.Compression := 0; IHDR.Filter := 0; IHDR.Interlacing := 0; IHDR.BitDepth := FmtInfo.BytesPerPixel * 8; // Select appropiate PNG color type and modify bitdepth if FmtInfo.HasGrayChannel then begin IHDR.ColorType := 0; if FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel then begin IHDR.ColorType := 4; IHDR.BitDepth := IHDR.BitDepth div 2; end; end else if FmtInfo.Format = ifBinary then begin IHDR.ColorType := 0; IHDR.BitDepth := 1; end else if FmtInfo.IsIndexed then IHDR.ColorType := 3 else if FmtInfo.HasAlphaChannel then begin IHDR.ColorType := 6; IHDR.BitDepth := IHDR.BitDepth div 4; end else begin IHDR.ColorType := 2; IHDR.BitDepth := IHDR.BitDepth div 3; end; if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // Fill fcTL chunk of APNG file FillFrameControlChunk(IHDR, fcTL); end; // Compress PNG image and store it to stream StoreImageToPNGFrame(IHDR, Image.Bits, FmtInfo, IDATMemory); // Store palette if necesary if FmtInfo.IsIndexed then StorePalette; // Finally swap endian SwapEndianUInt32(@IHDR, 2); end; end; end; function TNGFileSaver.SaveFile(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var I: LongInt; Chunk: TChunkHeader; SeqNo: UInt32; function GetNextSeqNo: UInt32; begin // Seq numbers of fcTL and fdAT are "interleaved" as they share the counter. // Example: first fcTL for IDAT has seq=0, next is fcTL for seond frame with // seq=1, then first fdAT with seq=2, fcTL seq=3, fdAT=4, ... Result := SwapEndianUInt32(SeqNo); Inc(SeqNo); end; function CalcChunkCrc(const ChunkHdr: TChunkHeader; Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt): UInt32; begin Result := $FFFFFFFF; CalcCrc32(Result, @ChunkHdr.ChunkID, SizeOf(ChunkHdr.ChunkID)); CalcCrc32(Result, Data, Size); Result := SwapEndianUInt32(Result xor $FFFFFFFF); end; procedure WriteChunk(var Chunk: TChunkHeader; ChunkData: Pointer); var ChunkCrc: UInt32; SizeToWrite: LongInt; begin SizeToWrite := Chunk.DataSize; Chunk.DataSize := SwapEndianUInt32(Chunk.DataSize); ChunkCrc := CalcChunkCrc(Chunk, ChunkData, SizeToWrite); GetIO.Write(Handle, @Chunk, SizeOf(Chunk)); if SizeToWrite <> 0 then GetIO.Write(Handle, ChunkData, SizeToWrite); GetIO.Write(Handle, @ChunkCrc, SizeOf(ChunkCrc)); end; procedure WritefdAT(Frame: TFrameInfo); var ChunkCrc: UInt32; ChunkSeqNo: UInt32; begin Chunk.ChunkID := fdATChunk; ChunkSeqNo := GetNextSeqNo; // fdAT saves seq number UInt32 before compressed pixels Chunk.DataSize := Frame.IDATMemory.Size + SizeOf(UInt32); Chunk.DataSize := SwapEndianUInt32(Chunk.DataSize); // Calc CRC ChunkCrc := $FFFFFFFF; CalcCrc32(ChunkCrc, @Chunk.ChunkID, SizeOf(Chunk.ChunkID)); CalcCrc32(ChunkCrc, @ChunkSeqNo, SizeOf(ChunkSeqNo)); CalcCrc32(ChunkCrc, Frame.IDATMemory.Memory, Frame.IDATMemory.Size); ChunkCrc := SwapEndianUInt32(ChunkCrc xor $FFFFFFFF); // Write out all fdAT data GetIO.Write(Handle, @Chunk, SizeOf(Chunk)); GetIO.Write(Handle, @ChunkSeqNo, SizeOf(ChunkSeqNo)); GetIO.Write(Handle, Frame.IDATMemory.Memory, Frame.IDATMemory.Size); GetIO.Write(Handle, @ChunkCrc, SizeOf(ChunkCrc)); end; procedure WriteGlobalMetaDataChunks(Frame: TFrameInfo); var XRes, YRes: Double; begin if FileFormat.FMetadata.GetPhysicalPixelSize(ruDpm, XRes, YRes, True) then begin // Save pHYs chunk Frame.pHYs.UnitSpecifier := 1; // PNG stores physical resolution as dots per meter Frame.pHYs.PixelsPerUnitX := Round(XRes); Frame.pHYs.PixelsPerUnitY := Round(YRes); Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(Frame.pHYs); Chunk.ChunkID := pHYsChunk; SwapEndianUInt32(@Frame.pHYs, SizeOf(Frame.pHYs) div SizeOf(UInt32)); WriteChunk(Chunk, @Frame.pHYs); end; end; procedure WritePNGMainImageChunks(Frame: TFrameInfo); begin with Frame do begin // Write IHDR chunk Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(IHDR); Chunk.ChunkID := IHDRChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, @IHDR); // Write PLTE chunk if data is present if Palette <> nil then begin Chunk.DataSize := PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor24Rec); Chunk.ChunkID := PLTEChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, Palette); end; // Write tRNS chunk if data is present if Transparency <> nil then begin Chunk.DataSize := TransparencySize; Chunk.ChunkID := tRNSChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, Transparency); end; end; // Write metadata related chunks WriteGlobalMetaDataChunks(Frame); end; begin Result := False; SeqNo := 0; case FileType of ngPNG, ngAPNG: GetIO.Write(Handle, @PNGSignature, SizeOf(TChar8)); ngMNG: GetIO.Write(Handle, @MNGSignature, SizeOf(TChar8)); ngJNG: GetIO.Write(Handle, @JNGSignature, SizeOf(TChar8)); end; if FileType = ngMNG then begin // MNG - main header before frames SwapEndianUInt32(@MHDR, SizeOf(MHDR) div SizeOf(UInt32)); Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(MHDR); Chunk.ChunkID := MHDRChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, @MHDR); end else if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // APNG - IHDR and global chunks for all frames, then acTL chunk, then frames // (fcTL+IDAT, fcTL+fdAT, fcTL+fdAT, fcTL+fdAT, ....) WritePNGMainImageChunks(Frames[0]); // Animation control chunk acTL.NumFrames := Length(Frames); if FileFormat.FMetadata.HasMetaItemForSaving(SMetaAnimationLoops) then begin // Number of plays of APNG animation acTL.NumPlay:= FileFormat.FMetadata.MetaItemsForSaving[SMetaAnimationLoops]; end else acTL.NumPlay := 0; SwapEndianUInt32(@acTL, SizeOf(acTL) div SizeOf(UInt32)); Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(acTL); Chunk.ChunkID := acTLChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, @acTL); end; for I := 0 to Length(Frames) - 1 do with Frames[I] do begin if IsJpegFrame then begin // Write JHDR chunk Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(JHDR); Chunk.ChunkID := JHDRChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, @JHDR); // Write metadata related chunks WriteGlobalMetaDataChunks(Frames[I]); // Write JNG image data Chunk.DataSize := JDATMemory.Size; Chunk.ChunkID := JDATChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, JDATMemory.Memory); // Write alpha channel if present if JHDR.AlphaSampleDepth > 0 then begin if JHDR.AlphaCompression = 0 then begin // Alpha is PNG compressed Chunk.DataSize := IDATMemory.Size; Chunk.ChunkID := IDATChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, IDATMemory.Memory); end else begin // Alpha is JNG compressed Chunk.DataSize := JDAAMemory.Size; Chunk.ChunkID := JDAAChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, JDAAMemory.Memory); end; end; // Write image end Chunk.DataSize := 0; Chunk.ChunkID := IENDChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, nil); end else if FileType <> ngAPNG then begin // Regular PNG frame (single PNG image or MNG frame) WritePNGMainImageChunks(Frames[I]); // Write PNG image data Chunk.DataSize := IDATMemory.Size; Chunk.ChunkID := IDATChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, IDATMemory.Memory); // Write image end Chunk.DataSize := 0; Chunk.ChunkID := IENDChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, nil); end else if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // APNG frame - Write fcTL before frame data Chunk.DataSize := SizeOf(fcTL); Chunk.ChunkID := fcTLChunk; fcTl.SeqNumber := GetNextSeqNo; WriteChunk(Chunk, @fcTL); // Write data - IDAT for first frame and fdAT for following ones if I = 0 then begin Chunk.DataSize := IDATMemory.Size; Chunk.ChunkID := IDATChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, IDATMemory.Memory); end else WritefdAT(Frames[I]); // Write image end after last frame if I = Length(Frames) - 1 then begin Chunk.DataSize := 0; Chunk.ChunkID := IENDChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, nil); end; end; end; if FileType = ngMNG then begin Chunk.DataSize := 0; Chunk.ChunkID := MENDChunk; WriteChunk(Chunk, nil); end; end; procedure TNGFileSaver.SetFileOptions; begin PreFilter := FileFormat.FPreFilter; CompressLevel := FileFormat.FCompressLevel; LossyAlpha := FileFormat.FLossyAlpha; Quality := FileFormat.FQuality; Progressive := FileFormat.FProgressive; ZLibStrategy := FileFormat.FZLibStrategy; end; { TAPNGAnimator class implementation } class procedure TAPNGAnimator.Animate(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; const acTL: TacTL; const SrcFrames: array of TFrameInfo); var I, SrcIdx, Offset, Len: Integer; DestFrames: TDynImageDataArray; SrcCanvas, DestCanvas: TImagingCanvas; PreviousCache: TImageData; DestFormat: TImageFormat; FormatInfo: TImageFormatInfo; AnimatingNeeded, BlendingNeeded: Boolean; procedure CheckFrames; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Len - 1 do with SrcFrames[I] do begin if (FrameWidth <> Integer(IHDR.Width)) or (FrameHeight <> Integer(IHDR.Height)) or (Len <> Integer(acTL.NumFrames)) or (not ((fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpNone) and (fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpSource)) and not ((fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpBackground) and (fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpSource)) and not ((fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpBackground) and (fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpOver))) then begin AnimatingNeeded := True; end; if fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpOver then BlendingNeeded := True; if AnimatingNeeded and BlendingNeeded then Exit; end; end; begin AnimatingNeeded := False; BlendingNeeded := False; Len := Length(SrcFrames); CheckFrames; if (Len = 0) or not AnimatingNeeded then Exit; if (Len = Integer(acTL.NumFrames) + 1) and (SrcFrames[0].fcTL.Width = 0) then begin // If default image (stored in IDAT chunk) isn't part of animation we ignore it Offset := 1; Len := Len - 1; end else Offset := 0; DestFormat := Images[0].Format; GetImageFormatInfo(DestFormat, FormatInfo); if BlendingNeeded and FormatInfo.IsIndexed then // alpha blending needed -> destination cannot be indexed DestFormat := ifA8R8G8B8; SetLength(DestFrames, Len); DestCanvas := ImagingCanvases.FindBestCanvasForImage(DestFormat).Create; SrcCanvas := ImagingCanvases.FindBestCanvasForImage(Images[0]).Create; InitImage(PreviousCache); NewImage(SrcFrames[0].IHDR.Width, SrcFrames[0].IHDR.Height, DestFormat, PreviousCache); for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin SrcIdx := I + Offset; NewImage(SrcFrames[SrcIdx].IHDR.Width, SrcFrames[SrcIdx].IHDR.Height, DestFormat, DestFrames[I]); if DestFrames[I].Format = ifIndex8 then Move(Images[SrcIdx].Palette^, DestFrames[I].Palette^, 256 * SizeOf(TColor32)); DestCanvas.CreateForData(@DestFrames[I]); if (SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpPrevious) and (SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.DisposeOp <> DisposeOpPrevious) then begin // Cache current output buffer so we may return to it later (previous dispose op) CopyRect(DestFrames[I - 1], 0, 0, DestFrames[I - 1].Width, DestFrames[I - 1].Height, PreviousCache, 0, 0); end; if (I = 0) or (SrcIdx = 0) then begin // Clear whole frame with transparent black color (default for first frame) DestCanvas.FillColor32 := pcClear; DestCanvas.Clear; end else if SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpBackground then begin // Restore background color (clear) on previous frame's area and leave previous content outside of it CopyRect(DestFrames[I - 1], 0, 0, DestFrames[I - 1].Width, DestFrames[I - 1].Height, DestFrames[I], 0, 0); DestCanvas.FillColor32 := pcClear; DestCanvas.FillRect(BoundsToRect(SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.XOffset, SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.YOffset, SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].FrameWidth, SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].FrameHeight)); end else if SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpNone then begin // Clone previous frame - no change to output buffer CopyRect(DestFrames[I - 1], 0, 0, DestFrames[I - 1].Width, DestFrames[I - 1].Height, DestFrames[I], 0, 0); end else if SrcFrames[SrcIdx - 1].fcTL.DisposeOp = DisposeOpPrevious then begin // Revert to previous frame (cached, can't just restore DestFrames[I - 2]) CopyRect(PreviousCache, 0, 0, PreviousCache.Width, PreviousCache.Height, DestFrames[I], 0, 0); end; // Copy pixels or alpha blend them over if SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpSource then begin CopyRect(Images[SrcIdx], 0, 0, Images[SrcIdx].Width, Images[SrcIdx].Height, DestFrames[I], SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.XOffset, SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.YOffset); end else if SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.BlendOp = BlendOpOver then begin SrcCanvas.CreateForData(@Images[SrcIdx]); SrcCanvas.DrawAlpha(SrcCanvas.ClipRect, DestCanvas, SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.XOffset, SrcFrames[SrcIdx].fcTL.YOffset); end; FreeImage(Images[SrcIdx]); end; DestCanvas.Free; SrcCanvas.Free; FreeImage(PreviousCache); // Assign dest frames to final output images Images := DestFrames; end; { TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat class implementation } procedure TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave]; FPreFilter := NGDefaultPreFilter; FCompressLevel := NGDefaultCompressLevel; FLossyAlpha := NGDefaultLossyAlpha; FLossyCompression := NGDefaultLossyCompression; FQuality := NGDefaultQuality; FProgressive := NGDefaultProgressive; FZLibStrategy := NGDefaultZLibStrategy; end; procedure TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity; begin // Just check if save options has valid values if not (FPreFilter in [0..6]) then FPreFilter := NGDefaultPreFilter; if not (FCompressLevel in [0..9]) then FCompressLevel := NGDefaultCompressLevel; if not (FQuality in [1..100]) then FQuality := NGDefaultQuality; end; function TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat.GetSupportedFormats: TImageFormats; begin if FLossyCompression then Result := NGLossyFormats else Result := NGLosslessFormats; end; procedure TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); var ConvFormat: TImageFormat; begin if not FLossyCompression then begin // Convert formats for lossless compression if Info.HasGrayChannel then begin if Info.HasAlphaChannel then begin if Info.BytesPerPixel <= 2 then // Convert <= 16bit grayscale images with alpha to ifA8Gray8 ConvFormat := ifA8Gray8 else // Convert > 16bit grayscale images with alpha to ifA16Gray16 ConvFormat := ifA16Gray16 end else // Convert grayscale images without alpha to ifGray16 ConvFormat := ifGray16; end else if Info.IsFloatingPoint then // Convert floating point images to 64 bit ARGB (or RGB if no alpha) ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA16B16G16R16, ifB16G16R16) else if Info.HasAlphaChannel or Info.IsSpecial then // Convert all other images with alpha or special images to A8R8G8B8 ConvFormat := ifA8R8G8B8 else // Convert images without alpha to R8G8B8 ConvFormat := ifR8G8B8; end else begin // Convert formats for lossy compression if Info.HasGrayChannel then ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA8Gray8, ifGray8) else ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA8R8G8B8, ifR8G8B8); end; ConvertImage(Image, ConvFormat); end; function TNetworkGraphicsFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var ReadCount: LongInt; Sig: TChar8; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then with GetIO do begin FillChar(Sig, SizeOf(Sig), 0); ReadCount := Read(Handle, @Sig, SizeOf(Sig)); Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (ReadCount = SizeOf(Sig)) and (Sig = FSignature); end; end; { TPNGFileFormat class implementation } procedure TPNGFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FName := SPNGFormatName; FFeatures := FFeatures + [ffMultiImage]; FLoadAnimated := PNGDefaultLoadAnimated; AddMasks(SPNGMasks); FSignature := PNGSignature; RegisterOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, @FPreFilter); RegisterOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, @FCompressLevel); RegisterOption(ImagingPNGLoadAnimated, @FLoadAnimated); RegisterOption(ImagingPNGZLibStrategy, @FZLibStrategy); end; function TPNGFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var I, Len: LongInt; NGFileLoader: TNGFileLoader; begin Result := False; NGFileLoader := TNGFileLoader.Create(Self); try // Use NG file parser to load file if NGFileLoader.LoadFile(Handle) and (Length(NGFileLoader.Frames) > 0) then begin Len := Length(NGFileLoader.Frames); SetLength(Images, Len); for I := 0 to Len - 1 do with NGFileLoader.Frames[I] do begin // Build actual image bits if not IsJpegFrame then NGFileLoader.LoadImageFromPNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, IHDR, IDATMemory, Images[I]); // Build palette, aply color key or background NGFileLoader.ApplyFrameSettings(NGFileLoader.Frames[I], Images[I]); Result := True; end; // Animate APNG images if (NGFileLoader.FileType = ngAPNG) and FLoadAnimated then TAPNGAnimator.Animate(Images, NGFileLoader.acTL, NGFileLoader.Frames); end; finally NGFileLoader.LoadMetaData; // Store metadata NGFileLoader.Free; end; end; function TPNGFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var I: Integer; ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; NGFileSaver: TNGFileSaver; DefaultFormat: TImageFormat; Screen: TImageData; AnimWidth, AnimHeight: Integer; begin Result := False; DefaultFormat := ifDefault; AnimWidth := 0; AnimHeight := 0; NGFileSaver := TNGFileSaver.Create(Self); // Save images with more frames as APNG format if Length(Images) > 1 then begin NGFileSaver.FileType := ngAPNG; // Get max dimensions of frames AnimWidth := Images[FFirstIdx].Width; AnimHeight := Images[FFirstIdx].Height; for I := FFirstIdx + 1 to FLastIdx do begin AnimWidth := Max(AnimWidth, Images[I].Width); AnimHeight := Max(AnimHeight, Images[I].Height); end; end else NGFileSaver.FileType := ngPNG; NGFileSaver.SetFileOptions; with NGFileSaver do try // Store all frames to be saved frames file saver for I := FFirstIdx to FLastIdx do begin if MakeCompatible(Images[I], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then try if FileType = ngAPNG then begin // IHDR chunk is shared for all frames so all frames must have the // same data format as the first image. if I = FFirstIdx then begin DefaultFormat := ImageToSave.Format; // Subsequenet frames may be bigger than the first one. // APNG doens't support this - max allowed size is what's written in // IHDR - size of main/default/first image. If some frame is // bigger than the first one we need to resize (create empty bigger // image and copy) the first frame so all following frames could fit to // its area. if (ImageToSave.Width <> AnimWidth) or (ImageToSave.Height <> AnimHeight) then begin InitImage(Screen); NewImage(AnimWidth, AnimHeight, ImageToSave.Format, Screen); CopyRect(ImageToSave, 0, 0, ImageToSave.Width, ImageToSave.Height, Screen, 0, 0); if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); ImageToSave := Screen; end; end else if ImageToSave.Format <> DefaultFormat then begin if MustBeFreed then ConvertImage(ImageToSave, DefaultFormat) else begin CloneImage(Images[I], ImageToSave); ConvertImage(ImageToSave, DefaultFormat); MustBeFreed := True; end; end; end; // Add image as PNG frame AddFrame(ImageToSave, False); finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end else Exit; end; // Finally save PNG file SaveFile(Handle); Result := True; finally NGFileSaver.Free; end; end; {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_MNG} { TMNGFileFormat class implementation } procedure TMNGFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FName := SMNGFormatName; FFeatures := FFeatures + [ffMultiImage]; AddMasks(SMNGMasks); FSignature := MNGSignature; RegisterOption(ImagingMNGLossyCompression, @FLossyCompression); RegisterOption(ImagingMNGLossyAlpha, @FLossyAlpha); RegisterOption(ImagingMNGPreFilter, @FPreFilter); RegisterOption(ImagingMNGCompressLevel, @FCompressLevel); RegisterOption(ImagingMNGQuality, @FQuality); RegisterOption(ImagingMNGProgressive, @FProgressive); end; function TMNGFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var NGFileLoader: TNGFileLoader; I, Len: LongInt; begin Result := False; NGFileLoader := TNGFileLoader.Create(Self); try // Use NG file parser to load file if NGFileLoader.LoadFile(Handle) then begin Len := Length(NGFileLoader.Frames); if Len > 0 then begin SetLength(Images, Len); for I := 0 to Len - 1 do with NGFileLoader.Frames[I] do begin // Build actual image bits if IsJpegFrame then NGFileLoader.LoadImageFromJNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, JHDR, IDATMemory, JDATMemory, JDAAMemory, Images[I]) else NGFileLoader.LoadImageFromPNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, IHDR, IDATMemory, Images[I]); // Build palette, aply color key or background NGFileLoader.ApplyFrameSettings(NGFileLoader.Frames[I], Images[I]); end; end else begin // Some MNG files (with BASI-IEND streams) dont have actual pixel data SetLength(Images, 1); NewImage(NGFileLoader.MHDR.FrameWidth, NGFileLoader.MHDR.FrameWidth, ifDefault, Images[0]); end; Result := True; end; finally NGFileLoader.LoadMetaData; // Store metadata NGFileLoader.Free; end; end; function TMNGFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var NGFileSaver: TNGFileSaver; I, LargestWidth, LargestHeight: LongInt; ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; begin Result := False; LargestWidth := 0; LargestHeight := 0; NGFileSaver := TNGFileSaver.Create(Self); NGFileSaver.FileType := ngMNG; NGFileSaver.SetFileOptions; with NGFileSaver do try // Store all frames to be saved frames file saver for I := FFirstIdx to FLastIdx do begin if MakeCompatible(Images[I], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then try // Add image as PNG or JNG frame AddFrame(ImageToSave, FLossyCompression); // Remember largest frame width and height LargestWidth := Iff(LargestWidth < ImageToSave.Width, ImageToSave.Width, LargestWidth); LargestHeight := Iff(LargestHeight < ImageToSave.Height, ImageToSave.Height, LargestHeight); finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end else Exit; end; // Fill MNG header MHDR.FrameWidth := LargestWidth; MHDR.FrameHeight := LargestHeight; MHDR.TicksPerSecond := 0; MHDR.NominalLayerCount := 0; MHDR.NominalFrameCount := Length(Frames); MHDR.NominalPlayTime := 0; MHDR.SimplicityProfile := 473; // 111011001 binary, defines MNG-VLC with transparency and JNG support // Finally save MNG file SaveFile(Handle); Result := True; finally NGFileSaver.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} { TJNGFileFormat class implementation } procedure TJNGFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FName := SJNGFormatName; AddMasks(SJNGMasks); FSignature := JNGSignature; FLossyCompression := True; RegisterOption(ImagingJNGLossyAlpha, @FLossyAlpha); RegisterOption(ImagingJNGAlphaPreFilter, @FPreFilter); RegisterOption(ImagingJNGAlphaCompressLevel, @FCompressLevel); RegisterOption(ImagingJNGQuality, @FQuality); RegisterOption(ImagingJNGProgressive, @FProgressive); end; function TJNGFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var NGFileLoader: TNGFileLoader; begin Result := False; NGFileLoader := TNGFileLoader.Create(Self); try // Use NG file parser to load file if NGFileLoader.LoadFile(Handle) and (Length(NGFileLoader.Frames) > 0) then with NGFileLoader.Frames[0] do begin SetLength(Images, 1); // Build actual image bits if IsJpegFrame then NGFileLoader.LoadImageFromJNGFrame(FrameWidth, FrameHeight, JHDR, IDATMemory, JDATMemory, JDAAMemory, Images[0]); // Build palette, aply color key or background NGFileLoader.ApplyFrameSettings(NGFileLoader.Frames[0], Images[0]); Result := True; end; finally NGFileLoader.LoadMetaData; // Store metadata NGFileLoader.Free; end; end; function TJNGFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var NGFileSaver: TNGFileSaver; ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; begin // Make image JNG compatible, store it in saver, and save it to file Result := MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed); if Result then begin NGFileSaver := TNGFileSaver.Create(Self); with NGFileSaver do try FileType := ngJNG; SetFileOptions; AddFrame(ImageToSave, True); SaveFile(Handle); finally // Free NG saver and compatible image NGFileSaver.Free; if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(TPNGFileFormat); {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_MNG} RegisterImageFileFormat(TMNGFileFormat); {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF DONT_LINK_JNG} RegisterImageFileFormat(TJNGFileFormat); {$ENDIF} finalization { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.77 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Reads and writes APNG animation loop count metadata. - Writes frame delays of APNG from metadata. - Fixed color keys in 8bit depth PNG/MNG loading. - Fixed needless (and sometimes buggy) conversion to format with alpha channel in FPC (GetMem(0) <> nil!). - Added support for optional ZLib compression strategy. - Added loading and saving of ifBinary (1bit black and white) format images. During loading grayscale 1bpp and indexed 1bpp (with only black and white colors in palette) are treated as ifBinary. ifBinary are saved as 1bpp grayscale PNGs. -- 0.26.5 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Reads frame delays from APNG files into metadata. - Added loading and saving of metadata from these chunks: pHYs. - Simplified decoding of 1/2/4 bit images a bit (less code). -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Added APNG saving support. - Added APNG support to NG loader and animating to PNG loader. -- 0.26.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Changed file format conditional compilation to reflect changes in LINK symbols. -- 0.24.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Changes for better thread safety. -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Added loading of global palettes and transparencies in MNG files (and by doing so fixed crash when loading images with global PLTE or tRNS). -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Small changes in converting to supported formats. - MakeCompatible method moved to base class, put ConvertToSupported here. GetSupportedFormats removed, it is now set in constructor. - Made public properties for options registered to SetOption/GetOption functions. - Changed extensions to filename masks. - Changed SaveData, LoadData, and MakeCompatible methods according to changes in base class in Imaging unit. -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - MNG and JNG support added, PNG support redesigned to support NG file handlers - added classes for working with NG file formats - stuff from old ImagingPng unit added and that unit was deleted - unit created and initial stuff added -- 0.15 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - when saving indexed images save alpha to tRNS? - added some defines and ifdefs to dzlib unit to allow choosing impaszlib, fpc's paszlib, zlibex or other zlib implementation - added colorkeying support - fixed 16bit channel image handling - pixels were not swapped - fixed arithmetic overflow (in paeth filter) in FPC - data of unknown chunks are skipped and not needlesly loaded -- 0.13 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - adaptive filtering added to PNG saving - TPNGFileFormat class added } end.