{ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder https://github.com/galfar/imaginglib https://imaginglib.sourceforge.io - - - - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0. } { This unit contains image format loader/saver for Jpeg images.} unit ImagingJpeg; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} { You can choose which Pascal JpegLib implementation will be used. IMJPEGLIB is version bundled with Imaging which works with all supported compilers and platforms. PASJPEG is original JpegLib translation or version modified for FPC (and shipped with it). You can use PASJPEG if this version is already linked with another part of your program and you don't want to have two quite large almost the same libraries linked to your exe. This is the case with Lazarus applications for example.} {$DEFINE IMJPEGLIB} { $DEFINE PASJPEG} { Automatically use FPC's PasJpeg when compiling with Lazarus. } {$IF Defined(LCL)} {$UNDEF IMJPEGLIB} {$DEFINE PASJPEG} {$IFEND} { We usually want to skip the rest of the corrupted file when loading JPEG files instead of getting exception. JpegLib's error handler can only be exited using setjmp/longjmp ("non-local goto") functions to get error recovery when loading corrupted JPEG files. This is implemented in assembler and currently available only for 32bit Delphi targets and FPC.} {$DEFINE ErrorJmpRecovery} {$IF Defined(DCC) and not Defined(CPUX86)} {$UNDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} {$IFEND} interface uses SysUtils, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingColors, {$IF Defined(IMJPEGLIB)} imjpeglib, imjmorecfg, imjcomapi, imjdapimin, imjdeferr, imjerror, imjdapistd, imjcapimin, imjcapistd, imjdmarker, imjcparam, {$ELSEIF Defined(PASJPEG)} jpeglib, jmorecfg, jcomapi, jdapimin, jdeferr, jerror, jdapistd, jcapimin, jcapistd, jdmarker, jcparam, {$IFEND} ImagingUtility; {$IF Defined(FPC) and Defined(PASJPEG)} { When using FPC's pasjpeg the channel order is BGR instead of RGB. See RGB_RED_IS_0 in jconfig.inc. } {$DEFINE RGBSWAPPED} {$IFEND} type { Class for loading/saving Jpeg images. Supports load/save of 8 bit grayscale and 24 bit RGB images. Jpegs can be saved with optional progressive encoding. Based on IJG's JpegLib so doesn't support alpha channels and lossless coding.} TJpegFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) private FGrayScale: Boolean; protected FQuality: LongInt; FProgressive: LongBool; procedure SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions); virtual; procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; procedure CheckOptionsValidity; override; published { Controls Jpeg save compression quality. It is number in range 1..100. 1 means small/ugly file, 100 means large/nice file. Accessible trough ImagingJpegQuality option.} property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality; { If True Jpeg images are saved in progressive format. Accessible trough ImagingJpegProgressive option.} property Progressive: LongBool read FProgressive write FProgressive; end; implementation const SJpegFormatName = 'Joint Photographic Experts Group Image'; SJpegMasks = '*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.jfif,*.jpe,*.jif'; JpegSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifR8G8B8, ifGray8]; JpegDefaultQuality = 90; JpegDefaultProgressive = False; const { Jpeg file identifiers.} JpegMagic: TChar2 = #$FF#$D8; BufferSize = 16384; resourcestring SJpegError = 'JPEG Error'; type TJpegContext = record case Byte of 0: (common: jpeg_common_struct); 1: (d: jpeg_decompress_struct); 2: (c: jpeg_compress_struct); end; TSourceMgr = record Pub: jpeg_source_mgr; Input: TImagingHandle; Buffer: JOCTETPTR; StartOfFile: Boolean; end; PSourceMgr = ^TSourceMgr; TDestMgr = record Pub: jpeg_destination_mgr; Output: TImagingHandle; Buffer: JOCTETPTR; end; PDestMgr = ^TDestMgr; var JIO: TIOFunctions; JpegErrorMgr: jpeg_error_mgr; { Internal unit jpeglib support functions } {$IFDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} {$IFDEF DCC} type jmp_buf = record EBX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP, EIP: UInt32; end; pjmp_buf = ^jmp_buf; { JmpLib SetJmp/LongJmp Library (C)Copyright 2003, 2004 Will DeWitt Jr. } function SetJmp(out jmpb: jmp_buf): Integer; asm { -> EAX jmpb } { <- EAX Result } MOV EDX, [ESP] // Fetch return address (EIP) // Save task state MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&EBX], EBX MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&ESI], ESI MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&EDI], EDI MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&ESP], ESP MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&EBP], EBP MOV [EAX+jmp_buf.&EIP], EDX SUB EAX, EAX @@1: end; procedure LongJmp(const jmpb: jmp_buf; retval: Integer); asm { -> EAX jmpb } { EDX retval } { <- EAX Result } XCHG EDX, EAX MOV ECX, [EDX+jmp_buf.&EIP] // Restore task state MOV EBX, [EDX+jmp_buf.&EBX] MOV ESI, [EDX+jmp_buf.&ESI] MOV EDI, [EDX+jmp_buf.&EDI] MOV ESP, [EDX+jmp_buf.&ESP] MOV EBP, [EDX+jmp_buf.&EBP] MOV [ESP], ECX // Restore return address (EIP) TEST EAX, EAX // Ensure retval is <> 0 JNZ @@1 MOV EAX, 1 @@1: end; {$ENDIF} type TJmpBuf = jmp_buf; TErrorClientData = record JmpBuf: TJmpBuf; ScanlineReadReached: Boolean; end; PErrorClientData = ^TErrorClientData; {$ENDIF} procedure JpegError(CInfo: j_common_ptr); procedure RaiseError; var Buffer: AnsiString; begin // Create the message and raise exception CInfo.err.format_message(CInfo, Buffer); // Warning: you can get "Invalid argument index in format" exception when // using FPC (see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21229). // Fixed in FPC 2.7.1 {$IF Defined(FPC) and (FPC_FULLVERSION <= 20701)} raise EImagingError.CreateFmt(SJPEGError + ' %d', [CInfo.err.msg_code]); {$ELSE} raise EImagingError.CreateFmt(SJPEGError + ' %d: ' + string(Buffer), [CInfo.err.msg_code]); {$IFEND} end; begin {$IFDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} // Only recovers on loads and when header is successfully loaded // (error occurs when reading scanlines) if (CInfo.client_data <> nil) and PErrorClientData(CInfo.client_data).ScanlineReadReached then begin // Non-local jump to error handler in TJpegFileFormat.LoadData longjmp(PErrorClientData(CInfo.client_data).JmpBuf, 1) end else RaiseError; {$ELSE} RaiseError; {$ENDIF} end; procedure OutputMessage(CurInfo: j_common_ptr); begin end; procedure ReleaseContext(var jc: TJpegContext); begin if jc.common.err = nil then Exit; jpeg_destroy(@jc.common); jpeg_destroy_decompress(@jc.d); jpeg_destroy_compress(@jc.c); jc.common.err := nil; end; procedure InitSource(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); begin PSourceMgr(cinfo.src).StartOfFile := True; end; function FillInputBuffer(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr): Boolean; var NBytes: LongInt; Src: PSourceMgr; begin Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src); NBytes := JIO.Read(Src.Input, Src.Buffer, BufferSize); if NBytes <= 0 then begin PByteArray(Src.Buffer)[0] := $FF; PByteArray(Src.Buffer)[1] := JPEG_EOI; NBytes := 2; end; Src.Pub.next_input_byte := Src.Buffer; Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer := NBytes; Src.StartOfFile := False; Result := True; end; procedure SkipInputData(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr; num_bytes: LongInt); var Src: PSourceMgr; begin Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src); if num_bytes > 0 then begin while num_bytes > Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer do begin Dec(num_bytes, Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer); FillInputBuffer(cinfo); end; Src.Pub.next_input_byte := @PByteArray(Src.Pub.next_input_byte)[num_bytes]; //Inc(LongInt(Src.Pub.next_input_byte), num_bytes); Dec(Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer, num_bytes); end; end; procedure TermSource(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr); var Src: PSourceMgr; begin Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src); // Move stream position back just after EOI marker so that more that one // JPEG images can be loaded from one stream JIO.Seek(Src.Input, -Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer, smFromCurrent); end; procedure JpegStdioSrc(var cinfo: jpeg_decompress_struct; Handle: TImagingHandle); var Src: PSourceMgr; begin if cinfo.src = nil then begin cinfo.src := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(TSourceMgr)); Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src); Src.Buffer := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT, BufferSize * SizeOf(JOCTET)); end; Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src); Src.Pub.init_source := InitSource; Src.Pub.fill_input_buffer := FillInputBuffer; Src.Pub.skip_input_data := SkipInputData; Src.Pub.resync_to_restart := jpeg_resync_to_restart; Src.Pub.term_source := TermSource; Src.Input := Handle; Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer := 0; Src.Pub.next_input_byte := nil; end; procedure InitDest(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); var Dest: PDestMgr; begin Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest); Dest.Pub.next_output_byte := Dest.Buffer; Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer := BufferSize; end; function EmptyOutput(cinfo: j_compress_ptr): Boolean; var Dest: PDestMgr; begin Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest); JIO.Write(Dest.Output, Dest.Buffer, BufferSize); Dest.Pub.next_output_byte := Dest.Buffer; Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer := BufferSize; Result := True; end; procedure TermDest(cinfo: j_compress_ptr); var Dest: PDestMgr; DataCount: LongInt; begin Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest); DataCount := BufferSize - Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer; if DataCount > 0 then JIO.Write(Dest.Output, Dest.Buffer, DataCount); end; procedure JpegStdioDest(var cinfo: jpeg_compress_struct; Handle: TImagingHandle); var Dest: PDestMgr; begin if cinfo.dest = nil then cinfo.dest := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(TDestMgr)); Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest); Dest.Buffer := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE, BufferSize * SIZEOF(JOCTET)); Dest.Pub.init_destination := InitDest; Dest.Pub.empty_output_buffer := EmptyOutput; Dest.Pub.term_destination := TermDest; Dest.Output := Handle; end; procedure SetupErrorMgr(var jc: TJpegContext); begin // Set standard error handlers and then override some jc.common.err := jpeg_std_error(JpegErrorMgr); jc.common.err.error_exit := JpegError; jc.common.err.output_message := OutputMessage; end; procedure InitDecompressor(Handle: TImagingHandle; var jc: TJpegContext); begin jpeg_CreateDecompress(@jc.d, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, sizeof(jc.d)); JpegStdioSrc(jc.d, Handle); jpeg_read_header(@jc.d, True); jc.d.scale_num := 1; jc.d.scale_denom := 1; jc.d.do_block_smoothing := True; if jc.d.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE then begin jc.d.quantize_colors := True; jc.d.desired_number_of_colors := 256; end; end; procedure InitCompressor(Handle: TImagingHandle; var jc: TJpegContext; Saver: TJpegFileFormat); begin jpeg_CreateCompress(@jc.c, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, sizeof(jc.c)); JpegStdioDest(jc.c, Handle); if Saver.FGrayScale then jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE else jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_RGB; jpeg_set_defaults(@jc.c); jpeg_set_quality(@jc.c, Saver.FQuality, True); if Saver.FProgressive then jpeg_simple_progression(@jc.c); end; { TJpegFileFormat class implementation } procedure TJpegFileFormat.Define; begin FName := SJpegFormatName; FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave]; FSupportedFormats := JpegSupportedFormats; FQuality := JpegDefaultQuality; FProgressive := JpegDefaultProgressive; AddMasks(SJpegMasks); RegisterOption(ImagingJpegQuality, @FQuality); RegisterOption(ImagingJpegProgressive, @FProgressive); end; procedure TJpegFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity; begin // Check if option values are valid if not (FQuality in [1..100]) then FQuality := JpegDefaultQuality; end; function TJpegFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var PtrInc, LinesPerCall, LinesRead, I: Integer; Dest: PByte; jc: TJpegContext; Info: TImageFormatInfo; Col32: PColor32Rec; NeedsRedBlueSwap: Boolean; Pix: PColor24Rec; {$IFDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} ErrorClient: TErrorClientData; {$ENDIF} procedure LoadMetaData; var ResUnit: TResolutionUnit; begin // Density unit: 0 - undef, 1 - inch, 2 - cm if jc.d.saw_JFIF_marker and (jc.d.density_unit > 0) and (jc.d.X_density > 0) and (jc.d.Y_density > 0) then begin ResUnit := ruDpi; if jc.d.density_unit = 2 then ResUnit := ruDpcm; FMetadata.SetPhysicalPixelSize(ResUnit, jc.d.X_density, jc.d.Y_density); end; end; begin // Copy IO functions to global var used in JpegLib callbacks Result := False; SetJpegIO(GetIO); SetLength(Images, 1); with JIO, Images[0] do try ZeroMemory(@jc, SizeOf(jc)); SetupErrorMgr(jc); {$IFDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} ZeroMemory(@ErrorClient, SizeOf(ErrorClient)); jc.common.client_data := @ErrorClient; if setjmp(ErrorClient.JmpBuf) <> 0 then begin Result := True; Exit; end; {$ENDIF} InitDecompressor(Handle, jc); case jc.d.out_color_space of JCS_GRAYSCALE: Format := ifGray8; JCS_RGB: Format := ifR8G8B8; JCS_CMYK: Format := ifA8R8G8B8; else Exit; end; NewImage(jc.d.image_width, jc.d.image_height, Format, Images[0]); jpeg_start_decompress(@jc.d); GetImageFormatInfo(Format, Info); PtrInc := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; LinesPerCall := 1; Dest := Bits; // If Jpeg's colorspace is RGB and not YCbCr we need to swap // R and B to get Imaging's native order NeedsRedBlueSwap := jc.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_RGB; {$IFDEF RGBSWAPPED} // Force R-B swap for FPC's PasJpeg NeedsRedBlueSwap := True; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ErrorJmpRecovery} ErrorClient.ScanlineReadReached := True; {$ENDIF} while jc.d.output_scanline < jc.d.output_height do begin LinesRead := jpeg_read_scanlines(@jc.d, @Dest, LinesPerCall); if NeedsRedBlueSwap and (Format = ifR8G8B8) then begin Pix := PColor24Rec(Dest); for I := 0 to Width - 1 do begin SwapValues(Pix.R, Pix.B); Inc(Pix); end; end; Inc(Dest, PtrInc * LinesRead); end; if jc.d.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK then begin Col32 := Bits; // Translate from CMYK to RGB for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do begin CMYKToRGB(255 - Col32.B, 255 - Col32.G, 255 - Col32.R, 255 - Col32.A, Col32.R, Col32.G, Col32.B); Col32.A := 255; Inc(Col32); end; end; // Store supported metadata LoadMetaData; jpeg_finish_output(@jc.d); jpeg_finish_decompress(@jc.d); Result := True; finally ReleaseContext(jc); end; end; function TJpegFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var PtrInc, LinesWritten: LongInt; Src, Line: PByte; jc: TJpegContext; ImageToSave: TImageData; Info: TImageFormatInfo; MustBeFreed: Boolean; {$IFDEF RGBSWAPPED} I: LongInt; Pix: PColor24Rec; {$ENDIF} procedure SaveMetaData; var XRes, YRes: Double; begin if FMetadata.GetPhysicalPixelSize(ruDpcm, XRes, YRes, True) then begin jc.c.density_unit := 2; // Dots per cm jc.c.X_density := Round(XRes); jc.c.Y_density := Round(YRes) end; end; begin Result := False; // Copy IO functions to global var used in JpegLib callbacks SetJpegIO(GetIO); // Makes image to save compatible with Jpeg saving capabilities if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then with JIO, ImageToSave do try ZeroMemory(@jc, SizeOf(jc)); SetupErrorMgr(jc); GetImageFormatInfo(Format, Info); FGrayScale := Format = ifGray8; InitCompressor(Handle, jc, Self); jc.c.image_width := Width; jc.c.image_height := Height; if FGrayScale then begin jc.c.input_components := 1; jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE; end else begin jc.c.input_components := 3; jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_RGB; end; PtrInc := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; Src := Bits; {$IFDEF RGBSWAPPED} GetMem(Line, PtrInc); {$ENDIF} // Save supported metadata SaveMetaData; jpeg_start_compress(@jc.c, True); while (jc.c.next_scanline < jc.c.image_height) do begin {$IFDEF RGBSWAPPED} if Format = ifR8G8B8 then begin Move(Src^, Line^, PtrInc); Pix := PColor24Rec(Line); for I := 0 to Width - 1 do begin SwapValues(Pix.R, Pix.B); Inc(Pix, 1); end; end; {$ELSE} Line := Src; {$ENDIF} LinesWritten := jpeg_write_scanlines(@jc.c, @Line, 1); Inc(Src, PtrInc * LinesWritten); end; jpeg_finish_compress(@jc.c); Result := True; finally ReleaseContext(jc); if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); {$IFDEF RGBSWAPPED} FreeMem(Line); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TJpegFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); begin if Info.HasGrayChannel then ConvertImage(Image, ifGray8) else ConvertImage(Image, ifR8G8B8); end; function TJpegFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var ReadCount: LongInt; ID: array[0..9] of AnsiChar; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then with GetIO do begin FillChar(ID, SizeOf(ID), 0); ReadCount := Read(Handle, @ID, SizeOf(ID)); Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (ReadCount = SizeOf(ID)) and CompareMem(@ID, @JpegMagic, SizeOf(JpegMagic)); end; end; procedure TJpegFileFormat.SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions); begin JIO := JpegIO; end; initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(TJpegFileFormat); { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.77.1 --------------------------------------------------- - Able to read corrupted JPEG files - loads partial image and skips the corrupted parts (FPC and x86 Delphi). - Fixed reading of physical resolution metadata, could cause "divided by zero" later on for some files. -- 0.26.5 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed loading of some JPEGs with certain APPN markers (bug in JpegLib). - Fixed swapped Red-Blue order when loading Jpegs with jc.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_RGB. - Added loading and saving of physical pixel size metadata. -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Changed the Jpeg error manager, messages were not properly formatted. -- 0.26.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed wrong color space setting in InitCompressor. - Fixed problem with progressive Jpegs in FPC (modified JpegLib, can't use FPC's PasJpeg in Windows). -- 0.25.0 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - FPC's PasJpeg wasn't really used in last version, fixed. -- 0.24.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed loading of CMYK jpeg images. Could cause heap corruption and loaded image looked wrong. -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Removed JFIF/EXIF detection from TestFormat. Found JPEGs with different headers (Lavc) which weren't recognized. -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - MakeCompatible method moved to base class, put ConvertToSupported here. GetSupportedFormats removed, it is now set in constructor. - Made public properties for options registered to SetOption/GetOption functions. - Changed extensions to filename masks. - Changed SaveData, LoadData, and MakeCompatible methods according to changes in base class in Imaging unit. - Changes in TestFormat, now reads JFIF and EXIF signatures too. -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - input position is now set correctly to the end of the image after loading is done. Loading of sequence of JPEG files stored in single stream works now - when loading and saving images in FPC with PASJPEG read and blue channels are swapped to have the same chanel order as IMJPEGLIB - you can now choose between IMJPEGLIB and PASJPEG implementations -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added SetJpegIO method which is used by JNG image format } end.