{ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder https://github.com/galfar/imaginglib https://imaginglib.sourceforge.io - - - - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0. } { This unit contains image format loader/saver for GIF images.} unit ImagingGif; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingIO, ImagingUtility; type { GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) loader/saver class. GIF was (and is still used) popular format for storing images supporting multiple images per file and single color transparency. Pixel format is 8 bit indexed where each image frame can have its own color palette. GIF uses lossless LZW compression (patent expired few years ago). Imaging can load and save all GIFs with all frames and supports transparency. Imaging can load just raw ifIndex8 frames or also animate them in ifA8R8G8B8 format. See ImagingGIFLoadAnimated option.} TGIFFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) private FLoadAnimated: LongBool; function InterlaceStep(Y, Height: Integer; var Pass: Integer): Integer; procedure LZWDecompress(Stream: TStream; Handle: TImagingHandle; Width, Height: Integer; Interlaced: Boolean; Data: Pointer); procedure LZWCompress(const IO: TIOFunctions; Handle: TImagingHandle; Width, Height, BitCount: Integer; Interlaced: Boolean; Data: Pointer); protected procedure Define; override; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; published property LoadAnimated: LongBool read FLoadAnimated write FLoadAnimated; end; implementation const SGIFFormatName = 'Graphics Interchange Format'; SGIFMasks = '*.gif'; GIFSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifIndex8]; GIFDefaultLoadAnimated = True; type TGIFVersion = (gv87, gv89); TDisposalMethod = (dmNoRemoval, dmLeave, dmRestoreBackground, dmRestorePrevious, dmReserved4, dmReserved5, dmReserved6, dmReserved7); const GIFSignature: TChar3 = 'GIF'; GIFVersions: array[TGIFVersion] of TChar3 = ('87a', '89a'); GIFDefaultDelay = 65; // Masks for accessing fields in PackedFields of TGIFHeader GIFGlobalColorTable = $80; GIFColorResolution = $70; GIFColorTableSorted = $08; GIFColorTableSize = $07; // Masks for accessing fields in PackedFields of TImageDescriptor GIFLocalColorTable = $80; GIFInterlaced = $40; GIFLocalTableSorted = $20; // Block identifiers GIFPlainText: Byte = $01; GIFGraphicControlExtension: Byte = $F9; GIFCommentExtension: Byte = $FE; GIFApplicationExtension: Byte = $FF; GIFImageDescriptor: Byte = Ord(','); GIFExtensionIntroducer: Byte = Ord('!'); GIFTrailer: Byte = Ord(';'); GIFBlockTerminator: Byte = $00; // Masks for accessing fields in PackedFields of TGraphicControlExtension GIFTransparent = $01; GIFUserInput = $02; GIFDisposalMethod = $1C; const // Netscape sub block types GIFAppLoopExtension = 1; GIFAppBufferExtension = 2; type TGIFHeader = packed record // File header part Signature: TChar3; // Header Signature (always "GIF") Version: TChar3; // GIF format version("87a" or "89a") // Logical Screen Descriptor part ScreenWidth: Word; // Width of Display Screen in Pixels ScreenHeight: Word; // Height of Display Screen in Pixels PackedFields: Byte; // Screen and color map information BackgroundColorIndex: Byte; // Background color index (in global color table) AspectRatio: Byte; // Pixel aspect ratio, ratio = (AspectRatio + 15) / 64 end; TImageDescriptor = packed record //Separator: Byte; // leave that out since we always read one bye ahead Left: Word; // X position of image with respect to logical screen Top: Word; // Y position Width: Word; Height: Word; PackedFields: Byte; end; const // GIF extension labels GIFExtTypeGraphic = $F9; GIFExtTypePlainText = $01; GIFExtTypeApplication = $FF; GIFExtTypeComment = $FE; type TGraphicControlExtension = packed record BlockSize: Byte; PackedFields: Byte; DelayTime: Word; TransparentColorIndex: Byte; Terminator: Byte; end; type TGIFIdentifierCode = array[0..7] of AnsiChar; TGIFAuthenticationCode = array[0..2] of AnsiChar; TGIFApplicationRec = packed record Identifier: TGIFIdentifierCode; Authentication: TGIFAuthenticationCode; end; const CodeTableSize = 4096; HashTableSize = 17777; type TReadContext = record Inx: Integer; Size: Integer; Buf: array [0..255 + 4] of Byte; CodeSize: Integer; ReadMask: Integer; end; PReadContext = ^TReadContext; TWriteContext = record Inx: Integer; CodeSize: Integer; Buf: array [0..255 + 4] of Byte; end; PWriteContext = ^TWriteContext; TOutputContext = record W: Integer; H: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; BitsPerPixel: Integer; Pass: Integer; Interlace: Boolean; LineIdent: Integer; Data: Pointer; CurrLineData: Pointer; end; TImageDict = record Tail: Word; Index: Word; Col: Byte; end; PImageDict = ^TImageDict; PIntCodeTable = ^TIntCodeTable; TIntCodeTable = array [0..CodeTableSize - 1] of Word; TDictTable = array [0..CodeTableSize - 1] of TImageDict; PDictTable = ^TDictTable; resourcestring SGIFDecodingError = 'Error when decoding GIF LZW data'; { TGIFFileFormat implementation } procedure TGIFFileFormat.Define; begin inherited; FName := SGIFFormatName; FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave, ffMultiImage]; FSupportedFormats := GIFSupportedFormats; FLoadAnimated := GIFDefaultLoadAnimated; AddMasks(SGIFMasks); RegisterOption(ImagingGIFLoadAnimated, @FLoadAnimated); end; function TGIFFileFormat.InterlaceStep(Y, Height: Integer; var Pass: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Y; case Pass of 0, 1: Inc(Result, 8); 2: Inc(Result, 4); 3: Inc(Result, 2); end; if Result >= Height then begin if Pass = 0 then begin Pass := 1; Result := 4; if Result < Height then Exit; end; if Pass = 1 then begin Pass := 2; Result := 2; if Result < Height then Exit; end; if Pass = 2 then begin Pass := 3; Result := 1; end; end; end; { GIF LZW decompression code is from JVCL JvGIF.pas unit.} procedure TGIFFileFormat.LZWDecompress(Stream: TStream; Handle: TImagingHandle; Width, Height: Integer; Interlaced: Boolean; Data: Pointer); var MinCodeSize: Byte; MaxCode, BitMask, InitCodeSize: Integer; ClearCode, EndingCode, FirstFreeCode, FreeCode: Word; I, OutCount, Code: Integer; CurCode, OldCode, InCode, FinalChar: Word; Prefix, Suffix, OutCode: PIntCodeTable; ReadCtxt: TReadContext; OutCtxt: TOutputContext; TableFull: Boolean; function ReadCode(var Context: TReadContext): Integer; var RawCode: Integer; ByteIndex: Integer; Bytes: Byte; BytesToLose: Integer; begin while (Context.Inx + Context.CodeSize > Context.Size) and (Stream.Position < Stream.Size) do begin // Not enough bits in buffer - refill it - Not very efficient, but infrequently called BytesToLose := Context.Inx shr 3; // Note biggest Code Size is 12 bits. And this can at worst span 3 Bytes Move(Context.Buf[Word(BytesToLose)], Context.Buf[0], 3); Context.Inx := Context.Inx and 7; Context.Size := Context.Size - (BytesToLose shl 3); Stream.Read(Bytes, 1); if Bytes > 0 then Stream.Read(Context.Buf[Word(Context.Size shr 3)], Bytes); Context.Size := Context.Size + (Bytes shl 3); end; ByteIndex := Context.Inx shr 3; RawCode := Context.Buf[Word(ByteIndex)] + (Word(Context.Buf[Word(ByteIndex + 1)]) shl 8); if Context.CodeSize > 8 then RawCode := RawCode + (Integer(Context.Buf[ByteIndex + 2]) shl 16); RawCode := RawCode shr (Context.Inx and 7); Context.Inx := Context.Inx + Byte(Context.CodeSize); Result := RawCode and Context.ReadMask; end; procedure Output(Value: Byte; var Context: TOutputContext); var P: PByte; begin if Context.Y >= Context.H then Exit; // Only ifIndex8 supported P := @PByteArray(Context.CurrLineData)[Context.X]; P^ := Value; {case Context.BitsPerPixel of 1: begin P := @PByteArray(Context.CurrLineData)[Context.X shr 3]; if (Context.X and $07) <> 0 then P^ := P^ or Word(Value shl (7 - (Word(Context.X and 7)))) else P^ := Byte(Value shl 7); end; 4: begin P := @PByteArray(Context.CurrLineData)[Context.X shr 1]; if (Context.X and 1) <> 0 then P^ := P^ or Value else P^ := Byte(Value shl 4); end; 8: begin P := @PByteArray(Context.CurrLineData)[Context.X]; P^ := Value; end; end;} Inc(Context.X); if Context.X < Context.W then Exit; Context.X := 0; if Context.Interlace then Context.Y := InterlaceStep(Context.Y, Context.H, Context.Pass) else Inc(Context.Y); Context.CurrLineData := @PByteArray(Context.Data)[Context.Y * Context.LineIdent]; end; begin OutCount := 0; OldCode := 0; FinalChar := 0; TableFull := False; GetMem(Prefix, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable)); GetMem(Suffix, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable)); GetMem(OutCode, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable) + SizeOf(Word)); try Stream.Read(MinCodeSize, 1); if (MinCodeSize < 2) or (MinCodeSize > 9) then RaiseImaging(SGIFDecodingError, []); // Initial read context ReadCtxt.Inx := 0; ReadCtxt.Size := 0; ReadCtxt.CodeSize := MinCodeSize + 1; ReadCtxt.ReadMask := (1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize) - 1; // Initialize pixel-output context OutCtxt.X := 0; OutCtxt.Y := 0; OutCtxt.Pass := 0; OutCtxt.W := Width; OutCtxt.H := Height; OutCtxt.BitsPerPixel := MinCodeSize; OutCtxt.Interlace := Interlaced; OutCtxt.LineIdent := Width; OutCtxt.Data := Data; OutCtxt.CurrLineData := Data; BitMask := (1 shl OutCtxt.BitsPerPixel) - 1; // 2 ^ MinCodeSize accounts for all colours in file ClearCode := 1 shl MinCodeSize; EndingCode := ClearCode + 1; FreeCode := ClearCode + 2; FirstFreeCode := FreeCode; // 2^ (MinCodeSize + 1) includes clear and eoi Code and space too InitCodeSize := ReadCtxt.CodeSize; MaxCode := 1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize; Code := ReadCode(ReadCtxt); while (Code <> EndingCode) and (Code <> $FFFF) and (OutCtxt.Y < OutCtxt.H) do begin if Code = ClearCode then begin ReadCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize; MaxCode := 1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize; ReadCtxt.ReadMask := MaxCode - 1; FreeCode := FirstFreeCode; Code := ReadCode(ReadCtxt); CurCode := Code; OldCode := Code; if Code = $FFFF then Break; FinalChar := (CurCode and BitMask); Output(Byte(FinalChar), OutCtxt); TableFull := False; end else begin CurCode := Code; InCode := Code; if CurCode >= FreeCode then begin CurCode := OldCode; OutCode^[OutCount] := FinalChar; Inc(OutCount); end; while CurCode > BitMask do begin if OutCount > CodeTableSize then RaiseImaging(SGIFDecodingError, []); OutCode^[OutCount] := Suffix^[CurCode]; Inc(OutCount); CurCode := Prefix^[CurCode]; end; FinalChar := CurCode and BitMask; OutCode^[OutCount] := FinalChar; Inc(OutCount); for I := OutCount - 1 downto 0 do Output(Byte(OutCode^[I]), OutCtxt); OutCount := 0; // Update dictionary if not TableFull then begin Prefix^[FreeCode] := OldCode; Suffix^[FreeCode] := FinalChar; // Advance to next free slot Inc(FreeCode); if FreeCode >= MaxCode then begin if ReadCtxt.CodeSize < 12 then begin Inc(ReadCtxt.CodeSize); MaxCode := MaxCode shl 1; ReadCtxt.ReadMask := (1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize) - 1; end else TableFull := True; end; end; OldCode := InCode; end; Code := ReadCode(ReadCtxt); end; if Code = $FFFF then RaiseImaging(SGIFDecodingError, []); finally FreeMem(Prefix); FreeMem(OutCode); FreeMem(Suffix); end; end; { GIF LZW compression code is from JVCL JvGIF.pas unit.} procedure TGIFFileFormat.LZWCompress(const IO: TIOFunctions; Handle: TImagingHandle; Width, Height, BitCount: Integer; Interlaced: Boolean; Data: Pointer); var LineIdent: Integer; MinCodeSize, Col: Byte; InitCodeSize, X, Y: Integer; Pass: Integer; MaxCode: Integer; { 1 shl CodeSize } ClearCode, EndingCode, LastCode, Tail: Integer; I, HashValue: Integer; LenString: Word; Dict: PDictTable; HashTable: TList; PData: PByte; WriteCtxt: TWriteContext; function InitHash(P: Integer): Integer; begin Result := (P + 3) * 301; end; procedure WriteCode(Code: Integer; var Context: TWriteContext); var BufIndex: Integer; Bytes: Byte; begin BufIndex := Context.Inx shr 3; Code := Code shl (Context.Inx and 7); Context.Buf[BufIndex] := Context.Buf[BufIndex] or Byte(Code); Context.Buf[BufIndex + 1] := Byte(Code shr 8); Context.Buf[BufIndex + 2] := Byte(Code shr 16); Context.Inx := Context.Inx + Context.CodeSize; if Context.Inx >= 255 * 8 then begin // Flush out full buffer Bytes := 255; IO.Write(Handle, @Bytes, 1); IO.Write(Handle, @Context.Buf, Bytes); Move(Context.Buf[255], Context.Buf[0], 2); FillChar(Context.Buf[2], 255, 0); Context.Inx := Context.Inx - (255 * 8); end; end; procedure FlushCode(var Context: TWriteContext); var Bytes: Byte; begin Bytes := (Context.Inx + 7) shr 3; if Bytes > 0 then begin IO.Write(Handle, @Bytes, 1); IO.Write(Handle, @Context.Buf, Bytes); end; // Data block terminator - a block of zero Size Bytes := 0; IO.Write(Handle, @Bytes, 1); end; begin LineIdent := Width; Tail := 0; HashValue := 0; Col := 0; HashTable := TList.Create; GetMem(Dict, SizeOf(TDictTable)); try for I := 0 to HashTableSize - 1 do HashTable.Add(nil); // Initialize encoder variables InitCodeSize := BitCount + 1; if InitCodeSize = 2 then Inc(InitCodeSize); MinCodeSize := InitCodeSize - 1; IO.Write(Handle, @MinCodeSize, 1); ClearCode := 1 shl MinCodeSize; EndingCode := ClearCode + 1; LastCode := EndingCode; MaxCode := 1 shl InitCodeSize; LenString := 0; // Setup write context WriteCtxt.Inx := 0; WriteCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize; FillChar(WriteCtxt.Buf, SizeOf(WriteCtxt.Buf), 0); WriteCode(ClearCode, WriteCtxt); Y := 0; Pass := 0; while Y < Height do begin PData := @PByteArray(Data)[Y * LineIdent]; for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin // Only ifIndex8 support case BitCount of 8: begin Col := PData^; PData := @PByteArray(PData)[1]; end; {4: begin if X and 1 <> 0 then begin Col := PData^ and $0F; PData := @PByteArray(PData)[1]; end else Col := PData^ shr 4; end; 1: begin if X and 7 = 7 then begin Col := PData^ and 1; PData := @PByteArray(PData)[1]; end else Col := (PData^ shr (7 - (X and $07))) and $01; end;} end; Inc(LenString); if LenString = 1 then begin Tail := Col; HashValue := InitHash(Col); end else begin HashValue := HashValue * (Col + LenString + 4); I := HashValue mod HashTableSize; HashValue := HashValue mod HashTableSize; while (HashTable[I] <> nil) and ((PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Tail <> Tail) or (PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Col <> Col)) do begin Inc(I); if I >= HashTableSize then I := 0; end; if HashTable[I] <> nil then // Found in the strings table Tail := PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Index else begin // Not found WriteCode(Tail, WriteCtxt); Inc(LastCode); HashTable[I] := @Dict^[LastCode]; PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Index := LastCode; PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Tail := Tail; PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Col := Col; Tail := Col; HashValue := InitHash(Col); LenString := 1; if LastCode >= MaxCode then begin // Next Code will be written longer MaxCode := MaxCode shl 1; Inc(WriteCtxt.CodeSize); end else if LastCode >= CodeTableSize - 2 then begin // Reset tables WriteCode(Tail, WriteCtxt); WriteCode(ClearCode, WriteCtxt); LenString := 0; LastCode := EndingCode; WriteCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize; MaxCode := 1 shl InitCodeSize; for I := 0 to HashTableSize - 1 do HashTable[I] := nil; end; end; end; end; if Interlaced then Y := InterlaceStep(Y, Height, Pass) else Inc(Y); end; WriteCode(Tail, WriteCtxt); WriteCode(EndingCode, WriteCtxt); FlushCode(WriteCtxt); finally HashTable.Free; FreeMem(Dict); end; end; function TGIFFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; type TFrameInfo = record Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Integer; Disposal: TDisposalMethod; HasTransparency: Boolean; HasLocalPal: Boolean; TransIndex: Integer; BackIndex: Integer; end; var Header: TGIFHeader; HasGlobalPal: Boolean; GlobalPalLength: Integer; GlobalPal: TPalette32Size256; ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, I, CachedIndex: Integer; BlockID: Byte; HasGraphicExt: Boolean; GraphicExt: TGraphicControlExtension; FrameInfos: array of TFrameInfo; AppRead: Boolean; CachedFrame: TImageData; AnimFrames: TDynImageDataArray; function ReadBlockID: Byte; begin Result := GIFTrailer; if GetIO.Read(Handle, @Result, SizeOf(Result)) < SizeOf(Result) then Result := GIFTrailer; end; procedure ReadExtensions; var BlockSize, BlockType, ExtType: Byte; AppRec: TGIFApplicationRec; LoopCount: SmallInt; procedure SkipBytes; begin with GetIO do repeat // Read block sizes and skip them Read(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); Seek(Handle, BlockSize, smFromCurrent); until BlockSize = 0; end; begin HasGraphicExt := False; AppRead := False; // Read extensions until image descriptor is found. Only graphic extension // is stored now (for transparency), others are skipped. while BlockID = GIFExtensionIntroducer do with GetIO do begin Read(Handle, @ExtType, SizeOf(ExtType)); while ExtType in [GIFGraphicControlExtension, GIFCommentExtension, GIFApplicationExtension, GIFPlainText] do begin if ExtType = GIFGraphicControlExtension then begin HasGraphicExt := True; Read(Handle, @GraphicExt, SizeOf(GraphicExt)); end else if (ExtType = GIFApplicationExtension) and not AppRead then begin Read(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); if BlockSize >= SizeOf(AppRec) then begin Read(Handle, @AppRec, SizeOf(AppRec)); if ((AppRec.Identifier = 'NETSCAPE') and (AppRec.Authentication = '2.0')) or ((AppRec.Identifier = 'ANIMEXTS') and (AppRec.Authentication = '1.0')) then begin Read(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); while BlockSize <> 0 do begin BlockType := ReadBlockID; Dec(BlockSize); case BlockType of GIFAppLoopExtension: if (BlockSize >= SizeOf(LoopCount)) then begin // Read loop count Read(Handle, @LoopCount, SizeOf(LoopCount)); Dec(BlockSize, SizeOf(LoopCount)); if LoopCount > 0 then Inc(LoopCount); // Netscape extension is really "repeats" not "loops" FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, LoopCount); end; GIFAppBufferExtension: begin Dec(BlockSize, SizeOf(Word)); Seek(Handle, SizeOf(Word), smFromCurrent); end; end; end; SkipBytes; AppRead := True; end else begin // Revert all bytes reading Seek(Handle, - SizeOf(AppRec) - SizeOf(BlockSize), smFromCurrent); SkipBytes; end; end else begin Seek(Handle, - BlockSize - SizeOf(BlockSize), smFromCurrent); SkipBytes; end; end else if ExtType in [GIFCommentExtension, GIFApplicationExtension, GIFPlainText] then repeat // Read block sizes and skip them Read(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); Seek(Handle, BlockSize, smFromCurrent); until BlockSize = 0; // Read ID of following block BlockID := ReadBlockID; ExtType := BlockID; end end; end; procedure CopyLZWData(Dest: TStream); var CodeSize, BlockSize: Byte; InputSize: Integer; Buff: array[Byte] of Byte; begin InputSize := ImagingIO.GetInputSize(GetIO, Handle); // Copy codesize to stream GetIO.Read(Handle, @CodeSize, 1); Dest.Write(CodeSize, 1); repeat // Read and write data blocks, last is block term value of 0 GetIO.Read(Handle, @BlockSize, 1); Dest.Write(BlockSize, 1); if BlockSize > 0 then begin GetIO.Read(Handle, @Buff[0], BlockSize); Dest.Write(Buff[0], BlockSize); end; until (BlockSize = 0) or (GetIO.Tell(Handle) >= InputSize); end; procedure ReadFrame; var ImageDesc: TImageDescriptor; Interlaced: Boolean; I, Idx, LocalPalLength: Integer; LocalPal: TPalette32Size256; LZWStream: TMemoryStream; procedure RemoveBadFrame; begin FreeImage(Images[Idx]); SetLength(Images, Length(Images) - 1); end; begin Idx := Length(Images); SetLength(Images, Idx + 1); SetLength(FrameInfos, Idx + 1); FillChar(LocalPal, SizeOf(LocalPal), 0); with GetIO do begin // Read and parse image descriptor Read(Handle, @ImageDesc, SizeOf(ImageDesc)); FrameInfos[Idx].HasLocalPal := (ImageDesc.PackedFields and GIFLocalColorTable) = GIFLocalColorTable; Interlaced := (ImageDesc.PackedFields and GIFInterlaced) = GIFInterlaced; LocalPalLength := ImageDesc.PackedFields and GIFColorTableSize; LocalPalLength := 1 shl (LocalPalLength + 1); // Total pal length is 2^(n+1) // From Mozilla source if (ImageDesc.Width = 0) or (ImageDesc.Width > Header.ScreenWidth) then ImageDesc.Width := Header.ScreenWidth; if (ImageDesc.Height = 0) or (ImageDesc.Height > Header.ScreenHeight) then ImageDesc.Height := Header.ScreenHeight; FrameInfos[Idx].Left := ImageDesc.Left; FrameInfos[Idx].Top := ImageDesc.Top; FrameInfos[Idx].Width := ImageDesc.Width; FrameInfos[Idx].Height := ImageDesc.Height; FrameInfos[Idx].BackIndex := Header.BackgroundColorIndex; // Create new image for this frame which would be later pasted onto logical screen NewImage(ImageDesc.Width, ImageDesc.Height, ifIndex8, Images[Idx]); // Load local palette if there is any if FrameInfos[Idx].HasLocalPal then for I := 0 to LocalPalLength - 1 do begin LocalPal[I].A := 255; Read(Handle, @LocalPal[I].R, SizeOf(LocalPal[I].R)); Read(Handle, @LocalPal[I].G, SizeOf(LocalPal[I].G)); Read(Handle, @LocalPal[I].B, SizeOf(LocalPal[I].B)); end; // Use local pal if present or global pal if present or create // default pal if neither of them is present if FrameInfos[Idx].HasLocalPal then Move(LocalPal, Images[Idx].Palette^, SizeOf(LocalPal)) else if HasGlobalPal then Move(GlobalPal, Images[Idx].Palette^, SizeOf(GlobalPal)) else FillCustomPalette(Images[Idx].Palette, GlobalPalLength, 3, 3, 2); if (ImageDesc.Left <= Header.ScreenWidth + 1) and (ImageDesc.Top <= Header.ScreenHeight + 1) then begin // Resize the screen if needed to fit the frame ScreenWidth := Max(ScreenWidth, ImageDesc.Width + ImageDesc.Left); ScreenHeight := Max(ScreenHeight, ImageDesc.Height + ImageDesc.Top); end else begin // Remove frame outside logical screen RemoveBadFrame; Exit; end; // If Graphic Control Extension is present make use of it if HasGraphicExt then begin FrameInfos[Idx].HasTransparency := (GraphicExt.PackedFields and GIFTransparent) = GIFTransparent; FrameInfos[Idx].Disposal := TDisposalMethod((GraphicExt.PackedFields and GIFDisposalMethod) shr 2); if FrameInfos[Idx].HasTransparency then begin FrameInfos[Idx].TransIndex := GraphicExt.TransparentColorIndex; Images[Idx].Palette[FrameInfos[Idx].TransIndex].A := 0; end; FMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay, Integer(GraphicExt.DelayTime * 10), Idx); end else FrameInfos[Idx].HasTransparency := False; LZWStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try try // Copy LZW data to temp stream, needed for correct decompression CopyLZWData(LZWStream); LZWStream.Position := 0; // Data decompression finally LZWDecompress(LZWStream, Handle, ImageDesc.Width, ImageDesc.Height, Interlaced, Images[Idx].Bits); except RemoveBadFrame; Exit; end; finally LZWStream.Free; end; end; end; procedure CopyFrameTransparent32(const Image, Frame: TImageData; Left, Top: Integer); var X, Y: Integer; Src: PByte; Dst: PColor32; begin Src := Frame.Bits; // Copy all pixels from frame to log screen but ignore the transparent ones for Y := 0 to Frame.Height - 1 do begin Dst := @PColor32RecArray(Image.Bits)[(Top + Y) * Image.Width + Left]; for X := 0 to Frame.Width - 1 do begin if (Frame.Palette[Src^].A <> 0) then Dst^ := Frame.Palette[Src^].Color; Inc(Src); Inc(Dst); end; end; end; procedure AnimateFrame(Index: Integer; var AnimFrame: TImageData); var I, First, Last: Integer; UseCache: Boolean; BGColor: TColor32; begin // We may need to use raw frame 0 to n to correctly animate n-th frame Last := Index; First := Max(0, Last); // See if we can use last animate frame as a basis for this one // (so we don't have to use previous raw frames). UseCache := TestImage(CachedFrame) and (CachedIndex = Index - 1) and (CachedIndex >= 0) and (FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Disposal <> dmRestorePrevious); // Reuse or release cache if UseCache then CloneImage(CachedFrame, AnimFrame) else FreeImage(CachedFrame); // Default color for clearing of the screen BGColor := Images[Index].Palette[FrameInfos[Index].BackIndex].Color; // Now prepare logical screen for drawing of raw frame at Index. // We may need to use all previous raw frames to get the screen // to proper state (according to their disposal methods). if not UseCache then begin if FrameInfos[Index].HasTransparency then BGColor := Images[Index].Palette[FrameInfos[Index].TransIndex].Color; // Clear whole screen FillMemoryUInt32(AnimFrame.Bits, AnimFrame.Size, BGColor); // Try to maximize First so we don't have to use all 0 to n raw frames while First > 0 do begin if (ScreenWidth = Images[First].Width) and (ScreenHeight = Images[First].Height) then begin if (FrameInfos[First].Disposal = dmRestoreBackground) and (First < Last) then Break; end; Dec(First); end; for I := First to Last - 1 do begin case FrameInfos[I].Disposal of dmNoRemoval, dmLeave: begin // Copy previous raw frame onto screen CopyFrameTransparent32(AnimFrame, Images[I], FrameInfos[I].Left, FrameInfos[I].Top); end; dmRestoreBackground: if (I > First) then begin // Restore background color FillRect(AnimFrame, FrameInfos[I].Left, FrameInfos[I].Top, FrameInfos[I].Width, FrameInfos[I].Height, @BGColor); end; dmRestorePrevious: ; // Do nothing - previous state is already on screen end; end; end else if FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Disposal = dmRestoreBackground then begin // We have our cached result but also need to restore // background in a place of cached frame if FrameInfos[CachedIndex].HasTransparency then BGColor := Images[CachedIndex].Palette[FrameInfos[CachedIndex].TransIndex].Color; FillRect(AnimFrame, FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Left, FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Top, FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Width, FrameInfos[CachedIndex].Height, @BGColor); end; // Copy current raw frame to prepared screen CopyFrameTransparent32(AnimFrame, Images[Index], FrameInfos[Index].Left, FrameInfos[Index].Top); // Cache animated result CloneImage(AnimFrame, CachedFrame); CachedIndex := Index; end; begin AppRead := False; SetLength(Images, 0); FillChar(GlobalPal, SizeOf(GlobalPal), 0); with GetIO do begin // Read GIF header Read(Handle, @Header, SizeOf(Header)); ScreenWidth := Header.ScreenWidth; ScreenHeight := Header.ScreenHeight; HasGlobalPal := Header.PackedFields and GIFGlobalColorTable = GIFGlobalColorTable; // Bit 7 GlobalPalLength := Header.PackedFields and GIFColorTableSize; // Bits 0-2 GlobalPalLength := 1 shl (GlobalPalLength + 1); // Total pal length is 2^(n+1) // Read global palette from file if present if HasGlobalPal then begin for I := 0 to GlobalPalLength - 1 do begin GlobalPal[I].A := 255; Read(Handle, @GlobalPal[I].R, SizeOf(GlobalPal[I].R)); Read(Handle, @GlobalPal[I].G, SizeOf(GlobalPal[I].G)); Read(Handle, @GlobalPal[I].B, SizeOf(GlobalPal[I].B)); end; end; // Read ID of the first block BlockID := ReadBlockID; // Now read all data blocks in the file until file trailer is reached while BlockID <> GIFTrailer do begin // Read blocks until we find the one of known type while not (BlockID in [GIFTrailer, GIFExtensionIntroducer, GIFImageDescriptor]) do BlockID := ReadBlockID; // Read supported and skip unsupported extensions ReadExtensions; // If image frame is found read it if BlockID = GIFImageDescriptor then ReadFrame; // Read next block's ID BlockID := ReadBlockID; // If block ID is unknown set it to end-of-GIF marker if not (BlockID in [GIFExtensionIntroducer, GIFTrailer, GIFImageDescriptor]) then BlockID := GIFTrailer; end; if FLoadAnimated then begin // Aniated frames will be stored in AnimFrames SetLength(AnimFrames, Length(Images)); InitImage(CachedFrame); CachedIndex := -1; for I := 0 to High(Images) do begin // Create new logical screen NewImage(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, ifA8R8G8B8, AnimFrames[I]); // Animate frames to current log screen AnimateFrame(I, AnimFrames[I]); end; // Now release raw 8bit frames and put animated 32bit ones // to output array FreeImage(CachedFrame); for I := 0 to High(AnimFrames) do begin FreeImage(Images[I]); Images[I] := AnimFrames[I]; end; end; Result := True; end; end; function TGIFFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var Header: TGIFHeader; ImageDesc: TImageDescriptor; ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; I, J: Integer; GraphicExt: TGraphicControlExtension; procedure FindMaxDimensions(var MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Word); var I: Integer; begin MaxWidth := Images[FFirstIdx].Width; MaxHeight := Images[FFirstIdx].Height; for I := FFirstIdx + 1 to FLastIdx do begin MaxWidth := Iff(Images[I].Width > MaxWidth, Images[I].Width, MaxWidth); MaxHeight := Iff(Images[I].Height > MaxWidth, Images[I].Height, MaxHeight); end; end; procedure SetFrameDelay(Idx: Integer; var Ext: TGraphicControlExtension); begin if FMetadata.HasMetaItemForSaving(SMetaFrameDelay, Idx) then Ext.DelayTime := FMetadata.MetaItemsForSavingMulti[SMetaFrameDelay, Idx] div 10 else Ext.DelayTime := GIFDefaultDelay; end; procedure SaveGlobalMetadata; var AppExt: TGIFApplicationRec; BlockSize, LoopExtId: Byte; Repeats: Word; begin if FMetadata.HasMetaItemForSaving(SMetaAnimationLoops) then with GetIO do begin FillChar(AppExt, SizeOf(AppExt), 0); AppExt.Identifier := 'NETSCAPE'; AppExt.Authentication := '2.0'; Repeats := FMetadata.MetaItemsForSaving[SMetaAnimationLoops]; if Repeats > 0 then Dec(Repeats); LoopExtId := GIFAppLoopExtension; Write(Handle, @GIFExtensionIntroducer, SizeOf(GIFExtensionIntroducer)); Write(Handle, @GIFApplicationExtension, SizeOf(GIFApplicationExtension)); BlockSize := 11; Write(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); Write(Handle, @AppExt, SizeOf(AppExt)); BlockSize := 3; Write(Handle, @BlockSize, SizeOf(BlockSize)); Write(Handle, @LoopExtId, SizeOf(LoopExtId)); Write(Handle, @Repeats, SizeOf(Repeats)); Write(Handle, @GIFBlockTerminator, SizeOf(GIFBlockTerminator)); end; end; begin // Fill header with data, select size of largest image in array as // logical screen size FillChar(Header, Sizeof(Header), 0); Header.Signature := GIFSignature; Header.Version := GIFVersions[gv89]; FindMaxDimensions(Header.ScreenWidth, Header.ScreenHeight); Header.PackedFields := GIFColorResolution; // Color resolution is 256 GetIO.Write(Handle, @Header, SizeOf(Header)); // Prepare default GC extension with delay FillChar(GraphicExt, Sizeof(GraphicExt), 0); GraphicExt.DelayTime := GIFDefaultDelay; GraphicExt.BlockSize := 4; SaveGlobalMetadata; for I := FFirstIdx to FLastIdx do begin if MakeCompatible(Images[I], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then with GetIO, ImageToSave do try // Write Graphic Control Extension with default delay Write(Handle, @GIFExtensionIntroducer, SizeOf(GIFExtensionIntroducer)); Write(Handle, @GIFGraphicControlExtension, SizeOf(GIFGraphicControlExtension)); SetFrameDelay(I, GraphicExt); Write(Handle, @GraphicExt, SizeOf(GraphicExt)); // Write frame marker and fill and write image descriptor for this frame Write(Handle, @GIFImageDescriptor, SizeOf(GIFImageDescriptor)); FillChar(ImageDesc, Sizeof(ImageDesc), 0); ImageDesc.Width := Width; ImageDesc.Height := Height; ImageDesc.PackedFields := GIFLocalColorTable or GIFColorTableSize; // Use local color table with 256 entries Write(Handle, @ImageDesc, SizeOf(ImageDesc)); // Write local color table for each frame for J := 0 to 255 do begin Write(Handle, @Palette[J].R, SizeOf(Palette[J].R)); Write(Handle, @Palette[J].G, SizeOf(Palette[J].G)); Write(Handle, @Palette[J].B, SizeOf(Palette[J].B)); end; // Finally compress image data LZWCompress(GetIO, Handle, Width, Height, 8, False, Bits); finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end; end; GetIO.Write(Handle, @GIFTrailer, SizeOf(GIFTrailer)); Result := True; end; procedure TGIFFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); begin ConvertImage(Image, ifIndex8); end; function TGIFFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var Header: TGIFHeader; ReadCount: Integer; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then begin ReadCount := GetIO.Read(Handle, @Header, SizeOf(Header)); GetIO.Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (ReadCount >= SizeOf(Header)) and (Header.Signature = GIFSignature) and ((Header.Version = GIFVersions[gv87]) or (Header.Version = GIFVersions[gv89])); end; end; initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(TGIFFileFormat); { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.77 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Fixed crash when resaving GIF with animation metadata. - Writes frame delays of GIF animations from metadata. - Reads and writes looping of GIF animations stored into/from metadata. -- 0.26.5 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Reads frame delays from GIF animations into metadata. -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed bug - loading of GIF with NETSCAPE app extensions failed with Delphi 2009. -- 0.26.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - GIF loading and animation mostly rewritten, based on modification by Sergey Galezdinov (ExtraGIF in Extras/Contrib). -- 0.25.0 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed loading of some rare GIFs, problems with LZW decompression. -- 0.24.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Better solution to transparency for some GIFs. Background not transparent by default. -- 0.24.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Made background color transparent by default (alpha = 0). -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Fixed other loading bugs (local pal size, transparency). - Added GIF saving. - Fixed bug when loading multi-frame GIFs and implemented few animation features (disposal methods, ...). - Loading of GIFs working. - Unit created with initial stuff! } end.