(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2008 Andreas Schneider *) unit UXmlHelper; {$mode delphi}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, dom; type { TXmlHelper } TXmlHelper = class(TObject) class function FindChild(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string): TDOMElement; class function AssureElement(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string): TDOMElement; class procedure WriteString(AParent: TDOMElement; AName, AValue: string); class function ReadString(AParent: TDOMElement; AName, ADefault: string): string; class procedure WriteInteger(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AValue: Integer); class function ReadInteger(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; ADefault: Integer): Integer; class procedure WriteBoolean(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AValue: Boolean); class function ReadBoolean(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; ADefault: Boolean): Boolean; class procedure WriteCoords(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AX, AY: Integer); class function ReadCoords(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; out X, Y: Integer): Boolean; end; implementation { TXmlHelper } class function TXmlHelper.FindChild(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string): TDOMElement; var i: LongWord; nodeList: TDOMNodeList; begin Result := nil; nodeList := AParent.GetChildNodes; i := 0; while (Result = nil) and (i < nodeList.Count) do begin if nodeList.Item[i].NodeName = AName then Result := TDOMElement(nodeList[i]); inc(i); end; nodeList.Free; end; class function TXmlHelper.AssureElement(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string): TDOMElement; begin Result := FindChild(AParent, AName); if Result = nil then begin Result := AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(AName); AParent.AppendChild(Result); end; end; class procedure TXmlHelper.WriteString(AParent: TDOMElement; AName, AValue: string); var element: TDOMElement; begin element := AssureElement(AParent, AName); if assigned(element.FirstChild) then TDOMText(element.FirstChild).NodeValue := AValue else element.AppendChild(AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(AValue)); end; class function TXmlHelper.ReadString(AParent: TDOMElement; AName, ADefault: string): string; var element: TDOMElement; begin element := FindChild(AParent, AName); if assigned(element) and assigned(element.FirstChild) then Result := TDOMText(element.FirstChild).Data else Result := ADefault; end; class procedure TXmlHelper.WriteInteger(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AValue: Integer); begin WriteString(AParent, AName, IntToStr(AValue)); end; class function TXmlHelper.ReadInteger(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; ADefault: Integer): Integer; begin if not TryStrToInt(ReadString(AParent, AName, ''), Result) then Result := ADefault; end; class procedure TXmlHelper.WriteBoolean(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AValue: Boolean); begin WriteString(AParent, AName, BoolToStr(AValue)); end; class function TXmlHelper.ReadBoolean(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; ADefault: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := StrToBool(ReadString(AParent, AName, BoolToStr(ADefault))); end; class procedure TXmlHelper.WriteCoords(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; AX, AY: Integer); var element: TDOMElement; begin element := AssureElement(AParent, AName); element.AttribStrings['x'] := IntToStr(AX); element.AttribStrings['y'] := IntToStr(AY); end; class function TXmlHelper.ReadCoords(AParent: TDOMElement; AName: string; out X, Y: Integer): Boolean; var element: TDOMElement; tempX, tempY: Integer; begin element := FindChild(AParent, AName); Result := assigned(element) and TryStrToInt(element.AttribStrings['x'], tempX) and TryStrToInt(element.AttribStrings['y'], tempY); if Result then begin X := tempX; Y := tempY; end; end; end.