{ $Id: ImagingExport.pas 71 2007-03-08 00:10:10Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This function contains functions exported from Imaging dynamic link library. All string are exported as PChars and all var parameters are exported as pointers. All posible exceptions getting out of dll are catched.} unit ImagingExport; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses ImagingTypes, Imaging; { Returns version of Imaging library. } procedure ImGetVersion(var Major, Minor, Patch: LongInt); cdecl; { Look at InitImage for details.} procedure ImInitImage(var Image: TImageData); cdecl; { Look at NewImage for details.} function ImNewImage(Width, Height: LongInt; Format: TImageFormat; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at TestImage for details.} function ImTestImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FreeImage for details.} function ImFreeImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at DetermineFileFormat for details. Ext should have enough space for result file extension.} function ImDetermineFileFormat(FileName, Ext: PChar): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at DetermineMemoryFormat for details. Ext should have enough space for result file extension.} function ImDetermineMemoryFormat(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; Ext: PChar): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at IsFileFormatSupported for details.} function ImIsFileFormatSupported(FileName: PChar): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at EnumFileFormats for details.} function ImEnumFileFormats(var Index: LongInt; Name, DefaultExt, Masks: PChar; var CanSave, IsMultiImageFormat: Boolean): Boolean; cdecl; { Inits image list.} function ImInitImageList(Size: LongInt; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Returns size of image list.} function ImGetImageListSize(ImageList: TImageDataList): LongInt; cdecl; { Returns image list's element at given index. Output image is not cloned it's Bits point to Bits in list => do not free OutImage.} function ImGetImageListElement(ImageList: TImageDataList; Index: LongInt; var OutImage: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Sets size of image list.} function ImSetImageListSize(ImageList: TImageDataList; NewSize: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Sets image list element at given index. Input image is not cloned - image in list will point to InImage's Bits.} function ImSetImageListElement(ImageList: TImageDataList; Index: LongInt; const InImage: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Returns True if all images in list pass ImTestImage test. } function ImTestImagesInList(ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Frees image list and all images in it.} function ImFreeImageList(var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at LoadImageFromFile for details.} function ImLoadImageFromFile(FileName: PChar; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at LoadImageFromMemory for details.} function ImLoadImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at LoadMultiImageFromFile for details.} function ImLoadMultiImageFromFile(FileName: PChar; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at LoadMultiImageFromMemory for details.} function ImLoadMultiImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SaveImageToFile for details.} function ImSaveImageToFile(FileName: PChar; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SaveImageToMemory for details.} function ImSaveImageToMemory(Ext: PChar; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SaveMultiImageToFile for details.} function ImSaveMultiImageToFile(FileName: PChar; ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SaveMultiImageToMemory for details.} function ImSaveMultiImageToMemory(Ext: PChar; Data: Pointer; Size: PLongInt; ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at CloneImage for details.} function ImCloneImage(const Image: TImageData; var Clone: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at ConvertImage for details.} function ImConvertImage(var Image: TImageData; DestFormat: TImageFormat): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FlipImage for details.} function ImFlipImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at MirrorImage for details.} function ImMirrorImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at ResizeImage for details.} function ImResizeImage(var Image: TImageData; NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SwapChannels for details.} function ImSwapChannels(var Image: TImageData; SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at ReduceColors for details.} function ImReduceColors(var Image: TImageData; MaxColors: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at GenerateMipMaps for details.} function ImGenerateMipMaps(const Image: TImageData; Levels: LongInt; var MipMaps: TImageDataList): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at MapImageToPalette for details.} function ImMapImageToPalette(var Image: TImageData; Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SplitImage for details.} function ImSplitImage(var Image: TImageData; var Chunks: TImageDataList; ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight: LongInt; var XChunks, YChunks: LongInt; PreserveSize: Boolean; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at MakePaletteForImages for details.} function ImMakePaletteForImages(Images: TImageDataList; Pal: PPalette32; MaxColors: LongInt; ConvertImages: Boolean): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at RotateImage for details.} function ImRotateImage(var Image: TImageData; Angle: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at CopyRect for details.} function ImCopyRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FillRect for details.} function ImFillRect(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at ReplaceColor for details.} function ImReplaceColor(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; OldPixel, NewPixel: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at StretchRect for details.} function ImStretchRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at GetPixelDirect for details.} procedure ImGetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); cdecl; { Look at SetPixelDirect for details.} procedure ImSetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); cdecl; { Look at GetPixel32 for details.} function ImGetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColor32Rec; cdecl; { Look at SetPixel32 for details.} procedure ImSetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColor32Rec); cdecl; { Look at GetPixelFP for details.} function ImGetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColorFPRec; cdecl; { Look at SetPixelFP for details.} procedure ImSetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColorFPRec); cdecl; { Look at NewPalette for details.} function ImNewPalette(Entries: LongInt; var Pal: PPalette32): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FreePalette for details.} function ImFreePalette(var Pal: PPalette32): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at CopyPalette for details.} function ImCopyPalette(SrcPal, DstPal: PPalette32; SrcIdx, DstIdx, Count: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FindColor for details.} function ImFindColor(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; Color: TColor32): LongInt; cdecl; { Look at FillGrayscalePalette for details.} function ImFillGrayscalePalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at FillCustomPalette for details.} function ImFillCustomPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; RBits, GBits, BBits: Byte; Alpha: Byte): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SwapChannelsOfPalette for details.} function ImSwapChannelsOfPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries, SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at SetOption for details.} function ImSetOption(OptionId, Value: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at GetOption for details.} function ImGetOption(OptionId: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; { Look at PushOptions for details.} function ImPushOptions: Boolean; cdecl; { Look at PopOptions for details.} function ImPopOptions: Boolean; cdecl; { Look at GetImageFormatInfo for details.} function ImGetImageFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat; var Info: TImageFormatInfo): Boolean; cdecl; { Look at GetPixelsSize for details.} function ImGetPixelsSize(Format: TImageFormat; Width, Height: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; { Look at SetUserFileIO for details.} procedure ImSetUserFileIO(OpenReadProc: TOpenReadProc; OpenWriteProc: TOpenWriteProc; CloseProc: TCloseProc; EofProc: TEofProc; SeekProc: TSeekProc; TellProc: TTellProc; ReadProc: TReadProc; WriteProc: TWriteProc); cdecl; { Look at ResetFileIO for details.} procedure ImResetFileIO; cdecl; { These are only for documentation generation reasons.} { Loads Imaging functions from dll/so library.} function ImLoadLibrary: Boolean; { Frees Imaging functions loaded from dll/so and releases library.} function ImFreeLibrary: Boolean; implementation uses SysUtils, ImagingUtility; function ImLoadLibrary: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function ImFreeLibrary: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; type TInternalList = record List: TDynImageDataArray; end; PInternalList = ^TInternalList; procedure ImGetVersion(var Major, Minor, Patch: LongInt); begin Major := ImagingVersionMajor; Minor := ImagingVersionMinor; Patch := ImagingVersionPatch; end; procedure ImInitImage(var Image: TImageData); begin try Imaging.InitImage(Image); except end; end; function ImNewImage(Width, Height: LongInt; Format: TImageFormat; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.NewImage(Width, Height, Format, Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImTestImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.TestImage(Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImFreeImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Imaging.FreeImage(Image); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImDetermineFileFormat(FileName, Ext: PChar): Boolean; var S: string; begin try S := Imaging.DetermineFileFormat(FileName); Result := S <> ''; StrCopy(Ext, PChar(S)); except Result := False; end; end; function ImDetermineMemoryFormat(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; Ext: PChar): Boolean; var S: string; begin try S := Imaging.DetermineMemoryFormat(Data, Size); Result := S <> ''; StrCopy(Ext, PChar(S)); except Result := False; end; end; function ImIsFileFormatSupported(FileName: PChar): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.IsFileFormatSupported(FileName); except Result := False; end; end; function ImEnumFileFormats(var Index: LongInt; Name, DefaultExt, Masks: PChar; var CanSave, IsMultiImageFormat: Boolean): Boolean; var StrName, StrDefaultExt, StrMasks: string; begin try Result := Imaging.EnumFileFormats(Index, StrName, StrDefaultExt, StrMasks, CanSave, IsMultiImageFormat); StrCopy(Name, PChar(StrName)); StrCopy(DefaultExt, PChar(StrDefaultExt)); StrCopy(Masks, PChar(StrMasks)); except Result := False; end; end; function ImInitImageList(Size: LongInt; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; var Int: PInternalList; begin try try ImFreeImageList(ImageList); except end; New(Int); SetLength(Int.List, Size); ImageList := TImageDataList(Int); Result := True; except Result := False; ImageList := nil; end; end; function ImGetImageListSize(ImageList: TImageDataList): LongInt; begin try Result := Length(PInternalList(ImageList).List); except Result := -1; end; end; function ImGetImageListElement(ImageList: TImageDataList; Index: LongInt; var OutImage: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Index := ClampInt(Index, 0, Length(PInternalList(ImageList).List) - 1); ImCloneImage(PInternalList(ImageList).List[Index], OutImage); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImSetImageListSize(ImageList: TImageDataList; NewSize: LongInt): Boolean; var I, OldSize: LongInt; begin try OldSize := Length(PInternalList(ImageList).List); if NewSize < OldSize then for I := NewSize to OldSize - 1 do Imaging.FreeImage(PInternalList(ImageList).List[I]); SetLength(PInternalList(ImageList).List, NewSize); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImSetImageListElement(ImageList: TImageDataList; Index: LongInt; const InImage: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Index := ClampInt(Index, 0, Length(PInternalList(ImageList).List) - 1); ImCloneImage(InImage, PInternalList(ImageList).List[Index]); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImTestImagesInList(ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; var I: LongInt; Arr: TDynImageDataArray; begin Arr := nil; try Arr := PInternalList(ImageList).List; Result := True; for I := 0 to Length(Arr) - 1 do begin Result := Result and Imaging.TestImage(Arr[I]); if not Result then Break; end; except Result := False; end; end; function ImFreeImageList(var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; var Int: PInternalList; begin try if ImageList <> nil then begin Int := PInternalList(ImageList); FreeImagesInArray(Int.List); Dispose(Int); ImageList := nil; end; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImLoadImageFromFile(FileName: PChar; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.LoadImageFromFile(FileName, Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImLoadImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.LoadImageFromMemory(Data, Size, Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImLoadMultiImageFromFile(FileName: PChar; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; begin try ImInitImageList(0, ImageList); Result := Imaging.LoadMultiImageFromFile(FileName, PInternalList(ImageList).List); except Result := False; end; end; function ImLoadMultiImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; begin try ImInitImageList(0, ImageList); Result := Imaging.LoadMultiImageFromMemory(Data, Size, PInternalList(ImageList).List); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSaveImageToFile(FileName: PChar; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SaveImageToFile(FileName, Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSaveImageToMemory(Ext: PChar; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SaveImageToMemory(Ext, Data, Size, Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSaveMultiImageToFile(FileName: PChar; ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SaveMultiImageToFile(FileName, PInternalList(ImageList).List); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSaveMultiImageToMemory(Ext: PChar; Data: Pointer; Size: PLongInt; ImageList: TImageDataList): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SaveMultiImageToMemory(Ext, Data, Size^, PInternalList(ImageList).List); except Result := False; end; end; function ImCloneImage(const Image: TImageData; var Clone: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.CloneImage(Image, Clone); except Result := False; end; end; function ImConvertImage(var Image: TImageData; DestFormat: TImageFormat): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.ConvertImage(Image, DestFormat); except Result := False; end; end; function ImFlipImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.FlipImage(Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImMirrorImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.MirrorImage(Image); except Result := False; end; end; function ImResizeImage(var Image: TImageData; NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.ResizeImage(Image, NewWidth, NewHeight, Filter); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSwapChannels(var Image: TImageData; SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SwapChannels(Image, SrcChannel, DstChannel); except Result := False; end; end; function ImReduceColors(var Image: TImageData; MaxColors: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.ReduceColors(Image, MaxColors); except Result := False; end; end; function ImGenerateMipMaps(const Image: TImageData; Levels: LongInt; var MipMaps: TImageDataList): Boolean; begin try ImInitImageList(0, MipMaps); Result := Imaging.GenerateMipMaps(Image, Levels, PInternalList(MipMaps).List); except Result := False; end; end; function ImMapImageToPalette(var Image: TImageData; Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.MapImageToPalette(Image, Pal, Entries); except Result := False; end; end; function ImSplitImage(var Image: TImageData; var Chunks: TImageDataList; ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight: LongInt; var XChunks, YChunks: LongInt; PreserveSize: Boolean; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; begin try ImInitImageList(0, Chunks); Result := Imaging.SplitImage(Image, PInternalList(Chunks).List, ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight, XChunks, YChunks, PreserveSize, Fill); except Result := False; end; end; function ImMakePaletteForImages(Images: TImageDataList; Pal: PPalette32; MaxColors: LongInt; ConvertImages: Boolean): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.MakePaletteForImages(PInternalList(Images).List, Pal, MaxColors, ConvertImages); except Result := False; end; end; function ImRotateImage(var Image: TImageData; Angle: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.RotateImage(Image, Angle); except Result := False; end; end; function ImCopyRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY: LongInt): Boolean; cdecl; begin try Result := Imaging.CopyRect(SrcImage, SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height, DstImage, DstX, DstY); except Result := False; end; end; function ImFillRect(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.FillRect(Image, X, Y, Width, Height, Fill); except Result := False; end; end; function ImReplaceColor(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; OldPixel, NewPixel: Pointer): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.ReplaceColor(Image, X, Y, Width, Height, OldPixel, NewPixel); except Result := False; end; end; function ImStretchRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; cdecl; begin try Result := Imaging.StretchRect(SrcImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, Filter); except Result := False; end; end; procedure ImGetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); begin try Imaging.GetPixelDirect(Image, X, Y, Pixel); except end; end; procedure ImSetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); begin try Imaging.SetPixelDirect(Image, X, Y, Pixel); except end; end; function ImGetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColor32Rec; cdecl; begin try Result := Imaging.GetPixel32(Image, X, Y); except Result.Color := 0; end; end; procedure ImSetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColor32Rec); begin try Imaging.SetPixel32(Image, X, Y, Color); except end; end; function ImGetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColorFPRec; cdecl; begin try Result := Imaging.GetPixelFP(Image, X, Y); except FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); end; end; procedure ImSetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColorFPRec); begin try Imaging.SetPixelFP(Image, X, Y, Color); except end; end; function ImNewPalette(Entries: LongInt; var Pal: PPalette32): Boolean; begin try Imaging.NewPalette(Entries, Pal); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImFreePalette(var Pal: PPalette32): Boolean; begin try Imaging.FreePalette(Pal); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImCopyPalette(SrcPal, DstPal: PPalette32; SrcIdx, DstIdx, Count: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Imaging.CopyPalette(SrcPal, DstPal, SrcIdx, DstIdx, Count); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImFindColor(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; Color: TColor32): LongInt; begin try Result := Imaging.FindColor(Pal, Entries, Color); except Result := 0; end; end; function ImFillGrayscalePalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Imaging.FillGrayscalePalette(Pal, Entries); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImFillCustomPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; RBits, GBits, BBits: Byte; Alpha: Byte): Boolean; begin try Imaging.FillCustomPalette(Pal, Entries, RBits, GBits, BBits, Alpha); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImSwapChannelsOfPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries, SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Imaging.SwapChannelsOfPalette(Pal, Entries, SrcChannel, DstChannel); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function ImSetOption(OptionId, Value: LongInt): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.SetOption(OptionId, Value); except Result := False; end; end; function ImGetOption(OptionId: LongInt): LongInt; begin try Result := GetOption(OptionId); except Result := InvalidOption; end; end; function ImPushOptions: Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.PushOptions; except Result := False; end; end; function ImPopOptions: Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.PopOptions; except Result := False; end; end; function ImGetImageFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat; var Info: TImageFormatInfo): Boolean; begin try Result := Imaging.GetImageFormatInfo(Format, Info); except Result := False; end; end; function ImGetPixelsSize(Format: TImageFormat; Width, Height: LongInt): LongInt; begin try Result := Imaging.GetPixelsSize(Format, Width, Height); except Result := 0; end; end; procedure ImSetUserFileIO(OpenReadProc: TOpenReadProc; OpenWriteProc: TOpenWriteProc; CloseProc: TCloseProc; EofProc: TEofProc; SeekProc: TSeekProc; TellProc: TTellProc; ReadProc: TReadProc; WriteProc: TWriteProc); begin try Imaging.SetUserFileIO(OpenReadProc, OpenWriteProc, CloseProc, EofProc, SeekProc, TellProc, ReadProc, WriteProc); except end; end; procedure ImResetFileIO; begin try Imaging.ResetFileIO; except end; end; { Changes/Bug Fixes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.19 ----------------------------------------------------- - updated to reflect changes in low level interface (added pixel set/get, ...) - changed ImInitImage to procedure to reflect change in Imaging.pas - added ImIsFileFormatSupported -- 0.15 ----------------------------------------------------- - behaviour of ImGetImageListElement and ImSetImageListElement has changed - list items are now cloned rather than referenced, because of this ImFreeImageListKeepImages was no longer needed and was removed - many function headers were changed - mainly pointers were replaced with var and const parameters -- 0.13 ----------------------------------------------------- - added TestImagesInList function and new 0.13 functions - images were not freed when image list was resized in ImSetImageListSize - ImSaveMultiImageTo* recreated the input image list with size = 0 } end.