{ $Id: ImagingClasses.pas 94 2007-06-21 19:29:49Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This unit contains class based wrapper to Imaging library.} unit ImagingClasses; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses Types, Classes, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingFormats, ImagingUtility; type { Base abstract high level class wrapper to low level Imaging structures and functions.} TBaseImage = class(TPersistent) protected FPData: PImageData; FOnDataSizeChanged: TNotifyEvent; FOnPixelsChanged: TNotifyEvent; function GetFormat: TImageFormat; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetHeight: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetSize: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetWidth: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetBits: Pointer; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetPalette: PPalette32; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetPaletteEntries: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetScanLine(Index: LongInt): Pointer; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetPixelPointer(X, Y: LongInt): Pointer; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetFormatInfo: TImageFormatInfo; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetValid: Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetBoundsRect: TRect; procedure SetFormat(const Value: TImageFormat); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetHeight(const Value: LongInt); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetWidth(const Value: LongInt); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetPointer; virtual; abstract; procedure DoDataSizeChanged; virtual; procedure DoPixelsChanged; virtual; published public constructor Create; virtual; constructor CreateFromImage(AImage: TBaseImage); destructor Destroy; override; { Returns info about current image.} function ToString: string; { Creates a new image data with the given size and format. Old image data is lost. Works only for the current image of TMultiImage.} procedure RecreateImageData(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); { Resizes current image with optional resampling.} procedure Resize(NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); { Flips current image. Reverses the image along its horizontal axis the top becomes the bottom and vice versa.} procedure Flip; { Mirrors current image. Reverses the image along its vertical axis the left side becomes the right and vice versa.} procedure Mirror; { Rotates image by 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, or -270 degrees counterclockwise.} procedure Rotate(Angle: LongInt); { Copies rectangular part of SrcImage to DstImage. No blending is performed - alpha is simply copied to destination image. Operates also with negative X and Y coordinates. Note that copying is fastest for images in the same data format (and slowest for images in special formats).} procedure CopyTo(SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; DstImage: TBaseImage; DstX, DstY: LongInt); { Stretches the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle with optional resampling. No blending is performed - alpha is simply copied/resampled to destination image. Note that stretching is fastest for images in the same data format (and slowest for images in special formats).} procedure StretchTo(SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; DstImage: TBaseImage; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); { Replaces pixels with OldPixel in the given rectangle by NewPixel. OldPixel and NewPixel should point to the pixels in the same format as the given image is in.} procedure ReplaceColor(X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; OldColor, NewColor: Pointer); { Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of image. Use ChannelRed, ChannelBlue, ChannelGreen, ChannelAlpha constants to identify channels.} procedure SwapChannels(SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt); { Loads current image data from file.} procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); virtual; { Loads current image data from stream.} procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; { Saves current image data to file.} procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); { Saves current image data to stream. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...)} procedure SaveToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream); { Width of current image in pixels.} property Width: LongInt read GetWidth write SetWidth; { Height of current image in pixels.} property Height: LongInt read GetHeight write SetHeight; { Image data format of current image.} property Format: TImageFormat read GetFormat write SetFormat; { Size in bytes of current image's data.} property Size: LongInt read GetSize; { Pointer to memory containing image bits.} property Bits: Pointer read GetBits; { Pointer to palette for indexed format images. It is nil for others. Max palette entry is at index [PaletteEntries - 1].} property Palette: PPalette32 read GetPalette; { Number of entries in image's palette} property PaletteEntries: LongInt read GetPaletteEntries; { Provides indexed access to each line of pixels. Does not work with special format images (like DXT).} property ScanLine[Index: LongInt]: Pointer read GetScanLine; { Returns pointer to image pixel at [X, Y] coordinates.} property PixelPointers[X, Y: LongInt]: Pointer read GetPixelPointer; { Extended image format information.} property FormatInfo: TImageFormatInfo read GetFormatInfo; { This gives complete access to underlying TImageData record. It can be used in functions that take TImageData as parameter (for example: ReduceColors(SingleImageInstance.ImageData^, 64)).} property ImageDataPointer: PImageData read FPData; { Indicates whether the current image is valid (proper format, allowed dimensions, right size, ...).} property Valid: Boolean read GetValid; {{ Specifies the bounding rectangle of the image.} property BoundsRect: TRect read GetBoundsRect; { This event occurs when the image data size has just changed. That means image width, height, or format has been changed.} property OnDataSizeChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnDataSizeChanged write FOnDataSizeChanged; { This event occurs when some pixels of the image have just changed.} property OnPixelsChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnPixelsChanged write FOnPixelsChanged; end; { Extension of TBaseImage which uses single TImageData record to store image. All methods inherited from TBaseImage work with this record.} TSingleImage = class(TBaseImage) protected FImageData: TImageData; procedure SetPointer; override; public constructor Create; override; constructor CreateFromParams(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat = ifDefault); constructor CreateFromData(const AData: TImageData); constructor CreateFromFile(const FileName: string); constructor CreateFromStream(Stream: TStream); destructor Destroy; override; { Assigns single image from another single image or multi image.} procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; end; { Extension of TBaseImage which uses array of TImageData records to store multiple images. Images are independent on each other and they don't share any common characteristic. Each can have different size, format, and palette. All methods inherited from TBaseImage work only with active image (it could represent mipmap level, animation frame, or whatever). Methods whose names contain word 'Multi' work with all images in array (as well as other methods with obvious names).} TMultiImage = class(TBaseImage) protected FDataArray: TDynImageDataArray; FActiveImage: LongInt; procedure SetActiveImage(Value: LongInt); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetImageCount: LongInt; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetImageCount(Value: LongInt); function GetAllImagesValid: Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function GetImage(Index: LongInt): TImageData; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetImage(Index: LongInt; Value: TImageData); {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} procedure SetPointer; override; function PrepareInsert(Index, Count: LongInt): Boolean; procedure DoInsertImages(Index: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray); procedure DoInsertNew(Index: LongInt; AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); public constructor Create; override; constructor CreateFromParams(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat; Images: LongInt); constructor CreateFromArray(ADataArray: TDynImageDataArray); constructor CreateFromFile(const FileName: string); constructor CreateFromStream(Stream: TStream); destructor Destroy; override; { Assigns multi image from another multi image or single image.} procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; { Adds new image at the end of the image array. } procedure AddImage(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat = ifDefault); overload; { Adds existing image at the end of the image array. } procedure AddImage(const Image: TImageData); overload; { Adds existing image (Active image of a TmultiImage) at the end of the image array. } procedure AddImage(Image: TBaseImage); overload; { Adds existing image array ((all images of a multi image)) at the end of the image array. } procedure AddImages(const Images: TDynImageDataArray); overload; { Adds existing MultiImage images at the end of the image array. } procedure AddImages(Images: TMultiImage); overload; { Inserts new image image at the given position in the image array. } procedure InsertImage(Index, AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat = ifDefault); overload; { Inserts existing image at the given position in the image array. } procedure InsertImage(Index: LongInt; const Image: TImageData); overload; { Inserts existing image (Active image of a TmultiImage) at the given position in the image array. } procedure InsertImage(Index: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage); overload; { Inserts existing image at the given position in the image array. } procedure InsertImages(Index: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray); overload; { Inserts existing images (all images of a TmultiImage) at the given position in the image array. } procedure InsertImages(Index: LongInt; Images: TMultiImage); overload; { Exchanges two images at the given positions in the image array. } procedure ExchangeImages(Index1, Index2: LongInt); { Deletes image at the given position in the image array.} procedure DeleteImage(Index: LongInt); { Converts all images to another image data format.} procedure ConvertImages(Format: TImageFormat); { Resizes all images.} procedure ResizeImages(NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); { Overloaded loading method that will add new image to multiimage if image array is empty bero loading. } procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); override; { Overloaded loading method that will add new image to multiimage if image array is empty bero loading. } procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; { Loads whole multi image from file.} procedure LoadMultiFromFile(const FileName: string); { Loads whole multi image from stream.} procedure LoadMultiFromStream(Stream: TStream); { Saves whole multi image to file.} procedure SaveMultiToFile(const FileName: string); { Saves whole multi image to stream. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...).} procedure SaveMultiToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream); { Indicates active image of this multi image. All methods inherited from TBaseImage operate on this image only.} property ActiveImage: LongInt read FActiveImage write SetActiveImage; { Number of images of this multi image.} property ImageCount: LongInt read GetImageCount write SetImageCount; { This value is True if all images of this TMultiImage are valid.} property AllImagesValid: Boolean read GetAllImagesValid; { This gives complete access to underlying TDynImageDataArray. It can be used in functions that take TDynImageDataArray as parameter.} property DataArray: TDynImageDataArray read FDataArray; { Array property for accessing individual images of TMultiImage. When you set image at given index the old image is freed and the source is cloned.} property Images[Index: LongInt]: TImageData read GetImage write SetImage; default; end; implementation const DefaultWidth = 16; DefaultHeight = 16; DefaultImages = 1; function GetArrayFromImageData(const ImageData: TImageData): TDynImageDataArray; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0] := ImageData; end; { TBaseImage class implementation } constructor TBaseImage.Create; begin SetPointer; end; constructor TBaseImage.CreateFromImage(AImage: TBaseImage); begin Create; Assign(AImage); end; destructor TBaseImage.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; function TBaseImage.GetWidth: LongInt; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Width else Result := 0; end; function TBaseImage.GetHeight: LongInt; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Height else Result := 0; end; function TBaseImage.GetFormat: TImageFormat; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Format else Result := ifUnknown; end; function TBaseImage.GetScanLine(Index: LongInt): Pointer; var Info: TImageFormatInfo; begin if Valid then begin Info := GetFormatInfo; if not Info.IsSpecial then Result := ImagingFormats.GetScanLine(FPData.Bits, Info, FPData.Width, Index) else Result := FPData.Bits; end else Result := nil; end; function TBaseImage.GetPixelPointer(X, Y: LongInt): Pointer; begin if Valid then Result := @PByteArray(FPData.Bits)[(Y * FPData.Width + X) * GetFormatInfo.BytesPerPixel] else Result := nil; end; function TBaseImage.GetSize: LongInt; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Size else Result := 0; end; function TBaseImage.GetBits: Pointer; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Bits else Result := nil; end; function TBaseImage.GetPalette: PPalette32; begin if Valid then Result := FPData.Palette else Result := nil; end; function TBaseImage.GetPaletteEntries: LongInt; begin Result := GetFormatInfo.PaletteEntries; end; function TBaseImage.GetFormatInfo: TImageFormatInfo; begin if Valid then Imaging.GetImageFormatInfo(FPData.Format, Result) else FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); end; function TBaseImage.GetValid: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FPData) and Imaging.TestImage(FPData^); end; function TBaseImage.GetBoundsRect: TRect; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, GetWidth, GetHeight); end; procedure TBaseImage.SetWidth(const Value: LongInt); begin Resize(Value, GetHeight, rfNearest); end; procedure TBaseImage.SetHeight(const Value: LongInt); begin Resize(GetWidth, Value, rfNearest); end; procedure TBaseImage.SetFormat(const Value: TImageFormat); begin if Valid and Imaging.ConvertImage(FPData^, Value) then DoDataSizeChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.DoDataSizeChanged; begin if Assigned(FOnDataSizeChanged) then FOnDataSizeChanged(Self); DoPixelsChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.DoPixelsChanged; begin if Assigned(FOnPixelsChanged) then FOnPixelsChanged(Self); end; procedure TBaseImage.RecreateImageData(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); begin if Assigned(FPData) and Imaging.NewImage(AWidth, AHeight, AFormat, FPData^) then DoDataSizeChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.Resize(NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); begin if Valid and Imaging.ResizeImage(FPData^, NewWidth, NewHeight, Filter) then DoDataSizeChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.Flip; begin if Valid and Imaging.FlipImage(FPData^) then DoPixelsChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.Mirror; begin if Valid and Imaging.MirrorImage(FPData^) then DoPixelsChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.Rotate(Angle: LongInt); begin if Valid and Imaging.RotateImage(FPData^, Angle) then DoPixelsChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.CopyTo(SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; DstImage: TBaseImage; DstX, DstY: LongInt); begin if Valid and Assigned(DstImage) and DstImage.Valid then begin Imaging.CopyRect(FPData^, SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height, DstImage.FPData^, DstX, DstY); DstImage.DoPixelsChanged; end; end; procedure TBaseImage.StretchTo(SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; DstImage: TBaseImage; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); begin if Valid and Assigned(DstImage) and DstImage.Valid then begin Imaging.StretchRect(FPData^, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage.FPData^, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, Filter); DstImage.DoPixelsChanged; end; end; procedure TBaseImage.ReplaceColor(X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; OldColor, NewColor: Pointer); begin if Valid then begin Imaging.ReplaceColor(FPData^, X, Y, Width, Height, OldColor, NewColor); DoPixelsChanged; end; end; procedure TBaseImage.SwapChannels(SrcChannel, DstChannel: Integer); begin if Valid then begin Imaging.SwapChannels(FPData^, SrcChannel, DstChannel); DoPixelsChanged; end; end; function TBaseImage.ToString: string; begin Result := Iff(Valid, Imaging.ImageToStr(FPData^), 'empty image'); end; procedure TBaseImage.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); begin if Assigned(FPData) and Imaging.LoadImageFromFile(FileName, FPData^) then DoDataSizeChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin if Assigned(FPData) and Imaging.LoadImageFromStream(Stream, FPData^) then DoDataSizeChanged; end; procedure TBaseImage.SaveToFile(const FileName: string); begin if Valid then Imaging.SaveImageToFile(FileName, FPData^); end; procedure TBaseImage.SaveToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream); begin if Valid then Imaging.SaveImageToStream(Ext, Stream, FPData^); end; { TSingleImage class implementation } constructor TSingleImage.Create; begin inherited Create; RecreateImageData(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight, ifDefault); end; constructor TSingleImage.CreateFromParams(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); begin inherited Create; RecreateImageData(AWidth, AHeight, AFormat); end; constructor TSingleImage.CreateFromData(const AData: TImageData); begin inherited Create; if Imaging.TestImage(AData) then begin Imaging.CloneImage(AData, FImageData); DoDataSizeChanged; end else Create; end; constructor TSingleImage.CreateFromFile(const FileName: string); begin inherited Create; LoadFromFile(FileName); end; constructor TSingleImage.CreateFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin inherited Create; LoadFromStream(Stream); end; destructor TSingleImage.Destroy; begin Imaging.FreeImage(FImageData); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSingleImage.SetPointer; begin FPData := @FImageData; end; procedure TSingleImage.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source = nil then begin Create; end else if Source is TSingleImage then begin CreateFromData(TSingleImage(Source).FImageData); end else if Source is TMultiImage then begin if TMultiImage(Source).Valid then CreateFromData(TMultiImage(Source).FPData^) else Assign(nil); end else inherited Assign(Source); end; { TMultiImage class implementation } constructor TMultiImage.Create; begin SetImageCount(DefaultImages); SetActiveImage(0); end; constructor TMultiImage.CreateFromParams(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat; Images: LongInt); var I: LongInt; begin Imaging.FreeImagesInArray(FDataArray); SetLength(FDataArray, Images); for I := 0 to GetImageCount - 1 do Imaging.NewImage(AWidth, AHeight, AFormat, FDataArray[I]); SetActiveImage(0); end; constructor TMultiImage.CreateFromArray(ADataArray: TDynImageDataArray); var I: LongInt; begin Imaging.FreeImagesInArray(FDataArray); SetLength(FDataArray, Length(ADataArray)); for I := 0 to GetImageCount - 1 do begin // Clone only valid images if Imaging.TestImage(ADataArray[I]) then Imaging.CloneImage(ADataArray[I], FDataArray[I]) else Imaging.NewImage(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight, ifDefault, FDataArray[I]); end; SetActiveImage(0); end; constructor TMultiImage.CreateFromFile(const FileName: string); begin LoadMultiFromFile(FileName); end; constructor TMultiImage.CreateFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin LoadMultiFromStream(Stream); end; destructor TMultiImage.Destroy; begin Imaging.FreeImagesInArray(FDataArray); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TMultiImage.SetActiveImage(Value: LongInt); begin FActiveImage := Value; SetPointer; end; function TMultiImage.GetImageCount: LongInt; begin Result := Length(FDataArray); end; procedure TMultiImage.SetImageCount(Value: LongInt); var I, OldCount: LongInt; begin if Value > GetImageCount then begin // Create new empty images if array will be enlarged OldCount := GetImageCount; SetLength(FDataArray, Value); for I := OldCount to Value - 1 do Imaging.NewImage(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight, ifDefault, FDataArray[I]); end else begin // Free images that exceed desired count and shrink array for I := Value to GetImageCount - 1 do Imaging.FreeImage(FDataArray[I]); SetLength(FDataArray, Value); end; SetPointer; end; function TMultiImage.GetAllImagesValid: Boolean; begin Result := (GetImageCount > 0) and TestImagesInArray(FDataArray); end; function TMultiImage.GetImage(Index: LongInt): TImageData; begin if (Index >= 0) and (Index < GetImageCount) then Result := FDataArray[Index]; end; procedure TMultiImage.SetImage(Index: LongInt; Value: TImageData); begin if (Index >= 0) and (Index < GetImageCount) then Imaging.CloneImage(Value, FDataArray[Index]); end; procedure TMultiImage.SetPointer; begin if GetImageCount > 0 then begin FActiveImage := ClampInt(FActiveImage, 0, GetImageCount - 1); FPData := @FDataArray[FActiveImage]; end else begin FActiveImage := -1; FPData := nil end; end; function TMultiImage.PrepareInsert(Index, Count: LongInt): Boolean; var I: LongInt; begin // Inserting to empty image will add image at index 0 if GetImageCount = 0 then Index := 0; if (Index >= 0) and (Index <= GetImageCount) and (Count > 0) then begin SetLength(FDataArray, GetImageCount + Count); if Index < GetImageCount - 1 then begin // Move imges to new position System.Move(FDataArray[Index], FDataArray[Index + Count], (GetImageCount - Count - Index) * SizeOf(TImageData)); // Null old images, not free them! for I := Index to Index + Count - 1 do InitImage(FDataArray[I]); end; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; procedure TMultiImage.DoInsertImages(Index: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray); var I, Len: LongInt; begin Len := Length(Images); if PrepareInsert(Index, Len) then begin for I := 0 to Len - 1 do Imaging.CloneImage(Images[I], FDataArray[Index + I]); end; end; procedure TMultiImage.DoInsertNew(Index, AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); begin if PrepareInsert(Index, 1) then Imaging.NewImage(AWidth, AHeight, AFormat, FDataArray[Index]); end; procedure TMultiImage.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var Arr: TDynImageDataArray; begin if Source = nil then begin Create; end else if Source is TMultiImage then begin CreateFromArray(TMultiImage(Source).FDataArray); SetActiveImage(TMultiImage(Source).ActiveImage); end else if Source is TSingleImage then begin SetLength(Arr, 1); Arr[0] := TSingleImage(Source).FImageData; CreateFromArray(Arr); Arr := nil; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TMultiImage.AddImage(AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); begin DoInsertNew(GetImageCount, AWidth, AHeight, AFormat); end; procedure TMultiImage.AddImage(const Image: TImageData); begin DoInsertImages(GetImageCount, GetArrayFromImageData(Image)); end; procedure TMultiImage.AddImage(Image: TBaseImage); begin if Assigned(Image) and Image.Valid then DoInsertImages(GetImageCount, GetArrayFromImageData(Image.FPData^)); end; procedure TMultiImage.AddImages(const Images: TDynImageDataArray); begin DoInsertImages(GetImageCount, Images); end; procedure TMultiImage.AddImages(Images: TMultiImage); begin DoInsertImages(GetImageCount, Images.FDataArray); end; procedure TMultiImage.InsertImage(Index, AWidth, AHeight: LongInt; AFormat: TImageFormat); begin DoInsertNew(Index, AWidth, AHeight, AFormat); end; procedure TMultiImage.InsertImage(Index: LongInt; const Image: TImageData); begin DoInsertImages(Index, GetArrayFromImageData(Image)); end; procedure TMultiImage.InsertImage(Index: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage); begin if Assigned(Image) and Image.Valid then DoInsertImages(Index, GetArrayFromImageData(Image.FPData^)); end; procedure TMultiImage.InsertImages(Index: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray); begin DoInsertImages(Index, FDataArray); end; procedure TMultiImage.InsertImages(Index: LongInt; Images: TMultiImage); begin DoInsertImages(Index, Images.FDataArray); end; procedure TMultiImage.ExchangeImages(Index1, Index2: LongInt); var TempData: TImageData; begin if (Index1 >= 0) and (Index1 < GetImageCount) and (Index2 >= 0) and (Index2 < GetImageCount) then begin TempData := FDataArray[Index1]; FDataArray[Index1] := FDataArray[Index2]; FDataArray[Index2] := TempData; end; end; procedure TMultiImage.DeleteImage(Index: LongInt); var I: LongInt; begin if (Index >= 0) and (Index < GetImageCount) then begin // Free image at index to be deleted Imaging.FreeImage(FDataArray[Index]); if Index < GetImageCount - 1 then begin // Move images to new indices if necessary for I := Index to GetImageCount - 2 do FDataArray[I] := FDataArray[I + 1]; end; // Set new array length and update pointer to active image SetLength(FDataArray, GetImageCount - 1); SetPointer; end; end; procedure TMultiImage.ConvertImages(Format: TImageFormat); var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to GetImageCount - 1 do Imaging.ConvertImage(FDataArray[I], Format); end; procedure TMultiImage.ResizeImages(NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter); var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to GetImageCount do Imaging.ResizeImage(FDataArray[I], NewWidth, NewHeight, Filter); end; procedure TMultiImage.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); begin if GetImageCount = 0 then ImageCount := 1; inherited LoadFromFile(FileName); end; procedure TMultiImage.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin if GetImageCount = 0 then ImageCount := 1; inherited LoadFromStream(Stream); end; procedure TMultiImage.LoadMultiFromFile(const FileName: string); begin Imaging.LoadMultiImageFromFile(FileName, FDataArray); SetActiveImage(0); end; procedure TMultiImage.LoadMultiFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.LoadMultiImageFromStream(Stream, FDataArray); SetActiveImage(0); end; procedure TMultiImage.SaveMultiToFile(const FileName: string); begin Imaging.SaveMultiImageToFile(FileName, FDataArray); end; procedure TMultiImage.SaveMultiToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.SaveMultiImageToStream(Ext, Stream, FDataArray); end; { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now - add SetPalette, create some pal wrapper first - put all low level stuff here like ReplaceColor etc, change CopyTo to Copy, and add overload Copy(SrcRect, DstX, DstY) ... -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Added SwapChannels method to TBaseImage. - Added ReplaceColor method to TBaseImage. - Added ToString method to TBaseImage. -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Inserting images to empty MultiImage will act as Add method. - MultiImages with empty arrays will now create one image when LoadFromFile or LoadFromStream is called. - Fixed bug that caused AVs when getting props like Width, Height, asn Size and when inlining was off. There was call to Iff but with inlining disabled params like FPData.Size were evaluated and when FPData was nil => AV. - Added many FPData validity checks to many methods. There were AVs when calling most methods on empty TMultiImage. - Added AllImagesValid property to TMultiImage. - Fixed memory leak in TMultiImage.CreateFromParams. -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added ResizeImages method to TMultiImage - removed Ext parameter from various LoadFromStream methods, no longer needed - fixed various issues concerning ActiveImage of TMultiImage (it pointed to invalid location after some operations) - most of property set/get methods are now inline - added PixelPointers property to TBaseImage - added Images default array property to TMultiImage - renamed methods in TMultiImage to contain 'Image' instead of 'Level' - added canvas support - added OnDataSizeChanged and OnPixelsChanged event to TBaseImage - renamed TSingleImage.NewImage to RecreateImageData, made public, and moved to TBaseImage -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added props PaletteEntries and ScanLine to TBaseImage - aded new constructor to TBaseImage that take TBaseImage source - TMultiImage levels adding and inserting rewritten internally - added some new functions to TMultiImage: AddLevels, InsertLevels - added some new functions to TBaseImage: Flip, Mirror, Rotate, CopyRect, StretchRect - TBasicImage.Resize has now filter parameter - new stuff added to TMultiImage (DataArray prop, ConvertLevels) -- 0.13 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added AddLevel, InsertLevel, ExchangeLevels and DeleteLevel methods to TMultiImage - added TBaseImage, TSingleImage and TMultiImage with initial members } end.