{ $Id: ImagingBitmap.pas 94 2007-06-21 19:29:49Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This unit contains image format loader/saver for Windows Bitmap images.} unit ImagingBitmap; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility, ImagingFormats, ImagingIO; type { Class for loading and saving Windows Bitmap images. It can load/save 8bit indexed, 16, 24, 32 bit RGB or ARGB images with or without RLE compression. It can also load 1/4 bit indexed images and OS2 bitmaps.} TBitmapFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat) protected FUseRLE: LongBool; function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override; function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; override; procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override; public constructor Create; override; function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override; published { Controls that RLE compression is used during saving. Accessible trough ImagingBitmapRLE option.} property UseRLE: LongBool read FUseRLE write FUseRLE; end; implementation const SBitmapFormatName = 'Windows Bitmap Image'; SBitmapMasks = '*.bmp,*.dib'; BitmapSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifIndex8, ifA1R5G5B5, ifA4R4G4B4, ifR5G6B5, ifR8G8B8, ifA8R8G8B8, ifX1R5G5B5, ifX4R4G4B4, ifX8R8G8B8]; BitmapDefaultRLE = True; const { Bitmap file identifier 'BM'.} BMMagic: Word = 19778; { Constants for the TBitmapInfoHeader.Compression field.} BI_RGB = 0; BI_RLE8 = 1; BI_RLE4 = 2; BI_BITFIELDS = 3; V3InfoHeaderSize = 40; V4InfoHeaderSize = 108; type { File Header for Windows/OS2 bitmap file.} TBitmapFileHeader = packed record ID: Word; // Is always 19778 : 'BM' Size: LongWord; // Filesize Reserved1: Word; Reserved2: Word; Offset: LongWord; // Offset from start pos to beginning of image bits end; { Info Header for Windows bitmap file version 4.} TBitmapInfoHeader = packed record Size: LongWord; Width: LongInt; Height: LongInt; Planes: Word; BitCount: Word; Compression: LongWord; SizeImage: LongWord; XPelsPerMeter: LongInt; YPelsPerMeter: LongInt; ClrUsed: LongInt; ClrImportant: LongInt; RedMask: LongWord; GreenMask: LongWord; BlueMask: LongWord; AlphaMask: LongWord; CSType: LongWord; EndPoints: array[0..8] of LongWord; GammaRed: LongWord; GammaGreen: LongWord; GammaBlue: LongWord; end; { Info Header for OS2 bitmaps.} TBitmapCoreHeader = packed record Size: LongWord; Width: Word; Height: Word; Planes: Word; BitCount: Word; end; { Used in RLE encoding and decoding.} TRLEOpcode = packed record Count: Byte; Command: Byte; end; PRLEOpcode = ^TRLEOpcode; { TBitmapFileFormat class implementation } constructor TBitmapFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SBitmapFormatName; FCanLoad := True; FCanSave := True; FIsMultiImageFormat := False; FSupportedFormats := BitmapSupportedFormats; FUseRLE := BitmapDefaultRLE; AddMasks(SBitmapMasks); RegisterOption(ImagingBitmapRLE, @FUseRLE); end; function TBitmapFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var BF: TBitmapFileHeader; BI: TBitmapInfoHeader; BC: TBitmapCoreHeader; IsOS2: Boolean; PalRGB: PPalette24; I, FPalSize, AlignedSize, StartPos, HeaderSize, AlignedWidthBytes, WidthBytes: LongInt; Info: TImageFormatInfo; Data: Pointer; procedure LoadRGB; var I: LongInt; LineBuffer: PByte; begin with Images[0], GetIO do begin // If BI.Height is < 0 then image data are stored non-flipped // but default in windows is flipped so if Height is positive we must // flip it if BI.BitCount < 8 then begin // For 1 and 4 bit images load aligned data, they will be converted to // 8 bit and unaligned later GetMem(Data, AlignedSize); if BI.Height < 0 then Read(Handle, Data, AlignedSize) else for I := Height - 1 downto 0 do Read(Handle, @PByteArray(Data)[I * AlignedWidthBytes], AlignedWidthBytes); end else begin // Images with pixels of size >= 1 Byte are read line by line and // copied to image bits without padding bytes GetMem(LineBuffer, AlignedWidthBytes); try if BI.Height < 0 then for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin Read(Handle, LineBuffer, AlignedWidthBytes); Move(LineBuffer^, PByteArray(Bits)[I * WidthBytes], WidthBytes); end else for I := Height - 1 downto 0 do begin Read(Handle, LineBuffer, AlignedWidthBytes); Move(LineBuffer^, PByteArray(Bits)[I * WidthBytes], WidthBytes); end; finally FreeMemNil(LineBuffer); end; end; end; end; procedure LoadRLE4; var RLESrc: PByteArray; Row, Col, WriteRow, I: LongInt; SrcPos: LongWord; DeltaX, DeltaY, Low, High: Byte; Pixels: PByteArray; OpCode: TRLEOpcode; NegHeightBitmap: Boolean; begin GetMem(RLESrc, BI.SizeImage); GetIO.Read(Handle, RLESrc, BI.SizeImage); with Images[0] do try Low := 0; Pixels := Bits; SrcPos := 0; NegHeightBitmap := BI.Height < 0; Row := 0; // Current row in dest image Col := 0; // Current column in dest image // Row in dest image where actuall writting will be done WriteRow := Iff(NegHeightBitmap, Row, Height - 1 - Row); while (Row < Height) and (SrcPos < BI.SizeImage) do begin // Read RLE op-code OpCode := PRLEOpcode(@RLESrc[SrcPos])^; Inc(SrcPos, SizeOf(OpCode)); if OpCode.Count = 0 then begin // A byte Count of zero means that this is a special // instruction. case OpCode.Command of 0: begin // Move to next row Inc(Row); WriteRow := Iff(NegHeightBitmap, Row, Height - 1 - Row); Col := 0; end ; 1: Break; // Image is finished 2: begin // Move to a new relative position DeltaX := RLESrc[SrcPos]; DeltaY := RLESrc[SrcPos + 1]; Inc(SrcPos, 2); Inc(Col, DeltaX); Inc(Row, DeltaY); end else // Do not read data after EOF if SrcPos + OpCode.Command > BI.SizeImage then OpCode.Command := BI.SizeImage - SrcPos; // Take padding bytes and nibbles into account if Col + OpCode.Command > Width then OpCode.Command := Width - Col; // Store absolute data. Command code is the // number of absolute bytes to store for I := 0 to OpCode.Command - 1 do begin if (I and 1) = 0 then begin High := RLESrc[SrcPos] shr 4; Low := RLESrc[SrcPos] and $F; Pixels[WriteRow * Width + Col] := High; Inc(SrcPos); end else Pixels[WriteRow * Width + Col] := Low; Inc(Col); end; // Odd number of bytes is followed by a pad byte if (OpCode.Command mod 4) in [1, 2] then Inc(SrcPos); end; end else begin // Take padding bytes and nibbles into account if Col + OpCode.Count > Width then OpCode.Count := Width - Col; // Store a run of the same color value for I := 0 to OpCode.Count - 1 do begin if (I and 1) = 0 then Pixels[WriteRow * Width + Col] := OpCode.Command shr 4 else Pixels[WriteRow * Width + Col] := OpCode.Command and $F; Inc(Col); end; end; end; finally FreeMem(RLESrc); end; end; procedure LoadRLE8; var RLESrc: PByteArray; SrcCount, Row, Col, WriteRow: LongInt; SrcPos: LongWord; DeltaX, DeltaY: Byte; Pixels: PByteArray; OpCode: TRLEOpcode; NegHeightBitmap: Boolean; begin GetMem(RLESrc, BI.SizeImage); GetIO.Read(Handle, RLESrc, BI.SizeImage); with Images[0] do try Pixels := Bits; SrcPos := 0; NegHeightBitmap := BI.Height < 0; Row := 0; // Current row in dest image Col := 0; // Current column in dest image // Row in dest image where actuall writting will be done WriteRow := Iff(NegHeightBitmap, Row, Height - 1 - Row); while (Row < Height) and (SrcPos < BI.SizeImage) do begin // Read RLE op-code OpCode := PRLEOpcode(@RLESrc[SrcPos])^; Inc(SrcPos, SizeOf(OpCode)); if OpCode.Count = 0 then begin // A byte Count of zero means that this is a special // instruction. case OpCode.Command of 0: begin // Move to next row Inc(Row); WriteRow := Iff(NegHeightBitmap, Row, Height - 1 - Row); Col := 0; end ; 1: Break; // Image is finished 2: begin // Move to a new relative position DeltaX := RLESrc[SrcPos]; DeltaY := RLESrc[SrcPos + 1]; Inc(SrcPos, 2); Inc(Col, DeltaX); Inc(Row, DeltaY); end else SrcCount := OpCode.Command; // Do not read data after EOF if SrcPos + OpCode.Command > BI.SizeImage then OpCode.Command := BI.SizeImage - SrcPos; // Take padding bytes into account if Col + OpCode.Command > Width then OpCode.Command := Width - Col; // Store absolute data. Command code is the // number of absolute bytes to store Move(RLESrc[SrcPos], Pixels[WriteRow * Width + Col], OpCode.Command); Inc(SrcPos, SrcCount); Inc(Col, OpCode.Command); // Odd number of bytes is followed by a pad byte if (SrcCount mod 2) = 1 then Inc(SrcPos); end; end else begin // Take padding bytes into account if Col + OpCode.Count > Width then OpCode.Count := Width - Col; // Store a run of the same color value. Count is number of bytes to store FillChar(Pixels [WriteRow * Width + Col], OpCode.Count, OpCode.Command); Inc(Col, OpCode.Count); end; end; finally FreeMem(RLESrc); end; end; begin Data := nil; SetLength(Images, 1); with GetIO, Images[0] do try FillChar(BI, SizeOf(BI), 0); StartPos := Tell(Handle); Read(Handle, @BF, SizeOf(BF)); Read(Handle, @BI.Size, SizeOf(BI.Size)); IsOS2 := BI.Size = SizeOf(TBitmapCoreHeader); // Bitmap Info reading if IsOS2 then begin // OS/2 type bitmap, reads info header without 4 already read bytes Read(Handle, @PByteArray(@BC)[SizeOf(BI.Size)], SizeOf(TBitmapCoreHeader) - SizeOf(BI.Size)); with BI do begin ClrUsed := 0; Compression := BI_RGB; BitCount := BC.BitCount; Height := BC.Height; Width := BC.Width; end; end else begin // Windows type bitmap HeaderSize := Min(BI.Size - SizeOf(BI.Size), SizeOf(BI) - SizeOf(BI.Size)); // do not read more than size of BI! Read(Handle, @PByteArray(@BI)[SizeOf(BI.Size)], HeaderSize); // SizeImage can be 0 for BI_RGB images, but it is here because of: // I saved 8bit bitmap in Paint Shop Pro 8 as OS2 RLE compressed. // It wrote strange 64 Byte Info header with SizeImage set to 0 // Some progs were able to open it, some were not. if BI.SizeImage = 0 then BI.SizeImage := BF.Size - BF.Offset; end; // Bit mask reading. Only read it if there is V3 header, V4 header has // masks laoded already (only masks for RGB in V3). if (BI.Compression = BI_BITFIELDS) and (BI.Size = V3InfoHeaderSize) then Read(Handle, @BI.RedMask, SizeOf(BI.RedMask) * 3); case BI.BitCount of 1, 4, 8: Format := ifIndex8; 16: if BI.RedMask = $0F00 then // Set XRGB4 or ARGB4 according to value of alpha mask Format := IffFormat(BI.AlphaMask = 0, ifX4R4G4B4, ifA4R4G4B4) else if BI.RedMask = $F800 then Format := ifR5G6B5 else // R5G5B5 is default 16bit format (with Compression = BI_RGB or masks). // We set it to A1.. and later there is a check if there are any alpha values // and if not it is changed to X1R5G5B5 Format := ifA1R5G5B5; 24: Format := ifR8G8B8; 32: Format := ifA8R8G8B8; // As with R5G5B5 there is alpha check later end; NewImage(BI.Width, Abs(BI.Height), Format, Images[0]); Info := GetFormatInfo(Format); WidthBytes := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; AlignedWidthBytes := (((Width * BI.BitCount) + 31) shr 5) * 4; AlignedSize := Height * LongInt(AlignedWidthBytes); // Palette settings and reading if BI.BitCount <= 8 then begin // Seek to the begining of palette Seek(Handle, StartPos + SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader) + LongInt(BI.Size), smFromBeginning); if IsOS2 then begin // OS/2 type FPalSize := 1 shl BI.BitCount; GetMem(PalRGB, FPalSize * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); try Read(Handle, PalRGB, FPalSize * SizeOf(TColor24Rec)); for I := 0 to FPalSize - 1 do with PalRGB[I] do begin Palette[I].R := R; Palette[I].G := G; Palette[I].B := B; end; finally FreeMemNil(PalRGB); end; end else begin // Windows type FPalSize := BI.ClrUsed; if FPalSize = 0 then FPalSize := 1 shl BI.BitCount; Read(Handle, Palette, FPalSize * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); end; for I := 0 to FPalSize - 1 do Palette[I].A := $FF; end; // Seek to the beginning of image bits Seek(Handle, StartPos + LongInt(BF.Offset), smFromBeginning); case BI.Compression of BI_RGB: LoadRGB; BI_RLE4: LoadRLE4; BI_RLE8: LoadRLE8; BI_BITFIELDS: LoadRGB; end; if BI.AlphaMask = 0 then begin // Alpha mask is not stored in file (V3) or not defined. // Check alpha channels of loaded images if they might contain them. if Format = ifA1R5G5B5 then begin // Check if there is alpha channel present in A1R5GB5 images, if it is not // change format to X1R5G5B5 if not Has16BitImageAlpha(Width * Height, Bits) then Format := ifX1R5G5B5; end else if Format = ifA8R8G8B8 then begin // Check if there is alpha channel present in A8R8G8B8 images, if it is not // change format to X8R8G8B8 if not Has32BitImageAlpha(Width * Height, Bits) then Format := ifX8R8G8B8; end; end; if BI.BitCount < 8 then begin // 1 and 4 bpp images are supported only for loading which is now // so we now convert them to 8bpp (and unalign scanlines). case BI.BitCount of 1: Convert1To8(Data, Bits, Width, Height, AlignedWidthBytes); 4: begin // RLE4 bitmaps are translated to 8bit during RLE decoding if BI.Compression <> BI_RLE4 then Convert4To8(Data, Bits, Width, Height, AlignedWidthBytes); end; end; // Enlarge palette ReallocMem(Palette, Info.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); end; Result := True; finally FreeMemNil(Data); end; end; function TBitmapFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; var StartPos, EndPos, I, Pad, PadSize, WidthBytes: LongInt; BF: TBitmapFileHeader; BI: TBitmapInfoHeader; Info: TImageFormatInfo; ImageToSave: TImageData; MustBeFreed: Boolean; procedure SaveRLE8; const BufferSize = 8 * 1024; var X, Y, I, SrcPos: LongInt; DiffCount, SameCount: Byte; Pixels: PByteArray; Buffer: array[0..BufferSize - 1] of Byte; BufferPos: LongInt; procedure WriteByte(ByteToWrite: Byte); begin if BufferPos = BufferSize then begin // Flush buffer if necessary GetIO.Write(Handle, @Buffer, BufferPos); BufferPos := 0; end; Buffer[BufferPos] := ByteToWrite; Inc(BufferPos); end; begin BufferPos := 0; with GetIO, ImageToSave do begin for Y := Height - 1 downto 0 do begin X := 0; SrcPos := 0; Pixels := @PByteArray(Bits)[Y * Width]; while X < Width do begin SameCount := 1; DiffCount := 0; // Determine run length while X + SameCount < Width do begin // If we reach max run length or byte with different value // we end this run if (SameCount = 255) or (Pixels[SrcPos + SameCount] <> Pixels[SrcPos]) then Break; Inc(SameCount); end; if SameCount = 1 then begin // If there are not some bytes with the same value we // compute how many different bytes are there while X + DiffCount < Width do begin // Stop diff byte counting if there two bytes with the same value // or DiffCount is too big if (DiffCount = 255) or (Pixels[SrcPos + DiffCount + 1] = Pixels[SrcPos + DiffCount]) then Break; Inc(DiffCount); end; end; // Now store absolute data (direct copy image->file) or // store RLE code only (number of repeats + byte to be repeated) if DiffCount > 2 then begin // Save 'Absolute Data' (0 + number of bytes) but only // if number is >2 because (0+1) and (0+2) are other special commands WriteByte(0); WriteByte(DiffCount); // Write absolute data to buffer for I := 0 to DiffCount - 1 do WriteByte(Pixels[SrcPos + I]); Inc(X, DiffCount); Inc(SrcPos, DiffCount); // Odd number of bytes must be padded if (DiffCount mod 2) = 1 then WriteByte(0); end else begin // Save number of repeats and byte that should be repeated WriteByte(SameCount); WriteByte(Pixels[SrcPos]); Inc(X, SameCount); Inc(SrcPos, SameCount); end; end; // Save 'End Of Line' command WriteByte(0); WriteByte(0); end; // Save 'End Of Bitmap' command WriteByte(0); WriteByte(1); // Flush buffer GetIO.Write(Handle, @Buffer, BufferPos); end; end; begin Result := False; if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then with GetIO, ImageToSave do try Info := GetFormatInfo(Format); StartPos := Tell(Handle); FillChar(BF, SizeOf(BF), 0); FillChar(BI, SizeOf(BI), 0); // Other fields will be filled later - we don't know all values now BF.ID := BMMagic; Write(Handle, @BF, SizeOf(BF)); if Info.HasAlphaChannel and (Info.BytesPerPixel = 2){V4 temp hack} then // Save images with alpha in V4 format BI.Size := V4InfoHeaderSize else // Save images without alpha in V3 format - for better compatibility BI.Size := V3InfoHeaderSize; BI.Width := Width; BI.Height := Height; BI.Planes := 1; BI.BitCount := Info.BytesPerPixel * 8; BI.XPelsPerMeter := 2835; // 72 dpi BI.YPelsPerMeter := 2835; // 72 dpi // Set compression if (Info.BytesPerPixel = 1) and FUseRLE then BI.Compression := BI_RLE8 else if (Info.HasAlphaChannel or ((BI.BitCount = 16) and (Format <> ifX1R5G5B5))) and (Info.BytesPerPixel = 2){V4 temp hack} then BI.Compression := BI_BITFIELDS else BI.Compression := BI_RGB; // Write header (first time) Write(Handle, @BI, BI.Size); // Write mask info if BI.Compression = BI_BITFIELDS then begin if BI.BitCount = 16 then with Info.PixelFormat^ do begin BI.RedMask := RBitMask; BI.GreenMask := GBitMask; BI.BlueMask := BBitMask; BI.AlphaMask := ABitMask; end else begin // Set masks for A8R8G8B8 BI.RedMask := $00FF0000; BI.GreenMask := $0000FF00; BI.BlueMask := $000000FF; BI.AlphaMask := $FF000000; end; // If V3 header is used RGB masks must be written to file separately. // V4 header has embedded masks (V4 is default for formats with alpha). if BI.Size = V3InfoHeaderSize then Write(Handle, @BI.RedMask, SizeOf(BI.RedMask) * 3); end; // Write palette if Palette <> nil then Write(Handle, Palette, Info.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); BF.Offset := Tell(Handle) - StartPos; if BI.Compression <> BI_RLE8 then begin // Save uncompressed data, scanlines must be filled with pad bytes // to be multiples of 4, save as bottom-up (Windows native) bitmap Pad := 0; WidthBytes := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; PadSize := ((Width * BI.BitCount + 31) div 32) * 4 - WidthBytes; for I := Height - 1 downto 0 do begin Write(Handle, @PByteArray(Bits)[I * WidthBytes], WidthBytes); if PadSize > 0 then Write(Handle, @Pad, PadSize); end; end else begin // Save data with RLE8 compression SaveRLE8; end; EndPos := Tell(Handle); Seek(Handle, StartPos, smFromBeginning); // Rewrite header with new values BF.Size := EndPos - StartPos; BI.SizeImage := BF.Size - BF.Offset; Write(Handle, @BF, SizeOf(BF)); Write(Handle, @BI, BI.Size); Seek(Handle, EndPos, smFromBeginning); Result := True; finally if MustBeFreed then FreeImage(ImageToSave); end; end; procedure TBitmapFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); var ConvFormat: TImageFormat; begin if Info.IsFloatingPoint then // Convert FP image to RGB/ARGB according to presence of alpha channel ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA8R8G8B8, ifR8G8B8) else if Info.HasGrayChannel or Info.IsIndexed then // Convert all grayscale and indexed images to Index8 unless they have alpha // (preserve it) ConvFormat := IffFormat(Info.HasAlphaChannel, ifA8R8G8B8, ifIndex8) else if Info.HasAlphaChannel then // Convert images with alpha channel to A8R8G8B8 ConvFormat := ifA8R8G8B8 else if Info.UsePixelFormat then // Convert 16bit RGB images (no alpha) to X1R5G5B5 ConvFormat := ifX1R5G5B5 else // Convert all other formats to R8G8B8 ConvFormat := ifR8G8B8; ConvertImage(Image, ConvFormat); end; function TBitmapFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; var Hdr: TBitmapFileHeader; ReadCount: LongInt; begin Result := False; if Handle <> nil then with GetIO do begin ReadCount := Read(Handle, @Hdr, SizeOf(Hdr)); Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent); Result := (Hdr.ID = BMMagic) and (ReadCount = SizeOf(Hdr)); end; end; initialization RegisterImageFileFormat(TBitmapFileFormat); { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now - Add option to choose to save V3 or V4 headers. -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Now saves bitmaps as bottom-up for better compatibility (mainly Lazarus' TImage!). - Fixed crash when loading bitmaps with headers larger than V4. - Temp hacks to disable V4 headers for 32bit images (compatibility with other soft). -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Removed temporary data allocation for image with aligned scanlines. They are now directly written to output so memory requirements are much lower now. - Now uses and recognizes BITMAPINFOHEADERV4 when loading/saving. Mainly for formats with alpha channels. - Added ifR5G6B5 to supported formats, changed converting to supported formats little bit. - Rewritten SaveRLE8 nested procedure. Old code was long and mysterious - new is short and much more readable. - MakeCompatible method moved to base class, put ConvertToSupported here. GetSupportedFormats removed, it is now set in constructor. - Rewritten LoadRLE4 and LoadRLE8 nested procedures. Should be less buggy an more readable (load inspired by Colosseum Builders' code). - Made public properties for options registered to SetOption/GetOption functions. - Addded alpha check to 32b bitmap loading too (teh same as in 16b bitmap loading). - Moved Convert1To8 and Convert4To8 to ImagingFormats - Changed extensions to filename masks. - Changed SaveData, LoadData, and MakeCompatible methods according to changes in base class in Imaging unit. -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - fixed wrong const that caused A4R4G4B4 BMPs to load as A1R5G5B5 - fixed the bug that caused 8bit RLE compressed bitmaps to load as whole black -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - 16 bit images are usually without alpha but some has alpha channel and there is no indication of it - so I have added a check: if all pixels of image are with alpha = 0 image is treated as X1R5G5B5 otherwise as A1R5G5B5 -- 0.13 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - when loading 1/4 bit images with dword aligned dimensions there was ugly memory rewritting bug causing image corruption } end.