(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2007 Andreas Schneider *) unit UPacketHandlers; interface uses SysUtils, dzlib, UEnhancedMemoryStream; type TPacketProcessor = procedure(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); TPacketProcessorMethod = procedure(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream) of object; { TPacketHandler } TPacketHandler = class(TObject) constructor Create(ALength: Cardinal; APacketProcessor: TPacketProcessor); overload; constructor Create(ALength: Cardinal; APacketProcessorMethod: TPacketProcessorMethod); overload; procedure Process(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); protected FLength: Cardinal; FPacketProcessor: TPacketProcessor; FPacketProcessorMethod: TPacketProcessorMethod; published property PacketLength: Cardinal read FLength; end; var PacketHandlers: array[0..$FF] of TPacketHandler; procedure RegisterPacketHandler(AID: Byte; APacketHandler: TPacketHandler); implementation uses UPackets, UAdminHandling; procedure RegisterPacketHandler(AID: Byte; APacketHandler: TPacketHandler); begin if Assigned(PacketHandlers[AID]) then FreeAndNil(PacketHandlers[AID]); PacketHandlers[AID] := APacketHandler; end; { TPacketHandler } constructor TPacketHandler.Create(ALength: Cardinal; APacketProcessor: TPacketProcessor); begin inherited Create; FLength := ALength; FPacketProcessor := APacketProcessor; FPacketProcessorMethod := nil; end; constructor TPacketHandler.Create(ALength: Cardinal; APacketProcessorMethod: TPacketProcessorMethod); begin inherited Create; FLength := ALength; FPacketProcessor := nil; FPacketProcessorMethod := APacketProcessorMethod; end; procedure TPacketHandler.Process(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); begin if Assigned(FPacketProcessor) then FPacketProcessor(ABuffer) else if Assigned(FPacketProcessorMethod) then FPacketProcessorMethod(ABuffer); end; procedure OnCompressedPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var uncompStream: TEnhancedMemoryStream; uncompBuffer: TDecompressionStream; targetSize: Cardinal; packetID: Byte; begin //writeln('compressed size: ', ABuffer.Size); targetSize := ABuffer.ReadCardinal; //writeln('uncompressed size: ', targetSize); uncompBuffer := TDecompressionStream.Create(ABuffer); uncompStream := TEnhancedMemoryStream.Create; try uncompStream.CopyFrom(uncompBuffer, targetSize); uncompStream.Position := 0; packetID := uncompStream.ReadByte; if PacketHandlers[packetID] <> nil then begin if PacketHandlers[PacketID].PacketLength = 0 then uncompStream.Position := uncompStream.Position + 4; uncompStream.Lock(uncompStream.Position, uncompStream.Size - uncompStream.Position); PacketHandlers[PacketID].Process(uncompStream); uncompStream.Unlock; end else begin {Writeln('Dropping client due to unknown packet: ', ANetState.Socket.PeerAddress); ANetState.Socket.Disconnect; ANetState.ReceiveQueue.Clear;} end; finally if uncompBuffer <> nil then uncompBuffer.Free; if uncompStream <> nil then uncompStream.Free; end; end; {$WARNINGS OFF} var i: Integer; initialization for i := 0 to $FF do PacketHandlers[i] := nil; PacketHandlers[$01] := TPacketHandler.Create(0, @OnCompressedPacket); //$02 --> ConnectionHandling, done by TdmNetwork PacketHandlers[$03] := TPacketHandler.Create(0, @OnAdminHandlerPacket);; //$04 --> handled by TLandscape //$06-$0B --> handled by TLandscape //$0C --> ClientHandling, done by TfrmMain //$0D --> RadarMapHandling, done by TfrmRadarMap finalization for i := 0 to $FF do if PacketHandlers[i] <> nil then PacketHandlers[i].Free; {$WARNINGS ON} end.