(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2007 Andreas Schneider *) unit ULargeScaleOperations; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, UMap, UStatics, UEnhancedMemoryStream, math, ULandscape; type TCopyMoveType = (cmCopy = 0, cmMove = 1); TSetAltitudeType = (saTerrain = 1, saRelative = 2); TStaticsPlacement = (spTerrain = 1, spTop = 2, spFix = 3); { TLargeScaleOperation } TLargeScaleOperation = class(TObject) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); virtual; protected FLandscape: TLandscape; public procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); virtual; abstract; end; { TLSCopyMove } TLSCopyMove = class(TLargeScaleOperation) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); override; protected FType: TCopyMoveType; FOffsetX: Integer; FOffsetY: Integer; FErase: Boolean; public property OffsetX: Integer read FOffsetX; property OffsetY: Integer read FOffsetY; procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); override; end; { TLSSetAltitude } TLSSetAltitude = class(TLargeScaleOperation) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); override; protected FType: TSetAltitudeType; FMinZ: ShortInt; FMaxZ: ShortInt; FRelativeZ: ShortInt; public procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); override; end; { TLSDrawTerrain } TLSDrawTerrain = class(TLargeScaleOperation) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); override; protected FTileIDs: array of Word; public procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); override; end; { TLSDeleteStatics } TLSDeleteStatics = class(TLargeScaleOperation) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); override; protected FTileIDs: array of Word; FMinZ: ShortInt; FMaxZ: ShortInt; public procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); override; end; { TLSInsertStatics } TLSInsertStatics = class(TLargeScaleOperation) constructor Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); override; protected FTileIDs: array of Word; FProbability: Byte; FPlacementType: TStaticsPlacement; FFixZ: ShortInt; public procedure Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); override; end; implementation uses UCEDServer, UTiledata; { TLargeScaleOperation } constructor TLargeScaleOperation.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); begin inherited Create; FLandscape := ALandscape; end; { TLSCopyMove } constructor TLSCopyMove.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); begin inherited Init(AData, ALandscape); FType := TCopyMoveType(AData.ReadByte); FOffsetX := AData.ReadInteger; FOffsetY := AData.ReadInteger; FErase := AData.ReadBoolean; end; procedure TLSCopyMove.Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); var x, y: Word; targetCell: TMapCell; targetStatics: TList; targetStaticsBlock: TSeperatedStaticBlock; i: Integer; staticItem: TStaticItem; begin x := EnsureRange(AMapCell.X + FOffsetX, 0, FLandscape.CellWidth - 1); y := EnsureRange(AMapCell.Y + FOffsetY, 0, FLandscape.CellHeight - 1); //writeln('target: ', x, ',', y); targetCell := FLandscape.MapCell[x, y]; targetStaticsBlock := FLandscape.GetStaticBlock(x div 8, y div 8); targetStatics := targetStaticsBlock.Cells[(y mod 8) * 8 + (x mod 8)]; if FErase then begin for i := 0 to targetStatics.Count - 1 do begin TStaticItem(targetStatics.Items[i]).Delete; end; targetStatics.Clear; end; targetCell.TileID := AMapCell.TileID; targetCell.Z := AMapCell.Z; if FType = cmCopy then begin for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do begin staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0); staticItem.X := x; staticItem.Y := y; staticItem.Z := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]).Z; staticItem.TileID := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]).TileID; staticItem.Hue := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]).Hue; staticItem.Owner := targetStaticsBlock; targetStatics.Add(staticItem); end; end else begin {for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do} while AStatics.Count > 0 do begin targetStatics.Add(AStatics.Items[0]); TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[0]).UpdatePos(x, y, TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[0]).Z); TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[0]).Owner := targetStaticsBlock; AStatics.Delete(0); end; //AStatics.Clear; end; FLandscape.SortStaticsList(targetStatics); AAdditionalAffectedBlocks.Bits[(x div 8) * FLandscape.Height + (y div 8)] := True; end; { TLSSetAltitude } constructor TLSSetAltitude.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); begin inherited Init(AData, ALandscape); FType := TSetAltitudeType(AData.ReadByte); case FType of saTerrain: begin FMinZ := AData.ReadShortInt; FMaxZ := AData.ReadShortInt; end; saRelative: begin FRelativeZ := AData.ReadShortInt; end; end; end; procedure TLSSetAltitude.Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); var i: Integer; newZ: ShortInt; diff: ShortInt; static: TStaticItem; begin if FType = saTerrain then begin newZ := FMinZ + Random(FMaxZ - FMinZ + 1); diff := newZ - AMapCell.Z; AMapCell.Z := newZ; end else begin diff := FRelativeZ; AMapCell.Z := EnsureRange(AMapCell.Z + diff, -128, 127); end; for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do begin static := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]); static.Z := EnsureRange(static.Z + diff, -128, 127); end; end; { TLSDrawTerrain } constructor TLSDrawTerrain.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); var count: Word; begin inherited Init(AData, ALandscape); count := AData.ReadWord; SetLength(FTileIDs, count); AData.Read(FTileIDs[0], count * SizeOf(Word)); end; procedure TLSDrawTerrain.Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); begin if Length(FTileIDs) > 0 then AMapCell.TileID := FTileIDs[Random(Length(FTileIDs))]; end; { TLSDeleteStatics } constructor TLSDeleteStatics.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); var count: Word; begin inherited Init(AData, ALandscape); count := AData.ReadWord; SetLength(FTileIDs, count); AData.Read(FTileIDs[0], count * SizeOf(Word)); FMinZ := AData.ReadShortInt; FMaxZ := AData.ReadShortInt; end; procedure TLSDeleteStatics.Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); var i, j: Integer; static: TStaticItem; begin i := 0; while i < AStatics.Count do begin static := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]); if InRange(static.Z, FMinZ, FMaxZ) then begin if Length(FTileIDs) > 0 then begin for j := Low(FTileIDs) to High(FTileIDs) do begin if static.TileID = FTileIDs[j] - $4000 then begin AStatics.Delete(i); static.Delete; Dec(i); Break; end; end; Inc(i); end else begin AStatics.Delete(i); static.Delete; end; end else Inc(i); end; end; { TLSInsertStatics } constructor TLSInsertStatics.Init(AData: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ALandscape: TLandscape); var count: Word; begin inherited Init(AData, ALandscape); count := AData.ReadWord; SetLength(FTileIDs, count); AData.Read(FTileIDs[0], count * SizeOf(Word)); FProbability := AData.ReadByte; FPlacementType := TStaticsPlacement(AData.ReadByte); if FPlacementType = spFix then FFixZ := AData.ReadShortInt; end; procedure TLSInsertStatics.Apply(AMapCell: TMapCell; AStatics: TList; AAdditionalAffectedBlocks: TBits); var staticItem, static: TStaticItem; topZ, staticTop: ShortInt; i: Integer; begin if (Length(FTileIDs) = 0) or (Random(100) >= FProbability) then Exit; staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0); staticItem.X := AMapCell.X; staticItem.Y := AMapCell.Y; staticItem.TileID := FTileIDs[Random(Length(FTileIDs))] - $4000; staticItem.Hue := 0; case FPlacementType of spTerrain: begin staticItem.Z := AMapCell.Z; end; spTop: begin topZ := AMapCell.Z; for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do begin static := TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]); staticTop := EnsureRange(static.Z + CEDServerInstance.Landscape.TiledataProvider.StaticTiles[static.TileID].Height, -128, 127); if staticTop > topZ then topZ := staticTop; end; end; spFix: begin staticItem.Z := FFixZ; end; end; AStatics.Add(staticItem); staticItem.Owner := CEDServerInstance.Landscape.GetStaticBlock(staticItem.X div 8, staticItem.Y div 8); end; end.