{ $Id: Imaging.pas 124 2008-04-21 09:47:07Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This unit is heart of Imaging library. It contains basic functions for manipulating image data as well as various image file format support.} unit Imaging; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses ImagingTypes, SysUtils, Classes; type { Default Imaging excepton class.} EImagingError = class(Exception); { Dynamic array of TImageData records.} TDynImageDataArray = array of TImageData; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Low Level Interface Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------} { General Functions } { Initializes image (all is set to zeroes). Call this for each image before using it (before calling every other function) to be sure there are no random-filled bytes (which would cause errors later).} procedure InitImage(var Image: TImageData); { Creates empty image of given dimensions and format. Image is filled with transparent black color (A=0, R=0, G=0, B=0).} function NewImage(Width, Height: LongInt; Format: TImageFormat; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Returns True if given TImageData record is valid.} function TestImage(const Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Frees given image data. Ater this call image is in the same state as after calling InitImage. If image is not valid (dost not pass TestImage test) it is only zeroed by calling InitImage.} procedure FreeImage(var Image: TImageData); { Call FreeImage() on all images in given dynamic array and sets its length to zero.} procedure FreeImagesInArray(var Images: TDynImageDataArray); { Returns True if all TImageData records in given array are valid. Returns False if at least one is invalid or if array is empty.} function TestImagesInArray(const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Checks given file for every supported image file format and if the file is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). If file is not in any of the supported formats empty string is returned.} function DetermineFileFormat(const FileName: string): string; { Checks given stream for every supported image file format and if the stream is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). If stream is not in any of the supported formats empty string is returned.} function DetermineStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): string; { Checks given memory for every supported image file format and if the memory is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). If memory is not in any of the supported formats empty string is returned.} function DetermineMemoryFormat(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt): string; { Checks that an apropriate file format is supported purely from inspecting the given file name's extension (not contents of the file itself). The file need not exist.} function IsFileFormatSupported(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Enumerates all registered image file formats. Descriptive name, default extension, masks (like '*.jpg,*.jfif') and some capabilities of each format are returned. To enumerate all formats start with Index at 0 and call EnumFileFormats with given Index in loop until it returns False (Index is automatically increased by 1 in function's body on successful call).} function EnumFileFormats(var Index: LongInt; var Name, DefaultExt, Masks: string; var CanSaveImages, IsMultiImageFormat: Boolean): Boolean; { Loading Functions } { Loads single image from given file.} function LoadImageFromFile(const FileName: string; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Loads single image from given stream. If function fails stream position is not changed.} function LoadImageFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Loads single image from given memory location.} function LoadImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Loads multiple images from given file.} function LoadMultiImageFromFile(const FileName: string; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Loads multiple images from given stream. If function fails stream position is not changed.} function LoadMultiImageFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Loads multiple images from given memory location.} function LoadMultiImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Saving Functions } { Saves single image to given file.} function SaveImageToFile(const FileName: string; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Saves single image to given stream. If function fails stream position is not changed. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...).} function SaveImageToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Saves single image to given memory location. Memory must be allocated and its size is passed in Size parameter in which number of written bytes is returned. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...).} function SaveImageToMemory(const Ext: string; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Saves multiple images to given file. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved as sequence of files img000.jpg, img001.jpg ....).} function SaveMultiImageToFile(const FileName: string; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Saves multiple images to given stream. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved one after another to the stream. If function fails stream position is not changed. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...).} function SaveMultiImageToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Saves multiple images to given memory location. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved one after another to the memory. Memory must be allocated and its size is passed in Size parameter in which number of written bytes is returned. Ext identifies desired image file format (jpg, png, dds, ...).} function SaveMultiImageToMemory(const Ext: string; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Manipulation Functions } { Creates identical copy of image data. Clone should be initialized by InitImage or it should be vaild image which will be freed by CloneImage.} function CloneImage(const Image: TImageData; var Clone: TImageData): Boolean; { Converts image to the given format.} function ConvertImage(var Image: TImageData; DestFormat: TImageFormat): Boolean; { Flips given image. Reverses the image along its horizontal axis — the top becomes the bottom and vice versa.} function FlipImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Mirrors given image. Reverses the image along its vertical axis — the left side becomes the right and vice versa.} function MirrorImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; { Resizes given image to new dimensions. Nearest, bilinear, or bicubic filtering can be used. Input Image must already be created - use NewImage to create new images.} function ResizeImage(var Image: TImageData; NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; { Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of image. Use ChannelRed, ChannelBlue, ChannelGreen, ChannelAlpha constants to identify channels.} function SwapChannels(var Image: TImageData; SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; { Reduces the number of colors of the Image. Currently MaxColors must be in range <2, 4096>. Color reduction works also for alpha channel. Note that for large images and big number of colors it can be very slow. Output format of the image is the same as input format.} function ReduceColors(var Image: TImageData; MaxColors: LongInt): Boolean; { Generates mipmaps for image. Levels is the number of desired mipmaps levels with zero (or some invalid number) meaning all possible levels.} function GenerateMipMaps(const Image: TImageData; Levels: LongInt; var MipMaps: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; { Maps image to existing palette producing image in ifIndex8 format. Pal must be allocated to at least Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec) bytes. As resulting image is in 8bit indexed format Entries must be lower or equal to 256.} function MapImageToPalette(var Image: TImageData; Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; { Splits image into XChunks x YChunks subimages. Default size of each chunk is ChunkWidth x ChunkHeight. If PreserveSize si True chunks at the edges of the image are also ChunkWidth x ChunkHeight sized and empty space is filled with Fill pixels. After calling this function XChunks contains number of chunks along x axis and YChunks along y axis. To access chunk [X, Y] use this index: Chunks[Y * XChunks + X].} function SplitImage(var Image: TImageData; var Chunks: TDynImageDataArray; ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight: LongInt; var XChunks, YChunks: LongInt; PreserveSize: Boolean; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; { Creates palette with MaxColors based on the colors of images in Images array. Use it when you want to convert several images to indexed format using single palette for all of them. If ConvertImages is True images in array are converted to indexed format using resulting palette. if it is False images are left intact and only resulting palatte is returned in Pal. Pal must be allocated to have at least MaxColors entries.} function MakePaletteForImages(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; Pal: PPalette32; MaxColors: LongInt; ConvertImages: Boolean): Boolean; { Rotates image by 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, or -270 degrees counterclockwise. Only multiples of 90 degrees are allowed.} function RotateImage(var Image: TImageData; Angle: LongInt): Boolean; { Drawing/Pixel functions } { Copies rectangular part of SrcImage to DstImage. No blending is performed - alpha is simply copied to destination image. Operates also with negative X and Y coordinates. Note that copying is fastest for images in the same data format (and slowest for images in special formats).} function CopyRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY: LongInt): Boolean; { Fills given rectangle of image with given pixel fill data. Fill should point to the pixel in the same format as the given image is in.} function FillRect(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; FillColor: Pointer): Boolean; { Replaces pixels with OldPixel in the given rectangle by NewPixel. OldPixel and NewPixel should point to the pixels in the same format as the given image is in.} function ReplaceColor(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; OldColor, NewColor: Pointer): Boolean; { Stretches the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle with optional resampling. No blending is performed - alpha is simply copied/resampled to destination image. Note that stretching is fastest for images in the same data format (and slowest for images in special formats).} function StretchRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; { Copies pixel of Image at [X, Y] to memory pointed at by Pixel. Doesn't work with special formats.} procedure GetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); { Copies pixel from memory pointed at by Pixel to Image at position [X, Y]. Doesn't work with special formats.} procedure SetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); { Function for getting pixel colors. Native pixel is read from Image and then translated to 32 bit ARGB. Works for all image formats (except special) so it is not very fast.} function GetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColor32Rec; { Procedure for setting pixel colors. Input 32 bit ARGB color is translated to native format and then written to Image. Works for all image formats (except special) so it is not very fast.} procedure SetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColor32Rec); { Function for getting pixel colors. Native pixel is read from Image and then translated to FP ARGB. Works for all image formats (except special) so it is not very fast.} function GetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColorFPRec; { Procedure for setting pixel colors. Input FP ARGB color is translated to native format and then written to Image. Works for all image formats (except special) so it is not very fast.} procedure SetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColorFPRec); { Palette Functions } { Allocates new palette with Entries ARGB color entries.} procedure NewPalette(Entries: LongInt; var Pal: PPalette32); { Frees given palette.} procedure FreePalette(var Pal: PPalette32); { Copies Count palette entries from SrcPal starting at index SrcIdx to DstPal at index DstPal.} procedure CopyPalette(SrcPal, DstPal: PPalette32; SrcIdx, DstIdx, Count: LongInt); { Returns index of color in palette or index of nearest color if exact match is not found. Pal must have at least Entries color entries.} function FindColor(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; Color: TColor32): LongInt; { Creates grayscale palette where each color channel has the same value. Pal must have at least Entries color entries.} procedure FillGrayscalePalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt); { Creates palette with given bitcount for each channel. 2^(RBits + GBits + BBits) should be equl to Entries. Examples: (3, 3, 2) will create palette with all possible colors of R3G3B2 format and (8, 0, 0) will create palette with 256 shades of red. Pal must be allocated to at least Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec) bytes.} procedure FillCustomPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; RBits, GBits, BBits: Byte; Alpha: Byte = $FF); { Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of palette. Use ChannelRed, ChannelBlue, ChannelGreen, ChannelAlpha constants to identify channels. Pal must be allocated to at least Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec) bytes.} procedure SwapChannelsOfPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries, SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt); { Options Functions } { Sets value of integer option specified by OptionId parameter. Option Ids are constans starting ImagingXXX.} function SetOption(OptionId, Value: LongInt): Boolean; { Returns value of integer option specified by OptionId parameter. If OptionId is invalid, InvalidOption is returned. Option Ids are constans starting ImagingXXX.} function GetOption(OptionId: LongInt): LongInt; { Pushes current values of all options on the stack. Returns True if successfull (max stack depth is 8 now). } function PushOptions: Boolean; { Pops back values of all options from the top of the stack. Returns True if successfull (max stack depth is 8 now). } function PopOptions: Boolean; { Image Format Functions } { Returns short information about given image format.} function GetImageFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat; var Info: TImageFormatInfo): Boolean; { Returns size in bytes of Width x Height area of pixels. Works for all formats.} function GetPixelsSize(Format: TImageFormat; Width, Height: LongInt): LongInt; { IO Functions } { User can set his own file IO functions used when loading from/saving to files by this function.} procedure SetUserFileIO(OpenReadProc: TOpenReadProc; OpenWriteProc: TOpenWriteProc; CloseProc: TCloseProc; EofProc: TEofProc; SeekProc: TSeekProc; TellProc: TTellProc; ReadProc: TReadProc; WriteProc: TWriteProc); { Sets file IO functions to Imaging default.} procedure ResetFileIO; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Imaging Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------} type { Set of TImageFormat enum.} TImageFormats = set of TImageFormat; { Record containg set of IO functions internaly used by image loaders/savers.} TIOFunctions = record OpenRead: TOpenReadProc; OpenWrite: TOpenWriteProc; Close: TCloseProc; Eof: TEofProc; Seek: TSeekProc; Tell: TTellProc; Read: TReadProc; Write: TWriteProc; end; PIOFunctions = ^TIOFunctions; { Base class for various image file format loaders/savers which descend from this class. If you want to add support for new image file format the best way is probably to look at TImageFileFormat descendants' implementations that are already part of Imaging.} {$TYPEINFO ON} TImageFileFormat = class(TObject) private FExtensions: TStringList; FMasks: TStringList; { Does various checks and actions before LoadData method is called.} function PrepareLoad(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstFrame: Boolean): Boolean; { Processes some actions according to result of LoadData.} function PostLoadCheck(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; LoadResult: Boolean): Boolean; { Helper function to be called in SaveData methods of descendants (ensures proper index and sets FFirstIdx and FLastIdx for multi-images).} function PrepareSave(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; var Index: LongInt): Boolean; protected FName: string; FCanLoad: Boolean; FCanSave: Boolean; FIsMultiImageFormat: Boolean; FSupportedFormats: TImageFormats; FFirstIdx, FLastIdx: LongInt; { Defines filename masks for this image file format. AMasks should be in format '*.ext1,*.ext2,umajo.*'.} procedure AddMasks(const AMasks: string); function GetFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat): TImageFormatInfo; { Returns set of TImageData formats that can be saved in this file format without need for conversion.} function GetSupportedFormats: TImageFormats; virtual; { Method which must be overrided in descendants if they' are be capable of loading images. Images are already freed and length is set to zero whenever this method gets called. Also Handle is assured to be valid and contains data that passed TestFormat method's check.} function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstFrame: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; { Method which must be overrided in descendants if they are be capable of saving images. Images are checked to have length >0 and that they contain valid images. For single-image file formats Index contain valid index to Images array (to image which should be saved). Multi-image formats should use FFirstIdx and FLastIdx fields to to get all images that are to be saved.} function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; virtual; { This method is called internaly by MakeCompatible when input image is in format not supported by this file format. Image is clone of MakeCompatible's input and Info is its extended format info.} procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); virtual; { Returns True if given image is supported for saving by this file format. Most file formats don't need to override this method. It checks (in this base class) if Image's format is in SupportedFromats set. But you may override it if you want further checks (proper widht and height for example).} function IsSupported(const Image: TImageData): Boolean; virtual; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; { Loads images from file source.} function LoadFromFile(const FileName: string; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Loads images from stream source.} function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Loads images from memory source.} function LoadFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Saves images to file. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved as sequence of independent images (for example SaveToFile saves sequence of files img000.jpg, img001.jpg ....).} function SaveToFile(const FileName: string; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Saves images to stream. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved as sequence of independent images.} function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Saves images to memory. If format supports only single level images and there are multiple images to be saved, they are saved as sequence of independent images. Data must be already allocated and their size passed as Size parameter, number of written bytes is then returned in the same parameter.} function SaveToMemory(Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean = False): Boolean; { Makes Image compatible with this file format (that means it is in one of data formats in Supported formats set). If input is already in supported format then Compatible just use value from input (Compatible := Image) so must not free it after you are done with it (image bits pointer points to input image's bits). If input is not in supported format then it is cloned to Compatible and concerted to one of supported formats (which one dependeds on this file format). If image is cloned MustBeFreed is set to True to indicated that you must free Compatible after you are done with it.} function MakeCompatible(const Image: TImageData; var Compatible: TImageData; out MustBeFreed: Boolean): Boolean; { Returns True if data located in source identified by Handle represent valid image in current format.} function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; virtual; { Resturns True if the given FileName matches filter for this file format. For most formats it just checks filename extensions. It uses filename masks in from Masks property so it can recognize filenames like this 'umajoXXXumajo.j0j' if one of themasks is 'umajo*umajo.j?j'.} function TestFileName(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Descendants use this method to check if their options (registered with constant Ids for SetOption/GetOption interface or accessible as properties of descendants) have valid values and make necessary changes.} procedure CheckOptionsValidity; virtual; { Description of this format.} property Name: string read FName; { Indicates whether images in this format can be loaded.} property CanLoad: Boolean read FCanLoad; { Indicates whether images in this format can be saved.} property CanSave: Boolean read FCanSave; { Indicates whether images in this format can contain multiple image levels.} property IsMultiImageFormat: Boolean read FIsMultiImageFormat; { List of filename extensions for this format.} property Extensions: TStringList read FExtensions; { List of filename mask that are used to associate filenames with TImageFileFormat descendants. Typical mask looks like '*.bmp' or 'texture.*' (supports file formats which use filename instead of extension to identify image files).} property Masks: TStringList read FMasks; { Set of TImageFormats supported by saving functions of this format. Images can be saved only in one those formats.} property SupportedFormats: TImageFormats read GetSupportedFormats; end; {$TYPEINFO OFF} { Class reference for TImageFileFormat class} TImageFileFormatClass = class of TImageFileFormat; { Returns symbolic name of given format.} function GetFormatName(Format: TImageFormat): string; { Returns string with information about given Image.} function ImageToStr(const Image: TImageData): string; { Returns Imaging version string in format 'Major.Minor.Patch'.} function GetVersionStr: string; { If Condition is True then TruePart is retured, otherwise FalsePart is returned.} function IffFormat(Condition: Boolean; const TruePart, FalsePart: TImageFormat): TImageFormat; { Registers new image loader/saver so it can be used by LoadFrom/SaveTo functions.} procedure RegisterImageFileFormat(AClass: TImageFileFormatClass); { Registers new option so it can be used by SetOption and GetOption functions. Returns True if registration was succesful - that is Id is valid and is not already taken by another option.} function RegisterOption(OptionId: LongInt; Variable: PLongInt): Boolean; { Returns image format loader/saver according to given extension or nil if not found.} function FindImageFileFormatByExt(const Ext: string): TImageFileFormat; { Returns image format loader/saver according to given filename or nil if not found.} function FindImageFileFormatByName(const FileName: string): TImageFileFormat; { Returns image format loader/saver based on its class or nil if not found or not registered.} function FindImageFileFormatByClass(AClass: TImageFileFormatClass): TImageFileFormat; { Returns number of registered image file format loaders/saver.} function GetFileFormatCount: LongInt; { Returns image file format loader/saver at given index. Index must be in range [0..GetFileFormatCount - 1] otherwise nil is returned.} function GetFileFormatAtIndex(Index: LongInt): TImageFileFormat; { Returns filter string for usage with open and save picture dialogs which contains all registered image file formats. Set OpenFileFilter to True if you want filter for open dialog and to False if you want save dialog filter (formats that cannot save to files are not added then). For open dialog filter for all known graphic files (like All(*.jpg;*.png;....) is added too at the first index.} function GetImageFileFormatsFilter(OpenFileFilter: Boolean): string; { Returns file extension (without dot) of image format selected by given filter index. Used filter string is defined by GetImageFileFormatsFilter function. This function can be used with save dialogs (with filters created by GetImageFileFormatsFilter) to get the extension of file format selected in dialog quickly. Index is in range 1..N (as FilterIndex property of TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog)} function GetFilterIndexExtension(Index: LongInt; OpenFileFilter: Boolean): string; { Returns filter index of image file format of file specified by FileName. Used filter string is defined by GetImageFileFormatsFilter function. Returned index is in range 1..N (as FilterIndex property of TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog)} function GetFileNameFilterIndex(const FileName: string; OpenFileFilter: Boolean): LongInt; { Returns current IO functions.} function GetIO: TIOFunctions; { Raises EImagingError with given message.} procedure RaiseImaging(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); implementation uses {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} ImagingBitmap, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} ImagingJpeg, {$ENDIF} {$IF Defined(LINK_PNG) or Defined(LINK_MNG) or Defined(LINK_JNG)} ImagingNetworkGraphics, {$IFEND} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} ImagingGif, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} ImagingDds, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} ImagingTarga, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_PNM} ImagingPortableMaps, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_EXTRAS} ImagingExtras, {$ENDIF} ImagingFormats, ImagingUtility, ImagingIO; resourcestring SImagingTitle = 'Vampyre Imaging Library'; SExceptMsg = 'Exception Message'; SAllFilter = 'All Images'; SUnknownFormat = 'Unknown and unsupported format'; SErrorFreeImage = 'Error while freeing image. %s'; SErrorCloneImage = 'Error while cloning image. %s'; SErrorFlipImage = 'Error while flipping image. %s'; SErrorMirrorImage = 'Error while mirroring image. %s'; SErrorResizeImage = 'Error while resizing image. %s'; SErrorSwapImage = 'Error while swapping channels of image. %s'; SFileFormatCanNotLoad = 'Image Format "%s" does not support loading images.'; SFileFormatCanNotSave = 'Image Format "%s" does not support saving images.'; SErrorNewImage = 'Error while creating image data with params: Width=%d ' + 'Height=%d Format=%s.'; SErrorConvertImage = 'Error while converting image to format "%s". %s'; SImageInfo = 'Image @%p info: Width = %dpx, Height = %dpx, ' + 'Format = %s, Size = %.0n %s, Bits @%p, Palette @%p.'; SImageInfoInvalid = 'Access violation encountered when getting info on ' + 'image at address %p.'; SFileNotValid = 'File "%s" is not valid image in "%s" format.'; SStreamNotValid = 'Stream %p does not contain valid image in "%s" format.'; SMemoryNotValid = 'Memory %p (%d Bytes) does not contain valid image ' + 'in "%s" format.'; SErrorLoadingFile = 'Error while loading images from file "%s" (file format: %s).'; SErrorLoadingStream = 'Error while loading images from stream %p (file format: %s).'; SErrorLoadingMemory = 'Error while loading images from memory %p (%d Bytes) (file format: %s).'; SErrorSavingFile = 'Error while saving images to file "%s" (file format: %s).'; SErrorSavingStream = 'Error while saving images to stream %p (file format: %s).'; SErrorSavingMemory = 'Error while saving images to memory %p (%d Bytes) (file format: %s).'; SErrorFindColor = 'Error while finding color in palette @%p with %d entries.'; SErrorGrayscalePalette = 'Error while filling grayscale palette @%p with %d entries.'; SErrorCustomPalette = 'Error while filling custom palette @%p with %d entries.'; SErrorSwapPalette = 'Error while swapping channels of palette @%p with %d entries.'; SErrorReduceColors = 'Error while reducing number of colors of image to %d. %s'; SErrorGenerateMipMaps = 'Error while generating %d mipmap levels for image %s'; SImagesNotValid = 'One or more images are not valid.'; SErrorCopyRect = 'Error while copying rect from image %s to image %s.'; SErrorMapImage = 'Error while mapping image %s to palette.'; SErrorFillRect = 'Error while filling rectangle X:%d Y:%d W:%d H:%d in image %s'; SErrorSplitImage = 'Error while splitting image %s to %dx%d sized chunks.'; SErrorMakePaletteForImages = 'Error while making %d color palette for %d images.'; SErrorNewPalette = 'Error while creating new palette with %d entries'; SErrorFreePalette = 'Error while freeing palette @%p'; SErrorCopyPalette = 'Error while copying %d entries from palette @%p to @%p'; SErrorReplaceColor = 'Error while replacing colors in rectangle X:%d Y:%d W:%d H:%d of image %s'; SErrorRotateImage = 'Error while rotating image %s by %d degrees'; SErrorStretchRect = 'Error while stretching rect from image %s to image %s.'; const // initial size of array with options information InitialOptions = 256; // max depth of the option stack OptionStackDepth = 8; // do not change the default format now, its too late DefaultImageFormat: TImageFormat = ifA8R8G8B8; type TOptionArray = array of PLongInt; TOptionValueArray = array of LongInt; TOptionStack = class(TObject) private FStack: array[0..OptionStackDepth - 1] of TOptionValueArray; FPosition: LongInt; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Push: Boolean; function Pop: Boolean; end; var // currently set IO functions IO: TIOFunctions; // list with all registered TImageFileFormat classes ImageFileFormats: TList = nil; // array with registered options (pointers to their values) Options: TOptionArray = nil; // array containing addional infomation about every image format ImageFormatInfos: TImageFormatInfoArray; // stack used by PushOptions/PopOtions functions OptionStack: TOptionStack = nil; var // variable for ImagingColorReduction option ColorReductionMask: LongInt = $FF; // variable for ImagingLoadOverrideFormat option LoadOverrideFormat: TImageFormat = ifUnknown; // variable for ImagingSaveOverrideFormat option SaveOverrideFormat: TImageFormat = ifUnknown; // variable for ImagingSaveOverrideFormat option MipMapFilter: TSamplingFilter = sfLinear; { Internal unit functions } { Modifies option value to be in the allowed range. Works only for options registered in this unit.} function CheckOptionValue(OptionId, Value: LongInt): LongInt; forward; { Sets IO functions to file IO.} procedure SetFileIO; forward; { Sets IO functions to stream IO.} procedure SetStreamIO; forward; { Sets IO functions to memory IO.} procedure SetMemoryIO; forward; { Inits image format infos array.} procedure InitImageFormats; forward; { Freew image format infos array.} procedure FreeImageFileFormats; forward; { Creates options array and stack.} procedure InitOptions; forward; { Frees options array and stack.} procedure FreeOptions; forward; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE} { Those inline functions are copied here from ImagingFormats because Delphi 9/10 cannot inline them if they are declared in circularly dependent units.} procedure CopyPixel(Src, Dest: Pointer; BytesPerPixel: LongInt); inline; begin case BytesPerPixel of 1: PByte(Dest)^ := PByte(Src)^; 2: PWord(Dest)^ := PWord(Src)^; 3: PColor24Rec(Dest)^ := PColor24Rec(Src)^; 4: PLongWord(Dest)^ := PLongWord(Src)^; 6: PColor48Rec(Dest)^ := PColor48Rec(Src)^; 8: PInt64(Dest)^ := PInt64(Src)^; 16: PColorFPRec(Dest)^ := PColorFPRec(Src)^; end; end; function ComparePixels(PixelA, PixelB: Pointer; BytesPerPixel: LongInt): Boolean; inline; begin case BytesPerPixel of 1: Result := PByte(PixelA)^ = PByte(PixelB)^; 2: Result := PWord(PixelA)^ = PWord(PixelB)^; 3: Result := (PWord(PixelA)^ = PWord(PixelB)^) and (PColor24Rec(PixelA).R = PColor24Rec(PixelB).R); 4: Result := PLongWord(PixelA)^ = PLongWord(PixelB)^; 6: Result := (PLongWord(PixelA)^ = PLongWord(PixelB)^) and (PColor48Rec(PixelA).R = PColor48Rec(PixelB).R); 8: Result := PInt64(PixelA)^ = PInt64(PixelB)^; 16: Result := (PFloatHelper(PixelA).Data2 = PFloatHelper(PixelB).Data2) and (PFloatHelper(PixelA).Data1 = PFloatHelper(PixelB).Data1); else Result := False; end; end; {$ENDIF} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Low Level Interface Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------} { General Functions } procedure InitImage(var Image: TImageData); begin FillChar(Image, SizeOf(Image), 0); end; function NewImage(Width, Height: LongInt; Format: TImageFormat; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var FInfo: PImageFormatInfo; begin Assert((Width >= 0) and (Height >= 0)); Assert(IsImageFormatValid(Format)); Result := False; FreeImage(Image); try Image.Width := Width; Image.Height := Height; // Select default data format if selected if (Format = ifDefault) then Image.Format := DefaultImageFormat else Image.Format := Format; // Get extended format info FInfo := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; if FInfo = nil then begin InitImage(Image); Exit; end; // Check image dimensions and calculate its size in bytes FInfo.CheckDimensions(FInfo.Format, Image.Width, Image.Height); Image.Size := FInfo.GetPixelsSize(FInfo.Format, Image.Width, Image.Height); if Image.Size = 0 then begin InitImage(Image); Exit; end; // Image bits are allocated and set to zeroes GetMem(Image.Bits, Image.Size); FillChar(Image.Bits^, Image.Size, 0); // Palette is allocated and set to zeroes if FInfo.PaletteEntries > 0 then begin GetMem(Image.Palette, FInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); FillChar(Image.Palette^, FInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec), 0); end; Result := TestImage(Image); except RaiseImaging(SErrorNewImage, [Width, Height, GetFormatName(Format)]); end; end; function TestImage(const Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin try Result := (LongInt(Image.Format) >= LongInt(Low(TImageFormat))) and (LongInt(Image.Format) <= LongInt(High(TImageFormat))) and (ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format] <> nil) and (Assigned(ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].GetPixelsSize) and (ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].GetPixelsSize(Image.Format, Image.Width, Image.Height) = Image.Size)); except // Possible int overflows or other errors Result := False; end; end; procedure FreeImage(var Image: TImageData); begin try if TestImage(Image) then begin FreeMemNil(Image.Bits); FreeMemNil(Image.Palette); end; InitImage(Image); except RaiseImaging(SErrorFreeImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; procedure FreeImagesInArray(var Images: TDynImageDataArray); var I: LongInt; begin if Length(Images) > 0 then begin for I := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 do FreeImage(Images[I]); SetLength(Images, 0); end; end; function TestImagesInArray(const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var I: LongInt; begin if Length(Images) > 0 then begin Result := True; for I := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 do begin Result := Result and TestImage(Images[I]); if not Result then Break; end; end else Result := False; end; function DetermineFileFormat(const FileName: string): string; var I: LongInt; Fmt: TImageFileFormat; Handle: TImagingHandle; begin Assert(FileName <> ''); Result := ''; SetFileIO; try Handle := IO.OpenRead(PChar(FileName)); try // First file format according to FileName and test if the data in // file is really in that format for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin Fmt := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); if Fmt.TestFileName(FileName) and Fmt.TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := Fmt.Extensions[0]; Exit; end; end; // No file format was found with filename search so try data-based search for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin Fmt := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); if Fmt.TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := Fmt.Extensions[0]; Exit; end; end; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except Result := ''; end; end; function DetermineStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): string; var I: LongInt; Fmt: TImageFileFormat; Handle: TImagingHandle; begin Assert(Stream <> nil); Result := ''; SetStreamIO; try Handle := IO.OpenRead(Pointer(Stream)); try for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin Fmt := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); if Fmt.TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := Fmt.Extensions[0]; Exit; end; end; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except Result := ''; end; end; function DetermineMemoryFormat(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt): string; var I: LongInt; Fmt: TImageFileFormat; Handle: TImagingHandle; IORec: TMemoryIORec; begin Assert((Data <> nil) and (Size > 0)); Result := ''; SetMemoryIO; IORec.Data := Data; IORec.Position := 0; IORec.Size := Size; try Handle := IO.OpenRead(@IORec); try for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin Fmt := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); if Fmt.TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := Fmt.Extensions[0]; Exit; end; end; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except Result := ''; end; end; function IsFileFormatSupported(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByName(FileName) <> nil; end; function EnumFileFormats(var Index: LongInt; var Name, DefaultExt, Masks: string; var CanSaveImages, IsMultiImageFormat: Boolean): Boolean; var FileFmt: TImageFileFormat; begin FileFmt := GetFileFormatAtIndex(Index); Result := FileFmt <> nil; if Result then begin Name := FileFmt.Name; DefaultExt := FileFmt.Extensions[0]; Masks := FileFmt.Masks.DelimitedText; CanSaveImages := FileFmt.CanSave; IsMultiImageFormat := FileFmt.IsMultiImageFormat; Inc(Index); end else begin Name := ''; DefaultExt := ''; Masks := ''; CanSaveImages := False; IsMultiImageFormat := False; end; end; { Loading Functions } function LoadImageFromFile(const FileName: string; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; I: LongInt; begin Assert(FileName <> ''); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineFileFormat(FileName)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImage(Image); Result := Format.LoadFromFile(FileName, IArray, True); if Result and (Length(IArray) > 0) then begin Image := IArray[0]; for I := 1 to Length(IArray) - 1 do FreeImage(IArray[I]); end else Result := False; end; end; function LoadImageFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; I: LongInt; begin Assert(Stream <> nil); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineStreamFormat(Stream)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImage(Image); Result := Format.LoadFromStream(Stream, IArray, True); if Result and (Length(IArray) > 0) then begin Image := IArray[0]; for I := 1 to Length(IArray) - 1 do FreeImage(IArray[I]); end else Result := False; end; end; function LoadImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; I: LongInt; begin Assert((Data <> nil) and (Size > 0)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineMemoryFormat(Data, Size)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImage(Image); Result := Format.LoadFromMemory(Data, Size, IArray, True); if Result and (Length(IArray) > 0) then begin Image := IArray[0]; for I := 1 to Length(IArray) - 1 do FreeImage(IArray[I]); end else Result := False; end; end; function LoadMultiImageFromFile(const FileName: string; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert(FileName <> ''); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineFileFormat(FileName)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImagesInArray(Images); Result := Format.LoadFromFile(FileName, Images); end; end; function LoadMultiImageFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert(Stream <> nil); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineStreamFormat(Stream)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImagesInArray(Images); Result := Format.LoadFromStream(Stream, Images); end; end; function LoadMultiImageFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert((Data <> nil) and (Size > 0)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(DetermineMemoryFormat(Data, Size)); if Format <> nil then begin FreeImagesInArray(Images); Result := Format.LoadFromMemory(Data, Size, Images); end; end; { Saving Functions } function SaveImageToFile(const FileName: string; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; begin Assert(FileName <> ''); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByName(FileName); if Format <> nil then begin SetLength(IArray, 1); IArray[0] := Image; Result := Format.SaveToFile(FileName, IArray, True); end; end; function SaveImageToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; begin Assert((Ext <> '') and (Stream <> nil)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(Ext); if Format <> nil then begin SetLength(IArray, 1); IArray[0] := Image; Result := Format.SaveToStream(Stream, IArray, True); end; end; function SaveImageToMemory(const Ext: string; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; IArray: TDynImageDataArray; begin Assert((Ext <> '') and (Data <> nil) and (Size > 0)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(Ext); if Format <> nil then begin SetLength(IArray, 1); IArray[0] := Image; Result := Format.SaveToMemory(Data, Size, IArray, True); end; end; function SaveMultiImageToFile(const FileName: string; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert(FileName <> ''); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByName(FileName); if Format <> nil then Result := Format.SaveToFile(FileName, Images); end; function SaveMultiImageToStream(const Ext: string; Stream: TStream; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert((Ext <> '') and (Stream <> nil)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(Ext); if Format <> nil then Result := Format.SaveToStream(Stream, Images); end; function SaveMultiImageToMemory(const Ext: string; Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Format: TImageFileFormat; begin Assert((Ext <> '') and (Data <> nil) and (Size > 0)); Result := False; Format := FindImageFileFormatByExt(Ext); if Format <> nil then Result := Format.SaveToMemory(Data, Size, Images); end; { Manipulation Functions } function CloneImage(const Image: TImageData; var Clone: TImageData): Boolean; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; begin Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try if TestImage(Clone) and (Image.Bits <> Clone.Bits) then FreeImage(Clone) else InitImage(Clone); Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Clone.Width := Image.Width; Clone.Height := Image.Height; Clone.Format := Image.Format; Clone.Size := Image.Size; if Info.PaletteEntries > 0 then begin GetMem(Clone.Palette, Info.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); Move(Image.Palette^, Clone.Palette^, Info.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); end; GetMem(Clone.Bits, Clone.Size); Move(Image.Bits^, Clone.Bits^, Clone.Size); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorCloneImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function ConvertImage(var Image: TImageData; DestFormat: TImageFormat): Boolean; var NewData: Pointer; NewPal: PPalette32; NewSize, NumPixels: LongInt; SrcInfo, DstInfo: PImageFormatInfo; begin Assert(IsImageFormatValid(DestFormat)); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then with Image do try // If default format is set we use DefaultImageFormat if DestFormat = ifDefault then DestFormat := DefaultImageFormat; SrcInfo := ImageFormatInfos[Format]; DstInfo := ImageFormatInfos[DestFormat]; if SrcInfo = DstInfo then begin // There is nothing to convert - src is alredy in dest format Result := True; Exit; end; // Exit Src or Dest format is invalid if (SrcInfo = nil) or (DstInfo = nil) then Exit; // If dest format is just src with swapped channels we call // SwapChannels instead if (SrcInfo.RBSwapFormat = DestFormat) and (DstInfo.RBSwapFormat = SrcInfo.Format) then begin Result := SwapChannels(Image, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue); Image.Format := SrcInfo.RBSwapFormat; Exit; end; if (not SrcInfo.IsSpecial) and (not DstInfo.IsSpecial) then begin NumPixels := Width * Height; NewSize := NumPixels * DstInfo.BytesPerPixel; GetMem(NewData, NewSize); FillChar(NewData^, NewSize, 0); GetMem(NewPal, DstInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); FillChar(NewPal^, DstInfo.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec), 0); if SrcInfo.IsIndexed then begin // Source: indexed format if DstInfo.IsIndexed then IndexToIndex(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, Palette, NewPal) else if DstInfo.HasGrayChannel then IndexToGray(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, Palette) else if DstInfo.IsFloatingPoint then IndexToFloat(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, Palette) else IndexToChannel(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, Palette); end else if SrcInfo.HasGrayChannel then begin // Source: grayscale format if DstInfo.IsIndexed then GrayToIndex(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, NewPal) else if DstInfo.HasGrayChannel then GrayToGray(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else if DstInfo.IsFloatingPoint then GrayToFloat(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else GrayToChannel(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo); end else if SrcInfo.IsFloatingPoint then begin // Source: floating point format if DstInfo.IsIndexed then FloatToIndex(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, NewPal) else if DstInfo.HasGrayChannel then FloatToGray(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else if DstInfo.IsFloatingPoint then FloatToFloat(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else FloatToChannel(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo); end else begin // Source: standard multi channel image if DstInfo.IsIndexed then ChannelToIndex(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo, NewPal) else if DstInfo.HasGrayChannel then ChannelToGray(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else if DstInfo.IsFloatingPoint then ChannelToFloat(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo) else ChannelToChannel(NumPixels, Bits, NewData, SrcInfo, DstInfo); end; FreeMemNil(Bits); FreeMemNil(Palette); Format := DestFormat; Bits := NewData; Size := NewSize; Palette := NewPal; end else ConvertSpecial(Image, SrcInfo, DstInfo); Assert(SrcInfo.Format <> Image.Format); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorConvertImage, [GetFormatName(DestFormat), ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function FlipImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var P1, P2, Buff: Pointer; WidthBytes, I: LongInt; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; OldFmt := Image.Format; if TestImage(Image) then with Image do try if ImageFormatInfos[OldFmt].IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); WidthBytes := Width * ImageFormatInfos[Format].BytesPerPixel; GetMem(Buff, WidthBytes); try // Swap all scanlines of image for I := 0 to Height div 2 - 1 do begin P1 := @PByteArray(Bits)[I * WidthBytes]; P2 := @PByteArray(Bits)[(Height - I - 1) * WidthBytes]; Move(P1^, Buff^, WidthBytes); Move(P2^, P1^, WidthBytes); Move(Buff^, P2^, WidthBytes); end; finally FreeMemNil(Buff); end; if OldFmt <> Format then ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorFlipImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function MirrorImage(var Image: TImageData): Boolean; var Scanline: PByte; Buff: TColorFPRec; Bpp, Y, X, WidthDiv2, WidthBytes, XLeft, XRight: LongInt; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; OldFmt := Image.Format; if TestImage(Image) then with Image do try if ImageFormatInfos[OldFmt].IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); Bpp := ImageFormatInfos[Format].BytesPerPixel; WidthDiv2 := Width div 2; WidthBytes := Width * Bpp; // Mirror all pixels on each scanline of image for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin Scanline := @PByteArray(Bits)[Y * WidthBytes]; XLeft := 0; XRight := (Width - 1) * Bpp; for X := 0 to WidthDiv2 - 1 do begin CopyPixel(@PByteArray(Scanline)[XLeft], @Buff, Bpp); CopyPixel(@PByteArray(Scanline)[XRight], @PByteArray(Scanline)[XLeft], Bpp); CopyPixel(@Buff, @PByteArray(Scanline)[XRight], Bpp); Inc(XLeft, Bpp); Dec(XRight, Bpp); end; end; if OldFmt <> Format then ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorMirrorImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function ResizeImage(var Image: TImageData; NewWidth, NewHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; var WorkImage: TImageData; begin Assert((NewWidth > 0) and (NewHeight > 0)); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) and ((Image.Width <> NewWidth) or (Image.Height <> NewHeight)) then try InitImage(WorkImage); // Create new image with desired dimensions NewImage(NewWidth, NewHeight, Image.Format, WorkImage); // Stretch pixels from old image to new one StretchRect(Image, 0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height, WorkImage, 0, 0, WorkImage.Width, WorkImage.Height, Filter); // Free old image and assign new image to it FreeMemNil(Image.Bits); if Image.Palette <> nil then WorkImage.Palette := Image.Palette; Image := WorkImage; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorResizeImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function SwapChannels(var Image: TImageData; SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt): Boolean; var I, NumPixels: LongInt; Info: PImageFormatInfo; Swap, Alpha: Word; Data: PByte; Pix64: TColor64Rec; PixF: TColorFPRec; SwapF: Single; begin Assert((SrcChannel in [0..3]) and (DstChannel in [0..3])); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) and (SrcChannel <> DstChannel) then with Image do try NumPixels := Width * Height; Info := ImageFormatInfos[Format]; Data := Bits; if (Info.Format = ifR8G8B8) or ((Info.Format = ifA8R8G8B8) and (SrcChannel <> ChannelAlpha) and (DstChannel <> ChannelAlpha)) then begin // Swap channels of most common formats R8G8B8 and A8R8G8B8 (no alpha) for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do with PColor24Rec(Data)^ do begin Swap := Channels[SrcChannel]; Channels[SrcChannel] := Channels[DstChannel]; Channels[DstChannel] := Swap; Inc(Data, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end else if Info.IsIndexed then begin // Swap palette channels of indexed images SwapChannelsOfPalette(Palette, Info.PaletteEntries, SrcChannel, DstChannel) end else if Info.IsFloatingPoint then begin // Swap channels of floating point images for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do begin FloatGetSrcPixel(Data, Info, PixF); with PixF do begin SwapF := Channels[SrcChannel]; Channels[SrcChannel] := Channels[DstChannel]; Channels[DstChannel] := SwapF; end; FloatSetDstPixel(Data, Info, PixF); Inc(Data, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end else if Info.IsSpecial then begin // Swap channels of special format images ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); SwapChannels(Image, SrcChannel, DstChannel); ConvertImage(Image, Info.Format); end else if Info.HasGrayChannel and Info.HasAlphaChannel and ((SrcChannel = ChannelAlpha) or (DstChannel = ChannelAlpha)) then begin for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do begin // If we have grayscale image with alpha and alpha is channel // to be swapped, we swap it. No other alternative for gray images, // just alpha and something GrayGetSrcPixel(Data, Info, Pix64, Alpha); Swap := Alpha; Alpha := Pix64.A; Pix64.A := Swap; GraySetDstPixel(Data, Info, Pix64, Alpha); Inc(Data, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end else begin // Then do general swap on other channel image formats for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do begin ChannelGetSrcPixel(Data, Info, Pix64); with Pix64 do begin Swap := Channels[SrcChannel]; Channels[SrcChannel] := Channels[DstChannel]; Channels[DstChannel] := Swap; end; ChannelSetDstPixel(Data, Info, Pix64); Inc(Data, Info.BytesPerPixel); end; end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorSwapImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function ReduceColors(var Image: TImageData; MaxColors: LongInt): Boolean; var TmpInfo: TImageFormatInfo; Data, Index: PWord; I, NumPixels: LongInt; Pal: PPalette32; Col:PColor32Rec; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then with Image do try // First create temp image info and allocate output bits and palette MaxColors := ClampInt(MaxColors, 2, High(Word)); OldFmt := Format; FillChar(TmpInfo, SizeOf(TmpInfo), 0); TmpInfo.PaletteEntries := MaxColors; TmpInfo.BytesPerPixel := 2; NumPixels := Width * Height; GetMem(Data, NumPixels * TmpInfo.BytesPerPixel); GetMem(Pal, MaxColors * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); ConvertImage(Image, ifA8R8G8B8); // We use median cut algorithm to create reduced palette and to // fill Data with indices to this palette ReduceColorsMedianCut(NumPixels, Bits, PByte(Data), ImageFormatInfos[Format], @TmpInfo, MaxColors, ColorReductionMask, Pal); Col := Bits; Index := Data; // Then we write reduced colors to the input image for I := 0 to NumPixels - 1 do begin Col.Color := Pal[Index^].Color; Inc(Col); Inc(Index); end; FreeMemNil(Data); FreeMemNil(Pal); // And convert it to its original format ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorReduceColors, [MaxColors, ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function GenerateMipMaps(const Image: TImageData; Levels: LongInt; var MipMaps: TDynImageDataArray): Boolean; var Width, Height, I, Count: LongInt; Info: TImageFormatInfo; CompatibleCopy: TImageData; begin Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try Width := Image.Width; Height := Image.Height; // We compute number of possible mipmap levels and if // the given levels are invalid or zero we use this value Count := GetNumMipMapLevels(Width, Height); if (Levels <= 0) or (Levels > Count) then Levels := Count; // If we have special format image we create copy to allow pixel access. // This is also done in FillMipMapLevel which is called for each level // but then the main big image would be converted to compatible // for every level. GetImageFormatInfo(Image.Format, Info); if Info.IsSpecial then begin InitImage(CompatibleCopy); CloneImage(Image, CompatibleCopy); ConvertImage(CompatibleCopy, ifDefault); end else CompatibleCopy := Image; FreeImagesInArray(MipMaps); SetLength(MipMaps, Levels); CloneImage(Image, MipMaps[0]); for I := 1 to Levels - 1 do begin Width := Width shr 1; Height := Height shr 1; if Width < 1 then Width := 1; if Height < 1 then Height := 1; FillMipMapLevel(CompatibleCopy, Width, Height, MipMaps[I]); end; if CompatibleCopy.Format <> MipMaps[0].Format then begin // Must convert smaller levels to proper format for I := 1 to High(MipMaps) do ConvertImage(MipMaps[I], MipMaps[0].Format); FreeImage(CompatibleCopy); end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorGenerateMipMaps, [Levels, ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function MapImageToPalette(var Image: TImageData; Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt): Boolean; function FindNearestColor(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; Col: TColor32Rec): LongInt; var I, MinDif, Dif: LongInt; begin Result := 0; MinDif := 1020; for I := 0 to Entries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin Dif := Abs(R - Col.R); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(G - Col.G); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(B - Col.B); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(A - Col.A); if Dif < MinDif then begin MinDif := Dif; Result := I; end; end; end; var I, MaxEntries: LongInt; PIndex: PByte; PColor: PColor32Rec; CloneARGB: TImageData; Info: PImageFormatInfo; begin Assert((Entries >= 2) and (Entries <= 256)); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try // We create clone of source image in A8R8G8B8 and // then recreate source image in ifIndex8 format // with palette taken from Pal parameter InitImage(CloneARGB); CloneImage(Image, CloneARGB); ConvertImage(CloneARGB, ifA8R8G8B8); FreeImage(Image); NewImage(CloneARGB.Width, CloneARGB.Height, ifIndex8, Image); Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; MaxEntries := Min(Info.PaletteEntries, Entries); Move(Pal^, Image.Palette^, MaxEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); PIndex := Image.Bits; PColor := CloneARGB.Bits; // For every pixel of ARGB clone we find closest color in // given palette and assign its index to resulting image's pixel // procedure used here is very slow but simple and memory usage friendly // (contrary to other methods) for I := 0 to Image.Width * Image.Height - 1 do begin PIndex^ := Byte(FindNearestColor(Image.Palette, MaxEntries, PColor^)); Inc(PIndex); Inc(PColor); end; FreeImage(CloneARGB); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorMapImage, [ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function SplitImage(var Image: TImageData; var Chunks: TDynImageDataArray; ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight: LongInt; var XChunks, YChunks: LongInt; PreserveSize: Boolean; Fill: Pointer): Boolean; var X, Y, XTrunc, YTrunc: LongInt; NotOnEdge: Boolean; Info: PImageFormatInfo; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Assert((ChunkWidth > 0) and (ChunkHeight > 0)); Result := False; OldFmt := Image.Format; FreeImagesInArray(Chunks); if TestImage(Image) then try Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; if Info.IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); // We compute make sure that chunks are not larger than source image or negative ChunkWidth := ClampInt(ChunkWidth, 0, Image.Width); ChunkHeight := ClampInt(ChunkHeight, 0, Image.Height); // Number of chunks along X and Y axes is computed XChunks := Trunc(Ceil(Image.Width / ChunkWidth)); YChunks := Trunc(Ceil(Image.Height / ChunkHeight)); SetLength(Chunks, XChunks * YChunks); // For every chunk we create new image and copy a portion of // the source image to it. If chunk is on the edge of the source image // we fill enpty space with Fill pixel data if PreserveSize is set or // make the chunk smaller if it is not set for Y := 0 to YChunks - 1 do for X := 0 to XChunks - 1 do begin // Determine if current chunk is on the edge of original image NotOnEdge := ((X < XChunks - 1) and (Y < YChunks - 1)) or ((Image.Width mod ChunkWidth = 0) and (Image.Height mod ChunkHeight = 0)); if PreserveSize or NotOnEdge then begin // We should preserve chunk sizes or we are somewhere inside original image NewImage(ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight, Image.Format, Chunks[Y * XChunks + X]); if (not NotOnEdge) and (Fill <> nil) then FillRect(Chunks[Y * XChunks + X], 0, 0, ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight, Fill); CopyRect(Image, X * ChunkWidth, Y * ChunkHeight, ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight, Chunks[Y * XChunks + X], 0, 0); end else begin // Create smaller edge chunk XTrunc := Image.Width - (Image.Width div ChunkWidth) * ChunkWidth; YTrunc := Image.Height - (Image.Height div ChunkHeight) * ChunkHeight; NewImage(XTrunc, YTrunc, Image.Format, Chunks[Y * XChunks + X]); CopyRect(Image, X * ChunkWidth, Y * ChunkHeight, XTrunc, YTrunc, Chunks[Y * XChunks + X], 0, 0); end; // If source image is in indexed format we copy its palette to chunk if Info.IsIndexed then begin Move(Image.Palette^, Chunks[Y * XChunks + X].Palette^, Info.PaletteEntries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); end; end; if OldFmt <> Image.Format then begin ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); for X := 0 to Length(Chunks) - 1 do ConvertImage(Chunks[X], OldFmt); end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorSplitImage, [ImageToStr(Image), ChunkWidth, ChunkHeight]); end; end; function MakePaletteForImages(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; Pal: PPalette32; MaxColors: LongInt; ConvertImages: Boolean): Boolean; var I: Integer; SrcInfo, DstInfo: PImageFormatInfo; Target, TempImage: TImageData; DstFormat: TImageFormat; begin Assert((Pal <> nil) and (MaxColors > 0)); Result := False; InitImage(TempImage); if TestImagesInArray(Images) then try // Null the color histogram ReduceColorsMedianCut(0, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil, [raCreateHistogram]); for I := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 do begin SrcInfo := ImageFormatInfos[Images[I].Format]; if SrcInfo.IsIndexed or SrcInfo.IsSpecial then begin // create temp image in supported format for updating histogram CloneImage(Images[I], TempImage); ConvertImage(TempImage, ifA8R8G8B8); SrcInfo := ImageFormatInfos[TempImage.Format]; end else TempImage := Images[I]; // Update histogram with colors of each input image ReduceColorsMedianCut(TempImage.Width * TempImage.Height, TempImage.Bits, nil, SrcInfo, nil, MaxColors, ColorReductionMask, nil, [raUpdateHistogram]); if Images[I].Bits <> TempImage.Bits then FreeImage(TempImage); end; // Construct reduced color map from the histogram ReduceColorsMedianCut(0, nil, nil, nil, nil, MaxColors, ColorReductionMask, Pal, [raMakeColorMap]); if ConvertImages then begin DstFormat := ifIndex8; DstInfo := ImageFormatInfos[DstFormat]; MaxColors := Min(DstInfo.PaletteEntries, MaxColors); for I := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 do begin SrcInfo := ImageFormatInfos[Images[I].Format]; if SrcInfo.IsIndexed or SrcInfo.IsSpecial then begin // If source image is in format not supported by ReduceColorsMedianCut // we convert it ConvertImage(Images[I], ifA8R8G8B8); SrcInfo := ImageFormatInfos[Images[I].Format]; end; InitImage(Target); NewImage(Images[I].Width, Images[I].Height, DstFormat, Target); // We map each input image to reduced palette and replace // image in array with mapped image ReduceColorsMedianCut(Images[I].Width * Images[I].Height, Images[I].Bits, Target.Bits, SrcInfo, DstInfo, MaxColors, 0, nil, [raMapImage]); Move(Pal^, Target.Palette^, MaxColors * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); FreeImage(Images[I]); Images[I] := Target; end; end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorMakePaletteForImages, [MaxColors, Length(Images)]); end; end; function RotateImage(var Image: TImageData; Angle: LongInt): Boolean; var X, Y, BytesPerPixel: LongInt; RotImage: TImageData; Pix, RotPix: PByte; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Assert(Angle mod 90 = 0); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try if (Angle < -360) or (Angle > 360) then Angle := Angle mod 360; if (Angle = 0) or (Abs(Angle) = 360) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; Angle := Iff(Angle = -90, 270, Angle); Angle := Iff(Angle = -270, 90, Angle); Angle := Iff(Angle = -180, 180, Angle); OldFmt := Image.Format; if ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); InitImage(RotImage); BytesPerPixel := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].BytesPerPixel; if ((Angle = 90) or (Angle = 270)) and (Image.Width <> Image.Height) then NewImage(Image.Height, Image.Width, Image.Format, RotImage) else NewImage(Image.Width, Image.Height, Image.Format, RotImage); RotPix := RotImage.Bits; case Angle of 90: begin for Y := 0 to RotImage.Height - 1 do begin Pix := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Image.Width - Y - 1) * BytesPerPixel]; for X := 0 to RotImage.Width - 1 do begin CopyPixel(Pix, RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Inc(RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Inc(Pix, Image.Width * BytesPerPixel); end; end; end; 180: begin Pix := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[((Image.Height - 1) * Image.Width + (Image.Width - 1)) * BytesPerPixel]; for Y := 0 to RotImage.Height - 1 do for X := 0 to RotImage.Width - 1 do begin CopyPixel(Pix, RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Inc(RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Dec(Pix, BytesPerPixel); end; end; 270: begin for Y := 0 to RotImage.Height - 1 do begin Pix := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[((Image.Height - 1) * Image.Width + Y) * BytesPerPixel]; for X := 0 to RotImage.Width - 1 do begin CopyPixel(Pix, RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Inc(RotPix, BytesPerPixel); Dec(Pix, Image.Width * BytesPerPixel); end; end; end; end; FreeMemNil(Image.Bits); RotImage.Palette := Image.Palette; Image := RotImage; if OldFmt <> Image.Format then ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorRotateImage, [ImageToStr(Image), Angle]); end; end; { Drawing/Pixel functions } function CopyRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY: LongInt): Boolean; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; I, SrcWidthBytes, DstWidthBytes, MoveBytes: LongInt; SrcPointer, DstPointer: PByte; WorkImage: TImageData; OldFormat: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; OldFormat := ifUnknown; if TestImage(SrcImage) and TestImage(DstImage) then try // Make sure we are still copying image to image, not invalid pointer to protected memory ClipCopyBounds(SrcX, SrcY, Width, Height, DstX, DstY, SrcImage.Width, SrcImage.Height, Rect(0, 0, DstImage.Width, DstImage.Height)); if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) then begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[DstImage.Format]; if Info.IsSpecial then begin // If dest image is in special format we convert it to default OldFormat := Info.Format; ConvertImage(DstImage, ifDefault); Info := ImageFormatInfos[DstImage.Format]; end; if SrcImage.Format <> DstImage.Format then begin // If images are in different format source is converted to dest's format InitImage(WorkImage); CloneImage(SrcImage, WorkImage); ConvertImage(WorkImage, DstImage.Format); end else WorkImage := SrcImage; MoveBytes := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; DstWidthBytes := DstImage.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; DstPointer := @PByteArray(DstImage.Bits)[DstY * DstWidthBytes + DstX * Info.BytesPerPixel]; SrcWidthBytes := WorkImage.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; SrcPointer := @PByteArray(WorkImage.Bits)[SrcY * SrcWidthBytes + SrcX * Info.BytesPerPixel]; for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin Move(SrcPointer^, DstPointer^, MoveBytes); Inc(SrcPointer, SrcWidthBytes); Inc(DstPointer, DstWidthBytes); end; // If dest image was in special format we convert it back if OldFormat <> ifUnknown then ConvertImage(DstImage, OldFormat); // Working image must be freed if it is not the same as source image if WorkImage.Bits <> SrcImage.Bits then FreeImage(WorkImage); Result := True; end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorCopyRect, [ImageToStr(SrcImage), ImageToStr(DstImage)]); end; end; function FillRect(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; FillColor: Pointer): Boolean; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; I, J, ImageWidthBytes, RectWidthBytes, Bpp: Longint; LinePointer, PixPointer: PByte; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try ClipRectBounds(X, Y, Width, Height, Rect(0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height)); if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) then begin OldFmt := Image.Format; if ImageFormatInfos[OldFmt].IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Bpp := Info.BytesPerPixel; ImageWidthBytes := Image.Width * Bpp; RectWidthBytes := Width * Bpp; LinePointer := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[Y * ImageWidthBytes + X * Bpp]; for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin case Bpp of 1: FillMemoryByte(LinePointer, RectWidthBytes, PByte(FillColor)^); 2: FillMemoryWord(LinePointer, RectWidthBytes, PWord(FillColor)^); 4: FillMemoryLongWord(LinePointer, RectWidthBytes, PLongWord(FillColor)^); else PixPointer := LinePointer; for J := 0 to Width - 1 do begin CopyPixel(FillColor, PixPointer, Bpp); Inc(PixPointer, Bpp); end; end; Inc(LinePointer, ImageWidthBytes); end; if OldFmt <> Image.Format then ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorFillRect, [X, Y, Width, Height, ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function ReplaceColor(var Image: TImageData; X, Y, Width, Height: LongInt; OldColor, NewColor: Pointer): Boolean; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; I, J, WidthBytes, Bpp: Longint; LinePointer, PixPointer: PByte; OldFmt: TImageFormat; begin Assert((OldColor <> nil) and (NewColor <> nil)); Result := False; if TestImage(Image) then try ClipRectBounds(X, Y, Width, Height, Rect(0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height)); if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) then begin OldFmt := Image.Format; if ImageFormatInfos[OldFmt].IsSpecial then ConvertImage(Image, ifDefault); Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Bpp := Info.BytesPerPixel; WidthBytes := Image.Width * Bpp; LinePointer := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[Y * WidthBytes + X * Bpp]; for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin PixPointer := LinePointer; for J := 0 to Width - 1 do begin if ComparePixels(PixPointer, OldColor, Bpp) then CopyPixel(NewColor, PixPointer, Bpp); Inc(PixPointer, Bpp); end; Inc(LinePointer, WidthBytes); end; if OldFmt <> Image.Format then ConvertImage(Image, OldFmt); end; Result := True; except RaiseImaging(SErrorReplaceColor, [X, Y, Width, Height, ImageToStr(Image)]); end; end; function StretchRect(const SrcImage: TImageData; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: LongInt; var DstImage: TImageData; DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight: LongInt; Filter: TResizeFilter): Boolean; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; WorkImage: TImageData; OldFormat: TImageFormat; begin Result := False; OldFormat := ifUnknown; if TestImage(SrcImage) and TestImage(DstImage) then try // Make sure we are still copying image to image, not invalid pointer to protected memory ClipStretchBounds(SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, SrcImage.Width, SrcImage.Height, Rect(0, 0, DstImage.Width, DstImage.Height)); if (SrcWidth = DstWidth) and (SrcHeight = DstHeight) then begin // If source and dest rectangles have the same size call CopyRect Result := CopyRect(SrcImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage, DstX, DstY); end else if (SrcWidth > 0) and (SrcHeight > 0) and (DstWidth > 0) and (DstHeight > 0) then begin // If source and dest rectangles don't have the same size we do stretch Info := ImageFormatInfos[DstImage.Format]; if Info.IsSpecial then begin // If dest image is in special format we convert it to default OldFormat := Info.Format; ConvertImage(DstImage, ifDefault); Info := ImageFormatInfos[DstImage.Format]; end; if SrcImage.Format <> DstImage.Format then begin // If images are in different format source is converted to dest's format InitImage(WorkImage); CloneImage(SrcImage, WorkImage); ConvertImage(WorkImage, DstImage.Format); end else WorkImage := SrcImage; // Only pixel resize is supported for indexed images if Info.IsIndexed then Filter := rfNearest; case Filter of rfNearest: StretchNearest(WorkImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight); rfBilinear: StretchResample(WorkImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, sfLinear); rfBicubic: StretchResample(WorkImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstImage, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, sfCatmullRom); end; // If dest image was in special format we convert it back if OldFormat <> ifUnknown then ConvertImage(DstImage, OldFormat); // Working image must be freed if it is not the same as source image if WorkImage.Bits <> SrcImage.Bits then FreeImage(WorkImage); Result := True; end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorStretchRect, [ImageToStr(SrcImage), ImageToStr(DstImage)]); end; end; procedure GetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); var BytesPerPixel: LongInt; begin Assert(Pixel <> nil); BytesPerPixel := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].BytesPerPixel; CopyPixel(@PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * BytesPerPixel], Pixel, BytesPerPixel); end; procedure SetPixelDirect(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; Pixel: Pointer); var BytesPerPixel: LongInt; begin Assert(Pixel <> nil); BytesPerPixel := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format].BytesPerPixel; CopyPixel(Pixel, @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * BytesPerPixel], BytesPerPixel); end; function GetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColor32Rec; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; Data: PByte; begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Data := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * Info.BytesPerPixel]; Result := GetPixel32Generic(Data, Info, Image.Palette); end; procedure SetPixel32(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColor32Rec); var Info: PImageFormatInfo; Data: PByte; begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Data := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * Info.BytesPerPixel]; SetPixel32Generic(Data, Info, Image.Palette, Color); end; function GetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt): TColorFPRec; var Info: PImageFormatInfo; Data: PByte; begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Data := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * Info.BytesPerPixel]; Result := GetPixelFPGeneric(Data, Info, Image.Palette); end; procedure SetPixelFP(const Image: TImageData; X, Y: LongInt; const Color: TColorFPRec); var Info: PImageFormatInfo; Data: PByte; begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[Image.Format]; Data := @PByteArray(Image.Bits)[(Y * Image.Width + X) * Info.BytesPerPixel]; SetPixelFPGeneric(Data, Info, Image.Palette, Color); end; { Palette Functions } procedure NewPalette(Entries: LongInt; var Pal: PPalette32); begin Assert((Entries > 2) and (Entries <= 65535)); try GetMem(Pal, Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); FillChar(Pal^, Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec), $FF); except RaiseImaging(SErrorNewPalette, [Entries]); end; end; procedure FreePalette(var Pal: PPalette32); begin try FreeMemNil(Pal); except RaiseImaging(SErrorFreePalette, [Pal]); end; end; procedure CopyPalette(SrcPal, DstPal: PPalette32; SrcIdx, DstIdx, Count: LongInt); begin Assert((SrcPal <> nil) and (DstPal <> nil)); Assert((SrcIdx >= 0) and (DstIdx >= 0) and (Count >= 0)); try Move(SrcPal[SrcIdx], DstPal[DstIdx], Count * SizeOf(TColor32Rec)); except RaiseImaging(SErrorCopyPalette, [Count, SrcPal, DstPal]); end; end; function FindColor(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; Color: TColor32): LongInt; var Col: TColor32Rec; I, MinDif, Dif: LongInt; begin Assert(Pal <> nil); Result := -1; Col.Color := Color; try // First try to find exact match for I := 0 to Entries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin if (A = Col.A) and (R = Col.R) and (G = Col.G) and (B = Col.B) then begin Result := I; Exit; end; end; // If exact match was not found, find nearest color MinDif := 1020; for I := 0 to Entries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin Dif := Abs(R - Col.R); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(G - Col.G); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(B - Col.B); if Dif > MinDif then Continue; Dif := Dif + Abs(A - Col.A); if Dif < MinDif then begin MinDif := Dif; Result := I; end; end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorFindColor, [Pal, Entries]); end; end; procedure FillGrayscalePalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt); var I: LongInt; begin Assert(Pal <> nil); try for I := 0 to Entries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin A := $FF; R := Byte(I); G := Byte(I); B := Byte(I); end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorGrayscalePalette, [Pal, Entries]); end; end; procedure FillCustomPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries: LongInt; RBits, GBits, BBits: Byte; Alpha: Byte = $FF); var I, TotalBits, MaxEntries: LongInt; begin Assert(Pal <> nil); TotalBits := RBits + GBits + BBits; MaxEntries := Min(Pow2Int(TotalBits), Entries); FillChar(Pal^, Entries * SizeOf(TColor32Rec), 0); try for I := 0 to MaxEntries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin A := Alpha; if RBits > 0 then R := ((I shr Max(0, GBits + BBits - 1)) and (1 shl RBits - 1)) * 255 div (1 shl RBits - 1); if GBits > 0 then G := ((I shr Max(0, BBits - 1)) and (1 shl GBits - 1)) * 255 div (1 shl GBits - 1); if BBits > 0 then B := ((I shr 0) and (1 shl BBits - 1)) * 255 div (1 shl BBits - 1); end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorCustomPalette, [Pal, Entries]); end; end; procedure SwapChannelsOfPalette(Pal: PPalette32; Entries, SrcChannel, DstChannel: LongInt); var I: LongInt; Swap: Byte; begin Assert(Pal <> nil); Assert((SrcChannel in [0..3]) and (DstChannel in [0..3])); try for I := 0 to Entries - 1 do with Pal[I] do begin Swap := Channels[SrcChannel]; Channels[SrcChannel] := Channels[DstChannel]; Channels[DstChannel] := Swap; end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorSwapPalette, [Pal, Entries]); end; end; { Options Functions } function SetOption(OptionId, Value: LongInt): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (OptionId >= 0) and (OptionId < Length(Options)) and (Options[OptionID] <> nil) then begin Options[OptionID]^ := CheckOptionValue(OptionId, Value); Result := True; end; end; function GetOption(OptionId: LongInt): LongInt; begin Result := InvalidOption; if (OptionId >= 0) and (OptionId < Length(Options)) and (Options[OptionID] <> nil) then begin Result := Options[OptionID]^; end; end; function PushOptions: Boolean; begin Result := OptionStack.Push; end; function PopOptions: Boolean; begin Result := OptionStack.Pop; end; { Image Format Functions } function GetImageFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat; var Info: TImageFormatInfo): Boolean; begin FillChar(Info, SizeOf(Info), 0); if ImageFormatInfos[Format] <> nil then begin Info := ImageFormatInfos[Format]^; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function GetPixelsSize(Format: TImageFormat; Width, Height: LongInt): LongInt; begin if ImageFormatInfos[Format] <> nil then Result := ImageFormatInfos[Format].GetPixelsSize(Format, Width, Height) else Result := 0; end; { IO Functions } procedure SetUserFileIO(OpenReadProc: TOpenReadProc; OpenWriteProc: TOpenWriteProc; CloseProc: TCloseProc; EofProc: TEofProc; SeekProc: TSeekProc; TellProc: TTellProc; ReadProc: TReadProc; WriteProc: TWriteProc); begin FileIO.OpenRead := OpenReadProc; FileIO.OpenWrite := OpenWriteProc; FileIO.Close := CloseProc; FileIO.Eof := EofProc; FileIO.Seek := SeekProc; FileIO.Tell := TellProc; FileIO.Read := ReadProc; FileIO.Write := WriteProc; end; procedure ResetFileIO; begin FileIO := OriginalFileIO; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Imaging Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------} function GetFormatName(Format: TImageFormat): string; begin if ImageFormatInfos[Format] <> nil then Result := ImageFormatInfos[Format].Name else Result := SUnknownFormat; end; function ImageToStr(const Image: TImageData): string; var ImgSize: Integer; begin if TestImage(Image) then with Image do begin ImgSize := Size; if ImgSize > 8192 then ImgSize := ImgSize div 1024; Result := SysUtils.Format(SImageInfo, [@Image, Width, Height, GetFormatName(Format), ImgSize + 0.0, Iff(ImgSize = Size, 'B', 'KiB'), Bits, Palette]); end else Result := SysUtils.Format(SImageInfoInvalid, [@Image]); end; function GetVersionStr: string; begin Result := Format('%.1d.%.2d.%.1d', [ImagingVersionMajor, ImagingVersionMinor, ImagingVersionPatch]); end; function IffFormat(Condition: Boolean; const TruePart, FalsePart: TImageFormat): TImageFormat; begin if Condition then Result := TruePart else Result := FalsePart; end; procedure RegisterImageFileFormat(AClass: TImageFileFormatClass); begin Assert(AClass <> nil); if ImageFileFormats = nil then ImageFileFormats := TList.Create; if ImageFileFormats <> nil then ImageFileFormats.Add(AClass.Create); end; function RegisterOption(OptionId: LongInt; Variable: PLongInt): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Options = nil then InitOptions; Assert(Variable <> nil); if OptionId >= Length(Options) then SetLength(Options, OptionId + InitialOptions); if (OptionId >= 0) and (OptionId < Length(Options)) and (Options[OptionId] = nil) then begin Options[OptionId] := Variable; Result := True; end; end; function FindImageFileFormatByExt(const Ext: string): TImageFileFormat; var I: LongInt; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do if TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]).Extensions.IndexOf(Ext) >= 0 then begin Result := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); Exit; end; end; function FindImageFileFormatByName(const FileName: string): TImageFileFormat; var I: LongInt; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do if TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]).TestFileName(FileName) then begin Result := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]); Exit; end; end; function FindImageFileFormatByClass(AClass: TImageFileFormatClass): TImageFileFormat; var I: LongInt; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do if TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]) is AClass then begin Result := TObject(ImageFileFormats[I]) as TImageFileFormat; Break; end; end; function GetFileFormatCount: LongInt; begin Result := ImageFileFormats.Count; end; function GetFileFormatAtIndex(Index: LongInt): TImageFileFormat; begin if (Index >= 0) and (Index < ImageFileFormats.Count) then Result := TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[Index]) else Result := nil; end; function GetImageFileFormatsFilter(OpenFileFilter: Boolean): string; var I, J, Count: LongInt; Descriptions: string; Filters, CurFilter: string; FileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Descriptions := ''; Filters := ''; Count := 0; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin FileFormat := TObject(ImageFileFormats[I]) as TImageFileFormat; // If we are creating filter for save dialog and this format cannot save // files the we skip it if not OpenFileFilter and not FileFormat.CanSave then Continue; CurFilter := ''; for J := 0 to FileFormat.Masks.Count - 1 do begin CurFilter := CurFilter + FileFormat.Masks[J]; if J < FileFormat.Masks.Count - 1 then CurFilter := CurFilter + ';'; end; FmtStr(Descriptions, '%s%s (%s)|%2:s', [Descriptions, FileFormat.Name, CurFilter]); if Filters <> '' then FmtStr(Filters, '%s;%s', [Filters, CurFilter]) else Filters := CurFilter; if I < ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 then Descriptions := Descriptions + '|'; Inc(Count); end; if (Count > 1) and OpenFileFilter then FmtStr(Descriptions, '%s (%s)|%1:s|%s', [SAllFilter, Filters, Descriptions]); Result := Descriptions; end; function GetFilterIndexExtension(Index: LongInt; OpenFileFilter: Boolean): string; var I, Count: LongInt; FileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin // -1 because filter indices are in 1..n range Index := Index - 1; Result := ''; if OpenFileFilter then begin if Index > 0 then Index := Index - 1; end; if (Index >= 0) and (Index < ImageFileFormats.Count) then begin Count := 0; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin FileFormat := TObject(ImageFileFormats[I]) as TImageFileFormat; if not OpenFileFilter and not FileFormat.CanSave then Continue; if Index = Count then begin if FileFormat.Extensions.Count > 0 then Result := FileFormat.Extensions[0]; Exit; end; Inc(Count); end; end; end; function GetFileNameFilterIndex(const FileName: string; OpenFileFilter: Boolean): LongInt; var I: LongInt; FileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do begin FileFormat := TObject(ImageFileFormats[I]) as TImageFileFormat; if not OpenFileFilter and not FileFormat.CanSave then Continue; if FileFormat.TestFileName(FileName) then begin // +1 because filter indices are in 1..n range Inc(Result); if OpenFileFilter then Inc(Result); Exit; end; Inc(Result); end; Result := -1; end; function GetIO: TIOFunctions; begin Result := IO; end; procedure RaiseImaging(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); var WholeMsg: string; begin WholeMsg := Msg; if GetExceptObject <> nil then WholeMsg := WholeMsg + ' ' + SExceptMsg + ': ' + GetExceptObject.Message; raise EImagingError.CreateFmt(WholeMsg, Args); end; { Internal unit functions } function CheckOptionValue(OptionId, Value: LongInt): LongInt; begin case OptionId of ImagingColorReductionMask: Result := ClampInt(Value, 0, $FF); ImagingLoadOverrideFormat, ImagingSaveOverrideFormat: Result := Iff(ImagingFormats.IsImageFormatValid(TImageFormat(Value)), Value, LongInt(ifUnknown)); ImagingMipMapFilter: Result := ClampInt(Value, Ord(Low(TSamplingFilter)), Ord(High(TSamplingFilter))); else Result := Value; end; end; procedure SetFileIO; begin IO := FileIO; end; procedure SetStreamIO; begin IO := StreamIO; end; procedure SetMemoryIO; begin IO := MemoryIO; end; procedure InitImageFormats; begin ImagingFormats.InitImageFormats(ImageFormatInfos); end; procedure FreeImageFileFormats; var I: LongInt; begin if ImageFileFormats <> nil then for I := 0 to ImageFileFormats.Count - 1 do TImageFileFormat(ImageFileFormats[I]).Free; FreeAndNil(ImageFileFormats); end; procedure InitOptions; begin SetLength(Options, InitialOptions); OptionStack := TOptionStack.Create; end; procedure FreeOptions; begin SetLength(Options, 0); FreeAndNil(OptionStack); end; { TImageFileFormat class implementation } constructor TImageFileFormat.Create; begin inherited Create; FName := SUnknownFormat; FExtensions := TStringList.Create; FMasks := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TImageFileFormat.Destroy; begin FExtensions.Free; FMasks.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TImageFileFormat.PrepareLoad(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstFrame: Boolean): Boolean; begin FreeImagesInArray(Images); SetLength(Images, 0); Result := Handle <> nil; end; function TImageFileFormat.PostLoadCheck(var Images: TDynImageDataArray; LoadResult: Boolean): Boolean; var I: LongInt; begin if not LoadResult then begin FreeImagesInArray(Images); SetLength(Images, 0); Result := False; end else begin Result := (Length(Images) > 0) and TestImagesInArray(Images); if Result then begin // Convert to overriden format if it is set if LoadOverrideFormat <> ifUnknown then for I := Low(Images) to High(Images) do ConvertImage(Images[I], LoadOverrideFormat); end; end; end; function TImageFileFormat.PrepareSave(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; var Index: Integer): Boolean; var Len, I: LongInt; begin CheckOptionsValidity; Result := False; if FCanSave then begin Len := Length(Images); Assert(Len > 0); // If there are no images to be saved exit if Len = 0 then Exit; // Check index of image to be saved (-1 as index means save all images) if FIsMultiImageFormat then begin if (Index >= Len) then Index := 0; if Index < 0 then begin Index := 0; FFirstIdx := 0; FLastIdx := Len - 1; end else begin FFirstIdx := Index; FLastIdx := Index; end; for I := FFirstIdx to FLastIdx - 1 do if not TestImage(Images[I]) then Exit; end else begin if (Index >= Len) or (Index < 0) then Index := 0; if not TestImage(Images[Index]) then Exit; end; Result := True; end; end; procedure TImageFileFormat.AddMasks(const AMasks: string); var I: LongInt; Ext: string; begin FExtensions.Clear; FMasks.CommaText := AMasks; FMasks.Delimiter := ';'; for I := 0 to FMasks.Count - 1 do begin FMasks[I] := Trim(FMasks[I]); Ext := GetFileExt(FMasks[I]); if (Ext <> '') and (Ext <> '*') then FExtensions.Add(Ext); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.GetFormatInfo(Format: TImageFormat): TImageFormatInfo; begin Result := ImageFormatInfos[Format]^; end; function TImageFileFormat.GetSupportedFormats: TImageFormats; begin Result := FSupportedFormats; end; function TImageFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstFrame: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; RaiseImaging(SFileFormatCanNotLoad, [FName]); end; function TImageFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean; begin Result := False; RaiseImaging(SFileFormatCanNotSave, [FName]); end; procedure TImageFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData; const Info: TImageFormatInfo); begin end; function TImageFileFormat.IsSupported(const Image: TImageData): Boolean; begin Result := Image.Format in GetSupportedFormats; end; function TImageFileFormat.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; begin Result := False; if FCanLoad then try // Set IO ops to file ops and open given file SetFileIO; Handle := IO.OpenRead(PChar(FileName)); try // Test if file contains valid image and if so then load it if TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := PrepareLoad(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstLevel) and LoadData(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstlevel); Result := Result and PostLoadCheck(Images, Result); end else RaiseImaging(SFileNotValid, [FileName, Name]); finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorLoadingFile, [FileName, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; OldPosition: Int64; begin Result := False; OldPosition := Stream.Position; if FCanLoad then try // Set IO ops to stream ops and "open" given memory SetStreamIO; Handle := IO.OpenRead(Pointer(Stream)); try // Test if stream contains valid image and if so then load it if TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := PrepareLoad(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstLevel) and LoadData(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstlevel); Result := Result and PostLoadCheck(Images, Result); end else RaiseImaging(SStreamNotValid, [@Stream, Name]); finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except Stream.Position := OldPosition; RaiseImaging(SErrorLoadingStream, [@Stream, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.LoadFromMemory(Data: Pointer; Size: LongInt; var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; IORec: TMemoryIORec; begin Result := False; if FCanLoad then try // Set IO ops to memory ops and "open" given memory SetMemoryIO; IORec := PrepareMemIO(Data, Size); Handle := IO.OpenRead(@IORec); try // Test if memory contains valid image and if so then load it if TestFormat(Handle) then begin Result := PrepareLoad(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstLevel) and LoadData(Handle, Images, OnlyFirstlevel); Result := Result and PostLoadCheck(Images, Result); end else RaiseImaging(SMemoryNotValid, [Data, Size, Name]); finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorLoadingMemory, [Data, Size, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.SaveToFile(const FileName: string; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; Len, Index, I: LongInt; Ext, FName: string; begin Result := False; if FCanSave and TestImagesInArray(Images) then try SetFileIO; Len := Length(Images); if FIsMultiImageFormat or (not FIsMultiImageFormat and (OnlyFirstLevel or (Len = 1))) then begin Handle := IO.OpenWrite(PChar(FileName)); try if OnlyFirstLevel then Index := 0 else Index := -1; // Write multi image to one file Result := PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); finally IO.Close(Handle); end; end else begin // Write multi image to file sequence Ext := ExtractFileExt(FileName); FName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, ''); Result := True; for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin Handle := IO.OpenWrite(PChar(Format(FName + '%.3d' + Ext, [I]))); try Index := I; Result := Result and PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); if not Result then Break; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; end; end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorSavingFile, [FileName, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; Len, Index, I: LongInt; OldPosition: Int64; begin Result := False; OldPosition := Stream.Position; if FCanSave and TestImagesInArray(Images) then try SetStreamIO; Handle := IO.OpenWrite(PChar(Stream)); try if FIsMultiImageFormat or OnlyFirstLevel then begin if OnlyFirstLevel then Index := 0 else Index := -1; // Write multi image in one run Result := PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); end else begin // Write multi image to sequence Result := True; Len := Length(Images); for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin Index := I; Result := Result and PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); if not Result then Break; end; end; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except Stream.Position := OldPosition; RaiseImaging(SErrorSavingStream, [@Stream, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.SaveToMemory(Data: Pointer; var Size: LongInt; const Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; var Handle: TImagingHandle; Len, Index, I: LongInt; IORec: TMemoryIORec; begin Result := False; if FCanSave and TestImagesInArray(Images) then try SetMemoryIO; IORec := PrepareMemIO(Data, Size); Handle := IO.OpenWrite(PChar(@IORec)); try if FIsMultiImageFormat or OnlyFirstLevel then begin if OnlyFirstLevel then Index := 0 else Index := -1; // Write multi image in one run Result := PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); end else begin // Write multi image to sequence Result := True; Len := Length(Images); for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin Index := I; Result := Result and PrepareSave(Handle, Images, Index) and SaveData(Handle, Images, Index); if not Result then Break; end; end; Size := IORec.Position; finally IO.Close(Handle); end; except RaiseImaging(SErrorSavingMemory, [Data, Size, FExtensions[0]]); end; end; function TImageFileFormat.MakeCompatible(const Image: TImageData; var Compatible: TImageData; out MustBeFreed: Boolean): Boolean; begin InitImage(Compatible); if SaveOverrideFormat <> ifUnknown then begin // Save format override is active. Clone input and convert it to override format. CloneImage(Image, Compatible); ConvertImage(Compatible, SaveOverrideFormat); // Now check if override format is supported by file format. If it is not // then file format specific conversion (virtual method) is called. Result := IsSupported(Compatible); if not Result then begin ConvertToSupported(Compatible, GetFormatInfo(Compatible.Format)); Result := IsSupported(Compatible); end; end // Add IsCompatible function! not only checking by Format else if IsSupported(Image) then begin // No save format override and input is in format supported by this // file format. Just copy Image's fields to Compatible Compatible := Image; Result := True; end else begin // No override and input's format is not compatible with file format. // Clone it and the call file format specific conversion (virtual method). CloneImage(Image, Compatible); ConvertToSupported(Compatible, GetFormatInfo(Compatible.Format)); Result := IsSupported(Compatible); end; // Tell the user that he must free Compatible after he's done with it // (if necessary). MustBeFreed := Image.Bits <> Compatible.Bits; end; function TImageFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TImageFileFormat.TestFileName(const FileName: string): Boolean; var I: LongInt; OnlyName: string; begin OnlyName := ExtractFileName(FileName); // For each mask test if filename matches it for I := 0 to FMasks.Count - 1 do if MatchFileNameMask(OnlyName, FMasks[I], False) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; Result := False; end; procedure TImageFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity; begin end; { TOptionStack class implementation } constructor TOptionStack.Create; begin inherited Create; FPosition := -1; end; destructor TOptionStack.Destroy; var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to OptionStackDepth - 1 do SetLength(FStack[I], 0); inherited Destroy; end; function TOptionStack.Pop: Boolean; var I: LongInt; begin Result := False; if FPosition >= 0 then begin SetLength(Options, Length(FStack[FPosition])); for I := 0 to Length(FStack[FPosition]) - 1 do if Options[I] <> nil then Options[I]^ := FStack[FPosition, I]; Dec(FPosition); Result := True; end; end; function TOptionStack.Push: Boolean; var I: LongInt; begin Result := False; if FPosition < OptionStackDepth - 1 then begin Inc(FPosition); SetLength(FStack[FPosition], Length(Options)); for I := 0 to Length(Options) - 1 do if Options[I] <> nil then FStack[FPosition, I] := Options[I]^; Result := True; end; end; initialization {$IFDEF MEMCHECK} {$IF CompilerVersion >= 18} System.ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; {$IFEND} {$ENDIF} if ImageFileFormats = nil then ImageFileFormats := TList.Create; InitImageFormats; RegisterOption(ImagingColorReductionMask, @ColorReductionMask); RegisterOption(ImagingLoadOverrideFormat, @LoadOverrideFormat); RegisterOption(ImagingSaveOverrideFormat, @SaveOverrideFormat); RegisterOption(ImagingMipMapFilter, @MipMapFilter); finalization FreeOptions; FreeImageFileFormats; { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.24.3 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - GenerateMipMaps now generates all smaller levels from original big image (better results when using more advanced filters). Also conversion to compatible image format is now done here not in FillMipMapLevel (that is called for every mipmap level). -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - MakePaletteForImages now works correctly for indexed and special format images - Fixed bug in StretchRect: Image was not properly stretched if src and dst dimensions differed only in height. - ConvertImage now fills new image with zeroes to avoid random data in some conversions (RGB->XRGB) - Changed RegisterOption procedure to function - Changed bunch of palette functions from low level interface to procedure (there was no reason for them to be functions). - Changed FreeImage and FreeImagesInArray functions to procedures. - Added many assertions, come try-finally, other checks, and small code and doc changes. -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - GenerateMipMaps threw failed assertion when input was indexed or special, fixed. - Added CheckOptionsValidity to TImageFileFormat and its decendants. - Unit ImagingExtras which registers file formats in Extras package is now automatically added to uses clause if LINK_EXTRAS symbol is defined in ImagingOptions.inc file. - Added EnumFileFormats function to low level interface. - Fixed bug in SwapChannels which could cause AV when swapping alpha channel of A8R8G8B8 images. - Converting loaded images to ImagingOverrideFormat is now done in PostLoadCheck method to avoid code duplicity. - Added GetFileFormatCount and GetFileFormatAtIndex functions - Bug in ConvertImage: if some format was converted to similar format only with swapped channels (R16G16B16<>B16G16R16) then channels were swapped correctly but new data format (swapped one) was not set. - Made TImageFileFormat.MakeCompatible public non-virtual method (and modified its function). Created new virtual ConvertToSupported which should be overriden by descendants. Main reason for doint this is to avoid duplicate code that was in all TImageFileFormat's descendants. - Changed TImageFileFormat.GetFormatInfo's result type to TImageFormatInfo. - Split overloaded FindImageFileFormat functions to FindImageFileFormatByClass and FindImageFileFormatByExt and created new FindImageFileFormatByName which operates on whole filenames. - Function GetExtensionFilterIndex renamed to GetFileNameFilterIndex (because it now works with filenames not extensions). - DetermineFileFormat now first searches by filename and if not found then by data. - Added TestFileName method to TImageFileFormat. - Updated GetImageFileFormatsFilter to uses Masks instead of Extensions property of TImageFileFormat. Also you can now request OpenDialog and SaveDialog type filters - Added Masks property and AddMasks method to TImageFileFormat. AddMasks replaces AddExtensions, it uses filename masks instead of sime filename extensions to identify supported files. - Changed TImageFileFormat.LoadData procedure to function and moved varios duplicate code from its descandats (check index,...) here to TImageFileFormat helper methods. - Changed TImageFileFormat.SaveData procedure to function and moved varios duplicate code from its descandats (check index,...) here to TImageFileFormat helper methods. - Removed RAISE_EXCEPTIONS define, exceptions are now raised everytime - Added MustBeFreed parameter to TImageFileFormat.MakeComptible method that indicates that compatible image returned by this method must be freed after its usage. -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - fixed bug in NewImage: if given format was ifDefault it wasn't replaced with DefaultImageFormat constant which caused problems later in other units - fixed bug in RotateImage which caused that rotated special format images were whole black - LoadImageFromXXX and LoadMultiImageFromXXX now use DetermineXXXFormat when choosing proper loader, this eliminated need for Ext parameter in stream and memory loading functions - added GetVersionStr function - fixed bug in ResizeImage which caued indexed images to lose their palette during process resulting in whole black image - Clipping in ...Rect functions now uses clipping procs from ImagingUtility, it also works better - FillRect optimization for 8, 16, and 32 bit formats - added pixel set/get functions to low level interface: GetPixelDirect, SetPixelDirect, GetPixel32, SetPixel32, GetPixelFP, SetPixelFP - removed GetPixelBytes low level intf function - redundant (same data can be obtained by GetImageFormatInfo) - made small changes in many parts of library to compile on AMD64 CPU (Linux with FPC) - changed InitImage to procedure (function was pointless) - Method TestFormat of TImageFileFormat class made public (was protected) - added function IsFileFormatSupported to low level interface (contributed by Paul Michell) - fixed some missing format arguments from error strings which caused Format function to raise exception - removed forgotten debug code that disabled filtered resizing of images with channel bitcounts > 8 -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - changed order of parameters of CopyRect function - GenerateMipMaps now filters mipmap levels - ResizeImage functions was extended to allow bilinear and bicubic filtering - added StretchRect function to low level interface - added functions GetImageFileFormatsFilter, GetFilterIndexExtension, and GetExtensionFilterIndex -- 0.15 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added function RotateImage to low level interface - moved TImageFormatInfo record and types required by it to ImagingTypes unit, changed GetImageFormatInfo low level interface function to return TImageFormatInfo instead of short info - added checking of options values validity before they are used - fixed possible memory leak in CloneImage - added ReplaceColor function to low level interface - new function FindImageFileFormat by class added -- 0.13 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added DetermineFileFormat, DetermineStreamFormat, DetermineMemoryFormat, GetPixelsSize functions to low level interface - added NewPalette, CopyPalette, FreePalette functions to low level interface - added MapImageToPalette, FillRect, SplitImage, MakePaletteForImages functions to low level interface - fixed buggy FillCustomPalette function (possible div by zero and others) - added CopyRect function to low level interface - Member functions of TImageFormatInfo record implemented for all formats - before saving images TestImagesInArray is called now - added TestImagesInArray function to low level interface - added GenerateMipMaps function to low level interface - stream position in load/save from/to stream is now set to position before function was called if error occurs - when error occured during load/save from/to file file handle was not released - CloneImage returned always False } end.