(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2009 Andreas Schneider *) unit ULandscape; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, math, LCLIntf, GL, GLu, ImagingOpenGL, Imaging, ImagingClasses, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility, UGenericIndex, UMap, UStatics, UArt, UTexture, UTiledata, UHue, UWorldItem, UMulBlock, UAnimData, UVector, UEnhancedMemoryStream, UGLFont, UCacheManager; type PNormals = ^TNormals; TNormals = array[0..3] of TVector; PRadarBlock = ^TRadarBlock; TRadarBlock = array[0..7, 0..7] of Word; { TMaterial } //TODO : add ref counting TMaterial = class destructor Destroy; override; protected FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; FRealWidth: Integer; FRealHeight: Integer; FTexture: TGLuint; FGraphic: TMultiImage; function GetTexture: GLuint; virtual; procedure UpdateTexture; public property Width: Integer read FWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight; property RealWidth: Integer read FRealWidth; property RealHeight: Integer read FRealHeight; property Texture: GLuint read GetTexture; function HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; end; { TSimpleMaterial } TSimpleMaterial = class(TMaterial) constructor Create(AGraphic: TBaseImage); end; { TAnimMaterial } TAnimMaterial = class(TMaterial) constructor Create(ABaseID: Word; AAnimData: TAnimData; AHue: THue = nil; APartialHue: Boolean = False); protected FNextChange: DWord; FAnimData: TAnimData; function GetTexture: GLuint; override; end; TMaterialCache = specialize TCacheManager; { TLandTextureManager } TLandTextureManager = class constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; protected FArtCache: TMaterialCache; FFlatLandArtCache: TMaterialCache; FTexCache: TMaterialCache; FAnimations: TMaterialCache; public function GetArtMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; overload; function GetArtMaterial(ATileID: Word; AHue: THue; APartialHue: Boolean): TMaterial; overload; function GetFlatLandMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; function GetStaticMaterial(AStaticItem: TStaticItem; AOverrideHue: Integer = -1): TMaterial; function GetTexMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; end; { TSeperatedStaticBlock } TSeperatedStaticBlock = class(TStaticBlock) constructor Create(AData: TStream; AIndex: TGenericIndex; AX, AY: Word); overload; constructor Create(AData: TStream; AIndex: TGenericIndex); overload; destructor Destroy; override; public Cells: array[0..63] of TStaticItemList; { Methods } function Clone: TSeperatedStaticBlock; override; function GetSize: Integer; override; procedure RebuildList; end; TLandscape = class; { TBlock } TBlock = class constructor Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock); destructor Destroy; override; protected { Fields } FMapBlock: TMapBlock; FStaticBlock: TStaticBlock; public { Fields } property Map: TMapBlock read FMapBlock; property Static: TStaticBlock read FStaticBlock; { Methods } procedure UpdateBlockAcess(ALandscape: TLandscape); end; TLandscapeChangeEvent = procedure of object; TMapChangedEvent = procedure(AMapCell: TMapCell) of object; TNewBlockEvent = procedure(ABlock: TBlock) of object; TStaticChangedEvent = procedure(AStaticItem: TStaticItem) of object; TScreenBuffer = class; TBlockCache = specialize TCacheManager; { TLandscape } TLandscape = class constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: Word); destructor Destroy; override; protected { Members } FWidth: Word; FHeight: Word; FCellWidth: Word; FCellHeight: Word; FBlockCache: TBlockCache; FOnChange: TLandscapeChangeEvent; FOnMapChanged: TMapChangedEvent; FOnNewBlock: TNewBlockEvent; FOnStaticInserted: TStaticChangedEvent; FOnStaticDeleted: TStaticChangedEvent; FOnStaticElevated: TStaticChangedEvent; FOnStaticHued: TStaticChangedEvent; FOpenRequests: TBits; FWriteMap: TBits; { Methods } function GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock; function GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell; function GetNormals(AX, AY: Word): TNormals; function GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock; function GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TStaticItemList; { Events } procedure OnRemoveCachedObject(ABlock: TBlock); procedure OnBlocksPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); procedure OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); public { Fields } property Width: Word read FWidth; property Height: Word read FHeight; property CellWidth: Word read FCellWidth; property CellHeight: Word read FCellHeight; property MapCell[X, Y: Word]: TMapCell read GetMapCell; property StaticList[X, Y: Word]: TStaticItemList read GetStaticList; property Normals[X, Y: Word]: TNormals read GetNormals; property OnChange: TLandscapeChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnMapChanged: TMapChangedEvent read FOnMapChanged write FOnMapChanged; property OnNewBlock: TNewBlockEvent read FOnNewBlock write FOnNewBlock; property OnStaticInserted: TStaticChangedEvent read FOnStaticInserted write FOnStaticInserted; property OnStaticDeleted: TStaticChangedEvent read FOnStaticDeleted write FOnStaticDeleted; property OnStaticElevated: TStaticChangedEvent read FOnStaticElevated write FOnStaticElevated; property OnStaticHued: TStaticChangedEvent read FOnStaticHued write FOnStaticHued; { Methods } function CanWrite(AX, AY: Word): Boolean; procedure FillDrawList(ADrawList: TScreenBuffer; AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Word; AMap, AStatics: Boolean; ANoDraw: Boolean; AAdditionalTiles: TWorldItemList = nil); function GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt; function GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt; procedure GetNormals(AX, AY: Word; var ANormals: TNormals); procedure MoveStatic(AStatic: TStaticItem; AX, AY: Word); procedure PrepareBlocks(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Word); procedure UpdateBlockAccess; procedure UpdateWriteMap(AStream: TEnhancedMemoryStream); end; { TGLText } TGLText = class constructor Create(AFont: TGLFont; AText: String); protected FFont: TGLFont; FText: String; FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; public procedure Render(AScreenRect: TRect); end; TScreenState = (ssNormal, ssFiltered, ssGhost); PBlockInfo = ^TBlockInfo; TBlockInfo = record ScreenRect: TRect; DrawQuad: array[0..3,0..1] of TGLint; RealQuad: array[0..3,0..1] of TGLint; Item: TWorldItem; HighRes: TMaterial; LowRes: TMaterial; Normals: PNormals; State: TScreenState; Highlighted: Boolean; HueOverride: Boolean; CheckRealQuad: Boolean; Translucent: Boolean; Text: TGLText; Next: PBlockInfo; end; { TScreenBuffer } TScreenBuffer = class constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; protected { Members } FCount: Cardinal; FShortCuts: array[-1..10] of PBlockInfo; //-1 = last, 0 = first, 1..10 = other shortcuts FShortCutsValid: Boolean; FSerial: Cardinal; public { Methods } function Add(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; procedure Clear; procedure Delete(AItem: TWorldItem); function Find(AScreenPosition: TPoint): PBlockInfo; function GetSerial: Cardinal; function Insert(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; function Iterate(var ABlockInfo: PBlockInfo): Boolean; procedure UpdateShortcuts; function UpdateSortOrder(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; { Events } procedure OnTileRemoved(ATile: TMulBlock); end; TStaticInfo = packed record X: Word; Y: Word; Z: ShortInt; TileID: Word; Hue: Word; end; implementation uses UGameResources, UdmNetwork, UPackets, UPacketHandlers, Logging; function GetID(AX, AY: Word): Integer; inline; begin Result := (AX shl 16) or AY; end; { TLandTextureManager } constructor TLandTextureManager.Create; begin inherited Create; FArtCache := TMaterialCache.Create(1024); FFlatLandArtCache := TMaterialCache.Create(128); FTexCache := TMaterialCache.Create(128); FAnimations := TMaterialCache.Create(128); end; destructor TLandTextureManager.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FArtCache); FreeAndNil(FFlatLandArtCache); FreeAndNil(FTexCache); FreeAndNil(FAnimations); inherited Destroy; end; function TLandTextureManager.GetArtMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; var artEntry: TArt; animData: TAnimData; begin Result := nil; if (ATileID >= $4000) and (tdfAnimation in ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[ATileID -$4000].Flags) then begin animData := ResMan.Animdata.AnimData[ATileID - $4000]; if (animData.FrameCount > 0) and not FAnimations.QueryID(ATileID, Result) then begin Result := TAnimMaterial.Create(ATileID, animData); FAnimations.StoreID(ATileID, Result); end; end; if (Result = nil) and not FArtCache.QueryID(ATileID, Result) then begin artEntry := TArt(ResMan.Art.Block[ATileID]); Result := TSimpleMaterial.Create(artEntry.Graphic); FArtCache.StoreID(ATileID, Result); artEntry.Free; end; end; function TLandTextureManager.GetArtMaterial(ATileID: Word; AHue: THue; APartialHue: Boolean): TMaterial; var artEntry: TArt; animData: TAnimData; id: Integer; begin if AHue = nil then begin Result := GetArtMaterial(ATileID); end else begin Result := nil; id := ATileID or ((AHue.ID and $3FFF) shl 16) or (Byte(APartialHue) shl 30); if (ATileID >= $4000) and (tdfAnimation in ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[ATileID -$4000].Flags) then begin animData := ResMan.Animdata.AnimData[ATileID - $4000]; if (animData.FrameCount > 0) and not FAnimations.QueryID(id, Result) then begin Result := TAnimMaterial.Create(ATileID, animData, AHue, APartialHue); FAnimations.StoreID(id, Result); end; end; if (Result = nil) and not FArtCache.QueryID(id, Result) then begin artEntry := ResMan.Art.GetArt(ATileID, 0, AHue, APartialHue); Result := TSimpleMaterial.Create(artEntry.Graphic); FArtCache.StoreID(id, Result); artEntry.Free; end; end; end; function TLandTextureManager.GetFlatLandMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; var artEntry: TArt; begin if not FFlatLandArtCache.QueryID(ATileID, Result) then begin artEntry := ResMan.Art.GetFlatLand(ATileID); Result := TSimpleMaterial.Create(artEntry.Graphic); FFlatLandArtCache.StoreID(ATileID, Result); artEntry.Free; end; end; function TLandTextureManager.GetStaticMaterial(AStaticItem: TStaticItem; AOverrideHue: Integer = -1): TMaterial; var staticTiledata: TStaticTiledata; hue: THue; begin staticTiledata := ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[AStaticItem.TileID]; if AOverrideHue < 0 then AOverrideHue := AStaticItem.Hue; if AOverrideHue > 0 then hue := ResMan.Hue.Hues[AOverrideHue] else hue := nil; Result := GetArtMaterial($4000 + AStaticItem.TileID, hue, tdfPartialHue in staticTiledata.Flags); end; function TLandTextureManager.GetTexMaterial(ATileID: Word): TMaterial; var texEntry: TTexture; texID: Integer; begin if not FTexCache.QueryID(ATileID, Result) then begin texID := ResMan.Tiledata.LandTiles[ATileID].TextureID; if texID > 0 then begin texEntry := TTexture(ResMan.Texmaps.Block[texID]); Result := TSimpleMaterial.Create(texEntry.Graphic); FTexCache.StoreID(ATileID, Result); texEntry.Free; end else Result := nil; end; end; { TSeperatedStaticBlock } constructor TSeperatedStaticBlock.Create(AData: TStream; AIndex: TGenericIndex; AX, AY: Word); var i: Integer; item: TStaticItem; block: TMemoryStream; begin inherited Create; FItems := TStaticItemList.Create(False); FX := AX; FY := AY; for i := 0 to 63 do Cells[i] := TStaticItemList.Create; if (AData <> nil) and (AIndex.Lookup > 0) and (AIndex.Size > 0) then begin AData.Position := AIndex.Lookup; block := TMemoryStream.Create; block.CopyFrom(AData, AIndex.Size); block.Position := 0; for i := 1 to (AIndex.Size div 7) do begin item := TStaticItem.Create(Self, block, AX, AY); Cells[(item.Y mod 8) * 8 + (item.X mod 8)].Add(item); end; block.Free; end; end; constructor TSeperatedStaticBlock.Create(AData: TStream; AIndex: TGenericIndex); begin Create(AData, AIndex, 0, 0); end; destructor TSeperatedStaticBlock.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin FreeAndNil(FItems); for i := 0 to 63 do begin if Cells[i] <> nil then FreeAndNil(Cells[i]); end; inherited Destroy; end; function TSeperatedStaticBlock.Clone: TSeperatedStaticBlock; begin raise Exception.Create('TSeperatedStaticBlock.Clone is not implemented (yet).'); end; function TSeperatedStaticBlock.GetSize: Integer; begin RebuildList; Result := inherited GetSize; end; procedure TSeperatedStaticBlock.RebuildList; var i, j, solver: Integer; begin FItems.Clear; solver := 0; for i := 0 to 63 do begin if Cells[i] <> nil then begin for j := 0 to Cells[i].Count - 1 do begin FItems.Add(Cells[i].Items[j]); TStaticItem(Cells[i].Items[j]).UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[TStaticItem(Cells[i].Items[j]).TileID], solver); Inc(solver); end; end; end; Sort; end; { TBlock } constructor TBlock.Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock); begin inherited Create; FMapBlock := AMap; FStaticBlock := AStatics; end; destructor TBlock.Destroy; begin if FMapBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FMapBlock); if FStaticBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStaticBlock); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TBlock.UpdateBlockAcess(ALandscape: TLandscape); var staticItem: TStaticItem; i: Integer; begin for i := Low(FMapBlock.Cells) to High(FMapBlock.Cells) do begin FMapBlock.Cells[i].CanBeEdited := ALandscape.CanWrite(FMapBlock.Cells[i].X, FMapBlock.Cells[i].Y); end; if FStaticBlock is TSeperatedStaticBlock then TSeperatedStaticBlock(FStaticBlock).RebuildList; //fill items for i := 0 to FStaticBlock.Items.Count - 1 do begin staticItem := FStaticBlock.Items[i]; staticItem.CanBeEdited := ALandscape.CanWrite(staticItem.X, staticItem.Y); end; end; { TLandscape } constructor TLandscape.Create(AWidth, AHeight: Word); var i: Integer; begin inherited Create; FWidth := AWidth; FHeight := AHeight; FCellWidth := FWidth * 8; FCellHeight := FHeight * 8; FBlockCache := TBlockCache.Create(256); FBlockCache.OnRemoveObject := @OnRemoveCachedObject; FOnChange := nil; FOnNewBlock := nil; FOnStaticDeleted := nil; FOnStaticElevated := nil; FOnStaticHued := nil; FOnStaticInserted := nil; FOpenRequests := TBits.Create(FWidth * FHeight); FOpenRequests.Clearall; //set all to 0 FWriteMap := TBits.Create(FCellWidth * FCellHeight); for i := 0 to FWriteMap.Size - 1 do FWriteMap[i] := True; RegisterPacketHandler($04, TPacketHandler.Create(0, @OnBlocksPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($06, TPacketHandler.Create(8, @OnDrawMapPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($07, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnInsertStaticPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($08, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnDeleteStaticPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($09, TPacketHandler.Create(11, @OnElevateStaticPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($0A, TPacketHandler.Create(14, @OnMoveStaticPacket)); RegisterPacketHandler($0B, TPacketHandler.Create(12, @OnHueStaticPacket)); end; destructor TLandscape.Destroy; begin if FBlockCache <> nil then begin FBlockCache.OnRemoveObject := nil; FreeAndNil(FBlockCache); end; FreeAndNil(FOpenRequests); FreeAndNil(FWriteMap); RegisterPacketHandler($04, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($06, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($07, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($08, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($09, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($0A, nil); RegisterPacketHandler($0B, nil); inherited Destroy; end; function TLandscape.GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock; var block: TBlock; begin Result := nil; if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then begin if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), block) then Result := block.Map; end; end; function TLandscape.GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell; var block: TMapBlock; begin Result := nil; if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then begin block := GetMapBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8); if block <> nil then Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8]; end; end; function TLandscape.GetNormals(AX, AY: Word): TNormals; begin GetNormals(AX, AY, Result); end; function TLandscape.GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock; var block: TBlock; begin Result := nil; if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then begin if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), block) then Result := TSeperatedStaticBlock(block.Static); end; end; function TLandscape.GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TStaticItemList; var block: TSeperatedStaticBlock; begin Result := nil; if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then begin block := GetStaticBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8); if block <> nil then Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8]; end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnRemoveCachedObject(ABlock: TBlock); begin if ABlock <> nil then dmNetwork.Send(TFreeBlockPacket.Create(ABlock.Map.X, ABlock.Map.Y)); end; procedure TLandscape.OnBlocksPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var index: TGenericIndex; map: TMapBlock; statics: TStaticBlock; coords: TBlockCoords; count: Word; id: Integer; block: TBlock; begin index := TGenericIndex.Create(nil); while ABuffer.Position < ABuffer.Size do begin ABuffer.Read(coords, SizeOf(TBlockCoords)); id := GetID(coords.X, coords.Y); map := TMapBlock.Create(ABuffer, coords.X, coords.Y); count := ABuffer.ReadWord; if count > 0 then index.Lookup := ABuffer.Position else index.Lookup := -1; index.Size := count * 7; statics := TSeperatedStaticBlock.Create(ABuffer, index, coords.X, coords.Y); FBlockCache.RemoveID(id); block := TBlock.Create(map, statics); block.UpdateBlockAcess(Self); FBlockCache.StoreID(id, block); FOpenRequests[coords.Y * FWidth + coords.X] := False; if Assigned(FOnNewBlock) then FOnNewBlock(block); end; index.Free; end; procedure TLandscape.OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var x, y: Word; cell: TMapCell; begin x := ABuffer.ReadWord; y := ABuffer.ReadWord; cell := GetMapCell(x, y); if cell <> nil then begin cell.Altitude := ABuffer.ReadShortInt; cell.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord; if Assigned(FOnMapChanged) then FOnMapChanged(cell); end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var x, y: Word; block: TSeperatedStaticBlock; staticItem: TStaticItem; targetStaticList: TStaticItemList; i: Integer; begin x := ABuffer.ReadWord; y := ABuffer.ReadWord; block := GetStaticBlock(x div 8, y div 8); if block <> nil then begin staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0); staticItem.X := x; staticItem.Y := y; staticItem.Z := ABuffer.ReadShortInt; staticItem.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord; staticItem.Hue := ABuffer.ReadWord; targetStaticList := block.Cells[(y mod 8) * 8 + x mod 8]; targetStaticList.Add(staticItem); for i := 0 to targetStaticList.Count - 1 do targetStaticList.Items[i].UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[targetStaticList.Items[i].TileID], i); targetStaticList.Sort(@CompareStaticItems); staticItem.Owner := block; staticItem.CanBeEdited := CanWrite(x, y); if Assigned(FOnStaticInserted) then FOnStaticInserted(staticItem); end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var block: TSeperatedStaticBlock; i: Integer; statics: TStaticItemList; staticInfo: TStaticInfo; staticItem: TStaticItem; begin ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo)); block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8); if block <> nil then begin statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8]; for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do begin staticItem := statics.Items[i]; if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then begin if Assigned(FOnStaticDeleted) then FOnStaticDeleted(staticItem); staticItem.Delete; statics.Delete(i); Break; end; end; end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var block: TSeperatedStaticBlock; i,j : Integer; statics: TStaticItemList; staticInfo: TStaticInfo; staticItem: TStaticItem; begin ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo)); block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8); if block <> nil then begin statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8]; for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do begin staticItem := statics.Items[i]; if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then begin staticItem.Z := ABuffer.ReadShortInt; for j := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do statics.Items[j].UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[statics.Items[j].TileID], j); statics.Sort(@CompareStaticItems); if Assigned(FOnStaticElevated) then FOnStaticElevated(staticItem); Break; end; end; end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var sourceBlock, targetBlock: TSeperatedStaticBlock; i: Integer; statics: TStaticItemList; staticInfo: TStaticInfo; staticItem: TStaticItem; newX, newY: Word; begin staticItem := nil; ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo)); newX := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellWidth - 1); newY := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellHeight - 1); sourceBlock := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8); targetBlock := GetStaticBlock(newX div 8, newY div 8); if sourceBlock <> nil then begin statics := sourceBlock.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8]; i := 0; while (i < statics.Count) and (staticItem = nil) do begin staticItem := statics.Items[i]; if (staticItem.Z <> staticInfo.Z) or (staticItem.TileID <> staticInfo.TileID) or (staticItem.Hue <> staticInfo.Hue) then begin staticItem := nil; end; Inc(i); end; if staticItem <> nil then begin if Assigned(FOnStaticDeleted) then FOnStaticDeleted(staticItem); staticItem.Delete; statics.Remove(staticItem); end; end; if targetBlock <> nil then begin staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0); staticItem.X := newX; staticItem.Y := newY; staticItem.Z := staticInfo.Z; staticItem.TileID := staticInfo.TileID; staticItem.Hue := staticInfo.Hue; statics := targetBlock.Cells[(newY mod 8) * 8 + newX mod 8]; statics.Add(staticItem); for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]).UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]).TileID], i); statics.Sort(@CompareStaticItems); staticItem.Owner := targetBlock; staticItem.CanBeEdited := CanWrite(newX, newY); if Assigned(FOnStaticInserted) then FOnStaticInserted(staticItem); end; end; procedure TLandscape.OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var block: TSeperatedStaticBlock; i : Integer; statics: TStaticItemList; staticInfo: TStaticInfo; staticItem: TStaticItem; begin ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo)); block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8); if block <> nil then begin statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8]; for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do begin staticItem := statics.Items[i]; if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then begin staticItem.Hue := ABuffer.ReadWord; if Assigned(FOnStaticHued) then FOnStaticHued(staticItem); Break; end; end; end; end; function TLandscape.CanWrite(AX, AY: Word): Boolean; begin Result := FWriteMap[AX * FCellHeight + AY]; end; procedure TLandscape.FillDrawList(ADrawList: TScreenBuffer; AX, AY, AWidth, AHeight: Word; AMap, AStatics: Boolean; ANoDraw: Boolean; AAdditionalTiles: TWorldItemList = nil); var drawMapCell: TMapCell; drawStatics: TStaticItemList; i, x, y: Integer; tempDrawList: TWorldItemList; begin ADrawList.Clear; tempDrawList := TWorldItemList.Create(False);; for x := AX to AX + AWidth do begin for y := AY to AY + AWidth do begin if AMap then begin drawMapCell := GetMapCell(x, y); if (drawMapCell <> nil) and (ANoDraw or (drawMapCell.TileID > 2)) then begin drawMapCell.Priority := GetEffectiveAltitude(drawMapCell); drawMapCell.PriorityBonus := 0; drawMapCell.PrioritySolver := 0; tempDrawList.Add(drawMapCell); end; end; if AStatics then begin drawStatics := GetStaticList(x, y); if drawStatics <> nil then for i := 0 to drawStatics.Count - 1 do begin drawStatics[i].UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[drawStatics[i].TileID], ADrawList.GetSerial); tempDrawList.Add(drawStatics[i]); end; end; end; end; for i := 0 to AAdditionalTiles.Count - 1 do tempDrawList.Add(AAdditionalTiles[i]); tempDrawList.Sort(@CompareWorldItems); for i := 0 to tempDrawList.Count - 1 do ADrawList.Add(TWorldItem(tempDrawList[i])); tempDrawList.Free; end; function TLandscape.GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt; var north, west, south, east: ShortInt; begin north := ATile.Altitude; west := GetLandAlt(ATile.X, ATile.Y + 1, north); south := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y + 1, north); east := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y, north); if Abs(north - south) >= Abs(west - east) then Result := Min(north, south) + Abs(west - east) div 2 else Result := Min(north, south) + Abs(north - south) div 2; end; function TLandscape.GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt; var cell: TMapCell; begin cell := MapCell[AX, AY]; if cell <> nil then Result := cell.Altitude else Result := ADefault; end; procedure TLandscape.GetNormals(AX, AY: Word; var ANormals: TNormals); var cells: array[0..2, 0..2] of TNormals; north, west, south, east: TVector; i, j: Integer; function GetPlainNormals(X, Y: SmallInt): TNormals; var cell: TMapCell; north, west, south, east: ShortInt; u, v: TVector; begin cell := GetMapCell(X, Y); if cell <> nil then begin north := cell.Altitude; west := GetLandAlt(cell.X, cell.Y + 1, north); south := GetLandAlt(cell.X + 1, cell.Y + 1, north); east := GetLandAlt(cell.X + 1, cell.Y, north); end else begin north := 0; west := 0; east := 0; south := 0; end; if (north = west) and (west = east) and (north = south) then begin Result[0] := Vector(0, 0, 1); Result[1] := Vector(0, 0, 1); Result[2] := Vector(0, 0, 1); Result[3] := Vector(0, 0, 1); end else begin u := Vector(-22, 22, (north - east) * 4); v := Vector(-22, -22, (west - north) * 4); Result[0] := VectorNorm(VectorCross(u, v)); u := Vector(22, 22, (east - south) * 4); v := Vector(-22, 22, (north - east) * 4); Result[1] := VectorNorm(VectorCross(u, v)); u := Vector(22, -22, (south - west) * 4); v := Vector(22, 22, (east - south) * 4); Result[2] := VectorNorm(VectorCross(u, v)); u := Vector(-22, -22, (west - north) * 4); v := Vector(22, -22, (south - west) * 4); Result[3] := VectorNorm(VectorCross(u, v)); end; end; begin for i := 0 to 2 do for j := 0 to 2 do cells[i, j] := GetPlainNormals(AX - 1 + i, AY - 1 + j); north := cells[0, 0][2]; west := cells[0, 1][1]; east := cells[1, 0][3]; south := cells[1, 1][0]; ANormals[0] := VectorNorm(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(north, west), east), south)); north := cells[1, 0][2]; west := cells[1, 1][1]; east := cells[2, 0][3]; south := cells[2, 1][0]; ANormals[1] := VectorNorm(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(north, west), east), south)); north := cells[1, 1][2]; west := cells[1, 2][1]; east := cells[2, 1][3]; south := cells[2, 2][0]; ANormals[2] := VectorNorm(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(north, west), east), south)); north := cells[0, 1][2]; west := cells[0, 2][1]; east := cells[1, 1][3]; south := cells[1, 2][0]; ANormals[3] := VectorNorm(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(VectorAdd(north, west), east), south)); end; procedure TLandscape.MoveStatic(AStatic: TStaticItem; AX, AY: Word); var sourceBlock, targetBlock: TSeperatedStaticBlock; targetStaticList: TStaticItemList; i: Integer; begin if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then begin sourceBlock := AStatic.Owner as TSeperatedStaticBlock; targetBlock := GetStaticBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8); if (sourceBlock <> nil) and (targetBlock <> nil) then begin sourceBlock.Cells[(AStatic.Y mod 8) * 8 + AStatic.X mod 8].Remove(AStatic); targetStaticList := targetBlock.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8]; targetStaticList.Add(AStatic); for i := 0 to targetStaticList.Count - 1 do targetStaticList.Items[i].UpdatePriorities( ResMan.Tiledata.StaticTiles[targetStaticList.Items[i].TileID], i); targetStaticList.Sort(@CompareStaticItems); AStatic.UpdatePos(AX, AY, AStatic.Z); AStatic.Owner := targetBlock; end; end; end; procedure TLandscape.PrepareBlocks(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Word); var x, y, i: Integer; coords: TBlockCoordsArray; block: TBlock; begin AX1 := EnsureRange(AX1, 0, FWidth - 1); AY1 := EnsureRange(AY1, 0, FHeight - 1); AX2 := EnsureRange(AX2, 0, FWidth - 1); AY2 := EnsureRange(AY2, 0, FHeight - 1); SetLength(coords, 0); for x := AX1 to AX2 do begin for y := AY1 to AY2 do begin if (not FOpenRequests[y * FWidth + x]) and (not FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(x, y), block)) then begin SetLength(coords, Length(coords) + 1); i := High(coords); coords[i].X := x; coords[i].Y := y; FOpenRequests[y * FWidth + x] := True; end; end; end; if Length(coords) > 0 then dmNetwork.Send(TRequestBlocksPacket.Create(coords)); end; procedure TLandscape.UpdateBlockAccess; var cacheEntry: TBlockCache.PCacheEntry; begin cacheEntry := nil; while FBlockCache.Iterate(cacheEntry) do if cacheEntry^.Obj <> nil then cacheEntry^.Obj.UpdateBlockAcess(Self); end; procedure TLandscape.UpdateWriteMap(AStream: TEnhancedMemoryStream); var x1, y1, x2, y2: Word; i, areaCount, cellX, cellY: Integer; begin Logger.EnterMethod([lcLandscape, lcDebug], 'TLandscape.UpdateWriteMap'); areaCount := AStream.ReadWord; Logger.Send([lcLandscape, lcDebug], 'AreaCount', areaCount); if areaCount > 0 then begin FWriteMap.Clearall; for i := 0 to areaCount - 1 do begin x1 := AStream.ReadWord; y1 := AStream.ReadWord; x2 := AStream.ReadWord; y2 := AStream.ReadWord; for cellX := x1 to x2 do for cellY := y1 to y2 do FWriteMap[cellX * FCellHeight + cellY] := True; end; end else for i := 0 to FWriteMap.Size - 1 do FWriteMap[i] := True; Logger.Send([lcLandscape, lcDebug], 'WriteMap @ 0,0', FWriteMap[0]); UpdateBlockAccess; Logger.ExitMethod([lcLandscape, lcDebug], 'TLandscape.UpdateWriteMap'); end; { TMaterial } destructor TMaterial.Destroy; begin if FTexture <> 0 then glDeleteTextures(1, @FTexture); FreeAndNil(FGraphic); inherited Destroy; end; function TMaterial.GetTexture: GLuint; begin Result := FTexture; end; procedure TMaterial.UpdateTexture; begin if FTexture <> 0 then glDeleteTextures(1, @FTexture); FTexture := CreateGLTextureFromImage(FGraphic.ImageDataPointer^, 0, 0, False, ifUnknown, @FWidth, @FHeight); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, FTexture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); end; function TMaterial.HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): Boolean; var pixel: TColor32Rec; begin Result := False; if InRange(AX, 0, FGraphic.Width - 1) and InRange(AY, 0, FGraphic.Height - 1) then begin pixel := GetPixel32(FGraphic.ImageDataPointer^, AX, AY); if pixel.A > 0 then Result := True; end; end; { TScreenBuffer } constructor TScreenBuffer.Create; begin inherited Create; FCount := 0; FSerial := 0; UpdateShortcuts; end; destructor TScreenBuffer.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; function TScreenBuffer.Add(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; begin New(Result); AItem.Locked := True; AItem.OnDestroy.RegisterEvent(@OnTileRemoved); Result^.Item := AItem; Result^.HighRes := nil; Result^.LowRes := nil; Result^.Normals := nil; Result^.State := ssNormal; Result^.Highlighted := False; Result^.Translucent := False; Result^.Text := nil; Result^.Next := nil; if FShortCuts[0] = nil then //First element begin FShortCuts[0] := Result; FShortCuts[-1] := Result; //Last element end else begin FShortCuts[-1]^.Next := Result; FShortCuts[-1] := Result; end; Inc(FCount); end; procedure TScreenBuffer.Clear; var current, next: PBlockInfo; begin current := FShortCuts[0]; while current <> nil do begin next := current^.Next; current^.Item.Locked := False; current^.Item.OnDestroy.UnregisterEvent(@OnTileRemoved); if current^.Normals <> nil then Dispose(current^.Normals); current^.Text.Free; Dispose(current); current := next; end; FShortCuts[0] := nil; FShortCuts[-1] := nil; FCount := 0; FSerial := 0; UpdateShortcuts; end; procedure TScreenBuffer.Delete(AItem: TWorldItem); var current, last, next: PBlockInfo; begin last := nil; current := FShortCuts[0]; while current <> nil do begin if current^.Item = AItem then begin if FShortCuts[-1] = current then FShortCuts[-1] := last; if FShortCuts[0] = current then FShortCuts[0] := current^.Next; if last <> nil then last^.Next := current^.Next; if current^.Normals <> nil then Dispose(current^.Normals); current^.Text.Free; Dispose(current); Dec(FCount); FShortCutsValid := False; next := nil; end else next := current^.Next; last := current; current := next; end; end; function TScreenBuffer.Find(AScreenPosition: TPoint): PBlockInfo; var current: PBlockInfo; buff: array[0..3] of GLuint; hits: GLint; begin Result := nil; current := FShortCuts[0]; while current <> nil do //search the last matching tile begin if (current^.State = ssNormal) and PtInRect(current^.ScreenRect, AScreenPosition)then begin if current^.CheckRealQuad then begin //OpenGL hit test //We use the "real quad" here to prevent the draw-preview from //intercepting with our actual tiles (which are "hidden" then). glSelectBuffer(4, @buff[0]); glViewport(current^.ScreenRect.Left, current^.ScreenRect.Top, current^.ScreenRect.Right, current^.ScreenRect.Bottom); glRenderMode(GL_SELECT); glInitNames; glPushName(0); glPushMatrix; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity; gluOrtho2D(AScreenPosition.x, AScreenPosition.x + 1, AScreenPosition.y + 1, AScreenPosition.y); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity; glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2iv(@current^.RealQuad[0]); glVertex2iv(@current^.RealQuad[3]); glVertex2iv(@current^.RealQuad[2]); glVertex2iv(@current^.RealQuad[1]); glEnd; glPopMatrix; glFlush; if glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) > 0 then //glRenderMode now returns the number of hits Result := current; end else if current^.LowRes.HitTest(AScreenPosition.x - current^.ScreenRect.Left, AScreenPosition.y - current^.ScreenRect.Top) then Result := current; end; current := current^.Next; end; end; function TScreenBuffer.GetSerial: Cardinal; begin Result := FSerial; Inc(FSerial); end; function TScreenBuffer.Insert(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; var current: PBlockInfo; shortcut: Integer; begin if not FShortCutsValid then UpdateShortcuts; New(Result); AItem.Locked := True; AItem.OnDestroy.RegisterEvent(@OnTileRemoved); Result^.Item := AItem; Result^.HighRes := nil; Result^.LowRes := nil; Result^.Normals := nil; Result^.State := ssNormal; Result^.Highlighted := False; Result^.Translucent := False; Result^.Text := nil; if (FShortCuts[0] = nil) or (CompareWorldItems(AItem, FShortCuts[0]^.Item) < 0) then begin if FShortCuts[0] = nil then FShortCuts[-1] := Result; //Update last item Result^.Next := FShortCuts[0]; FShortCuts[0] := Result; end else begin //find best entry point shortcut := 0; while (shortcut <= 10) and (FShortCuts[shortcut] <> nil) and (CompareWorldItems(AItem, FShortCuts[shortcut]^.Item) >= 0) do begin current := FShortCuts[shortcut]; Inc(shortcut); end; //now find the real match while (current^.Next <> nil) and (CompareWorldItems(AItem, current^.Next^.Item) > 0) do begin current := current^.Next; end; if FShortCuts[-1] = current^.Next then FShortCuts[-1] := Result; //Update last item Result^.Next := current^.Next; current^.Next := Result; end; Inc(FCount); end; function TScreenBuffer.Iterate(var ABlockInfo: PBlockInfo): Boolean; begin if ABlockInfo = nil then ABlockInfo := FShortCuts[0] else ABlockInfo := ABlockInfo^.Next; Result := ABlockInfo <> nil; end; procedure TScreenBuffer.UpdateShortcuts; var shortcut, step, nextStep, stepSize: Integer; blockInfo: PBlockInfo; begin if FCount < 10 then begin for shortcut := 1 to 10 do FShortCuts[shortcut] := nil; end else if FShortCuts[0] <> nil then begin stepSize := FCount div 10; nextStep := stepSize; step := 0; shortcut := 1; blockInfo := FShortCuts[0]; repeat if step = nextStep then begin FShortCuts[shortcut] := blockInfo; Inc(shortcut); Inc(nextStep, stepSize); end; Inc(step); FShortCuts[-1] := blockInfo; //update last known item blockInfo := blockInfo^.Next; until (blockInfo = nil); end; FShortCutsValid := True; end; function TScreenBuffer.UpdateSortOrder(AItem: TWorldItem): PBlockInfo; var newNodePosition, oldNode, oldNodePrev, current: PBlockInfo; begin newNodePosition := nil; oldNode := nil; oldNodePrev := nil; current := FShortCuts[0]; while (current <> nil) and ((oldNode = nil) or (newNodePosition = nil)) do begin if current^.Item = AItem then oldNode := current else if oldNode = nil then oldNodePrev := current; if newNodePosition = nil then begin if (current^.Next = nil) or (CompareWorldItems(AItem, current^.Next^.Item) < 0) then newNodePosition := current; end; current := current^.Next; end; //oldNode = nil, if the change happend out-of-screen if (oldNode <> nil ) and (oldNode <> newNodePosition) then begin if oldNodePrev <> oldNode then begin if oldNodePrev = nil then FShortCuts[0] := oldNode^.Next else oldNodePrev^.Next := oldNode^.Next; end; if (newNodePosition = FShortCuts[0]) and (CompareWorldItems(AItem, FShortCuts[0]^.Item) < 0) then begin oldNode^.Next := FShortCuts[0]; FShortCuts[0] := oldNode; end else begin oldNode^.Next := newNodePosition^.Next; newNodePosition^.Next := oldNode; end; end; Result := oldNode; end; procedure TScreenBuffer.OnTileRemoved(ATile: TMulBlock); begin Delete(TWorldItem(ATile)); end; { TGLText } constructor TGLText.Create(AFont: TGLFont; AText: String); var i: Integer; begin FFont := AFont; FText := AText; FWidth := FFont.GetTextWidth(AText); FHeight := FFont.GetTextHeight('A'); end; procedure TGLText.Render(AScreenRect: TRect); var x, y: Integer; i: Integer; begin y := AScreenRect.Top + (AScreenRect.Bottom - AScreenRect.Top - FHeight) div 2; x := AScreenRect.Left + (AScreenRect.Right - AScreenRect.Left - FWidth) div 2; FFont.DrawText(x, y, FText); end; { TSimpleMaterial } constructor TSimpleMaterial.Create(AGraphic: TBaseImage); begin inherited Create; FGraphic := TMultiImage.CreateFromImage(AGraphic); FRealWidth := FGraphic.Width; FRealHeight := FGraphic.Height; UpdateTexture; end; { TAnimMaterial } constructor TAnimMaterial.Create(ABaseID: Word; AAnimData: TAnimData; AHue: THue = nil; APartialHue: Boolean = False); var i: Integer; art: TArt; begin //Logger.EnterMethod([lcLandscape, lcClient, lcDebug], 'TAnimMaterial.Create'); FAnimData := AAnimData; FGraphic := TMultiImage.Create; FRealWidth := 0; FRealHeight := 0; for i := 0 to AAnimData.FrameCount - 1 do begin {Logger.Send([lcLandscape, lcClient, lcDebug], 'Processing frame', i); Logger.Send([lcLandscape, lcClient, lcDebug], 'FrameData', AAnimData.FrameData[i]);} art := ResMan.Art.GetArt(ABaseID + AAnimData.FrameData[i], 0, AHue, APartialHue); if (art.Graphic.Width > FRealWidth) or (art.Graphic.Height > FRealHeight) then begin FRealWidth := art.Graphic.Width; FRealHeight := art.Graphic.Height; end; FGraphic.AddImage(art.Graphic); art.Free; end; FGraphic.DeleteImage(0); //Delete the image that was created during TMultiImage.Create FGraphic.ActiveImage := 0; FNextChange := GetTickCount + AAnimData.FrameStart * 100; UpdateTexture; //Logger.ExitMethod([lcLandscape, lcClient, lcDebug], 'TAnimMaterial.Create'); end; function TAnimMaterial.GetTexture: GLuint; begin if FNextChange <= GetTickCount then begin FGraphic.ActiveImage := (FGraphic.ActiveImage + 1) mod FAnimData.FrameCount; if FGraphic.ActiveImage = 0 then FNextChange := GetTickCount + FAnimData.FrameStart * 100 else FNextChange:= GetTickCount + FAnimData.FrameInterval * 100; UpdateTexture; end; Result := FTexture; end; end.