(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2008 Andreas Schneider *) unit UConfig; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, DOM, XMLRead, XMLWrite, md5, Keyboard, UAccount, UXmlHelper, UInterfaces, UEnums; type TInvalidConfigException = class(Exception); { TMapInfo } TMapInfo = class(TObject, ISerializable) constructor Create(AOwner: IInvalidate); constructor Deserialize(AOwner: IInvalidate; AElement: TDOMElement); procedure Serialize(AElement: TDOMElement); protected FOwner: IInvalidate; FMapFile: string; FStaticsFile: string; FStaIdxFile: string; FWidth: Word; FHeight: Word; procedure SetHeight(const AValue: Word); procedure SetMapFile(const AValue: string); procedure SetStaIdxFile(const AValue: string); procedure SetStaticsFile(const AValue: string); procedure SetWidth(const AValue: Word); public property MapFile: string read FMapFile write SetMapFile; property StaticsFile: string read FStaticsFile write SetStaticsFile; property StaIdxFile: string read FStaIdxFile write SetStaIdxFile; property Width: Word read FWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Word read FHeight write SetHeight; end; { TConfig } TConfig = class(TObject, ISerializable, IInvalidate) constructor Create(AFilename: string); constructor Init(AFilename: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Serialize(AElement: TDOMElement); protected FFilename: string; FPort: Integer; FMap: TMapInfo; FTiledata: string; FRadarcol: string; FAccounts: TAccountList; FChanged: Boolean; procedure SetPort(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetRadarcol(const AValue: string); procedure SetTiledata(const AValue: string); public property Port: Integer read FPort write SetPort; property Map: TMapInfo read FMap; property Tiledata: string read FTiledata write SetTiledata; property Radarcol: string read FRadarcol write SetRadarcol; property Accounts: TAccountList read FAccounts; procedure Flush; procedure Invalidate; end; var AppDir: string; ConfigFile: string; Config: TConfig; function TimeStamp: string; implementation const CONFIGVERSION = 3; function QueryPassword: String; var pwChar: char; begin Result := ''; InitKeyboard; try repeat pwChar := GetKeyEventChar(TranslateKeyEvent(GetKeyEvent)); case pwChar of #8: Result := Copy(Result, 1, Length(Result) - 1); #13: break; else Result := Result + pwChar; end; until pwChar = #13; finally DoneKeyboard; end; writeln(''); end; function TimeStamp: string; begin Result := '[' + DateTimeToStr(Now) + '] '; end; { TMapInfo } constructor TMapInfo.Create(AOwner: IInvalidate); begin inherited Create; FOwner := AOwner; end; constructor TMapInfo.Deserialize(AOwner: IInvalidate; AElement: TDOMElement); begin Create(AOwner); FMapFile := TXmlHelper.ReadString(AElement, 'Map', 'map0.mul'); FStaIdxFile := TXmlHelper.ReadString(AElement, 'StaIdx', 'staidx0.mul'); FStaticsFile := TXmlHelper.ReadString(AElement, 'Statics', 'statics0.mul'); FWidth := TXmlHelper.ReadInteger(AElement, 'Width', 768); FHeight := TXmlHelper.ReadInteger(AElement, 'Height', 512); end; procedure TMapInfo.Serialize(AElement: TDOMElement); begin TXmlHelper.WriteString(AElement, 'Map', FMapFile); TXmlHelper.WriteString(AElement, 'StaIdx', FStaIdxFile); TXmlHelper.WriteString(AElement, 'Statics', FStaticsFile); TXmlHelper.WriteInteger(AElement, 'Width', FWidth); TXmlHelper.WriteInteger(AElement, 'Height', FHeight); end; procedure TMapInfo.SetHeight(const AValue: Word); begin FHeight := AValue; FOwner.Invalidate; end; procedure TMapInfo.SetMapFile(const AValue: string); begin FMapFile := AValue; FOwner.Invalidate; end; procedure TMapInfo.SetStaIdxFile(const AValue: string); begin FStaIdxFile := AValue; FOwner.Invalidate; end; procedure TMapInfo.SetStaticsFile(const AValue: string); begin FStaticsFile := AValue; FOwner.Invalidate; end; procedure TMapInfo.SetWidth(const AValue: Word); begin FWidth := AValue; FOwner.Invalidate; end; { TConfig } constructor TConfig.Create(AFilename: string); var xmlDoc: TXMLDocument; version: Integer; xmlElement: TDOMElement; begin inherited Create; FFilename := AFilename; ReadXMLFile(xmlDoc, AFilename); if not ((xmlDoc.DocumentElement.NodeName = 'CEDConfig') and TryStrToInt(xmlDoc.DocumentElement.AttribStrings['Version'], version) and (version = CONFIGVERSION)) then raise TInvalidConfigException.Create(Format('Version mismatch: %d <> %d', [version, CONFIGVERSION])); FPort := TXmlHelper.ReadInteger(xmlDoc.DocumentElement, 'Port', 2597); xmlElement := TDOMElement(xmlDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode('Map')); if not assigned(xmlElement) then raise TInvalidConfigException.Create('Map information not found'); FMap := TMapInfo.Deserialize(Self, xmlElement); FTiledata := TXmlHelper.ReadString(xmlDoc.DocumentElement, 'Tiledata', 'tiledata.mul'); FRadarcol := TXmlHelper.ReadString(xmlDoc.DocumentElement, 'Radarcol', 'radarcol.mul'); xmlElement := TDOMElement(xmlDoc.DocumentElement.FindNode('Accounts')); if not assigned(xmlElement) then raise TInvalidConfigException.Create('Account information not found'); FAccounts := TAccountList.Deserialize(Self, xmlElement); xmlDoc.Free; FChanged := False; end; constructor TConfig.Init(AFilename: string); var stringValue, password: string; intValue: Integer; begin inherited Create; FFilename := AFilename; FMap := TMapInfo.Create(Self); FAccounts := TAccountList.Create(Self); Writeln('Configuring Network'); Writeln('==================='); Write ('Port [2597]: '); Readln (stringValue); if not TryStrToInt(stringValue, intValue) then intValue := 2597; FPort := intValue; Writeln(''); Writeln('Configuring Paths'); Writeln('================='); Write ('map [map0.mul]: '); Readln (FMap.MapFile); if FMap.MapFile = '' then FMap.MapFile := 'map0.mul'; Write ('statics [statics0.mul]: '); Readln (FMap.StaticsFile); if FMap.StaticsFile = '' then FMap.StaticsFile := 'statics0.mul'; Write ('staidx [staidx0.mul]: '); Readln (FMap.StaIdxFile); if FMap.StaIdxFile = '' then FMap.StaIdxFile := 'staidx0.mul'; Write ('tiledata [tiledata.mul]: '); Readln (FTiledata); if FTiledata = '' then FTiledata := 'tiledata.mul'; Write ('radarcol [radarcol.mul]: '); Readln (FRadarcol); if FRadarcol = '' then FRadarcol := 'radarcol.mul'; Writeln(''); Writeln('Parameters'); Writeln('=========='); Write ('Map width [768]: '); Readln (stringValue); if not TryStrToInt(stringValue, intValue) then intValue := 768; FMap.Width := intValue; Write ('Map height [512]: '); Readln (stringValue); if not TryStrToInt(stringValue, intValue) then intValue := 512; FMap.Height := intValue; Writeln(''); Writeln('Admin account'); Writeln('============='); repeat Write('Account name: '); Readln(stringValue); until stringValue <> ''; Write ('Password [hidden]: '); password := QueryPassword; FAccounts.Add(TAccount.Create(FAccounts, stringValue, MD5Print(MD5String(password)), alAdministrator)); FChanged := True; end; destructor TConfig.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FMap) then FreeAndNil(FMap); if Assigned(FAccounts) then FreeAndNil(FAccounts); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TConfig.Serialize(AElement: TDOMElement); begin TXmlHelper.WriteInteger(AElement, 'Port', FPort); FMap.Serialize(TXmlHelper.AssureElement(AElement, 'Map')); TXmlHelper.WriteString(AElement, 'Tiledata', FTiledata); TXmlHelper.WriteString(AElement, 'Radarcol', FRadarcol); FAccounts.Serialize(TXmlHelper.AssureElement(AElement, 'Accounts')); end; procedure TConfig.SetPort(const AValue: Integer); begin FPort := AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TConfig.SetRadarcol(const AValue: string); begin FRadarcol := AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TConfig.SetTiledata(const AValue: string); begin FTiledata := AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TConfig.Flush; var xmlDoc: TXMLDocument; begin if FChanged then begin xmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create; xmlDoc.AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateElement('CEDConfig')); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.AttribStrings['Version'] := IntToStr(CONFIGVERSION); Serialize(xmlDoc.DocumentElement); WriteXMLFile(xmlDoc, FFilename); xmlDoc.Free; FChanged := False; end; end; procedure TConfig.Invalidate; begin FChanged := True; end; initialization begin AppDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); if AppDir[Length(AppDir)] <> PathDelim then AppDir := AppDir + PathDelim; {TODO : add command line parameter to specify the config} Config := nil; ConfigFile := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.xml'); end; end.