{ $Id: ImagingComponents.pas 110 2007-11-18 21:23:59Z galfar $ Vampyre Imaging Library by Marek Mauder http://imaginglib.sourceforge.net The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html } { This unit contains VCL/CLX/LCL TGraphic descendant which uses Imaging library for saving and loading.} unit ImagingComponents; {$I ImagingOptions.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Types, Classes, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_VCL} Graphics, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} Qt, QGraphics, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} InterfaceBase, GraphType, Graphics, LCLType, LCLIntf, {$ENDIF} ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingClasses; type { Graphic class which uses Imaging to load images. It has standard TBitmap class as ancestor and it can Assign also to/from TImageData structres and TBaseImage classes. For saving is uses inherited TBitmap methods. This class is automatically registered to TPicture for all file extensions supported by Imaging (useful only for loading). If you just want to load images in various formats you can use this class or simply use TPicture.LoadFromXXX which will create this class automatically. For TGraphic class that saves with Imaging look at TImagingGraphicForSave class.} TImagingGraphic = class(TBitmap) protected procedure ReadDataFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public { Loads new image from the stream. It can load all image file formats supported by Imaging (and enabled of course) even though it is called by descendant class capable of saving only one file format.} procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; { Copies the image contained in Source to this graphic object. Supports also TBaseImage descendants from ImagingClasses unit. } procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; { Copies the image contained in TBaseImage to this graphic object.} procedure AssignFromImage(Image: TBaseImage); { Copies the current image to TBaseImage object.} procedure AssignToImage(Image: TBaseImage); { Copies the image contained in TImageData structure to this graphic object.} procedure AssignFromImageData(const ImageData: TImageData); { Copies the current image to TImageData structure.} procedure AssignToImageData(var ImageData: TImageData); end; TImagingGraphicClass = class of TImagingGraphic; { Base class for file format specific TGraphic classes that use Imaging for saving. Each descendant class can load all file formats supported by Imaging but save only one format (TImagingBitmap for *.bmp, TImagingJpeg for *.jpg). Format specific classes also allow easy access to Imaging options that affect saving of files (they are properties here).} TImagingGraphicForSave = class(TImagingGraphic) protected FDefaultFileExt: string; FSavingFormat: TImageFormat; procedure WriteDataToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; public constructor Create; override; { Saves the current image to the stream. It is saved in the file format according to the DefaultFileExt property. So each descendant class can save some other file format.} procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; { Returns TImageFileFormat descendant for this graphic class.} class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; virtual; abstract; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} { Returns file extensions of this graphic class.} class function GetFileExtensions: string; override; { Returns default MIME type of this graphic class.} function GetDefaultMimeType: string; override; {$ENDIF} { Default (the most common) file extension of this graphic class.} property DefaultFileExt: string read FDefaultFileExt; end; TImagingGraphicForSaveClass = class of TImagingGraphicForSave; {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving Windows bitmaps. VCL/CLX/LCL all have native support for bitmaps so you might want to disable this class (although you can save bitmaps with RLE compression with this class).} TImagingBitmap = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FUseRLE: Boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; { See ImagingBitmapRLE option for details.} property UseRLE: Boolean read FUseRLE write FUseRLE; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving JPEG images.} TImagingJpeg = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FQuality: LongInt; FProgressive: Boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} function GetDefaultMimeType: string; override; {$ENDIF} { See ImagingJpegQuality option for details.} property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality; { See ImagingJpegProgressive option for details.} property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_PNG} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving PNG images.} TImagingPNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FPreFilter: LongInt; FCompressLevel: LongInt; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; { See ImagingPNGPreFilter option for details.} property PreFilter: LongInt read FPreFilter write FPreFilter; { See ImagingPNGCompressLevel option for details.} property CompressLevel: LongInt read FCompressLevel write FCompressLevel; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving GIF images.} TImagingGIF = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) public class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving Targa images.} TImagingTarga = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FUseRLE: Boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; { See ImagingTargaRLE option for details.} property UseRLE: Boolean read FUseRLE write FUseRLE; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} { Compresssion type used when saving DDS files by TImagingDds.} TDDSCompresion = (dcNone, dcDXT1, dcDXT3, dcDXT5); { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving DDS images.} TImagingDDS = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FCompression: TDDSCompresion; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; { You can choose compression type used when saving DDS file. dcNone means that file will be saved in the current bitmaps pixel format.} property Compression: TDDSCompresion read FCompression write FCompression; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_MNG} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving MNG images.} TImagingMNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FLossyCompression: Boolean; FLossyAlpha: Boolean; FPreFilter: LongInt; FCompressLevel: LongInt; FQuality: LongInt; FProgressive: Boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} function GetDefaultMimeType: string; override; {$ENDIF} { See ImagingMNGLossyCompression option for details.} property LossyCompression: Boolean read FLossyCompression write FLossyCompression; { See ImagingMNGLossyAlpha option for details.} property LossyAlpha: Boolean read FLossyAlpha write FLossyAlpha; { See ImagingMNGPreFilter option for details.} property PreFilter: LongInt read FPreFilter write FPreFilter; { See ImagingMNGCompressLevel option for details.} property CompressLevel: LongInt read FCompressLevel write FCompressLevel; { See ImagingMNGQuality option for details.} property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality; { See ImagingMNGProgressive option for details.} property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JNG} { TImagingGraphic descendant for loading/saving JNG images.} TImagingJNG = class(TImagingGraphicForSave) protected FLossyAlpha: Boolean; FAlphaPreFilter: LongInt; FAlphaCompressLevel: LongInt; FQuality: LongInt; FProgressive: Boolean; public constructor Create; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; class function GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; override; { See ImagingJNGLossyAlpha option for details.} property LossyAlpha: Boolean read FLossyAlpha write FLossyAlpha; { See ImagingJNGPreFilter option for details.} property AlphaPreFilter: LongInt read FAlphaPreFilter write FAlphaPreFilter; { See ImagingJNGCompressLevel option for details.} property AlphaCompressLevel: LongInt read FAlphaCompressLevel write FAlphaCompressLevel; { See ImagingJNGQuality option for details.} property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality; { See ImagingJNGProgressive option for details.} property Progressive: Boolean read FProgressive write FProgressive; end; {$ENDIF} { Returns bitmap pixel format with the closest match with given data format.} function DataFormatToPixelFormat(Format: TImageFormat): TPixelFormat; { Returns data format with closest match with given bitmap pixel format.} function PixelFormatToDataFormat(Format: TPixelFormat): TImageFormat; { Converts TImageData structure to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap.} procedure ConvertDataToBitmap(const Data: TImageData; Bitmap: TBitmap); { Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TImageData structure.} procedure ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap: TBitmap; var Data: TImageData); { Converts TBaseImage instance to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap.} procedure ConvertImageToBitmap(Image: TBaseImage; Bitmap: TBitmap); { Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TBaseImage. Image must exist before procedure is called. It overwrites its current image data. When Image is TMultiImage only the current image level is overwritten.} procedure ConvertBitmapToImage(Bitmap: TBitmap; Image: TBaseImage); { Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto TCanvas. This procedure draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap. Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow). Dest and Src rectangles represent coordinates in the form (X1, Y1, X2, Y2).} procedure DisplayImageData(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect); { Displays image onto TCanvas at position [DstX, DstY]. This procedure draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap. Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).} procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; DstX, DstY: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage); overload; { Displays image onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect. This procedure draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap. Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).} procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage); overload; { Displays part of the image specified by SrcRect onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect. This procedure draws image without converting from Imaging format to TBitmap. Only [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8] image formats are supported. Use this when you want displaying images that change frequently (because converting to TBitmap by ConvertImageDataToBitmap is generally slow).} procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage; const SrcRect: TRect); overload; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} { Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto Windows device context. Behaviour is the same as of DisplayImageData.} procedure DisplayImageDataOnDC(DC: HDC; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect); {$ENDIF} implementation uses {$IF Defined(UNIX) and Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL)} {$IFDEF LCLGTK2} GLib2, GDK2, GTK2, GTKDef, GTKProc, {$ELSE} GDK, GTK, GTKDef, GTKProc, {$ENDIF} {$IFEND} {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} ImagingBitmap, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} ImagingJpeg, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} ImagingGif, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} ImagingTarga, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} ImagingDds, {$ENDIF} {$IF Defined(LINK_PNG) or Defined(LINK_MNG) or Defined(LINK_JNG)} ImagingNetworkGraphics, {$IFEND} ImagingUtility; resourcestring SBadFormatDataToBitmap = 'Cannot find compatible bitmap format for image %s'; SBadFormatBitmapToData = 'Cannot find compatible data format for bitmap %p'; SBadFormatDisplay = 'Unsupported image format passed'; SImagingGraphicName = 'Imaging Graphic AllInOne'; { Registers types to VCL/CLX/LCL.} procedure RegisterTypes; var I: LongInt; procedure RegisterFileFormatAllInOne(Format: TImageFileFormat); var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to Format.Extensions.Count - 1 do TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(Format.Extensions[I], SImagingGraphicName, TImagingGraphic); end; procedure RegisterFileFormat(AClass: TImagingGraphicForSaveClass); var I: LongInt; begin for I := 0 to AClass.GetFileFormat.Extensions.Count - 1 do TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(AClass.GetFileFormat.Extensions[I], AClass.GetFileFormat.Name, AClass); end; begin for I := Imaging.GetFileFormatCount - 1 downto 0 do RegisterFileFormatAllInOne(Imaging.GetFileFormatAtIndex(I)); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingGraphic);{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingTarga); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingTarga);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingDDS); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingDDS);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JNG} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingJNG); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingJNG);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_MNG} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingMNG); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingMNG);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingGIF); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingGIF);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_PNG} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} // Unregister Lazarusī default PNG loader which crashes on some PNG files TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TPortableNetworkGraphic); {$ENDIF} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingPNG); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingPNG);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingJpeg); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingJpeg);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} RegisterFileFormat(TImagingBitmap); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.RegisterClass(TImagingBitmap);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; { Unregisters types from VCL/CLX/LCL.} procedure UnRegisterTypes; begin {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingBitmap); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingBitmap);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingJpeg); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingJpeg);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_PNG} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingPNG); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingPNG);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingGIF); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingGIF);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingTarga); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingTarga);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingDDS); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingDDS);{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TImagingGraphic); {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX}Classes.UnRegisterClass(TImagingGraphic);{$ENDIF} end; function DataFormatToPixelFormat(Format: TImageFormat): TPixelFormat; begin case Format of {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} ifIndex8: Result := pf8bit; {$ENDIF} {$IF (not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_CLX)) and (not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL))} ifR5G6B5: Result := pf16bit; ifR8G8B8: Result := pf24bit; {$IFEND} ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8: Result := pf32bit; else Result := pfCustom; end; end; function PixelFormatToDataFormat(Format: TPixelFormat): TImageFormat; begin case Format of pf8bit: Result := ifIndex8; {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} pf15bit: Result := ifA1R5G5B5; pf16bit: Result := ifR5G6B5; pf24bit: Result := ifR8G8B8; {$ENDIF} pf32bit: Result := ifA8R8G8B8; else Result := ifUnknown; end; end; procedure ConvertDataToBitmap(const Data: TImageData; Bitmap: TBitmap); var I, LineBytes: LongInt; PF: TPixelFormat; Info: TImageFormatInfo; WorkData: TImageData; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_VCL} LogPalette: TMaxLogPalette; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} ColorTable: PPalette32; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} RawImage: TRawImage; ImgHandle, ImgMaskHandle: HBitmap; {$ENDIF} begin PF := DataFormatToPixelFormat(Data.Format); GetImageFormatInfo(Data.Format, Info); if PF = pfCustom then begin // Convert from formats not supported by Graphics unit Imaging.InitImage(WorkData); Imaging.CloneImage(Data, WorkData); if Info.IsFloatingPoint or Info.HasAlphaChannel or Info.IsSpecial then Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifA8R8G8B8) else {$IFNDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} if Info.IsIndexed or Info.HasGrayChannel then Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifIndex8) else {$ENDIF} {$IF (not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_CLX)) and (not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL))} if Info.UsePixelFormat then Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifR5G6B5) else Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifR8G8B8); {$ELSE} Imaging.ConvertImage(WorkData, ifA8R8G8B8); {$IFEND} PF := DataFormatToPixelFormat(WorkData.Format); GetImageFormatInfo(WorkData.Format, Info); end else WorkData := Data; if PF = pfCustom then RaiseImaging(SBadFormatDataToBitmap, [ImageToStr(WorkData)]); LineBytes := WorkData.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_VCL} Bitmap.Width := WorkData.Width; Bitmap.Height := WorkData.Height; Bitmap.PixelFormat := PF; if (PF = pf8bit) and (WorkData.Palette <> nil) then begin // Copy palette, this must be done before copying bits FillChar(LogPalette, SizeOf(LogPalette), 0); LogPalette.palVersion := $300; LogPalette.palNumEntries := Info.PaletteEntries; for I := 0 to Info.PaletteEntries - 1 do with LogPalette do begin palPalEntry[I].peRed := WorkData.Palette[I].R; palPalEntry[I].peGreen := WorkData.Palette[I].G; palPalEntry[I].peBlue := WorkData.Palette[I].B; end; Bitmap.Palette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@LogPalette)^); end; // Copy scanlines for I := 0 to WorkData.Height - 1 do Move(PByteArray(WorkData.Bits)[I * LineBytes], Bitmap.Scanline[I]^, LineBytes); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} Bitmap.Width := WorkData.Width; Bitmap.Height := WorkData.Height; Bitmap.PixelFormat := PF; if (PF = pf8bit) and (WorkData.Palette <> nil) then begin // Copy palette ColorTable := Bitmap.ColorTable; for I := 0 to Info.PaletteEntries - 1 do with ColorTable[I] do begin R := WorkData.Palette[I].R; G := WorkData.Palette[I].G; B := WorkData.Palette[I].B; end; end; // Copy scanlines for I := 0 to WorkData.Height - 1 do Move(PByteArray(WorkData.Bits)[I * LineBytes], Bitmap.Scanline[I]^, LineBytes); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} // Create 32bit raw image from image data FillChar(RawImage, SizeOf(RawImage), 0); with RawImage.Description do begin Width := WorkData.Width; Height := WorkData.Height; BitsPerPixel := Info.BytesPerPixel * 8; Format := ricfRGBA; LineEnd := rileByteBoundary; BitOrder := riboBitsInOrder; ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst; LineOrder := riloTopToBottom; AlphaPrec := 8; RedPrec := 8; GreenPrec := 8; BluePrec := 8; AlphaShift := 24; RedShift := 16; GreenShift := 8; BlueShift := 0; Depth := 24; end; RawImage.Data := WorkData.Bits; RawImage.DataSize := WorkData.Size; // Create bitmap from raw image { If you get complitation error here upgrade to Lazarus 0.9.24+ } if RawImage_CreateBitmaps(RawImage, ImgHandle, ImgMaskHandle, False) then begin Bitmap.Handle := ImgHandle; Bitmap.MaskHandle := ImgMaskHandle; end; {$ENDIF} if WorkData.Bits <> Data.Bits then Imaging.FreeImage(WorkData); end; procedure ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap: TBitmap; var Data: TImageData); var I, LineBytes: LongInt; Format: TImageFormat; Info: TImageFormatInfo; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_VCL} Colors: Word; LogPalette: TMaxLogPalette; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} ColorTable: PPalette32; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} RawImage: TRawImage; LineLazBytes: LongInt; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} // In the current Lazarus 0.9.10 Bitmap.PixelFormat property is useless. // We cannot change bitmap's format by changing it (it will just release // old image but not convert it to new format) nor we can determine bitmaps's // current format (it is usually set to pfDevice). So bitmap's format is obtained // trough RawImage api and cannot be changed to mirror some Imaging format // (so formats with no coresponding Imaging format cannot be saved now). { If you get complitation error here upgrade to Lazarus 0.9.24+ } if RawImage_DescriptionFromBitmap(Bitmap.Handle, RawImage.Description) then case RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel of 8: Format := ifIndex8; 16: if RawImage.Description.Depth = 15 then Format := ifA1R5G5B5 else Format := ifR5G6B5; 24: Format := ifR8G8B8; 32: Format := ifA8R8G8B8; 48: Format := ifR16G16B16; 64: Format := ifA16R16G16B16; else Format := ifUnknown; end; {$ELSE} Format := PixelFormatToDataFormat(Bitmap.PixelFormat); if Format = ifUnknown then begin // Convert from formats not supported by Imaging (1/4 bit) if Bitmap.PixelFormat < pf8bit then Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit else Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit; Format := PixelFormatToDataFormat(Bitmap.PixelFormat); end; {$ENDIF} if Format = ifUnknown then RaiseImaging(SBadFormatBitmapToData, []); Imaging.NewImage(Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, Format, Data); GetImageFormatInfo(Data.Format, Info); LineBytes := Data.Width * Info.BytesPerPixel; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_VCL} if (Format = ifIndex8) and (GetObject(Bitmap.Palette, SizeOf(Colors), @Colors) <> 0) then begin // Copy palette GetPaletteEntries(Bitmap.Palette, 0, Colors, LogPalette.palPalEntry); if Colors > Info.PaletteEntries then Colors := Info.PaletteEntries; for I := 0 to Colors - 1 do with LogPalette do begin Data.Palette[I].A := $FF; Data.Palette[I].R := palPalEntry[I].peRed; Data.Palette[I].G := palPalEntry[I].peGreen; Data.Palette[I].B := palPalEntry[I].peBlue; end; end; // Copy scanlines for I := 0 to Data.Height - 1 do Move(Bitmap.ScanLine[I]^, PByteArray(Data.Bits)[I * LineBytes], LineBytes); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_CLX} if Format = ifIndex8 then begin // Copy palette ColorTable := Bitmap.ColorTable; for I := 0 to Info.PaletteEntries - 1 do with ColorTable[I] do begin Data.Palette[I].A := $FF; Data.Palette[I].R := R; Data.Palette[I].G := G; Data.Palette[I].B := B; end; end; // Copy scanlines for I := 0 to Data.Height - 1 do Move(Bitmap.ScanLine[I]^, PByteArray(Data.Bits)[I * LineBytes], LineBytes); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} // Get raw image from bitmap (mask handle must be 0 or expect violations) { If you get complitation error here upgrade to Lazarus 0.9.24+ } if RawImage_FromBitmap(RawImage, Bitmap.Handle, 0, Classes.Rect(0, 0, Data.Width, Data.Height)) then begin LineLazBytes := GetBytesPerLine(Data.Width, RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel, RawImage.Description.LineEnd); // Copy scanlines for I := 0 to Data.Height - 1 do Move(PByteArray(RawImage.Data)[I * LineLazBytes], PByteArray(Data.Bits)[I * LineBytes], LineBytes); { If you get complitation error here upgrade to Lazarus 0.9.24+ } RawImage.FreeData; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure ConvertImageToBitmap(Image: TBaseImage; Bitmap: TBitmap); begin ConvertDataToBitmap(Image.ImageDataPointer^, Bitmap); end; procedure ConvertBitmapToImage(Bitmap: TBitmap; Image: TBaseImage); begin ConvertBitmapToData(Bitmap, Image.ImageDataPointer^); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure DisplayImageDataOnDC(DC: HDC; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect); var OldMode: Integer; BitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmapInfo; begin if TestImage(ImageData) then begin Assert(ImageData.Format in [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8], SBadFormatDisplay); OldMode := Windows.SetStretchBltMode(DC, COLORONCOLOR); FillChar(BitmapInfo, SizeOf(BitmapInfo), 0); with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do begin biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); biPlanes := 1; biBitCount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biWidth := ImageData.Width; biHeight := -ImageData.Height; biSizeImage := ImageData.Size; biXPelsPerMeter := 0; biYPelsPerMeter := 0; biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; end; try with SrcRect, ImageData do Windows.StretchDIBits(DC, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top, DstRect.Right - DstRect.Left, DstRect.Bottom - DstRect.Top, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, Bits, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); finally Windows.SetStretchBltMode(DC, OldMode); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure DisplayImageData(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; const ImageData: TImageData; const SrcRect: TRect); {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and not Defined(COMPONENT_SET_CLX)} begin DisplayImageDataOnDC(DstCanvas.Handle, DstRect, ImageData, SrcRect); end; {$ELSEIF Defined(COMPONENT_SET_CLX)} var Bitmap: TBitmap; //Handle: LongWord; begin (* // It would be nice if this worked: DstCanvas.Start; Handle := QPainter_handle(DstCanvas.Handle); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} DisplayImageDataOnDC(Handle, DstRect, ImageData, SrcRect); {$ELSE} DisplayImageDataOnX(Handle, DstRect, ImageData, SrcRect); {$ENDIF} DstCanvas.Stop; *) Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try ConvertDataToBitmap(ImageData, Bitmap); DstCanvas.CopyRect(DstRect, Bitmap.Canvas, SrcRect); finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; {$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX) and Defined(COMPONENT_SET_LCL)} procedure GDKDrawBitmap(Dest: HDC; DstX, DstY: Integer; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: Integer; ImageData: TImageData); var P: TPoint; begin P := TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).Offset; Inc(DstX, P.X); Inc(DstY, P.Y); gdk_draw_rgb_32_image(TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).Drawable, TGtkDeviceContext(Dest).GC, DstX, DstY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, @PLongWordArray(ImageData.Bits)[SrcY * ImageData.Width + SrcX], ImageData.Width * 4); end; var DisplayImage: TImageData; NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; SrcBounds, DstBounds, DstClip: TRect; begin if TestImage(ImageData) then begin Assert(ImageData.Format in [ifA8R8G8B8, ifX8R8G8B8], SBadFormatDisplay); InitImage(DisplayImage); SrcBounds := RectToBounds(SrcRect); DstBounds := RectToBounds(DstRect); WidgetSet.GetClipBox(DstCanvas.Handle, @DstClip); ClipStretchBounds(SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, SrcBounds.Right, SrcBounds.Bottom, DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top, DstBounds.Right, DstBounds.Bottom, ImageData.Width, ImageData.Height, DstClip); NewWidth := DstBounds.Right; NewHeight := DstBounds.Bottom; if (NewWidth > 0) and (NewHeight > 0) then begin if (SrcBounds.Right = NewWidth) and (SrcBounds.Bottom = NewHeight) then try CloneImage(ImageData, DisplayImage); // Swap R-B channels for GTK display compatability! SwapChannels(DisplayImage, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue); GDKDrawBitmap(DstCanvas.Handle, DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top, SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, NewWidth, NewHeight, DisplayImage); finally FreeImage(DisplayImage); end else try // Create new image with desired dimensions NewImage(NewWidth, NewHeight, ImageData.Format, DisplayImage); // Stretch pixels from old image to new one TResizeFilter = (rfNearest, rfBilinear, rfBicubic); StretchRect(ImageData, SrcBounds.Left, SrcBounds.Top, SrcBounds.Right, SrcBounds.Bottom, DisplayImage, 0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight, rfNearest); // Swap R-B channels for GTK display compatability! SwapChannels(DisplayImage, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue); GDKDrawBitmap(DstCanvas.Handle, DstBounds.Left, DstBounds.Top, 0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight, DisplayImage); finally FreeImage(DisplayImage); end end; end; end; {$IFEND} procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; DstX, DstY: LongInt; Image: TBaseImage); begin DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, BoundsToRect(DstX, DstY, Image.Width, Image.Height), Image.ImageDataPointer^, Image.BoundsRect); end; procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage); begin DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, DstRect, Image.ImageDataPointer^, Image.BoundsRect); end; procedure DisplayImage(DstCanvas: TCanvas; const DstRect: TRect; Image: TBaseImage; const SrcRect: TRect); begin DisplayImageData(DstCanvas, DstRect, Image.ImageDataPointer^, SrcRect); end; { TImagingGraphic class implementation } procedure TImagingGraphic.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin ReadDataFromStream(Stream); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.ReadDataFromStream(Stream: TStream); var Image: TSingleImage; begin Image := TSingleImage.Create; try Image.LoadFromStream(Stream); Assign(Image); finally Image.Free; end; end; procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); var Arr: TDynImageDataArray; begin if Dest is TSingleImage then begin AssignToImage(TSingleImage(Dest)) end else if Dest is TMultiImage then begin SetLength(Arr, 1); AssignToImageData(Arr[0]); TMultiImage(Dest).CreateFromArray(Arr); Imaging.FreeImagesInArray(Arr); end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TBaseImage then AssignFromImage(TBaseImage(Source)) else inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignFromImage(Image: TBaseImage); begin if (Image <> nil) and Image.Valid then AssignFromImageData(Image.ImageDataPointer^); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignToImage(Image: TBaseImage); begin if (Image <> nil) and (Image.ImageDataPointer <> nil) then AssignToImageData(Image.ImageDataPointer^); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignFromImageData(const ImageData: TImageData); begin if Imaging.TestImage(ImageData) then ConvertDataToBitmap(ImageData, Self); end; procedure TImagingGraphic.AssignToImageData(var ImageData: TImageData); begin Imaging.FreeImage(ImageData); ConvertBitmapToData(Self, ImageData); end; { TImagingGraphicForSave class implementation } constructor TImagingGraphicForSave.Create; begin inherited Create; FDefaultFileExt := GetFileFormat.Extensions[0]; FSavingFormat := ifUnknown; GetFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity; end; procedure TImagingGraphicForSave.WriteDataToStream(Stream: TStream); var Image: TSingleImage; begin if FDefaultFileExt <> '' then begin Image := TSingleImage.Create; try Image.Assign(Self); if FSavingFormat <> ifUnknown then Image.Format := FSavingFormat; Image.SaveToStream(FDefaultFileExt, Stream); finally Image.Free; end; end; end; procedure TImagingGraphicForSave.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin WriteDataToStream(Stream); end; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} class function TImagingGraphicForSave.GetFileExtensions: string; begin Result := StringReplace(GetFileFormat.Extensions.CommaText, ',', ';', [rfReplaceAll]); end; function TImagingGraphicForSave.GetDefaultMimeType: string; begin Result := 'image/' + FDefaultFileExt; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_BITMAP} { TImagingBitmap class implementation } constructor TImagingBitmap.Create; begin inherited Create; FUseRLE := (GetFileFormat as TBitmapFileFormat).UseRLE; end; class function TImagingBitmap.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TBitmapFileFormat); end; procedure TImagingBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingBitmapRLE, Ord(FUseRLE)); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JPEG} { TImagingJpeg class implementation } constructor TImagingJpeg.Create; begin inherited Create; FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TJpegFileFormat).Quality; FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TJpegFileFormat).Progressive; end; class function TImagingJpeg.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TJpegFileFormat); end; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} function TImagingJpeg.GetDefaultMimeType: string; begin Result := 'image/jpeg'; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TImagingJpeg.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJpegQuality, FQuality); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJpegProgressive, Ord(FProgressive)); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_PNG} { TImagingPNG class implementation } constructor TImagingPNG.Create; begin inherited Create; FPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TPNGFileFormat).PreFilter; FCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TPNGFileFormat).CompressLevel; end; class function TImagingPNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TPNGFileFormat); end; procedure TImagingPNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, FPreFilter); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, FCompressLevel); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_GIF} { TImagingGIF class implementation} class function TImagingGIF.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TGIFFileFormat); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_TARGA} { TImagingTarga class implementation } constructor TImagingTarga.Create; begin inherited Create; FUseRLE := (GetFileFormat as TTargaFileFormat).UseRLE; end; class function TImagingTarga.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TTargaFileFormat); end; procedure TImagingTarga.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingTargaRLE, Ord(FUseRLE)); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_DDS} { TImagingDDS class implementation } constructor TImagingDDS.Create; begin inherited Create; FCompression := dcNone; end; class function TImagingDDS.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TDDSFileFormat); end; procedure TImagingDDS.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin case FCompression of dcNone: FSavingFormat := ifUnknown; dcDXT1: FSavingFormat := ifDXT1; dcDXT3: FSavingFormat := ifDXT3; dcDXT5: FSavingFormat := ifDXT5; end; Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveCubeMap, Ord(False)); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveVolume, Ord(False)); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveMipMapCount, 1); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingDDSSaveDepth, 1); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_MNG} { TImagingMNG class implementation } constructor TImagingMNG.Create; begin inherited Create; FLossyCompression := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).LossyCompression; FLossyAlpha := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).LossyAlpha; FPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).PreFilter; FCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).CompressLevel; FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).Quality; FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TMNGFileFormat).Progressive; end; class function TImagingMNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TMNGFileFormat); end; {$IFDEF COMPONENT_SET_LCL} function TImagingMNG.GetDefaultMimeType: string; begin Result := 'video/mng'; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TImagingMNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGLossyCompression, Ord(FLossyCompression)); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGLossyAlpha, Ord(FLossyAlpha)); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGPreFilter, FPreFilter); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGCompressLevel, FCompressLevel); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGQuality, FQuality); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingMNGProgressive, Ord(FProgressive)); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINK_JNG} { TImagingJNG class implementation } constructor TImagingJNG.Create; begin inherited Create; FLossyAlpha := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).LossyAlpha; FAlphaPreFilter := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).PreFilter; FAlphaCompressLevel := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).CompressLevel; FQuality := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).Quality; FProgressive := (GetFileFormat as TJNGFileFormat).Progressive; end; class function TImagingJNG.GetFileFormat: TImageFileFormat; begin Result := FindImageFileFormatByClass(TJNGFileFormat); end; procedure TImagingJNG.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin Imaging.PushOptions; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGLossyALpha, Ord(FLossyAlpha)); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGAlphaPreFilter, FAlphaPreFilter); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGAlphaCompressLevel, FAlphaCompressLevel); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGQuality, FQuality); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingJNGProgressive, Ord(FProgressive)); inherited SaveToStream(Stream); Imaging.PopOptions; end; {$ENDIF} initialization RegisterTypes; finalization UnRegisterTypes; { File Notes: -- TODOS ---------------------------------------------------- - nothing now -- 0.24.1 Changes/Bug Fixes --------------------------------- - Fixed wrong IFDEF causing that Imaging wouldn't compile in Lazarus with GTK2 target. - Added commnets with code for Lazarus rev. 11861+ regarding RawImage interface. Replace current code with that in comments if you use Lazarus from SVN. New RawImage interface will be used by default after next Lazarus release. -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Added TImagingGIF. -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - Uses only high level interface now (except for saving options). - Slightly changed class hierarchy. TImagingGraphic is now only for loading and base class for savers is new TImagingGraphicForSave. Also TImagingGraphic is now registered with all supported file formats by TPicture's format support. -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - added DisplayImage procedures (thanks to Paul Michell, modified) - removed RegisterTypes and UnRegisterTypes from interface section, they are called automatically - added procedures: ConvertImageToBitmap and ConvertBitmapToImage -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - LCL data to bitmap conversion didnīt work in Linux, fixed - added MNG file format - added JNG file format -- 0.15 Changes/Bug Fixes ----------------------------------- - made it LCL compatible - made it CLX compatible - added all initial stuff } end.