object frmDrawSettings: TfrmDrawSettings Left = 290 Height = 138 Top = 171 Width = 186 HorzScrollBar.Page = 185 VertScrollBar.Page = 137 ActiveControl = rbTileList BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsToolWindow Caption = 'Draw settings' ClientHeight = 138 ClientWidth = 186 FormStyle = fsStayOnTop OnClose = FormClose OnDeactivate = FormDeactivate OnShow = FormShow object rbTileList: TRadioButton Left = 8 Height = 15 Top = 8 Width = 113 Caption = 'Use tile from the list' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 0 UseOnChange = True end object rbRandom: TRadioButton Left = 8 Height = 15 Top = 32 Width = 164 Caption = 'Use tiles from the random pool' TabOrder = 1 UseOnChange = True end object cbForceAltitude: TCheckBox Left = 8 Height = 15 Top = 60 Width = 89 Caption = 'Force altitude:' TabOrder = 2 end object seForceAltitude: TSpinEdit Left = 104 Height = 23 Top = 56 Width = 50 MaxValue = 127 MinValue = -128 OnChange = seForceAltitudeChange TabOrder = 3 end object gbHue: TGroupBox Height = 49 Top = 88 Width = 185 Caption = 'Hue (Statics only)' ClientHeight = 31 ClientWidth = 181 TabOrder = 4 object pbHue: TPaintBox Cursor = crHandPoint Left = 6 Height = 16 Top = 1 Width = 169 OnClick = pbHueClick OnPaint = pbHuePaint end end end