(* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Portions Copyright 2007 Andreas Schneider *) unit URadarMap; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, UConfig, UNetState, UEnhancedMemoryStream, UEnums; type TRadarColorArray = array of Word; { TRadarMap } TRadarMap = class(TObject) constructor Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: Word; ARadarCol: string); destructor Destroy; override; protected FWidth: Word; FHeight: Word; FRadarColors: TRadarColorArray; FRadarMap: TRadarColorArray; FPackets: TList; FPacketSize: Cardinal; procedure OnRadarHandlingPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ANetState: TNetState); public procedure Update(AX, AY, ATileID: Word); procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; end; implementation uses UPacket, UPackets, UPacketHandlers, UCEDServer, crc; type TMulIndex = packed record Position: Cardinal; Size: Cardinal; Userdata: Cardinal; end; TMapCell = packed record TileID: Word; Altitude: ShortInt; end; TStaticItem = packed record TileID: Word; X, Y: Byte; Z: ShortInt; Hue: Word; end; { TRadarChecksumPacket } TRadarChecksumPacket = class(TPacket) constructor Create(ARadarMap: TRadarColorArray); end; { TRadarMapPacket } TRadarMapPacket = class(TPacket) constructor Create(ARadarMap: TRadarColorArray); end; { TUpdateRadarPacket } TUpdateRadarPacket = class(TPacket) constructor Create(AX, AY, AColor: Word); end; { TRadarChecksumPacket } constructor TRadarChecksumPacket.Create(ARadarMap: TRadarColorArray); var checksum: Cardinal; begin inherited Create($0D, 0); FStream.WriteByte($01); checksum := crc32(0, nil, 0); checksum := crc32(checksum, @ARadarMap[0], Length(ARadarMap) * SizeOf(Word)); FStream.WriteCardinal(checksum); end; { TRadarMapPacket } constructor TRadarMapPacket.Create(ARadarMap: TRadarColorArray); begin inherited Create($0D, 0); FStream.WriteByte($02); FStream.Write(ARadarMap[0], Length(ARadarMap) * SizeOf(Word)); end; { TUpdateRadarPacket } constructor TUpdateRadarPacket.Create(AX, AY, AColor: Word); begin inherited Create($0D, 0); FStream.WriteByte($03); FStream.WriteWord(AX); FStream.WriteWord(AY); FStream.WriteWord(AColor); end; { TRadarMap } constructor TRadarMap.Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx: TStream; AWidth, AHeight: Word; ARadarCol: string); var radarcol: TFileStream; count, i, item, highestZ: Integer; staticsItems: array of TStaticItem; mapCell: TMapCell; index: TMulIndex; begin radarcol := TFileStream.Create(ARadarCol, fmOpenRead); SetLength(FRadarColors, radarcol.Size div SizeOf(Word)); radarcol.Read(FRadarColors[0], radarcol.Size); radarcol.Free; FWidth := AWidth; FHeight := AHeight; count := AWidth * AHeight; SetLength(FRadarMap, count); AMap.Position := 4; AStaIdx.Position := 0; for i := 0 to count - 1 do begin AMap.Read(mapCell, SizeOf(TMapCell)); AMap.Seek(193, soFromCurrent); FRadarMap[i] := FRadarColors[mapCell.TileID]; AStaIdx.Read(index, SizeOf(TMulIndex)); if (index.Position < $FFFFFFFF) and (index.Size > 0) then begin AStatics.Position := index.Position; SetLength(staticsItems, index.Size div 7); AStatics.Read(staticsItems[0], index.Size); highestZ := mapCell.Altitude; for item := Low(staticsItems) to High(staticsItems) do begin if (staticsItems[item].X = 0) and (staticsItems[item].Y = 0) and (staticsItems[item].Z >= highestZ) then begin highestZ := staticsItems[item].Z; FRadarMap[i] := FRadarColors[staticsItems[item].TileID + $4000]; end; end; end; end; FPackets := nil; RegisterPacketHandler($0D, TPacketHandler.Create(2, @OnRadarHandlingPacket)); inherited Create; end; destructor TRadarMap.Destroy; begin RegisterPacketHandler($0D, nil); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TRadarMap.OnRadarHandlingPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream; ANetState: TNetState); var subID: Byte; begin if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alView) then Exit; subID := ABuffer.ReadByte; case subID of $01: //request checksum begin CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(ANetState, TRadarChecksumPacket.Create( FRadarMap)); end; $02: //request radarmap begin CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(ANetState, TCompressedPacket.Create( TRadarMapPacket.Create(FRadarMap))); end; end; end; procedure TRadarMap.Update(AX, AY, ATileID: Word); var color: Word; block: Cardinal; packet: TPacket; begin block := AX * FHeight + AY; color := FRadarColors[ATileID]; if FRadarMap[block] <> color then begin FRadarMap[block] := color; packet := TUpdateRadarPacket.Create(AX, AY, color); if FPackets <> nil then begin FPackets.Add(packet); Inc(FPacketSize, packet.Stream.Size); end else CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, packet); end; end; procedure TRadarMap.BeginUpdate; begin if FPackets <> nil then Exit; FPackets := TList.Create; FPacketSize := 0; end; procedure TRadarMap.EndUpdate; var completePacket: TPacket; i: Integer; begin if FPackets = nil then Exit; completePacket := TCompressedPacket.Create(TRadarMapPacket.Create(FRadarMap)); if completePacket.Stream.Size <= (FPacketSize div 4) * 5 then begin CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, completePacket); for i := 0 to FPackets.Count - 1 do TPacket(FPackets.Items[i]).Free; end else begin for i := 0 to FPackets.Count - 1 do CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, TPacket(FPackets.Items[i])); completePacket.Free; end; FreeAndNil(FPackets); end; end.