diff --git a/Client/CentrED.lpi b/Client/CentrED.lpi index 6357c57..083d925 100644 --- a/Client/CentrED.lpi +++ b/Client/CentrED.lpi @@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ - - + diff --git a/Client/CentrED.rc b/Client/CentrED.rc index 0cb609c..15000b9 100644 --- a/Client/CentrED.rc +++ b/Client/CentrED.rc @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1 VERSIONINFO -FILEVERSION 0,4,2,127 +FILEVERSION 0,4,2,141 PRODUCTVERSION 0,4,2,85 { BLOCK "StringFileInfo" @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ PRODUCTVERSION 0,4,2,85 VALUE "Comments", "\000" VALUE "CompanyName", "AKS DataBasis\000" VALUE "FileDescription", "UO CentrED\000" - VALUE "FileVersion", "\000" + VALUE "FileVersion", "\000" VALUE "InternalName", "\000" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Andreas Schneider\000" VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\000" diff --git a/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.lfm b/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.lfm index 5776e86..5148043 100644 --- a/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.lfm +++ b/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.lfm @@ -1,1191 +1,1196 @@ -object frmLargeScaleCommand: TfrmLargeScaleCommand - Left = 290 - Height = 397 - Top = 171 - Width = 620 - ActiveControl = vstActions - Caption = 'Large Scale Commands' - ClientHeight = 397 - ClientWidth = 620 - Constraints.MinHeight = 390 - Constraints.MinWidth = 620 - Font.Height = -11 - OnCreate = FormCreate - OnDestroy = FormDestroy - OnShow = FormShow - Position = poOwnerFormCenter - ShowInTaskBar = stAlways - LCLVersion = '0.9.27' - object nbActions: TNotebook - Left = 152 - Height = 364 - Top = 0 - Width = 468 - Align = alClient - PageIndex = 4 - ShowTabs = False - TabOrder = 0 - object pgArea: TPage - Caption = 'pgArea' - ClientWidth = 462 - ClientHeight = 331 - object sbArea: TScrollBox - Left = 0 - Height = 331 - Top = 0 - Width = 462 - Align = alClient - ClientHeight = 327 - ClientWidth = 458 - TabOrder = 0 - object pbArea: TPaintBox - Left = 0 - Height = 105 - Top = 0 - Width = 105 - OnMouseDown = pbAreaMouseDown - OnMouseMove = pbAreaMouseMove - OnPaint = pbAreaPaint - end - end - end - object pgCopyMove: TPage - Caption = 'Copy/Move' - 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Width = 12 - Caption = 'Y:' - ParentColor = False - end - object seCMOffsetX: TSpinEdit - Left = 30 - Height = 23 - Top = 8 - Width = 74 - TabOrder = 0 - end - object seCMOffsetY: TSpinEdit - Left = 30 - Height = 23 - Top = 34 - Width = 74 - TabOrder = 1 - end - end - object cbCMEraseTarget: TCheckBox - Left = 20 - Height = 21 - Top = 148 - Width = 174 - Caption = 'Erase target area (at offset)' - TabOrder = 2 - end - end - object pgModifyAltitude: TPage - Caption = 'Modify altitude' - ClientWidth = 462 - ClientHeight = 331 - object Label2: TLabel - Left = 28 - Height = 43 - Top = 38 - Width = 142 - Caption = 'The statics will be elevated according to the terrain change.' - Enabled = False - ParentColor = False - WordWrap = True - end - object Label3: TLabel - Left = 228 - Height = 28 - Top = 12 - Width = 125 - Caption = 'Set the altitude to a value from this range:' - ParentColor = False - WordWrap = True - end - object Label4: TLabel - Left = 288 - Height = 13 - Top = 49 - Width = 12 - Caption = 'to' - ParentColor = False - end - object rbSetTerrainAltitude: TRadioButton - Left = 12 - Height = 21 - Top = 12 - Width = 124 - Caption = 'Set terrain altitude' - Checked = True - State = cbChecked - TabOrder = 0 - end - object rbRelativeAltitudeChange: TRadioButton - Left = 12 - Height = 21 - Top = 84 - Width = 156 - Caption = 'Relative altitude change' - TabOrder = 1 - TabStop = False - end - object seTerrainAltitude1: TSpinEdit - Left = 228 - Height = 23 - Top = 46 - Width = 50 - MaxValue = 127 - MinValue = -128 - TabOrder = 2 - end - object seTerrainAltitude2: TSpinEdit - Left = 308 - Height = 23 - Top = 46 - Width = 50 - MaxValue = 127 - MinValue = -128 - TabOrder = 3 - end - object seRelativeAltitude: TSpinEdit - Left = 28 - Height = 23 - Top = 108 - Width = 50 - MaxValue = 127 - MinValue = -128 - TabOrder = 4 - end - end - object pgDrawTerrain: TPage - Caption = 'Draw Terrain' - ClientWidth = 462 - ClientHeight = 331 - object gbDrawTerrainTiles: TGroupBox - Left = 8 - Height = 315 - Top = 8 - Width = 225 - Align = alLeft - BorderSpacing.Around = 8 - Caption = 'Tiles' - ClientHeight = 299 - ClientWidth = 223 - TabOrder = 0 - object lblDrawTerrainTilesDesc: TLabel - Left = 4 - Height = 58 - Top = 0 - Width = 215 - Align = alTop - BorderSpacing.Left = 4 - BorderSpacing.Right = 4 - BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 - Caption = 'Drag terrain tiles from the main window and drop them on the list. For each cell in the target area, one of these (random) will be used.' - ParentColor = False - WordWrap = True - end - object vdtTerrainTiles: TVirtualDrawTree - Tag = 1 - Cursor = 63 - Left = 4 - Height = 207 - Top = 62 - Width = 215 - Align = alClient - BorderSpacing.Left = 4 - BorderSpacing.Right = 4 - BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 - DefaultNodeHeight = 44 - DragMode = dmAutomatic - DragType = dtVCL - Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 - Header.Columns = < - item - Position = 0 - Text = 'ID' - end - item - Position = 1 - Text = 'Tile' - Width = 44 - end - item - Position = 2 - Text = 'Name' - Width = 100 - end> - Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] - Header.ParentFont = True - Header.Style = hsFlatButtons - TabOrder = 0 - TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] - TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] - TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toFullRowSelect, toMultiSelect] - 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Only statics matching these tiles will be deleted. If the list is empty, every static will be deleted.' - ParentColor = False - WordWrap = True - end - object vdtDeleteStaticsTiles: TVirtualDrawTree - Tag = 1 - Cursor = 63 - Left = 4 - Height = 216 - Top = 82 - Width = 215 - Align = alClient - BorderSpacing.Left = 4 - BorderSpacing.Right = 4 - BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 - DefaultNodeHeight = 44 - DragMode = dmAutomatic - DragType = dtVCL - Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 - Header.Columns = < - item - Position = 0 - Text = 'ID' - end - item - Position = 1 - Text = 'Tile' - Width = 44 - end - item - Position = 2 - Text = 'Name' - Width = 100 - end> - Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] - Header.ParentFont = True - Header.Style = hsFlatButtons - TabOrder = 0 - TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] - TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] - TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toFullRowSelect, toMultiSelect] - 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For each cell in the target area, one of these (random) will be used.' - ParentColor = False - WordWrap = True - end - object vdtInsertStaticsTiles: TVirtualDrawTree - Tag = 1 - Left = 4 - Height = 207 - Top = 62 - Width = 215 - Align = alClient - BorderSpacing.Left = 4 - BorderSpacing.Right = 4 - BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 - DefaultNodeHeight = 44 - DragMode = dmAutomatic - DragType = dtVCL - Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 - Header.Columns = < - item - Position = 0 - Text = 'ID' - end - item - Position = 1 - Text = 'Tile' - Width = 44 - end - item - Position = 2 - Text = 'Name' - Width = 100 - end> - Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] - Header.ParentFont = True - Header.Style = hsFlatButtons - TabOrder = 0 - TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] - TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] - TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = 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elevated according to the terrain change.' + Enabled = False + ParentColor = False + WordWrap = True + end + object Label3: TLabel + Left = 228 + Height = 28 + Top = 12 + Width = 125 + Caption = 'Set the altitude to a value from this range:' + ParentColor = False + WordWrap = True + end + object Label4: TLabel + Left = 288 + Height = 13 + Top = 49 + Width = 12 + Caption = 'to' + ParentColor = False + end + object rbSetTerrainAltitude: TRadioButton + Left = 12 + Height = 21 + Top = 12 + Width = 124 + Caption = 'Set terrain altitude' + Checked = True + State = cbChecked + TabOrder = 0 + end + object rbRelativeAltitudeChange: TRadioButton + Left = 12 + Height = 21 + Top = 84 + Width = 156 + Caption = 'Relative altitude change' + TabOrder = 1 + TabStop = False + end + object seTerrainAltitude1: TSpinEdit + Left = 228 + Height = 23 + Top = 46 + Width = 50 + MaxValue = 127 + MinValue = -128 + TabOrder = 2 + end + object seTerrainAltitude2: TSpinEdit + Left = 308 + Height = 23 + Top = 46 + Width = 50 + MaxValue = 127 + MinValue = -128 + TabOrder = 3 + end + object seRelativeAltitude: TSpinEdit + Left = 28 + Height = 23 + Top = 108 + Width = 50 + MaxValue = 127 + MinValue = -128 + TabOrder = 4 + end + end + object pgDrawTerrain: TPage + Caption = 'Draw Terrain' + ClientWidth = 462 + ClientHeight = 331 + object gbDrawTerrainTiles: TGroupBox + Left = 8 + Height = 315 + Top = 8 + Width = 225 + Align = alLeft + BorderSpacing.Around = 8 + Caption = 'Tiles' + ClientHeight = 301 + ClientWidth = 223 + TabOrder = 0 + object lblDrawTerrainTilesDesc: TLabel + Left = 4 + Height = 58 + Top = 0 + Width = 213 + Align = alTop + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + Caption = 'Drag terrain tiles from the main window and drop them on the list. For each cell in the target area, one of these (random) will be used.' + ParentColor = False + WordWrap = True + end + object vdtTerrainTiles: TVirtualDrawTree + Tag = 1 + Cursor = 63 + Left = 4 + Height = 219 + Top = 62 + Width = 213 + Align = alClient + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + DefaultNodeHeight = 44 + DragMode = dmAutomatic + DragType = dtVCL + Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 + Header.Columns = < + item + Position = 0 + Text = 'ID' + end + item + Position = 1 + Text = 'Tile' + Width = 44 + end + item + Position = 2 + Text = 'Name' + Width = 100 + end> + Header.DefaultHeight = 17 + Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] + Header.ParentFont = True + Header.Style = hsFlatButtons + TabOrder = 0 + TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] + TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] + 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BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + Caption = 'Drag statics tiles from the main window and drop them on the list. Only statics matching these tiles will be deleted. If the list is empty, every static will be deleted.' + ParentColor = False + WordWrap = True + end + object vdtDeleteStaticsTiles: TVirtualDrawTree + Tag = 1 + Cursor = 63 + Left = 4 + Height = 216 + Top = 82 + Width = 215 + Align = alClient + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + DefaultNodeHeight = 44 + DragMode = dmAutomatic + DragType = dtVCL + Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 + Header.Columns = < + item + Position = 0 + Text = 'ID' + end + item + Position = 1 + Text = 'Tile' + Width = 44 + end + item + Position = 2 + Text = 'Name' + Width = 100 + end> + Header.DefaultHeight = 17 + Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] + Header.ParentFont = True + Header.Style = hsFlatButtons + TabOrder = 0 + TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] + TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] + TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toFullRowSelect, toMultiSelect] + OnDragOver = vdtTerrainTilesDragOver + OnDragDrop = vdtTerrainTilesDragDrop + OnDrawNode = vdtTerrainTilesDrawNode + end + object pnlDrawTerrainTilesControls2: TPanel + Left = 0 + Height = 26 + Top = 302 + Width = 223 + Align = alBottom + BevelOuter = bvNone + ClientHeight = 26 + ClientWidth = 223 + TabOrder = 1 + object btnClearDStaticsTiles: TSpeedButton + Left = 33 + Height = 22 + Hint = 'Clear' + Top = 0 + Width = 23 + Color = clBtnFace + Glyph.Data = { + 36040000424D3604000000000000360000002800000010000000100000000100 + 2000000000000004000064000000640000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 000000000000000000000000F1FF0000F1FF0000F1FF0000F1FF0000EFFF0000 + EFFF0000EDFF0000EDFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000F5FF1A20F5FF3C4CF9FF3A49F8FF3847F8FF3545F8FF3443 + 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WordWrap = True + end + object Label8: TLabel + Left = 64 + Height = 14 + Top = 42 + Width = 12 + Caption = 'to' + ParentColor = False + end + object seDeleteStaticsZ1: TSpinEdit + Left = 4 + Height = 19 + Top = 39 + Width = 50 + MaxValue = 127 + MinValue = -128 + TabOrder = 0 + Value = -128 + end + object seDeleteStaticsZ2: TSpinEdit + Left = 86 + Height = 19 + Top = 39 + Width = 50 + MaxValue = 127 + MinValue = -128 + TabOrder = 1 + Value = 127 + end + end + end + object pgInsertStatics: TPage + Caption = 'Insert statics' + ClientWidth = 462 + ClientHeight = 331 + object gbInserStaticsTiles: TGroupBox + Left = 8 + Height = 315 + Top = 8 + Width = 225 + Align = alLeft + BorderSpacing.Around = 8 + Caption = 'Tiles' + ClientHeight = 301 + ClientWidth = 223 + TabOrder = 0 + object lblInsertStaticsTiles: TLabel + Left = 4 + Height = 58 + Top = 0 + Width = 213 + Align = alTop + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + Caption = 'Drag statics tiles from the main window and drop them on the list. For each cell in the target area, one of these (random) will be used.' + ParentColor = False + WordWrap = True + end + object vdtInsertStaticsTiles: TVirtualDrawTree + Tag = 1 + Left = 4 + Height = 219 + Top = 62 + Width = 213 + Align = alClient + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + DefaultNodeHeight = 44 + DragMode = dmAutomatic + DragType = dtVCL + Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 + Header.Columns = < + item + Position = 0 + Text = 'ID' + end + item + Position = 1 + Text = 'Tile' + Width = 44 + end + item + Position = 2 + Text = 'Name' + Width = 100 + end> + Header.DefaultHeight = 17 + Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag, hoVisible] + Header.ParentFont = True + Header.Style = hsFlatButtons + TabOrder = 0 + TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toFullRepaintOnResize, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning, toFullRowDrag] + TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toHideFocusRect, toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] + 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False + WordWrap = True + end + object Label6: TLabel + Left = 59 + Height = 13 + Top = 40 + Width = 11 + Caption = '%' + ParentColor = False + end + object seStaticsProbability: TSpinEdit + Left = 4 + Height = 23 + Top = 36 + Width = 50 + TabOrder = 0 + Value = 100 + end + end + object gbStaticsPlacement: TGroupBox + Left = 244 + Height = 120 + Top = 100 + Width = 185 + Caption = 'Z Placement' + ClientHeight = 106 + ClientWidth = 183 + TabOrder = 2 + object rbPlaceStaticsOnTerrain: TRadioButton + Left = 4 + Height = 20 + Top = 3 + Width = 140 + Caption = 'Place tiles on terrain' + Checked = True + State = cbChecked + TabOrder = 0 + end + object rbPlaceStaticsOnTop: TRadioButton + Left = 4 + Height = 20 + Top = 27 + Width = 120 + Caption = 'Place tiles on top' + TabOrder = 1 + TabStop = False + end + object rbPlaceStaticsOnZ: TRadioButton + Left = 4 + Height = 20 + Top = 51 + Width = 103 + Caption = 'Place tiles on:' + TabOrder = 2 + TabStop = False + end + object seInsertStaticsZ: 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FDFF383CFCFF4F5DFCFF1F25FAFF0000F7FF0000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000FFFF262BFFFF5C69FFFF5B68FFFF5A67FEFF5865FEFF5663 + FEFF5461FEFF2227FCFF0000FBFF000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 000000000000000000000000FFFF0000FFFF0000FFFF0000FFFF0000FDFF0000 + FDFF0000FDFF0000FDFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + } + NumGlyphs = 0 + OnClick = btnClearAreaClick + ShowHint = True + ParentShowHint = False + end + object seX1: TSpinEdit + Left = 20 + Height = 19 + Top = 29 + Width = 50 + Enabled = False + OnChange = seX1Change + TabOrder = 0 + end + object seX2: TSpinEdit + Left = 84 + Height = 19 + Top = 29 + Width = 50 + Enabled = False + OnChange = seX1Change + TabOrder = 1 + end + object seY1: TSpinEdit + Left = 20 + Height = 19 + Top = 56 + Width = 50 + Enabled = False + OnChange = seX1Change + TabOrder = 2 + end + object seY2: TSpinEdit + Left = 84 + Height = 19 + Top = 56 + Width = 50 + Enabled = False + OnChange = seX1Change + TabOrder = 3 + end + end + object vstArea: TVirtualStringTree + Left = 4 + Height = 124 + Top = 150 + Width = 144 + Align = alClient + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.Bottom = 4 + BorderStyle = bsSingle + DefaultText = 'Node' + Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0 + Header.Columns = <> + Header.DefaultHeight = 17 + Header.MainColumn = -1 + Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag] + TabOrder = 2 + TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages] + TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toFullRowSelect] + OnChange = vstAreaChange + OnGetText = vstAreaGetText + end + end + object pnlControls: TPanel + Left = 4 + Height = 25 + Top = 368 + Width = 612 + Align = alBottom + BorderSpacing.Around = 4 + BevelOuter = bvNone + ClientHeight = 25 + ClientWidth = 612 + TabOrder = 2 + object btnExecute: TButton + Left = 480 + Height = 25 + Top = 0 + Width = 64 + Align = alRight + BorderSpacing.Right = 4 + BorderSpacing.InnerBorder = 4 + Caption = 'Execute' + OnClick = btnExecuteClick + TabOrder = 0 + end + object btnClose: TButton + Left = 548 + Height = 25 + Top = 0 + Width = 64 + Align = alRight + BorderSpacing.Left = 4 + BorderSpacing.InnerBorder = 4 + Caption = 'Close' + OnClick = btnCloseClick + TabOrder = 1 + end + end +end diff --git a/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.pas b/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.pas index 0d037c6..fba5ee0 100644 --- a/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.pas +++ b/Client/UfrmLargeScaleCommand.pas @@ -146,18 +146,18 @@ type procedure vstActionsChange(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode); procedure vstActionsGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; - var CellText: UTF8String); + var CellText: String); procedure vstActionsPaintText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; const TargetCanvas: TCanvas; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType); procedure vstAreaChange(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode); procedure vstAreaGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; - Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: UTF8String); + Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: String); protected FLastX: Integer; FLastY: Integer; FAreaMove: TAreaMove; - procedure AddNode(AActionID: Integer; ACaption: UTF8String); + procedure AddNode(AActionID: Integer; ACaption: String); function FindNode(AActionID: Integer): PVirtualNode; procedure SerializeTiles(ATileList: TVirtualDrawTree; AStream: TEnhancedMemoryStream); @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ type PNodeInfo = ^TNodeInfo; TNodeInfo = record ActionID: Integer; - Caption: UTF8String; + Caption: String; end; PTileInfo = ^TTileInfo; TTileInfo = record @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ end; procedure TfrmLargeScaleCommand.vstActionsGetText( Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; - TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: UTF8String); + TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: String); var nodeInfo: PNodeInfo; begin @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ end; procedure TfrmLargeScaleCommand.vstAreaGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; - var CellText: UTF8String); + var CellText: String); var nodeInfo: ^TRect; begin @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ begin nodeInfo^.Right, nodeInfo^.Bottom]); end; -procedure TfrmLargeScaleCommand.AddNode(AActionID: Integer; ACaption: UTF8String); +procedure TfrmLargeScaleCommand.AddNode(AActionID: Integer; ACaption: String); var node: PVirtualNode; nodeInfo: PNodeInfo; diff --git a/Client/UfrmMain.pas b/Client/UfrmMain.pas index 2815287..ddb2f93 100644 --- a/Client/UfrmMain.pas +++ b/Client/UfrmMain.pas @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ type procedure vstChatClick(Sender: TObject); procedure vstChatFreeNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode); procedure vstChatGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; - Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: UTF8String); + Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: String); procedure vstChatPaintText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; const TargetCanvas: TCanvas; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType); @@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ type procedure vstLocationsFreeNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode ); procedure vstLocationsGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; - Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: UTF8String); + Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: String); procedure vstLocationsLoadNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Stream: TStream); procedure vstLocationsNewText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; - Column: TColumnIndex; NewText: WideString); + Column: TColumnIndex; const NewText: String); procedure vstLocationsSaveNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Stream: TStream); protected @@ -1454,15 +1454,15 @@ begin end; procedure TfrmMain.vstChatGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; - Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: UTF8String); + Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: String); var chatInfo: PChatInfo; begin chatInfo := Sender.GetNodeData(Node); case Column of - 0: CellText := UTF8Encode(TimeToStr(chatInfo^.Time)); - 1: CellText := UTF8Encode(chatInfo^.Sender); - 2: CellText := UTF8Encode(chatInfo^.Msg); + 0: CellText := TimeToStr(chatInfo^.Time); + 1: CellText := chatInfo^.Sender; + 2: CellText := chatInfo^.Msg; end; end; @@ -1506,14 +1506,14 @@ end; procedure TfrmMain.vstLocationsGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; - var CellText: UTF8String); + var CellText: String); var locationInfo: PLocationInfo; begin locationInfo := Sender.GetNodeData(Node); case Column of - 0: CellText := UTF8Encode(Format('%d, %d', [locationInfo^.X, locationInfo^.Y])); - 1: CellText := UTF8Encode(locationInfo^.Name); + 0: CellText := Format('%d, %d', [locationInfo^.X, locationInfo^.Y]); + 1: CellText := locationInfo^.Name; end; end; @@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ begin end; procedure TfrmMain.vstLocationsNewText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; - Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; NewText: WideString); + Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; const NewText: String); var locationInfo: PLocationInfo; begin