diff --git a/Server/ULandscape.pas b/Server/ULandscape.pas
index 5b7062d..7541fcb 100644
--- a/Server/ULandscape.pas
+++ b/Server/ULandscape.pas
@@ -1,1101 +1,1111 @@
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
- * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
- * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.
- *
- * You can obtain a copy of the license at
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- *
- * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
- * file and include the License file at
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- * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
- * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information:
- * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
- *
- *
- *
- * Portions Copyright 2007 Andreas Schneider
- *)
-unit ULandscape;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, Classes, contnrs, UGenericIndex, UMap, UStatics, UTiledata,
- UWorldItem, UMulBlock, math,
- UTileDataProvider, URadarMap,
- UListSort, UCacheManager, ULinkedList, UBufferedStreams,
- UEnhancedMemoryStream, UPacketHandlers, UPackets, UNetState, UEnums;
- PRadarBlock = ^TRadarBlock;
- TRadarBlock = array[0..7, 0..7] of Word;
- TBlockSubscriptions = array of TLinkedList;
- { TBlock }
- TBlock = class(TObject)
- constructor Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- FMapBlock: TMapBlock;
- FStaticBlock: TStaticBlock;
- public
- property Map: TMapBlock read FMapBlock;
- property Static: TStaticBlock read FStaticBlock;
- end;
- { TLandscape }
- TLandscape = class(TObject)
- constructor Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata, ARadarCol: string;
- AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
- constructor Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata: TStream;
- ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- FWidth: Word;
- FHeight: Word;
- FCellWidth: Word;
- FCellHeight: Word;
- FMap: TStream;
- FStatics: TStream;
- FStaIdx: TStream;
- FTiledata: TStream;
- FTiledataProvider: TTiledataProvider;
- FOwnsStreams: Boolean;
- FRadarMap: TRadarMap;
- FBlockCache: TCacheManager;
- FBlockSubscriptions: TBlockSubscriptions;
- function Compare(left, right: TObject): Integer;
- procedure OnBlockChanged(ABlock: TMulBlock);
- procedure OnRemoveCachedObject(AObject: TObject);
- function GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell;
- function GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TList;
- function GetBlockSubscriptions(AX, AY: Word): TLinkedList;
- procedure UpdateStaticsPriority(AStaticItem: TStaticItem;
- APrioritySolver: Integer);
- procedure OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- procedure OnLargeScaleCommandPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- public
- property Width: Word read FWidth;
- property Height: Word read FHeight;
- property CellWidth: Word read FCellWidth;
- property CellHeight: Word read FCellHeight;
- property MapCell[X, Y: Word]: TMapCell read GetMapCell;
- property StaticList[X, Y: Word]: TList read GetStaticList;
- property BlockSubscriptions[X, Y: Word]: TLinkedList read GetBlockSubscriptions;
- property TiledataProvider: TTiledataProvider read FTiledataProvider;
- function GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock;
- function GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- function LoadBlock(AX, AY: Word): TBlock;
- procedure UpdateRadar(AX, AY: Word);
- function GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt;
- function GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- procedure SortStaticsList(AStatics: TList);
- procedure Flush;
- procedure SaveBlock(AWorldBlock: TWorldBlock);
- function Validate: Boolean;
- end;
- TStaticInfo = packed record
- X: Word;
- Y: Word;
- Z: ShortInt;
- TileID: Word;
- Hue: Word;
- end;
- TAreaInfo = packed record
- Left: Word;
- Top: Word;
- Right: Word;
- Bottom: Word;
- end;
- TWorldPoint = packed record
- X: Word;
- Y: Word;
- end;
-function PointInArea(AArea: TAreaInfo; AX, AY: Word): Boolean; inline;
- UCEDServer, UConnectionHandling, UConfig, ULargeScaleOperations;
- mMap = 0;
- mStatics = 1;
-function GetID(AX, AY: Word): Integer;
- Result := ((AX and $7FFF) shl 15) or (AY and $7FFF);
-function PointInArea(AArea: TAreaInfo; AX, AY: Word): Boolean;
- Result := InRange(AX, AArea.Left, AArea.Right) and
- InRange(AY, AArea.Top, AArea.Bottom);
-{ TBlock }
-constructor TBlock.Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock);
- inherited Create;
- FMapBlock := AMap;
- FStaticBlock := AStatics;
-destructor TBlock.Destroy;
- if FMapBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FMapBlock);
- if FStaticBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStaticBlock);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TLandscape }
-constructor TLandscape.Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata,
- ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
- Create(TFileStream.Create(AMap, fmOpenReadWrite),
- TFileStream.Create(AStatics, fmOpenReadWrite),
- TBufferedReader.Create(TFileStream.Create(AStaIdx, fmOpenReadWrite), True),
- TFileStream.Create(ATiledata, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite),
- ARadarCol, AWidth, AHeight, AValid);
- FOwnsStreams := True;
-constructor TLandscape.Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata: TStream;
- ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
- blockID, blockType: Integer;
- inherited Create;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FCellWidth := FWidth * 8;
- FCellHeight := FHeight * 8;
- FMap := AMap;
- FStatics := AStatics;
- FStaIdx := AStaIdx;
- FTiledata := ATiledata;
- FOwnsStreams := False;
- AValid := Validate;
- if AValid then
- begin
- FBlockCache := TCacheManager.Create(256);
- FBlockCache.OnRemoveObject := @OnRemoveCachedObject;
- FTiledataProvider := TTiledataProvider.Create(ATiledata);
- SetLength(FBlockSubscriptions, AWidth * AHeight);
- for blockID := 0 to AWidth * AHeight - 1 do
- FBlockSubscriptions[blockID] := TLinkedList.Create;
- FRadarMap := TRadarMap.Create(FMap, FStatics, FStaIdx, FWidth, FHeight,
- ARadarCol);
- RegisterPacketHandler($06, TPacketHandler.Create(8, @OnDrawMapPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($07, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnInsertStaticPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($08, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnDeleteStaticPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($09, TPacketHandler.Create(11, @OnElevateStaticPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($0A, TPacketHandler.Create(14, @OnMoveStaticPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($0B, TPacketHandler.Create(12, @OnHueStaticPacket));
- RegisterPacketHandler($0E, TPacketHandler.Create(0, @OnLargeScaleCommandPacket));
- end;
-destructor TLandscape.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to Length(FBlockSubscriptions) - 1 do
- if FBlockSubscriptions[i] <> nil then FreeAndNil(FBlockSubscriptions[i]);
- if FBlockCache <> nil then FreeAndNil(FBlockCache);
- if FTiledataProvider <> nil then FreeAndNil(FTiledataProvider);
- if FRadarMap <> nil then FreeAndNil(FRadarMap);
- if FOwnsStreams then
- begin
- if FMap <> nil then FreeAndNil(FMap);
- if FStatics <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStatics);
- if FStaIdx <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStaIdx);
- if FTiledata <> nil then FreeAndNil(FTiledata);
- end;
- RegisterPacketHandler($06, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($07, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($08, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($09, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($0A, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($0B, nil);
- RegisterPacketHandler($0E, nil);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TLandscape.GetBlockSubscriptions(AX, AY: Word): TLinkedList;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FHeight) then
- Result := FBlockSubscriptions[(AY * FWidth) + AX]
- else
- Result := nil;
-function TLandscape.GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell;
- block: TMapBlock;
- Result := nil;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then
- begin
- block := GetMapBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8];
- end;
-function TLandscape.GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FCellHeight) then
- Result := MapCell[AX, AY].Altitude
- else
- Result := ADefault;
-function TLandscape.GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TList;
- block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- Result := nil;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then
- begin
- block := GetStaticBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8];
- end;
-function TLandscape.Compare(left, right: TObject): Integer;
- Result := TWorldItem(right).Priority - TWorldItem(left).Priority;
- if Result = 0 then
- begin
- if (left is TMapCell) and (right is TStaticItem) then
- Result := 1
- else if (left is TStaticItem) and (right is TMapCell) then
- Result := -1;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- Result := TWorldItem(right).PriorityBonus - TWorldItem(left).PriorityBonus;
- if Result = 0 then
- Result := TWorldItem(right).PrioritySolver - TWorldItem(left).PrioritySolver;
-procedure TLandscape.UpdateRadar(AX, AY: Word);
- mapTile: TMapCell;
- tile: TWorldItem;
- staticItems, tiles: TList;
- i: Integer;
- if (AX mod 8 = 0) and (AY mod 8 = 0) then
- begin
- staticItems := GetStaticList(AX, AY);
- if staticItems <> nil then
- begin
- tiles := TList.Create;
- mapTile := GetMapCell(AX, AY);
- if mapTile <> nil then
- begin
- mapTile.Priority := GetEffectiveAltitude(mapTile);
- mapTile.PriorityBonus := 0;
- mapTile.PrioritySolver := 0;
- tiles.Add(mapTile);
- end;
- for i := 0 to staticItems.Count - 1 do
- begin
- UpdateStaticsPriority(TStaticItem(staticItems.Items[i]), i + 1);
- tiles.Add(staticItems.Items[i]);
- end;
- ListSort(tiles, @Compare);
- if tiles.Count > 0 then
- begin
- tile := TWorldItem(tiles.Items[tiles.Count - 1]);
- if tile is TStaticItem then
- FRadarMap.Update(AX div 8, AY div 8, tile.TileID + $4000)
- else
- FRadarMap.Update(AX div 8, AY div 8, tile.TileID)
- end;
- tiles.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.SortStaticsList(AStatics: TList);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do
- UpdateStaticsPriority(TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]), i + 1);
- ListSort(AStatics, @Compare);
-function TLandscape.GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt;
- north, west, south, east: ShortInt;
- north := ATile.Altitude;
- west := GetLandAlt(ATile.X, ATile.Y + 1, north);
- south := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y + 1, north);
- east := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y, north);
- if Abs(north - south) > Abs(west - east) then
- Result := (north + south) div 2
- else
- Result := (west + east) div 2;
-procedure TLandscape.OnBlockChanged(ABlock: TMulBlock);
- // Do nothing for now
-procedure TLandscape.OnRemoveCachedObject(AObject: TObject);
- block: TBlock;
- block := AObject as TBlock;
- if block <> nil then
- begin
- if block.Map.Changed then SaveBlock(block.Map);
- if block.Static.Changed then SaveBlock(block.Static);
- end;
-function TLandscape.GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock;
- block: TBlock;
- Result := nil;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then
- begin
- if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), TObject(block)) then
- Result := block.Map
- else
- Result := LoadBlock(AX, AY).Map;
- end;
-function TLandscape.GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- block: TBlock;
- Result := nil;
- if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then
- begin
- if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), TObject(block)) then
- Result := TSeperatedStaticBlock(block.Static)
- else
- Result := TSeperatedStaticBlock(LoadBlock(AX, AY).Static);
- end;
-function TLandscape.LoadBlock(AX, AY: Word): TBlock;
- map: TMapBlock;
- statics: TStaticBlock;
- index: TGenericIndex;
- FMap.Position := ((AX * FHeight) + AY) * 196;
- map := TMapBlock.Create(FMap, AX, AY);
- map.OnChanged := @OnBlockChanged;
- FStaIdx.Position := ((AX * FHeight) + AY) * 12;
- index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
- statics := TSeperatedStaticBlock.Create(FStatics, index, AX, AY);
- statics.OnChanged := @OnBlockChanged;
- index.Free;
- Result := TBlock.Create(map, statics);
- FBlockCache.StoreID(GetID(AX, AY), Result);
-//Intelligent write: replace if possible, otherwise extend
-procedure TLandscape.Flush;
- blockID, blockType: Integer;
- worldBlock: TWorldBlock;
- index: TGenericIndex;
- i, j, size: Integer;}
- {for blockID := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for blockType := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- worldBlock := FPersistentBlocks[blockID][blockType];
- if Assigned(worldBlock) and worldBlock.Changed then
- begin
- if worldBlock is TMapBlock then
- begin
- FMap.Position := ((worldBlock.X * FHeight) + worldBlock.Y) * 196;
- worldBlock.Write(FMap);
- for i := 0 to 63 do
- TMapBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].InitOriginalState;
- worldBlock.CleanUp;
- end else if worldBlock is TStaticBlock then
- begin
- FStaIdx.Position := ((worldBlock.X * FHeight) + worldBlock.Y) * 12;
- index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
- size := worldBlock.GetSize;
- if (size > index.Size) or (index.Lookup = LongInt($FFFFFFFF)) then
- begin
- FStatics.Position := FStatics.Size;
- index.Lookup := FStatics.Position;
- end;
- if size = 0 then
- index.Lookup := LongInt($FFFFFFFF)
- else
- begin
- index.Size := size;
- FStatics.Position := index.Lookup;
- worldBlock.Write(FStatics);
- end;
- FStaIdx.Seek(-12, soFromCurrent);
- index.Write(FStaIdx);
- index.Free;
- for i := 0 to 63 do
- for j := 0 to TSeperatedStaticBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].Count - 1 do
- TStaticItem(TSeperatedStaticBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].Items[j]).InitOriginalState;
- worldBlock.CleanUp;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;}
- FBlockCache.Clear;
-procedure TLandscape.SaveBlock(AWorldBlock: TWorldBlock);
- i, j, size: Integer;
- index: TGenericIndex;
- if AWorldBlock is TMapBlock then
- begin
- FMap.Position := ((AWorldBlock.X * FHeight) + AWorldBlock.Y) * 196;
- AWorldBlock.Write(FMap);
- for i := 0 to 63 do
- TMapBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].InitOriginalState;
- AWorldBlock.CleanUp;
- end else if AWorldBlock is TStaticBlock then
- begin
- FStaIdx.Position := ((AWorldBlock.X * FHeight) + AWorldBlock.Y) * 12;
- index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
- size := AWorldBlock.GetSize;
- if (size > index.Size) or (index.Lookup = LongInt($FFFFFFFF)) then
- begin
- FStatics.Position := FStatics.Size;
- index.Lookup := FStatics.Position;
- end;
- if size = 0 then
- index.Lookup := LongInt($FFFFFFFF)
- else
- begin
- index.Size := size;
- FStatics.Position := index.Lookup;
- AWorldBlock.Write(FStatics);
- end;
- FStaIdx.Seek(-12, soFromCurrent);
- index.Write(FStaIdx);
- index.Free;
- for i := 0 to 63 do
- for j := 0 to TSeperatedStaticBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].Count - 1 do
- TStaticItem(TSeperatedStaticBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].Items[j]).InitOriginalState;
- AWorldBlock.CleanUp;
- end;
-function TLandscape.Validate: Boolean;
- blocks: Integer;
- blocks := FWidth * FHeight;
- FStaIdx.Seek(0, soFromEnd); //workaround for TBufferedStream
- Result := (FMap.Size = (blocks * 196)) and (FStaIdx.Position = (blocks * 12));
-procedure TLandscape.UpdateStaticsPriority(AStaticItem: TStaticItem;
- APrioritySolver: Integer);
- staticTileData: TStaticTileData;
- staticTileData := FTiledataProvider.StaticTiles[AStaticItem.TileID];
- AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := 0;
- if not ((staticTileData.Flags and tdfBackground) = tdfBackground) then
- AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := AStaticItem.PriorityBonus + 1;
- if staticTileData.Height > 0 then
- AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := AStaticItem.PriorityBonus + 1;
- AStaticItem.Priority := AStaticItem.Z + AStaticItem.PriorityBonus;
- AStaticItem.PrioritySolver := APrioritySolver;
-procedure TLandscape.OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- x, y: Word;
- cell: TMapCell;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- packet: TDrawMapPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- x := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- y := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- cell := GetMapCell(x, y);
- if cell <> nil then
- begin
- cell.Altitude := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
- cell.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- packet := TDrawMapPacket.Create(cell);
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(y div 8) * FWidth + (x div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
- packet.Free;
- UpdateRadar(x, y);
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- x, y: Word;
- block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- staticItem: TStaticItem;
- targetStaticList: TList;
- i: Integer;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- packet: TInsertStaticPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- x := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- y := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- block := GetStaticBlock(x div 8, y div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- begin
- staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0);
- staticItem.X := x;
- staticItem.Y := y;
- staticItem.Z := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
- staticItem.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- staticItem.Hue := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- targetStaticList := block.Cells[(y mod 8) * 8 + x mod 8];
- targetStaticList.Add(staticItem);
- SortStaticsList(targetStaticList);
- staticItem.Owner := block;
- packet := TInsertStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(y div 8) * FWidth + (x div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
- packet.Free;
- UpdateRadar(x, y);
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- i: Integer;
- statics: TList;
- staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
- staticItem: TStaticItem;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- packet: TDeleteStaticPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
- block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- begin
- statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
- for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
- begin
- staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
- if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
- (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
- (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
- begin
- packet := TDeleteStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
- statics.Delete(i);
- staticItem.Delete;
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
- packet.Free;
- UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- i, j: Integer;
- statics: TList;
- staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
- staticItem: TStaticItem;
- newZ: ShortInt;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- packet: TElevateStaticPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
- block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- begin
- statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
- for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
- begin
- staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
- if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
- (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
- (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
- begin
- newZ := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
- packet := TElevateStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newZ);
- staticItem.Z := newZ;
- SortStaticsList(statics);
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
- packet.Free;
- UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- sourceBlock, targetBlock: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- sourceSubscriptions, targetSubscriptions: TList;
- i: Integer;
- statics: TList;
- staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
- staticItem: TStaticItem;
- newX, newY: Word;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- insertPacket: TInsertStaticPacket;
- deletePacket: TDeleteStaticPacket;
- movePacket: TMoveStaticPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- staticItem := nil;
- ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
- newX := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellWidth - 1);
- newY := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellHeight - 1);
- if (staticInfo.X = newX) and (staticInfo.Y = newY) then Exit;
- if ((abs(staticInfo.X - newX) > 8) or (abs(staticInfo.Y - newY) > 8)) and
- (not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alAdministrator)) then Exit;
- sourceBlock := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
- targetBlock := GetStaticBlock(newX div 8, newY div 8);
- if (sourceBlock <> nil) and (targetBlock <> nil) then
- begin
- statics := sourceBlock.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
- i := 0;
- while (i < statics.Count) and (staticItem = nil) do
- begin
- staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
- if (staticItem.Z <> staticInfo.Z) or
- (staticItem.TileID <> staticInfo.TileID) or
- (staticItem.Hue <> staticInfo.Hue) then
- begin
- staticItem := nil;
- end;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- if staticItem <> nil then
- begin
- deletePacket := TDeleteStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
- movePacket := TMoveStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newX, newY);
- statics.Remove(staticItem);
- statics := targetBlock.Cells[(newY mod 8) * 8 + newX mod 8];
- statics.Add(staticItem);
- staticItem.UpdatePos(newX, newY, staticItem.Z);
- staticItem.Owner := targetBlock;
- insertPacket := TInsertStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
- SortStaticsList(statics);
- sourceSubscriptions := TList.Create;
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- sourceSubscriptions.Add(item^.Data);
- targetSubscriptions := TList.Create;
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(newY div 8) * FWidth + (newX div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- targetSubscriptions.Add(item^.Data);
- for i := 0 to sourceSubscriptions.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if targetSubscriptions.IndexOf(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]) > -1 then
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), movePacket, False)
- else
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), deletePacket, False);
- end;
- for i := 0 to targetSubscriptions.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if sourceSubscriptions.IndexOf(targetSubscriptions.Items[i]) = -1 then
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), insertPacket, False);
- end;
- UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
- UpdateRadar(newX, newY);
- insertPacket.Free;
- deletePacket.Free;
- movePacket.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
- i, j: Integer;
- statics: TList;
- staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
- staticItem: TStaticItem;
- newHue: Word;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- packet: THueStaticPacket;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
- ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
- block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
- if block <> nil then
- begin
- statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
- for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
- begin
- staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
- if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
- (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
- (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
- begin
- newHue := ABuffer.ReadWord;
- packet := THueStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newHue);
- staticItem.Hue := newHue;
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
- packet.Free;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLandscape.OnLargeScaleCommandPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
- ANetState: TNetState);
- areaInfo: array of TAreaInfo;
- areaCount: Byte;
- i: Integer;
- blockX, blockY, cellX, cellY, x, y: Word;
- realBlockX, realBlockY, realCellX, realCellY: Word;
- blockOffX, cellOffX, modX, blockOffY, cellOffY, modY: Integer;
- blockID, cellID: Cardinal;
- emptyBits: TBits;
- bitMask: array of TBits;
- mapTile: TMapCell;
- statics: TList;
- operations: TList;
- clients: array of record
- NetState: TNetState;
- Blocks: TBlockCoordsArray;
- end;
- netState: TNetState;
- subscriptions: TLinkedList;
- item: PLinkedItem;
- cmOperation: TLSCopyMove;
- additionalAffectedBlocks: TBits;
- if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alAdministrator) then Exit;
- Writeln(TimeStamp, ANetState.Account.Name, ' begins large scale operation');
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, TServerStatePacket.Create(ssOther,
- Format('%s is performing large scale operations ...', [ANetState.Account.Name])));
- //Bitmask
- emptyBits := TBits.Create(64);
- SetLength(bitMask, FWidth * FHeight);
- for i := Low(bitMask) to High(bitMask) do
- bitMask[i] := TBits.Create(64);
- additionalAffectedBlocks := TBits.Create(FWidth * FHeight);
- areaCount := ABuffer.ReadByte;
- SetLength(areaInfo, areaCount);
- for i := 0 to areaCount - 1 do
- begin
- areaInfo[i].Left := Max(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0);
- areaInfo[i].Top := Max(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0);
- areaInfo[i].Right := Min(ABuffer.ReadWord, FCellWidth - 1);
- areaInfo[i].Bottom := Min(ABuffer.ReadWord, FCellHeight - 1);
- for x := areaInfo[i].Left to areaInfo[i].Right do
- for y := areaInfo[i].Top to areaInfo[i].Bottom do
- begin
- blockID := (x div 8) * FHeight + (y div 8);
- cellID := (y mod 8) * 8 + (x mod 8);
- bitMask[blockID].Bits[cellID] := True;
- end;
- end;
- //client blocks
- SetLength(clients, 0);
- CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.IterReset;
- while CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.IterNext do
- begin
- netState := TNetState(CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.Iterator.UserData);
- if netState <> nil then
- begin
- SetLength(clients, Length(clients) + 1);
- clients[High(clients)].NetState := netState;
- SetLength(clients[High(clients)].Blocks, 0);
- end;
- end;
- operations := TList.Create;
- cmOperation := nil;
- if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then
- begin
- cmOperation := TLSCopyMove.Init(ABuffer, Self);
- if (cmOperation.OffsetX <> 0) or (cmOperation.OffsetY <> 0) then
- begin
- operations.Add(cmOperation);
- if cmOperation.OffsetX > 0 then
- begin
- blockOffX := FWidth - 1;
- cellOffX := 7;
- modX := -1;
- end else
- begin
- blockOffX := 0;
- cellOffX := 0;
- modX := 1;
- end;
- if cmOperation.OffsetY > 0 then
- begin
- blockOffY := FHeight - 1;
- cellOffY := 7;
- modY := -1;
- end else
- begin
- blockOffY := 0;
- cellOffY := 0;
- modY := 1;
- end;
- end else
- FreeAndNil(cmOperation);
- end;
- if cmOperation = nil then
- begin
- blockOffX := 0;
- cellOffX := 0;
- modX := 1;
- blockOffY := 0;
- cellOffY := 0;
- modY := 1;
- end;
- if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSSetAltitude.Init(ABuffer, Self));
- if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSDrawTerrain.Init(ABuffer, Self));
- if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSDeleteStatics.Init(ABuffer, Self));
- if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSInsertStatics.Init(ABuffer, Self));
- FRadarMap.BeginUpdate;
- for blockX := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- realBlockX := blockOffX + modX * blockX;
- for blockY := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- realBlockY := blockOffY + modY * blockY;
- blockID := (realBlockX * FHeight) + realBlockY;
- if bitMask[blockID].Equals(emptyBits) then Continue;
- for cellY := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- realCellY := cellOffY + modY * cellY;
- for cellX := 0 to 7 do
- begin
- realCellX := cellOffX + modX * cellX;
- if bitMask[blockID].Bits[(realCellY * 8) + realCellX] then
- begin
- x := realBlockX * 8 + realCellX;
- y := realBlockY * 8 + realCellY;
- mapTile := GetMapCell(x, y);
- statics := GetStaticList(x, y);
- for i := 0 to operations.Count - 1 do
- TLargeScaleOperation(operations.Items[i]).Apply(mapTile, statics,
- additionalAffectedBlocks);
- SortStaticsList(statics);
- UpdateRadar(x, y);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[realBlockY * FWidth + realBlockX];
- for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
- begin
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- begin
- if TNetState(item^.Data) = clients[i].NetState then
- begin
- SetLength(clients[i].Blocks, Length(clients[i].Blocks) + 1);
- with clients[i].Blocks[High(clients[i].Blocks)] do
- begin
- X := realBlockX;
- Y := realBlockY;
- end;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //additional blocks
- for blockX := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- for blockY := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- blockID := (blockX * FHeight) + blockY;
- if bitMask[blockID].Equals(emptyBits) and additionalAffectedBlocks[blockID] then
- begin
- subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[blockY * FWidth + blockX];
- for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
- begin
- item := nil;
- while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
- begin
- if TNetState(item^.Data) = clients[i].NetState then
- begin
- SetLength(clients[i].Blocks, Length(clients[i].Blocks) + 1);
- with clients[i].Blocks[High(clients[i].Blocks)] do
- begin
- X := blockX;
- Y := blockY;
- end;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- UpdateRadar(blockX * 8, blockY * 8);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //clean up
- for i := Low(bitMask) to High(bitMask) do
- bitMask[i].Free;
- emptyBits.Free;
- additionalAffectedBlocks.Free;
- for i := 0 to operations.Count - 1 do
- TLargeScaleOperation(operations.Items[i]).Free;
- operations.Free;
- //Update clients
- FRadarMap.EndUpdate;
- for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
- begin
- if Length(clients[i].Blocks) > 0 then
- begin
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(clients[i].NetState, TCompressedPacket.Create(
- TBlockPacket.Create(clients[i].Blocks, nil)));
- clients[i].NetState.LastAction := Now;
- end;
- end;
- CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, TServerStatePacket.Create(ssRunning));
- Writeln(TimeStamp, 'Large scale operation ended.');
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+ * file and include the License file at
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. If applicable,
+ * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
+ * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information:
+ * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright 2008 Andreas Schneider
+ *)
+unit ULandscape;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils, Classes, contnrs, UGenericIndex, UMap, UStatics, UTiledata,
+ UWorldItem, UMulBlock, math,
+ UTileDataProvider, URadarMap,
+ UListSort, UCacheManager, ULinkedList, UBufferedStreams,
+ UEnhancedMemoryStream, UPacketHandlers, UPackets, UNetState, UEnums;
+ PRadarBlock = ^TRadarBlock;
+ TRadarBlock = array[0..7, 0..7] of Word;
+ TBlockSubscriptions = array of TLinkedList;
+ { TBlock }
+ TBlock = class(TObject)
+ constructor Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ protected
+ FMapBlock: TMapBlock;
+ FStaticBlock: TStaticBlock;
+ public
+ property Map: TMapBlock read FMapBlock;
+ property Static: TStaticBlock read FStaticBlock;
+ end;
+ { TLandscape }
+ TLandscape = class(TObject)
+ constructor Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata, ARadarCol: string;
+ AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
+ constructor Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata: TStream;
+ ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ protected
+ FWidth: Word;
+ FHeight: Word;
+ FCellWidth: Word;
+ FCellHeight: Word;
+ FMap: TStream;
+ FStatics: TStream;
+ FStaIdx: TStream;
+ FTiledata: TStream;
+ FTiledataProvider: TTiledataProvider;
+ FOwnsStreams: Boolean;
+ FRadarMap: TRadarMap;
+ FBlockCache: TCacheManager;
+ FBlockSubscriptions: TBlockSubscriptions;
+ function Compare(left, right: TObject): Integer;
+ procedure OnBlockChanged(ABlock: TMulBlock);
+ procedure OnRemoveCachedObject(AObject: TObject);
+ function GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell;
+ function GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TList;
+ function GetBlockSubscriptions(AX, AY: Word): TLinkedList;
+ procedure UpdateStaticsPriority(AStaticItem: TStaticItem;
+ APrioritySolver: Integer);
+ procedure OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ procedure OnLargeScaleCommandPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ public
+ property Width: Word read FWidth;
+ property Height: Word read FHeight;
+ property CellWidth: Word read FCellWidth;
+ property CellHeight: Word read FCellHeight;
+ property MapCell[X, Y: Word]: TMapCell read GetMapCell;
+ property StaticList[X, Y: Word]: TList read GetStaticList;
+ property BlockSubscriptions[X, Y: Word]: TLinkedList read GetBlockSubscriptions;
+ property TiledataProvider: TTiledataProvider read FTiledataProvider;
+ function GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock;
+ function GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ function LoadBlock(AX, AY: Word): TBlock;
+ procedure UpdateRadar(AX, AY: Word);
+ function GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt;
+ function GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt;
+ procedure SortStaticsList(AStatics: TList);
+ procedure Flush;
+ procedure SaveBlock(AWorldBlock: TWorldBlock);
+ function Validate: Boolean;
+ end;
+ TStaticInfo = packed record
+ X: Word;
+ Y: Word;
+ Z: ShortInt;
+ TileID: Word;
+ Hue: Word;
+ end;
+ TAreaInfo = packed record
+ Left: Word;
+ Top: Word;
+ Right: Word;
+ Bottom: Word;
+ end;
+ TWorldPoint = packed record
+ X: Word;
+ Y: Word;
+ end;
+function PointInArea(AArea: TAreaInfo; AX, AY: Word): Boolean; inline;
+ UCEDServer, UConnectionHandling, UConfig, ULargeScaleOperations;
+ mMap = 0;
+ mStatics = 1;
+function GetID(AX, AY: Word): Integer;
+ Result := ((AX and $7FFF) shl 15) or (AY and $7FFF);
+function PointInArea(AArea: TAreaInfo; AX, AY: Word): Boolean;
+ Result := InRange(AX, AArea.Left, AArea.Right) and
+ InRange(AY, AArea.Top, AArea.Bottom);
+{ TBlock }
+constructor TBlock.Create(AMap: TMapBlock; AStatics: TStaticBlock);
+ inherited Create;
+ FMapBlock := AMap;
+ FStaticBlock := AStatics;
+destructor TBlock.Destroy;
+ if FMapBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FMapBlock);
+ if FStaticBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStaticBlock);
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ TLandscape }
+constructor TLandscape.Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata,
+ ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
+ map, statics, staidx, tiledata: TStream;
+ Write(TimeStamp, 'Loading Map');
+ map := TFileStream.Create(AMap, fmOpenReadWrite);
+ Write(', Statics');
+ statics := TFileStream.Create(AStatics, fmOpenReadWrite);
+ Write(', StaIdx');
+ staidx := TBufferedReader.Create(TFileStream.Create(AStaIdx, fmOpenReadWrite), True);
+ Writeln(', Tiledata');
+ tiledata := TFileStream.Create(ATiledata, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ Create(map, statics, staidx, tiledata, ARadarCol, AWidth, AHeight, AValid);
+ FOwnsStreams := True;
+constructor TLandscape.Create(AMap, AStatics, AStaIdx, ATiledata: TStream;
+ ARadarCol: string; AWidth, AHeight: Word; var AValid: Boolean);
+ blockID, blockType: Integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ FWidth := AWidth;
+ FHeight := AHeight;
+ FCellWidth := FWidth * 8;
+ FCellHeight := FHeight * 8;
+ FMap := AMap;
+ FStatics := AStatics;
+ FStaIdx := AStaIdx;
+ FTiledata := ATiledata;
+ FOwnsStreams := False;
+ AValid := Validate;
+ if AValid then
+ begin
+ Write(TimeStamp, 'Creating Cache');
+ FBlockCache := TCacheManager.Create(256);
+ FBlockCache.OnRemoveObject := @OnRemoveCachedObject;
+ Write(', Tiledata');
+ FTiledataProvider := TTiledataProvider.Create(ATiledata);
+ Write(', Subscriptions');
+ SetLength(FBlockSubscriptions, AWidth * AHeight);
+ for blockID := 0 to AWidth * AHeight - 1 do
+ FBlockSubscriptions[blockID] := TLinkedList.Create;
+ Writeln(', RadarMap');
+ FRadarMap := TRadarMap.Create(FMap, FStatics, FStaIdx, FWidth, FHeight,
+ ARadarCol);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($06, TPacketHandler.Create(8, @OnDrawMapPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($07, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnInsertStaticPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($08, TPacketHandler.Create(10, @OnDeleteStaticPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($09, TPacketHandler.Create(11, @OnElevateStaticPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0A, TPacketHandler.Create(14, @OnMoveStaticPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0B, TPacketHandler.Create(12, @OnHueStaticPacket));
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0E, TPacketHandler.Create(0, @OnLargeScaleCommandPacket));
+ end;
+destructor TLandscape.Destroy;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Length(FBlockSubscriptions) - 1 do
+ if FBlockSubscriptions[i] <> nil then FreeAndNil(FBlockSubscriptions[i]);
+ if FBlockCache <> nil then FreeAndNil(FBlockCache);
+ if FTiledataProvider <> nil then FreeAndNil(FTiledataProvider);
+ if FRadarMap <> nil then FreeAndNil(FRadarMap);
+ if FOwnsStreams then
+ begin
+ if FMap <> nil then FreeAndNil(FMap);
+ if FStatics <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStatics);
+ if FStaIdx <> nil then FreeAndNil(FStaIdx);
+ if FTiledata <> nil then FreeAndNil(FTiledata);
+ end;
+ RegisterPacketHandler($06, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($07, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($08, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($09, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0A, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0B, nil);
+ RegisterPacketHandler($0E, nil);
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TLandscape.GetBlockSubscriptions(AX, AY: Word): TLinkedList;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FHeight) then
+ Result := FBlockSubscriptions[(AY * FWidth) + AX]
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+function TLandscape.GetMapCell(AX, AY: Word): TMapCell;
+ block: TMapBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then
+ begin
+ block := GetMapBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8];
+ end;
+function TLandscape.GetLandAlt(AX, AY: Word; ADefault: ShortInt): ShortInt;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FCellHeight) then
+ Result := MapCell[AX, AY].Altitude
+ else
+ Result := ADefault;
+function TLandscape.GetStaticList(AX, AY: Word): TList;
+ block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX <= FCellWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY <= FCellHeight) then
+ begin
+ block := GetStaticBlock(AX div 8, AY div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ Result := block.Cells[(AY mod 8) * 8 + AX mod 8];
+ end;
+function TLandscape.Compare(left, right: TObject): Integer;
+ Result := TWorldItem(right).Priority - TWorldItem(left).Priority;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ if (left is TMapCell) and (right is TStaticItem) then
+ Result := 1
+ else if (left is TStaticItem) and (right is TMapCell) then
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := TWorldItem(right).PriorityBonus - TWorldItem(left).PriorityBonus;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := TWorldItem(right).PrioritySolver - TWorldItem(left).PrioritySolver;
+procedure TLandscape.UpdateRadar(AX, AY: Word);
+ mapTile: TMapCell;
+ tile: TWorldItem;
+ staticItems, tiles: TList;
+ i: Integer;
+ if (AX mod 8 = 0) and (AY mod 8 = 0) then
+ begin
+ staticItems := GetStaticList(AX, AY);
+ if staticItems <> nil then
+ begin
+ tiles := TList.Create;
+ mapTile := GetMapCell(AX, AY);
+ if mapTile <> nil then
+ begin
+ mapTile.Priority := GetEffectiveAltitude(mapTile);
+ mapTile.PriorityBonus := 0;
+ mapTile.PrioritySolver := 0;
+ tiles.Add(mapTile);
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to staticItems.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ UpdateStaticsPriority(TStaticItem(staticItems.Items[i]), i + 1);
+ tiles.Add(staticItems.Items[i]);
+ end;
+ ListSort(tiles, @Compare);
+ if tiles.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ tile := TWorldItem(tiles.Items[tiles.Count - 1]);
+ if tile is TStaticItem then
+ FRadarMap.Update(AX div 8, AY div 8, tile.TileID + $4000)
+ else
+ FRadarMap.Update(AX div 8, AY div 8, tile.TileID)
+ end;
+ tiles.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.SortStaticsList(AStatics: TList);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to AStatics.Count - 1 do
+ UpdateStaticsPriority(TStaticItem(AStatics.Items[i]), i + 1);
+ ListSort(AStatics, @Compare);
+function TLandscape.GetEffectiveAltitude(ATile: TMapCell): ShortInt;
+ north, west, south, east: ShortInt;
+ north := ATile.Altitude;
+ west := GetLandAlt(ATile.X, ATile.Y + 1, north);
+ south := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y + 1, north);
+ east := GetLandAlt(ATile.X + 1, ATile.Y, north);
+ if Abs(north - south) > Abs(west - east) then
+ Result := (north + south) div 2
+ else
+ Result := (west + east) div 2;
+procedure TLandscape.OnBlockChanged(ABlock: TMulBlock);
+ // Do nothing for now
+procedure TLandscape.OnRemoveCachedObject(AObject: TObject);
+ block: TBlock;
+ block := AObject as TBlock;
+ if block <> nil then
+ begin
+ if block.Map.Changed then SaveBlock(block.Map);
+ if block.Static.Changed then SaveBlock(block.Static);
+ end;
+function TLandscape.GetMapBlock(AX, AY: Word): TMapBlock;
+ block: TBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then
+ begin
+ if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), TObject(block)) then
+ Result := block.Map
+ else
+ Result := LoadBlock(AX, AY).Map;
+ end;
+function TLandscape.GetStaticBlock(AX, AY: Word): TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ block: TBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (AX >= 0) and (AX < FWidth) and (AY >= 0) and (AY < FHeight) then
+ begin
+ if FBlockCache.QueryID(GetID(AX, AY), TObject(block)) then
+ Result := TSeperatedStaticBlock(block.Static)
+ else
+ Result := TSeperatedStaticBlock(LoadBlock(AX, AY).Static);
+ end;
+function TLandscape.LoadBlock(AX, AY: Word): TBlock;
+ map: TMapBlock;
+ statics: TStaticBlock;
+ index: TGenericIndex;
+ FMap.Position := ((AX * FHeight) + AY) * 196;
+ map := TMapBlock.Create(FMap, AX, AY);
+ map.OnChanged := @OnBlockChanged;
+ FStaIdx.Position := ((AX * FHeight) + AY) * 12;
+ index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
+ statics := TSeperatedStaticBlock.Create(FStatics, index, AX, AY);
+ statics.OnChanged := @OnBlockChanged;
+ index.Free;
+ Result := TBlock.Create(map, statics);
+ FBlockCache.StoreID(GetID(AX, AY), Result);
+//Intelligent write: replace if possible, otherwise extend
+procedure TLandscape.Flush;
+ blockID, blockType: Integer;
+ worldBlock: TWorldBlock;
+ index: TGenericIndex;
+ i, j, size: Integer;}
+ {for blockID := 0 to FWidth * FHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ for blockType := 0 to 1 do
+ begin
+ worldBlock := FPersistentBlocks[blockID][blockType];
+ if Assigned(worldBlock) and worldBlock.Changed then
+ begin
+ if worldBlock is TMapBlock then
+ begin
+ FMap.Position := ((worldBlock.X * FHeight) + worldBlock.Y) * 196;
+ worldBlock.Write(FMap);
+ for i := 0 to 63 do
+ TMapBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].InitOriginalState;
+ worldBlock.CleanUp;
+ end else if worldBlock is TStaticBlock then
+ begin
+ FStaIdx.Position := ((worldBlock.X * FHeight) + worldBlock.Y) * 12;
+ index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
+ size := worldBlock.GetSize;
+ if (size > index.Size) or (index.Lookup = LongInt($FFFFFFFF)) then
+ begin
+ FStatics.Position := FStatics.Size;
+ index.Lookup := FStatics.Position;
+ end;
+ if size = 0 then
+ index.Lookup := LongInt($FFFFFFFF)
+ else
+ begin
+ index.Size := size;
+ FStatics.Position := index.Lookup;
+ worldBlock.Write(FStatics);
+ end;
+ FStaIdx.Seek(-12, soFromCurrent);
+ index.Write(FStaIdx);
+ index.Free;
+ for i := 0 to 63 do
+ for j := 0 to TSeperatedStaticBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].Count - 1 do
+ TStaticItem(TSeperatedStaticBlock(worldBlock).Cells[i].Items[j]).InitOriginalState;
+ worldBlock.CleanUp;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ FBlockCache.Clear;
+procedure TLandscape.SaveBlock(AWorldBlock: TWorldBlock);
+ i, j, size: Integer;
+ index: TGenericIndex;
+ if AWorldBlock is TMapBlock then
+ begin
+ FMap.Position := ((AWorldBlock.X * FHeight) + AWorldBlock.Y) * 196;
+ AWorldBlock.Write(FMap);
+ for i := 0 to 63 do
+ TMapBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].InitOriginalState;
+ AWorldBlock.CleanUp;
+ end else if AWorldBlock is TStaticBlock then
+ begin
+ FStaIdx.Position := ((AWorldBlock.X * FHeight) + AWorldBlock.Y) * 12;
+ index := TGenericIndex.Create(FStaIdx);
+ size := AWorldBlock.GetSize;
+ if (size > index.Size) or (index.Lookup = LongInt($FFFFFFFF)) then
+ begin
+ FStatics.Position := FStatics.Size;
+ index.Lookup := FStatics.Position;
+ end;
+ if size = 0 then
+ index.Lookup := LongInt($FFFFFFFF)
+ else
+ begin
+ index.Size := size;
+ FStatics.Position := index.Lookup;
+ AWorldBlock.Write(FStatics);
+ end;
+ FStaIdx.Seek(-12, soFromCurrent);
+ index.Write(FStaIdx);
+ index.Free;
+ for i := 0 to 63 do
+ for j := 0 to TSeperatedStaticBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].Count - 1 do
+ TStaticItem(TSeperatedStaticBlock(AWorldBlock).Cells[i].Items[j]).InitOriginalState;
+ AWorldBlock.CleanUp;
+ end;
+function TLandscape.Validate: Boolean;
+ blocks: Integer;
+ blocks := FWidth * FHeight;
+ FStaIdx.Seek(0, soFromEnd); //workaround for TBufferedStream
+ Result := (FMap.Size = (blocks * 196)) and (FStaIdx.Position = (blocks * 12));
+procedure TLandscape.UpdateStaticsPriority(AStaticItem: TStaticItem;
+ APrioritySolver: Integer);
+ staticTileData: TStaticTileData;
+ staticTileData := FTiledataProvider.StaticTiles[AStaticItem.TileID];
+ AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := 0;
+ if not ((staticTileData.Flags and tdfBackground) = tdfBackground) then
+ AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := AStaticItem.PriorityBonus + 1;
+ if staticTileData.Height > 0 then
+ AStaticItem.PriorityBonus := AStaticItem.PriorityBonus + 1;
+ AStaticItem.Priority := AStaticItem.Z + AStaticItem.PriorityBonus;
+ AStaticItem.PrioritySolver := APrioritySolver;
+procedure TLandscape.OnDrawMapPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ x, y: Word;
+ cell: TMapCell;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ packet: TDrawMapPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ x := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ y := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ cell := GetMapCell(x, y);
+ if cell <> nil then
+ begin
+ cell.Altitude := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
+ cell.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ packet := TDrawMapPacket.Create(cell);
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(y div 8) * FWidth + (x div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
+ packet.Free;
+ UpdateRadar(x, y);
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnInsertStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ x, y: Word;
+ block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ staticItem: TStaticItem;
+ targetStaticList: TList;
+ i: Integer;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ packet: TInsertStaticPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ x := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ y := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ block := GetStaticBlock(x div 8, y div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ begin
+ staticItem := TStaticItem.Create(nil, nil, 0, 0);
+ staticItem.X := x;
+ staticItem.Y := y;
+ staticItem.Z := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
+ staticItem.TileID := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ staticItem.Hue := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ targetStaticList := block.Cells[(y mod 8) * 8 + x mod 8];
+ targetStaticList.Add(staticItem);
+ SortStaticsList(targetStaticList);
+ staticItem.Owner := block;
+ packet := TInsertStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(y div 8) * FWidth + (x div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
+ packet.Free;
+ UpdateRadar(x, y);
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnDeleteStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ i: Integer;
+ statics: TList;
+ staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
+ staticItem: TStaticItem;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ packet: TDeleteStaticPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
+ block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ begin
+ statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
+ for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
+ if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
+ (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
+ (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
+ begin
+ packet := TDeleteStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
+ statics.Delete(i);
+ staticItem.Delete;
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
+ packet.Free;
+ UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnElevateStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ i, j: Integer;
+ statics: TList;
+ staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
+ staticItem: TStaticItem;
+ newZ: ShortInt;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ packet: TElevateStaticPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
+ block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ begin
+ statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
+ for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
+ if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
+ (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
+ (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
+ begin
+ newZ := ABuffer.ReadShortInt;
+ packet := TElevateStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newZ);
+ staticItem.Z := newZ;
+ SortStaticsList(statics);
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
+ packet.Free;
+ UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnMoveStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ sourceBlock, targetBlock: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ sourceSubscriptions, targetSubscriptions: TList;
+ i: Integer;
+ statics: TList;
+ staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
+ staticItem: TStaticItem;
+ newX, newY: Word;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ insertPacket: TInsertStaticPacket;
+ deletePacket: TDeleteStaticPacket;
+ movePacket: TMoveStaticPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ staticItem := nil;
+ ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
+ newX := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellWidth - 1);
+ newY := EnsureRange(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0, FCellHeight - 1);
+ if (staticInfo.X = newX) and (staticInfo.Y = newY) then Exit;
+ if ((abs(staticInfo.X - newX) > 8) or (abs(staticInfo.Y - newY) > 8)) and
+ (not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alAdministrator)) then Exit;
+ sourceBlock := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
+ targetBlock := GetStaticBlock(newX div 8, newY div 8);
+ if (sourceBlock <> nil) and (targetBlock <> nil) then
+ begin
+ statics := sourceBlock.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
+ i := 0;
+ while (i < statics.Count) and (staticItem = nil) do
+ begin
+ staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
+ if (staticItem.Z <> staticInfo.Z) or
+ (staticItem.TileID <> staticInfo.TileID) or
+ (staticItem.Hue <> staticInfo.Hue) then
+ begin
+ staticItem := nil;
+ end;
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ if staticItem <> nil then
+ begin
+ deletePacket := TDeleteStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
+ movePacket := TMoveStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newX, newY);
+ statics.Remove(staticItem);
+ statics := targetBlock.Cells[(newY mod 8) * 8 + newX mod 8];
+ statics.Add(staticItem);
+ staticItem.UpdatePos(newX, newY, staticItem.Z);
+ staticItem.Owner := targetBlock;
+ insertPacket := TInsertStaticPacket.Create(staticItem);
+ SortStaticsList(statics);
+ sourceSubscriptions := TList.Create;
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ sourceSubscriptions.Add(item^.Data);
+ targetSubscriptions := TList.Create;
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(newY div 8) * FWidth + (newX div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ targetSubscriptions.Add(item^.Data);
+ for i := 0 to sourceSubscriptions.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if targetSubscriptions.IndexOf(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]) > -1 then
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), movePacket, False)
+ else
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), deletePacket, False);
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to targetSubscriptions.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if sourceSubscriptions.IndexOf(targetSubscriptions.Items[i]) = -1 then
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(sourceSubscriptions.Items[i]), insertPacket, False);
+ end;
+ UpdateRadar(staticInfo.X, staticInfo.Y);
+ UpdateRadar(newX, newY);
+ insertPacket.Free;
+ deletePacket.Free;
+ movePacket.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnHueStaticPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ block: TSeperatedStaticBlock;
+ i, j: Integer;
+ statics: TList;
+ staticInfo: TStaticInfo;
+ staticItem: TStaticItem;
+ newHue: Word;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ packet: THueStaticPacket;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alNormal) then Exit;
+ ABuffer.Read(staticInfo, SizeOf(TStaticInfo));
+ block := GetStaticBlock(staticInfo.X div 8, staticInfo.Y div 8);
+ if block <> nil then
+ begin
+ statics := block.Cells[(staticInfo.Y mod 8) * 8 + staticInfo.X mod 8];
+ for i := 0 to statics.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ staticItem := TStaticItem(statics.Items[i]);
+ if (staticItem.Z = staticInfo.Z) and
+ (staticItem.TileID = staticInfo.TileID) and
+ (staticItem.Hue = staticInfo.Hue) then
+ begin
+ newHue := ABuffer.ReadWord;
+ packet := THueStaticPacket.Create(staticItem, newHue);
+ staticItem.Hue := newHue;
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[(staticInfo.Y div 8) * FWidth + (staticInfo.X div 8)];
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(TNetState(item^.Data), packet, False);
+ packet.Free;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLandscape.OnLargeScaleCommandPacket(ABuffer: TEnhancedMemoryStream;
+ ANetState: TNetState);
+ areaInfo: array of TAreaInfo;
+ areaCount: Byte;
+ i: Integer;
+ blockX, blockY, cellX, cellY, x, y: Word;
+ realBlockX, realBlockY, realCellX, realCellY: Word;
+ blockOffX, cellOffX, modX, blockOffY, cellOffY, modY: Integer;
+ blockID, cellID: Cardinal;
+ emptyBits: TBits;
+ bitMask: array of TBits;
+ mapTile: TMapCell;
+ statics: TList;
+ operations: TList;
+ clients: array of record
+ NetState: TNetState;
+ Blocks: TBlockCoordsArray;
+ end;
+ netState: TNetState;
+ subscriptions: TLinkedList;
+ item: PLinkedItem;
+ cmOperation: TLSCopyMove;
+ additionalAffectedBlocks: TBits;
+ if not ValidateAccess(ANetState, alAdministrator) then Exit;
+ Writeln(TimeStamp, ANetState.Account.Name, ' begins large scale operation');
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, TServerStatePacket.Create(ssOther,
+ Format('%s is performing large scale operations ...', [ANetState.Account.Name])));
+ //Bitmask
+ emptyBits := TBits.Create(64);
+ SetLength(bitMask, FWidth * FHeight);
+ for i := Low(bitMask) to High(bitMask) do
+ bitMask[i] := TBits.Create(64);
+ additionalAffectedBlocks := TBits.Create(FWidth * FHeight);
+ areaCount := ABuffer.ReadByte;
+ SetLength(areaInfo, areaCount);
+ for i := 0 to areaCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ areaInfo[i].Left := Max(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0);
+ areaInfo[i].Top := Max(ABuffer.ReadWord, 0);
+ areaInfo[i].Right := Min(ABuffer.ReadWord, FCellWidth - 1);
+ areaInfo[i].Bottom := Min(ABuffer.ReadWord, FCellHeight - 1);
+ for x := areaInfo[i].Left to areaInfo[i].Right do
+ for y := areaInfo[i].Top to areaInfo[i].Bottom do
+ begin
+ blockID := (x div 8) * FHeight + (y div 8);
+ cellID := (y mod 8) * 8 + (x mod 8);
+ bitMask[blockID].Bits[cellID] := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //client blocks
+ SetLength(clients, 0);
+ CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.IterReset;
+ while CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.IterNext do
+ begin
+ netState := TNetState(CEDServerInstance.TCPServer.Iterator.UserData);
+ if netState <> nil then
+ begin
+ SetLength(clients, Length(clients) + 1);
+ clients[High(clients)].NetState := netState;
+ SetLength(clients[High(clients)].Blocks, 0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ operations := TList.Create;
+ cmOperation := nil;
+ if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then
+ begin
+ cmOperation := TLSCopyMove.Init(ABuffer, Self);
+ if (cmOperation.OffsetX <> 0) or (cmOperation.OffsetY <> 0) then
+ begin
+ operations.Add(cmOperation);
+ if cmOperation.OffsetX > 0 then
+ begin
+ blockOffX := FWidth - 1;
+ cellOffX := 7;
+ modX := -1;
+ end else
+ begin
+ blockOffX := 0;
+ cellOffX := 0;
+ modX := 1;
+ end;
+ if cmOperation.OffsetY > 0 then
+ begin
+ blockOffY := FHeight - 1;
+ cellOffY := 7;
+ modY := -1;
+ end else
+ begin
+ blockOffY := 0;
+ cellOffY := 0;
+ modY := 1;
+ end;
+ end else
+ FreeAndNil(cmOperation);
+ end;
+ if cmOperation = nil then
+ begin
+ blockOffX := 0;
+ cellOffX := 0;
+ modX := 1;
+ blockOffY := 0;
+ cellOffY := 0;
+ modY := 1;
+ end;
+ if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSSetAltitude.Init(ABuffer, Self));
+ if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSDrawTerrain.Init(ABuffer, Self));
+ if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSDeleteStatics.Init(ABuffer, Self));
+ if ABuffer.ReadBoolean then operations.Add(TLSInsertStatics.Init(ABuffer, Self));
+ FRadarMap.BeginUpdate;
+ for blockX := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
+ begin
+ realBlockX := blockOffX + modX * blockX;
+ for blockY := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ realBlockY := blockOffY + modY * blockY;
+ blockID := (realBlockX * FHeight) + realBlockY;
+ if bitMask[blockID].Equals(emptyBits) then Continue;
+ for cellY := 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ realCellY := cellOffY + modY * cellY;
+ for cellX := 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ realCellX := cellOffX + modX * cellX;
+ if bitMask[blockID].Bits[(realCellY * 8) + realCellX] then
+ begin
+ x := realBlockX * 8 + realCellX;
+ y := realBlockY * 8 + realCellY;
+ mapTile := GetMapCell(x, y);
+ statics := GetStaticList(x, y);
+ for i := 0 to operations.Count - 1 do
+ TLargeScaleOperation(operations.Items[i]).Apply(mapTile, statics,
+ additionalAffectedBlocks);
+ SortStaticsList(statics);
+ UpdateRadar(x, y);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[realBlockY * FWidth + realBlockX];
+ for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
+ begin
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ begin
+ if TNetState(item^.Data) = clients[i].NetState then
+ begin
+ SetLength(clients[i].Blocks, Length(clients[i].Blocks) + 1);
+ with clients[i].Blocks[High(clients[i].Blocks)] do
+ begin
+ X := realBlockX;
+ Y := realBlockY;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //additional blocks
+ for blockX := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
+ begin
+ for blockY := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ blockID := (blockX * FHeight) + blockY;
+ if bitMask[blockID].Equals(emptyBits) and additionalAffectedBlocks[blockID] then
+ begin
+ subscriptions := FBlockSubscriptions[blockY * FWidth + blockX];
+ for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
+ begin
+ item := nil;
+ while subscriptions.Iterate(item) do
+ begin
+ if TNetState(item^.Data) = clients[i].NetState then
+ begin
+ SetLength(clients[i].Blocks, Length(clients[i].Blocks) + 1);
+ with clients[i].Blocks[High(clients[i].Blocks)] do
+ begin
+ X := blockX;
+ Y := blockY;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ UpdateRadar(blockX * 8, blockY * 8);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //clean up
+ for i := Low(bitMask) to High(bitMask) do
+ bitMask[i].Free;
+ emptyBits.Free;
+ additionalAffectedBlocks.Free;
+ for i := 0 to operations.Count - 1 do
+ TLargeScaleOperation(operations.Items[i]).Free;
+ operations.Free;
+ //Update clients
+ FRadarMap.EndUpdate;
+ for i := Low(clients) to High(clients) do
+ begin
+ if Length(clients[i].Blocks) > 0 then
+ begin
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(clients[i].NetState, TCompressedPacket.Create(
+ TBlockPacket.Create(clients[i].Blocks, nil)));
+ clients[i].NetState.LastAction := Now;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CEDServerInstance.SendPacket(nil, TServerStatePacket.Create(ssRunning));
+ Writeln(TimeStamp, 'Large scale operation ended.');
diff --git a/Server/cedserver.lpi b/Server/cedserver.lpi
index 73aecba..4bcba24 100644
--- a/Server/cedserver.lpi
+++ b/Server/cedserver.lpi
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
@@ -74,6 +74,31 @@
diff --git a/Server/cedserver.lpr b/Server/cedserver.lpr
index 1562d89..a505857 100644
--- a/Server/cedserver.lpr
+++ b/Server/cedserver.lpr
@@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ uses
SysUtils, Classes,
- UConfig, UCEDServer, URadarMap, ULargeScaleOperations;
+ UConfig, UCEDServer, URadarMap, ULargeScaleOperations, UPackets,
+ UAdminHandling, UClientHandling, ULandscape, UPacketHandlers;
{$I version.inc}
+ Writeln('');
Writeln('UO CentrED Server Version ', ProductVersion);
Writeln('Copyright ', Copyright);
@@ -59,15 +61,15 @@ begin
- Write(TimeStamp, 'Initializing ... ');
+ Writeln(TimeStamp, 'Initialization started');
CEDServerInstance := TCEDServer.Create;
- Writeln('Done');
+ Writeln(TimeStamp, 'Initialization done');
- Write(TimeStamp, 'Terminating ... ');
+ Write(TimeStamp, 'Shutting down ... ');
- Writeln('Done');
+ Writeln('done');
diff --git a/version.inc b/version.inc
index 02ffc38..f6ab7bd 100644
--- a/version.inc
+++ b/version.inc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- ProductVersion = '0.3.6';
- ProtocolVersion = 5;
- Revision = '41';
- Copyright = '2007 Andreas Schneider';
+ ProductVersion = '0.3.6';
+ ProtocolVersion = 5;
+ Revision = '41';
+ Copyright = '2008 Andreas Schneider';